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Quantum Computer

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Thanks for the video. That was a fun one.  Super-positioning is what they are also experimenting with when it comes to teleportation. Imagine how much territory we could cover with a teleporter. 



Which of course brings up the Schrondinger's cat type of illustration. 


Because you can't have superposition without decoherence.  


Which is even more funny, because my husband came in from the garage, saw the 101 video you just seen and says......... you're doing programming, and reading/learning about quantum physics.  I'm worried about the cats.


For those unfamiliar with Schrodinger's cat, the physicist Erwin Schrodinger came up with this paradox to try to explain what happened with decoherence, not to mention highlight the complexity of quantum interactions.   He said there was this cat in a box which essentially lived in limbo, with it's being alive or dead depending on what state a subatomic particle was at.  This type of limbo is taken to represent a wave function where the cat could be either dead or alive.  The cat remains both alive and dead until superposition (box is opened).


Again, not my area of expertise, but a familiar analogy none the less.


In my interpretation (not Copenhagen's) the cat will ALWAYS be alive (as evidenced by my profile photo)

Edited by cerebral ecstasy
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Which is even more funny, because my husband came in from the garage, saw the 101 video you just seen and says......... you're doing programming, and reading/learning about quantum physics.  


What type of programming is it that you are doing?


And as far as quantum mechanics I am quite the lay person. I haven't had anything to do with physics since college.

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What type of programming is it that you are doing?


And as far as quantum mechanics I am quite the lay person. I haven't had anything to do with physics since college.

I'm learning how to use Matlab, I have a post about it in a different thread.  I'm learning it for data analysis, I know Excel has some great features but it doesn't quite do what I hoped for.  


I have a bunch of data I acquired while working in solar research that I'm going to feed in and take a look at, just for my own personal interest.  I walked away from the research job and took an administrative one because I knew it interfered with my worship to Jehovah.

Edited by cerebral ecstasy
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I'm learning how to use Matlab, I have a post about it in a different thread.  I'm learning it for data analysis, I know Excel has some great features but it doesn't quite do what I hoped for.  


I have a bunch of data I acquired while working in solar research that I'm going to feed in and take a look at, just for my own personal interest.  I walked away from the research job and took an administrative one because I knew it interfered with my worship to Jehovah.


I like Matlab too. Solar research and an interest in quantum computing. I love that no matter how deep you dig into a subject you can never fail to notice just how logically Jehovah has organized things. I have enough trouble organizing my closet and yet from the largest thing in the universe to the smallest there is such a precise level of order.

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I like Matlab too. Solar research and an interest in quantum computing. I love that no matter how deep you dig into a subject you can never fail to notice just how logically Jehovah has organized things. I have enough trouble organizing my closet and yet from the largest thing in the universe to the smallest there is such a precise level of order.

Exactly!  There is a level of complexity and order which cries out loudly to those willing to listen.  It often made me give praise to Jehovah when I seen things so orderly in the work I did.  I'd laugh at how futile some of our attempts were to try to recreate something Jehovah's done on a nanoscale (i.e how plants harness solar energy and convert it into chemical energy.  Plants, with no capacity for thought are doing something man is desperately trying to copy)


I often thought of how wonderful it would be, to be alongside Jehovah in the position of master worker, or even in the same vicinity of the two. I'd imagine how Jehovah and Jesus would have had these fantastic conversations about the things they were going to create that day.  So much to visually feast on just to the naked eye, but when you start looking at things on a sub atomic level --- completely blows me out of the water.

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I've thought about the process of creation quite a bit myself. What  was that process like? For example was it by a slim margin that our sky is blue and not red or green.  Or maybe the temperature was almost a few degrees warmer or colder. If we are made in Jehovahs image then we can assume that he took a lot of joy in making some of these decisions. It's fun to think about these decisions being made perhaps as trivially as we might choose swatches for some new drapes. 

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I love research in that I have this insatiable need to look up almost everything under the sun! So much that a few friends look at me in an almost weird way when I bring something up. For instance, while doing cart witnessing at a train station, I asked my partner "what do you think it took to put this station up?" She looked at me as if to say "huh? there you go again." But the answer is...math as in angles, etc.

And now listening to the conversation of you two, yep here I go again! I can see you two putting your heads together discussing whatever it'll take to help build the physical part of the new world. And that's even before you become perfect. You two are making everything so exciting as in without the mombo jumbo of great scientific terms that's completely foreign to less educated folks in the field as yours truly here, lol. Oh the excitement! Thank you!

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Here in NYC there's a program that the mayor thought of. It's called "ID NYC." Basically it's a free ID card that almost anyone can apply for and get. It enables one to gain entry to various cultural institutions with a free one year membership such as museums, science halls, etc. My appointment to apply is not until August and I can hardly wait. My required service time as far as hours are concerned should be up next month/first week in July so watch out! Lol.

Research here I come!! :)

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Computers, as they are now, are binary ..... or simply put, they work by the state of "off/on" - 0=off    1=on


look at this as being 4 switches:


binary 0001 is decimal 1

binary 0010 is decimal 2
binary 0011 is decimal 3
binary 0110 is decimal 6
binary 1001 is decimal 8

binary 1111 is decimal 12


By knowing the state of each switched bit (0/1) the computer is capable of performing elaborate calculations and these are "translated" to usable "data" by various programming languages.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Just as a side point .....


When Terminator showed at the theater it was rated "R" at some theaters and "PG-13" at others.


When it showed on TV, it was rated TV-14.


So, before I would "criticize" someone for seeing any movie, I would want to know what version of the movie they saw, especially when the version they saw may have been "edited for content" .... and, even then, I would probably keep my opinion to myself.

Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Just as a side point .....


When Terminator showed at the theater it was rated "R" at some theaters and "PG-13" at others.


When it showed on TV, it was rated TV-14.


So, before I would "criticize" someone for seeing any movie, I would want to know what version of the movie they saw, especially when the version they saw may have been "edited for content" .... and, even then, I would probably keep my opinion to myself.


I did not criticize or assume anyone had watched the movie. It was presented as a question, had I seen the movie. I have not and I gave the reason why I did not see it. And even at it's most sanitized version it still contains violence and immorality, this is my personal reason for not watching it. I only responded to the question because I did not want anyone to think it is a movie that I would watch. 

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Computers, as they are now, are binary ..... or simply put, they work by the state of "off/on" - 0=off    1=on


look at this as being 4 switches:


binary 0001 is decimal 1

binary 0010 is decimal 2

binary 0011 is decimal 3

binary 0110 is decimal 6

binary 1001 is decimal 8

binary 1111 is decimal 12


By knowing the state of each switched bit (0/1) the computer is capable of performing elaborate calculations and these are "translated" to usable "data" by various programming languages.



Sorry John but your binary maths is slightly off.


The correct binary representations are:


0001 = 1

0010 = 2

0011 = 3

0100 = 4

0101 = 5

0110 = 6

0111 = 7

1000 = 8

1100 = 12


The maximum number that can be represented in 4 bits is 15 : 1111 = 8 + 4 + 2 + 1


The maximum number that can be represented in 8 bits is 255 : 11111111 = 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1


Reminds me of the joke.... There are only 10 types of people in the world.  Those who understand binary and those who don't


There is another one based on octal number representations:  Why has the world got the time of Jesus birth wrong?  Because 31 OCT = 25 DEC

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Thats not a film i ever thought a Christian should watch. It was rated R for violence and profanity, not anything I would be interested in watching.

They show edited movies on regular TV. So it is possible to see such movies.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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sorry about getting the math wrong, had the grandkid over and wasn't paying enough attention to what I was typing

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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sorry about getting the math wrong, had the grandkid over and wasn't paying enough attention to what I was typing


Hahaha - I know that feeling - not grandkids, but my kids do that to me as well :-)

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It's been a few years since, but I remember I enjoyed watching Terminator 1 and 2. The 3rd one not so much.


I seriously doubt that computers (binary, quantic or whatever) will ever become as intelligent as to be a threat for humankind by themselves, which is the main theme of those movies. But certainly they are intelligent enough to be a threat when used as weapons by other humans. :(

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We will never create artificial intelligence. Never. Jehovah did not give man the ability to create life.

Intelligence is life.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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It's been a few years since, but I remember I enjoyed watching Terminator 1 and 2. The 3rd one not so much.


I seriously doubt that computers (binary, quantic or whatever) will ever become as intelligent as to be a threat for humankind by themselves, which is the main theme of those movies. But certainly they are intelligent enough to be a threat when used as weapons by other humans. :(

You forgot to mention the movie I Robot. You never know how far man made machines can go. Just one glitch can spoil a whole group of robots. It scary and it can happen.

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Computers are only tools, and they can only operate within their designed parameters.


There are rudimentary artificial intelligence systems out there today that can "learn", (the most advanced is mathematically equivalent to an insect brain) but they can only grow within their designed parameters. Even if human-level AI were eventually achieved, at the end of the day a super-intelligent box is still only a box, and no level of intelligence will give that inanimate box the ability to grow eyes, ears, arms, legs, and weapons, despite fictional stories that might claim otherwise.

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We will never create artificial intelligence. Never. Jehovah did not give man the ability to create life.

Intelligence is life.


Shawn, I am not so sure about that last sentence. Or rather, at what point to draw the line. There exist artificial intelligence systems already, not very intelligent, but with some measure of intelligence. :) Now if they built a replicant like those in Blade Runner, that would be indistinguishable from life. :)

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Computers are only tools, and they can only operate within their designed parameters.


There are rudimentary artificial intelligence systems out there today that can "learn", (the most advanced is mathematically equivalent to an insect brain) but they can only grow within their designed parameters. Even if human-level AI were eventually achieved, at the end of the day a super-intelligent box is still only a box, and no level of intelligence will give that inanimate box the ability to grow eyes, ears, arms, legs, and weapons, despite fictional stories that might claim otherwise.

It is funny when you mentioned: "at the end of the day a super-intelligent box is still only a box" Almost 20 years ago a computer box suppose to give  2 one dollar bills back, instead it gave me 2 five dollars bills back. How many computer glitches happen since then?

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It is funny when you mentioned: "at the end of the day a super-intelligent box is still only a box" Almost 20 years ago a computer box suppose to give  2 one dollar bills back, instead it gave me 2 five dollars bills back. How many computer glitches happen since then?


That was most likely an error in how the bills were loaded, no glitch in the programming.


Even if it was a glitch, there's an immense difference between a box occasionally giving wrong change, and a box transforming itself into an indestructible war-machine with greater power than the US military, and gaining both the capability and the desire to take over the world.

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Shawn, I am not so sure about that last sentence. Or rather, at what point to draw the line. There exist artificial intelligence systems already, not very intelligent, but with some measure of intelligence. :) Now if they built a replicant like those in Blade Runner, that would be indistinguishable from life. :)


Yeah, I should have been clearer.  Any computer humans ever build will ultimately be nothing more than a tool.  It will never be artificial life as depicted in such movies as A.I.  Humans were not designed with the ability or capability to create a brand-new life form.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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That was most likely an error in how the bills were loaded, no glitch in the programming.


Even if it was a glitch, there's an immense difference between a box occasionally giving wrong change, and a box transforming itself into an indestructible war-machine with greater power than the US military, and gaining both the capability and the desire to take over the world.

You are probably right. Most likely the bills was loaded in the wrong spot. Here is an another scenario. The machine ran out of 1's and it switch to 5's because it is the next bill in line and the computer pick that up. It is like: "Hey, I ran out on 1's, but have some 5's". 


 Military or not, we can program what a computer can do, but we can't tell them what to do. If, so I would ask them to give me 1's and not 5's.

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