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Program for convention now available

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Reading through the "menu" has caused me to start salivating. October can't come fast enough. Melbourne is going to be awesome.


A couple of talks that caught my eye were.


Enter the Kingdom Maimed, Lame, or One-Eyed (Mark 9:43-47)
Anticipate Future Kingdom Blessings! A World Without Satan (Revelation 20:2,3,7,10)  :)
                                                            Ability To Praise Jehovah Perfectly (Revelation 5:13) "Won't that be nice"

Edited by Purple Triangle
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There seems to be more than one thread about this subject.


“To You It Is Granted to Understand the
Sacred Secrets of the Kingdom”
—Matthew 13:11
9:20 Music
9:30 Song No. 40 and Prayer
9:40 Chairman’s Address:
Meet Some WhoAre Seeking First God’s Kingdom!
(Revelation 12:1, 2, 5)
10:20 Symposium: Appreciating the Thrones
of Divine Rulership
Jehovah’s Throne (Psalm 103:19)
Jesus’ Throne (Matthew 25:31)
The Thrones of the 144,000 (Matthew 19:28;
Revelation 20:4)
11:10 Song No.108 and Announcements
11:20 ACentury of Kingdom Rule Contrasted With a
Century of Satan’s Rule (Psalm 40:5; Isaiah 5:20, 21)
11:45 Keynote Address:
Highly Esteem Present Kingdom Blessings!
(Isaiah 48:17, 18; 2 Corinthians 12:2-4; Titus 1:2)
12:15 Song No. 75 and Intermission
1:25 Music
1:35 Song No. 27
1:40 How Babylon the Great Has “Shut Up the Kingdom”
(Matthew 23:2, 4-10, 13, 23, 24, 34)
2:00 Symposium: What Must Be Kept in Second Place?
(Matthew 6:33)
Recreation (Mark 6:31; John 4:34)
Eating and Drinking (Ecclesiastes 3:12, 13;
Romans 14:17)
Concerns About Health (Psalm 115:17; Luke 12:25;
1 Timothy 5:23)
Courtship andWeddings (1 Corinthians 10:31-33)
Family Ties (Matthew 10:37; Romans 12:17, 18)
Material Pursuits (1 Corinthians 9:24)
3:00 Song No. 70 and Announcements
3:10 Drama: “Do Not Give the Devil an Opportunity”
(Ephesians 4:27; 1 John 4:11)
4:00 “Sacred Secrets of the Kingdom” Progressively
Revealed (Matthew 13:10, 11)
4:20 Teach Your Children to Love God’s Kingdom!
(Psalm 78:3, 4)
4:55 Song No. 88 and Closing Prayer

“Counted Worthy of the Kingdom of God”
—2 Thessalonians 1:5
9:20 Music
9:30 Song No.120 and Prayer
9:40 Symposium: WhoWill Not Inherit God’s Kingdom?
(1 Corinthians 6:9-11)
“Sexually Immoral” People
“Greedy People”
10:20 Symposium: WhoWill Inherit God’s Kingdom?
Those“Who Are Poor” (Luke 6:20; Matthew 5:3)
ThoseWho“Become as Young Children”
(Matthew 18:2-4)
Those “Persecuted for Righteousness’ Sake”
(Matthew 5:10)
ThoseWhoHelp Christ’s Brothers
(Matthew 25:34)
11:00 Song No. 92 and Announcements
11:10 Symposium: The Kingdom“Good News Has to Be
Preached First”!
FromHouse to House(Mark 13:10)
Informally (Psalm45:1)
Publicly (Proverbs 1:20, 21)
11:45 Baptism: Jehovah “Will Help You” Inherit the
12:15 Song No. 60 and Intermission
1:35 Music
1:45 Song No. 95
1:50 Symposium: Pursue Goals That Can Help You Seek
First the Kingdom
Move Where theNeed Is Greater (Acts 16:9,10)
Learna NewLanguage (1 Corinthians 9:22, 23)
Reach Out to Be a Ministerial Servant
(1Timothy 3:12,13)
Reach Out to Be an Elder (1Timothy 3:1, 2;
Titus 1:9; 2:1)
Enroll as a Pioneer (Psalm34:8; Mark 12:30)
Attend the School for KingdomEvangelizers
(Isaiah6:8; 54:13)
2:50 Song No. 85 and Announcements
3:00 Enter the KingdomMaimed, Lame, or One-Eyed
(Mark 9:43-47)
3:20 As KingdomSubjects, Remain“No Part of This
World”! (John 18:36)
3:45 SoundDrama: “Jehovah Is the Only True God”
(1 Kings 16:29-33; 17:1-7; 18:17-46; 19:1-8)
4:15 Jehovah’s Organization—100Years of Seeking First
God’s Established Kingdom(Psalm48:12,13;
Luke 10:1, 5-11)
4:55 Song No.103 and Closing Prayer

“Come, . . . Inherit the Kingdom”
9:20 Music
9:30 Song No. 30 and Prayer
9:40 Symposium:Anticipate Future KingdomBlessings!
AWorldWithout Satan (Revelation20:2, 3, 7,10)
OneLanguage (Zephaniah 3:9; Zechariah 14:9)
Perfect Health(Job 33:25; Isaiah 33:24)
Complete HarmonyWiththe Animals
Paradise Earth(Luke 23:43)
NewScrolls (Revelation20:12)
AssociationWithMultitudes of Resurrected Ones
(Job 14:14,15)
Ability to Praise Jehovah Perfectly
11:10 Song No.134 and Announcements
11:20 Public Bible Discourse:
Earth’s NewRuler—WhoReallyQualifies?
11:50 Summaryof TheWatchtower
12:20 Song No. 99 and Intermission
1:35 Music
1:45 Song No.16
1:50 Stayon ‘the HighwayofHoliness’ Into God’s
Kingdom! (Isaiah35:5-9)
2:10 Drama: ‘NotOneWord Has Failed’ (Joshua 1:2,11;
2:1-24; 7:1,10-26; 9:1-27; 10:1-14; 23:14)
2:40 Song No.132 and Announcements
2:50 “Never Be Anxious”—Keep Seeking First God’s
Kingdom(Matthew6:1-34; Proverbs 15:15;
1 Peter 5:8, 9)
3:50 Song No. 91 and Closing Prayer

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I can only guess about one possible release. On Friday, the last talk lends itself to something for the children, but I have no guess what it could be.

look at Sat. 4:15!  ...   no wonder why so much effort went into this RC/IC Special Spiritual Kingdom eye opening event.   ... Sunday's theme - what an invitation!   ...   sounds as if its very close, VERY!

Edited by timpin
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Final talk on Saturday bears a very interesting theme. With all the organizational changes lately, perhaps a new Proclaimers type book is in the works. Just speculation of course. The program looks so exciting. Looking forward to the sound drama about Elijah and the costume drama about Joshua. Ah, there's so many things I'm looking forward to! The symposium about the heavenly thrones sounds fascinating, and we are sure to get some more details about the School for Kingdom Evangelizers in the Saturday afternoon symposium. And what an interesting and exciting symposium the Sunday morning session will have! Also, has anyone else noticed the program parts are longer this year? Looking forward to every bit! October couldn't come faster!

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Astrid share your book ideas, K?


Here's what I liked, well not most of all but it caught my attention because I FEEL like I'm already lame and one-eyed! Or could that be beaten to a pulp? Oh well, either is a suitable description.

3:00 Enter the Kingdom Maimed, Lame,or One-Eyed (Mark9:43-47)


Also the first drama is very appropriate too, scriptures dealing with brotherly love and the statement "Do Not Give The Devil An Opportunity". Showing love sometimes can be a challenge, especially as we're all "Lame and One-eyed"!

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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Very nice!


I agree, the last talk on Saturday could pre-empt a new Proclaimers type of book. Otherwise, the themes really do make it clear that thoughts about an imminence of the end of the system are reasonable.


There's that Symposium part on Sunday morning, too... A World without Satan... a kind of speculative talk, I guess, of a kind I don't recall being so pointedly directed before.

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