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Glenn Beck embarrasses himself

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At the Baptist Liberty University he, a Mormon, held up a Purple Triangle and said it was for Bible scholars. :o  While he identified himself as a Mormon, it was inconvenient for him to add that Mormons supported Hitler, as this one reviewer, Warren Throckmorton, pointed out here:




Warren Throckmorton clairified: 

While the Witnesses were getting a purple triangle, the Mormons were finding common ground with the Nazis.



Overall though Glenn made some interesting points, some we may even agree with.


Warren Throckmorton also said at his initial review here that:


Beck’s presentation is misleading and obscures the fact that many Protestants and Catholics stood by while the Witnesses were persecuted. Perhaps Beck confused the terms “Bible students” with “Bible scholars,” but the way he used that term without identifying the Jehovah’s Witnesses gave the impression that orthodox Bible teachers were rounded up. While a very small percentage of orthodox Christians (Baptists, Adventists, pentecostals, etc.) were taken into custody, the overwhelming majority of purple triangle wearers were Jehovah’s Witnesses. Given that Beck said he vacationed at Auschwitz and has studied the history, it seems incredible to believe he was unaware of these facts.



For now I'll leave it as an honest mistake, even though it was of epic proportions!  :tsk:

Edited by Jimspace
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At the Baptist Liberty University he, a Mormon, held up a Purple Triangle and said it was for Bible scholars. :o  While he identified himself as a Mormon, it was inconvenient for him to add that Mormons supported Hitler, as this one reviewer, Warren Throckmorton, pointed out here:




Warren Throckmorton clairified: 


Overall though Glenn made some interesting points, some we may even agree with.


Warren Throckmorton also said at his initial review here that:



For now I'll leave it as an honest mistake, even though it was of epic proportions!  :tsk:

Just another case of the blind,  leading the blind, wouldn't you say?

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Years ago, I used to hope that Glenn would finally come to the conclusion that everything he is trying to support cannot save either the U.S. or mankind in general.  Notwithstanding what this video shows, he has always struck me as sincere in wanting to get to the heart of the matter, even if that means he has to go back on things he previously said and apologise for them (which takes some humility and which you don't see very often in a public figure), but he is still so enamoured of the Founding Fathers, founding documents, etc., and allows himself to be led by people like David Barton and John Hagee, that I doubt that will ever happen.

Live long and prosper. 🖖🏻

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Wow how could he have gone to that place and not know it was mostly our brothers that wore that purple triangle? Ludicrous to say the least.


His statements make him the biggest liar short of satan himself. It could not be a mistake at all. Going to that place he would of had to know that he was lying making it premeditated after the fact. That in a court of law is perjury. 


So not only is he a liar like his father he is trying to rewrite a history he has no right to own.  Let alone the fact that he is trying to whitewash what the morons or sorry mormons did.

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritadi

If all else fails --- Play Dead Possum Lodge Moto -- Red Green

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I once sent Glen Beck, a Revelation Book.  He had these 2 guys on his show (when he was on Fox News) and they were talking about their new book on how the world would end, and they twisted the scriptures in Revelation, Glen Beck corrected them a few times, and then he put up their book for people to go to the Fox website and order it.  So, I sent him the Revelation book and explained to him that his guests had misinformed him and the public audience on the END OF THE WORLD through the Book of Revelation.  I have never received a thank you note from that guy!  He must have burned it the minute he got it.   Soon, he too will also be one of millions who will know "I AM JEHOVAH" when he's faced with the climax at Revelation!

Edited by allabord4jah
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Years ago, I used to hope that Glenn would finally come to the conclusion that everything he is trying to support cannot save either the U.S. or mankind in general.  Notwithstanding what this video shows, he has always struck me as sincere in wanting to get to the heart of the matter, even if that means he has to go back on things he previously said and apologise for them (which takes some humility and which you don't see very often in a public figure), but he is still so enamoured of the Founding Fathers, founding documents, etc., and allows himself to be led by people like David Barton and John Hagee, that I doubt that will ever happen.


Jules, I feel the same way.  I have listened to Glenn Beck very regularly for at least 5 years now.  Obviously I don't believe and support his goals, but I've found his program gives me something to think about and it helps me get an insight into what my neighbors might also be thinking.  I, too, have hoped that someone as sincere sounding as Beck would one day wake up to the Truth.  It would be very humbling if he did so, and he'd have to walk away from such a vast political and economic empire that he's built.


When I saw and read the above blog post that analyzed his recent address to Liberty University, I was floored.  If it was any other topic, I wouldn't have been upset as I was but, I was very disappointed that Beck was taking MY HERITAGE, taking the experiences of my dear brothers and twisting them to support his political view.  He should have known better.  There is no excuse.  Glenn Beck has repeatedly prided himself and emphasized how much he supports truth, honesty and accuracy.  He started his own network because he felt the others weren't reporting the news accurately.  Because of this background, he has totally ruined himself in my eyes.  


It's not just the Witnesses history that he twisted, but his own Mormon heritage as well.  It might be a little excusable for Beck to get the historical reference of the Purple Triangle and the International Bible Students wrong, but it is completely inexcusable for him to get his own Mormon history wrong.  Beck holds an official capacity in his Mormon church.  He is a church leader, not a simple seat filler.  For him to get the historical facts of Joseph Smith wrong and for him to twist and contort the facts to support his political agenda is absolutely distasteful.  If he can't even get the facts straight involving his own religion, how can I trust anything he says about anything?


I've not listened to Glenn Beck at all since I read the blog post.  It's possible that I'll drift back to listening to him.  Right now, though, I am so upset and disappointed that I'd like to ask him what he was thinking.  How dare he take the murder and suffering of my brothers and twist it to support a political cause that they would absolutely be opposed to.  

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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The only reason I can think of is that, deep down, he knows that a university founded by Jerry Falwell (a staunch Southern Baptist) does not look favourably on either Mormonism or Jehovah's Witnesses.  Otoh, I believe Falwell hosted Mitt Romney at Liberty University when he was running for president, but I think the only reason for that - and the only reason they are having Glenn Beck speak now - is because, like the rest of Christendom, they are under attack from secularists, and they know it.  I think it's a sign of real desperation that they have joined forces with Mormons!

Live long and prosper. 🖖🏻

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This reminds me of a news item quoted in our Watchtower May 15th 1984: "


A Mormon Play


A play about three young Mormons in wartime Germany has aroused some controversy in the Mormon church, reports The New York Times. In the 'real-life' drama, the youths were arrested by the Gestapo for producing and distributing anti-Nazi literature, one being executed and the others being sent to concentration camps.
But why the controversy? “In the Nazi era, the church authorities in Utah counseled German members to support the Third Reich, making the three boys’ opposition to Hitler a violation of policy, according to Douglas Tobler, a professor at [brigham Young University],” says the report. Thus “the play raises anew the seeming conflict between two doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” the report adds, “one requiring obedience to the ‘law of the land,’ the other teaching devotion to truth and freedom of choice.”
When before Governor Pilate, Jesus Christ stated clearly: “My kingdom is no part of this world.” (John 18:36) Thus, Christians are to remain neutral in political affairs of the nations. The apostle Paul urged Christians to “be in subjection to the superior authorities . . . on account of your conscience.” When the authorities require Christians to violate their Bible-based conscience, they must “obey God as ruler rather than men.”—Romans 13:1, 5; Acts 5:29.
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 Believe or not one time Glenn Beck defended Jehovah's Witnesses. He told this women that we don't blow up people.


Oh, I've heard him defend the Witnesses.  And, in this case, he isn't attacking Witnesses.  He's just using our experience for his own political agenda.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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All of those in the talk show arena are in it or the money.

They support a position either for the "left" or for the "right" Actually they are for Satan! 1 Jo 5:19


Depending on your own upbringing you may have a leaning to the left or right to some degree.

You will notice this when you listen to one of them and feel like they are talking some sense. The opposite occurs

with the other side of the coin, (left vs right or vice versa.)


We though, don't want to look at things that way since they aren't in line with the truth.

Many talk radio hosts do present a view of the facts, but slant things to their liking.


When we go out to preach, we are totally neutral, and that allows us to talk to anybody about the Bible.


I am not listening to them much as it makes me want to side with them and their views.

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I'm sitting in my car and Glenn Beck is on at the moment. He's stirring the pot over the immigrant children being detained. He says that the government is not allowing any clergy near the children to comfort them. He says there is only an official with a badge & gun. And the children are scared and need some spiritual help. He's calling for all clergy, priests, rabbis, Chaplin's, etcetera to go to one of the detention areas and demand to see the children. And if they are not allowed in, to go to these different civil rights organizations immediately and have them attack the government over the issue. Since most of these children are from south of the border, I suspect most of them would be Catholic raised. I doubt there's many Guatemalan jews. so if the government ends up letting these "clergy" in to take care of the children, wouldnt it be horrible if they molest the children... Fox in the henhouse. Glenn is talking like these children are in cages or something, I don't really know, I did read in some tabloid that said that the government was renting out luxury resorts to house them.

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I have never listened to Mr. Beck. I do believe his conscience is tweaking him. Many years ago. Still young in the truth. A couple of Mormons came to my door. I thought, this, "I'm not interested business. I hear it all the time". Decided to engage them a bit. Asked them how they felt about neutrality. Do not remember their answer, but my next question was do you have Mormons in other countries? Yep. My next question was what if those countries went to war with one another, would you kill your fellow Mormon? Red neck time. I mean their necks turned red. Literally They knew they were in a difficult to explain position. I don't remember much else.

Then there was the time I wrote his long letter to this guy who had a 5 minutes with the bible on radio. Apparently I used to listen to it. This may have been before I was baptized. He answered. Not impressed...

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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