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New King James Bible with the Divine Name

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A new King James Bible has broken a centuries-old tradition and is following in the footsteps of several Bible translations that restored the Divine Name to its original place in the Old Testament.

The Divine Name King James Bible is raising eyebrows in the world of Bible translators for replacing the capitalized GOD and LORD with the English translation “Jehovah” in 6,972 places.

Translators of the Divine Name King James Version are following the pattern of other Bible translations, including Young’s Literal Translation, Darby Translation, The New World Translation, The American Standard Version and The Bible in Living English, in restoring the Divine Name where it was originally written.

Explaining their reason for restoring the Divine Name where it originally appeared, the publishers stated online, “Does it not seem clearer than ever why Jesus instructed us at Matthew 6:9 to pray ‘Hallowed be thy name’ not ‘hidden be thy name.’ Jesus faithfully showed why the name of Jehovah must be known to us, for only by that way would we know who Jesus is and how actually Jesus set the pattern for pure worship. 

“This is directly tied to our having eternal life, for Jesus himself said in prayer to Jehovah, ‘And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.’” — John 17:3.”

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On the dnkjb website this is what is posted: 

So that we can ensure that the focus remains on the Divine Name and to keep the DNKJB away from those that care nothing about the Divine Name we have chosen not to advertise nor distribute through churches or through just any Bible website. So far the entire success of this publication has resulted entirely from 'word of mouth' advertising by those that love the Divine Name. We have had to have faith because to prevent false accusations of bias, and worse, contamination from false religion, we insisted that we not be funded or supported by any organization or religion and also we really only care to produce and distribute this one Bible - so we aren't a big publishing firm with 'deep pockets'. In 2013 the orders for this Bible suddenly slowed down to 10% of what they were - nearly forcing us to give up - yet even after 4 years in the public eye we realize that there are many, many people just now finding out about this Bible. Although orders are starting to pick up, we hardly receive enough revenue to keep the Bible in stock. Rather than let the Bible go out of print, we decided that we could keep it going if we merely accumulated prepaid orders until we had the minimum quantity that our printer will print and THEN we could ship. If you think you can accept a reasonable waiting period then you can have one of these remarkable teaching tools
This Bible is not available in any stores at this times or from Amazon Books but we are the Publishers so can have confidence to purchase a Bible directly from us. 
How long does it take for us to receive enough orders and then print and ship to you? So far it has only been about 90 days. Keep in mind that when you order we may be near to filling our 'quota' and you won't have to wait so long. It took 400 years before Jehovah allowed his name to be restored to the Authorized King James Version of the Bible - don't let a few more days waiting for it discourage you.
We want to assure you that if we cannot have your Bible printed within 90 days from the date we receive your prepaid order then UPON YOUR REQUEST we will be happy to refund your money - otherwise we will assume you are content to wait a reasonable length of time till one of these wonderful Bibles can be printed for you. Our agreement with you is that your prepayment is not refundable to you unless we cannot have Bibles printed within 90 days of your order.
WHEN YOU MAKE A PURCHASE there is a checkbox to indicate your acceptance of these terms. You may click the link adjacent to the checkbox if you wish to read a shorter but similar statement. 



Aren't we glad that the true organization of Jehovah God does not have to worry about being shut down due to lack of funds or lack of interest! Since the late 1800's it was stated that there would be no monetary collections, if Almighty God was backing it then it would stay alive! (not exact wording)

Not only has Jehovah's organization stayed alive and active but has grown to millions. What a difference!

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I really liked some of their articles on the subject when it was released for the first time

their motto on the site then was something like this: " It will never be said again Hidden be Thy name but Hallowed be Thy name, O, Jehovah, Sovereign Lord !"

Some notes I took from that articles:

«« No human has the right to control the free dissemination of the truth. We know the truth about God's name and we feel obligated to give others the chance to know for themselves and to ponder a most important question: To whom does it serve hiding the truth in this important matter ?

This translation ... is known for the liberty its translators took when choosing how to express God's name without really using it. Imagine any great autobiography where the name of the key person was removed. That would certainly introduce errors as complex ideas were made cloudy by confusing similar characters and situations.

Imagine if the name of our Lord Jesus had been hidden ...  »»

" Indeed, what do you have that you did not receive ? "

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I really liked some of their articles on the subject when it was released for the first time

their motto on the site then was something like this: " It will never be said again Hidden be Thy name but Hallowed be Thy name, O, Jehovah, Sovereign Lord !"

Some notes I took from that articles:

«« No human has the right to control the free dissemination of the truth. We know the truth about God's name and we feel obligated to give others the chance to know for themselves and to ponder a most important question: To whom does it serve hiding the truth in this important matter ?

This translation ... is known for the liberty its translators took when choosing how to express God's name without really using it. Imagine any great autobiography where the name of the key person was removed. That would certainly introduce errors as complex ideas were made cloudy by confusing similar characters and situations.

Imagine if the name of our Lord Jesus had been hidden ...  »»


I live in the bible belt and this is great news even if I am 4yrs late because many people feel that the King James Bible is the only true Bible, so this will be wonderful information to share in the field. 

I hope ones that helped with this Bible will come in the truth, wouldn't that be wonderful!

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from what I know this is not an official revision of KJ Version, they are just some independent translators - I mean, it's not the 'Authorized' version

Edited by Adelin

" Indeed, what do you have that you did not receive ? "

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Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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A circuit overseer once told me (at pioneer school) not to try and use this bible to defend Jehovah's name (as an alternate translation to prove that others have used the divine name) in case it should come out that the publishers are in fact witnesses of Jehovah because it might look like a conspiracy of sorts.

I believe since the copyright on the KJV (if it ever had one) experied that anyone can publish a KJV bible.

The bibles that come wth the JW Library app have been pretty helpful when meeting ones in the territory who take issue with the fact that we printed our own bible.

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This seems to be a very odd compilation. They claim it to be based on the 1611 Authorized KJV, but the text is the 1789 Cambridge revision, which differs significantly.


Further, 1 John 5:7b has a "spurious" note in front of the infamous "these three are one" line, yet every other recognized KJV revision keeps that text untouched (even the JW Library app). If the publishers sought textual accuracy, they would have indicated "spurious" on other passages that have even greater support for being later additions, such as John 7:53-8:11, and Mark 16:9-20. Instead, only 1 John 5:7b has that note, which appears to indicate some level of anti-Trinitarian doctrinal bias on the part of the publishers, not a desire for accuracy.


Right or wrong, altering an established text on the basis of doctrine, rather than ancient manuscripts, doesn't sit well with me, and could easily be used as a reason to doubt other passages in this "translation". Reproducing an established translation is trivial, the fault for any errors lie with the translators. But translating, revising, or altering any translation of the Scriptures places your "name" on that text, which carries a very heavy responsibility for accuracy (both to the world and to Jehovah), and I feel these individuals fell short of that mark.


Personally, I find the householder's own KJV to be more than sufficient, and I have a 1611 reprint for those who only have a modernized KJV or no Bible at all. It seems much easier to me to stick with the recognized authority, the KJV, and leave the interpretation to the householder. Otherwise we'd first have to establish the "authority" of this DNKJB over the traditional KJV, then tear that authority right back down again to bring in the NWT.

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Just to give some more perspective on this, because the KJV is in the public domain, you or I could make our own 'new' version just like this tomorrow using a simple search-and-replace tool switching out 'LORD' with 'Jehovah'.

Because its text is so readily available, free and recognized, I've come across dozens of 'new' KJVs with slight alterations or updates (the different KJV versions is probably in the hundreds now). It's especially common for the 'sacred name' churches to have versions of it with Yahweh throughout the text. None of these are 'authorized' for use in the liturgy of the Church of England (which is why the old KJV was alternatively called the Authorized Version).

I have no issue with anyone making a divine name version KJV (or anyone making use of such a version for that matter), though I get a little uncomfortable when it's being sold under the impression that it is somehow more 'official' because it has the KJV in its title. Literally anyone can make their own altered KJV text! I take issue with the 'New King James Version', published by Thomas Nelson Publishers and available in most bookstores, for that same reason.

Edited by TJ

Just stop it.Romans 12:2

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I live in the bible belt and this is great news even if I am 4yrs late because many people feel that the King James Bible is the only true Bible, so this will be wonderful information to share in the field. 

I hope ones that helped with this Bible will come in the truth, wouldn't that be wonderful!

  agree with you :)
 Deena i recall the ministry when living in Oklahoma,
 you are so right ~  folks in the bible belt seem tethered to their KJ bible,
  many refusing any other translation.
   Listening to them, one would think that King James was an 'Okie'.
  when this new KJ appeared, i found myself thinking back to those people,
   and wondering how they are digesting this KJ Divine Name bible. 
    perhaps some are rethinking the importance of God's name and are now getting the bible's message.
       we can only hope :praying:

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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Most so-called Authorized versions of the KJ bible are in fact - Not. If it is not 1611 edition (  1749 or later versions do not qualify ) then it is not the Authorized version. I mentioned the 1749 version because that is about the time they changed spelling - adding "J" to the English bible - in Britain.

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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 when this new KJ appeared, i found myself thinking back to those people,

   and wondering how they are digesting this KJ Divine Name bible. 
    perhaps some are rethinking the importance of God's name and are now getting the bible's message.


The King James is not a constantly updated text that people keep up with, as we treat the NWT, it's a single text that some people have altered to fit their beliefs.


I've seen dozens of KJV variants, such as the "American Patriots KJV" (with interspersed commentary to tie random scriptures to American history), the "Jefferson Bible" (edited by Thomas Jefferson to remove all supernatural events), a "Woman's KJV" (Which makes all positive figures female and all negative ones male), and so on.


None of these gimmick KJV Bibles are even remotely acceptable to anyone who follows a recognized translation, and I don't see any reason that this particular gimmick would be any different. (As noted above, the changes of this DNKJB were to fit the editors beliefs, not a desire for textual accuracy.)

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Don't forget the Queen James version.  

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...


  agree with you :)
 Deena i recall the ministry when living in Oklahoma,
 you are so right ~  folks in the bible belt seem tethered to their KJ bible,
  many refusing any other translation.
   Listening to them, one would think that King James was an 'Okie'.
  when this new KJ appeared, i found myself thinking back to those people,
   and wondering how they are digesting this KJ Divine Name bible. 
    perhaps some are rethinking the importance of God's name and are now getting the bible's message.
       we can only hope :praying:


 Haha Sister Renee, I too live in the Bible belt, Tennessee, sometimes called the Buckle of the Bible belt. Your humourous comment about king James being an Okie reminds me of something I once said, feeling frustrated with how entrenched folks are with their fundamentalist southern american Protestantism. I said to a brother "Sometimes I think these folks think southern U.S. is the cradle of Christianity and that Jesus was born in Memphis".! we do see the churches beginning to lose their hold on people, though. More and more people say they are Christian, but "don't want to fool with no churches" They have had bad experiences. I invite them to the Kingdom Hall to see the difference.

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 They mentioned "Jehovah's organization"   I wonder what or who this organization is?

What is scary about them mentioning "Jehovah's organization", let's pray that Jehovah puts a stop to that type of foolishness! We believe He can, don't we?              (tu)    

Edited by MizPeg
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I said to a brother "Sometimes I think these folks think southern U.S. is the cradle of Christianity and that Jesus was born in Memphis".!

Of course Jesus wasn't born in Memphis...he was born in Gainesville! :)

When Jesus was born in Gainesville, Georgia during the time that Herod was governor, some scholars from the Orient came to Atlanta and inquired, "Where is the one who was born to be governor of Georgia? We saw his star in the Orient, and we came to honor him." This news put Governor Herod and all his cronies in a tizzy. So he called a meeting of the big time preachers and politicians, and asked if they had any idea where the Leader was to be born. In Gainesville, Georgia," the replied, "because there's a bible prophecy which says:

'And you Gainesville, in the state of Georgia,

Are by no means the least in the Georgia delegation;

From you will come a governor,

Who will wisely guide my chosen people.' "

Cotton Patch Version of Matthew
Edited by TJ

Just stop it.Romans 12:2

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