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I get the feeling that this new invention will not be available for Jehovah's witnesses.  Don't really know though.





What is artificial blood and why is the UK going to trial it?

    00:01 25 June 2015 by Colin Barras

Artificial blood will soon be tested in the UK for the first time. New Scientist takes a look at how – and why – this blood is made.

What is artificial blood?
Blood substitutes aim to replicate one particular job of real blood: supplying oxygen to tissues. In other words, the goal is to find an alternative to oxygen-carrying red blood cells that could be used for transfusions. Today, the UK National Health Service announced it plans to start transfusing people with artificial blood by 2017 – the first clinical trials of this kind anywhere in the world.

Others are investigating whether it's possible to make entirely synthetic substitutes based on oxygen-carrying molecules like perfluorocarbons. But the version the NHS will trial is based around real red blood cells that were generated in the lab.

How are these cells made?
From stem cells. Researchers have previously managed to take hematopoietic stem cells from volunteers' bone marrow and encourage them to grow into red blood cells using chemical growth factors. The NHS will probably use a similar approach, although it also plans to explore using blood from umbilical cords – another rich source of hematopoietic stem cells.


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This has come up on this forum before. My personal view is that it is still blood made from the cells that make blood and that any blood outside the body isn't for putting back in it, should be 'returned to the ground' because outside of/dis-attached from a body, it belongs to God. That's my view, I'd rather have careful surgery with another alternative that expands what I have and I do what I can to build up my own blood-building reserves before elective surgery.


Roll on the New World where such complex decisions over surgery choices will not be needed. 

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I get the feeling that this new invention will not be available for Jehovah's witnesses.  Don't really know though.





What is artificial blood and why is the UK going to trial it?

    00:01 25 June 2015 by Colin Barras

Artificial blood will soon be tested in the UK for the first time. New Scientist takes a look at how – and why – this blood is made.

What is artificial blood?

Blood substitutes aim to replicate one particular job of real blood: supplying oxygen to tissues


Banked Blood Loses Ability to Deliver Oxygen to Tissues

DURHAM, N.C. –Almost immediately after it is donated, human blood begins to lose a key gas that opens up blood vessels to facilitate the transfer of oxygen from red blood cells to oxygen-starved tissues.



Interesting that the know stored blood loses the ability to carry oxygen.  They are now trying to overcome that issue with artificial blood.  Yet they keep pushing blood as red gold.



Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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This has come up on this forum before. My personal view is that it is still blood made from the cells that make blood and that any blood outside the body isn't for putting back in it, should be 'returned to the ground' because outside of/dis-attached from a body, it belongs to God. That's my view, I'd rather have careful surgery with another alternative that expands what I have and I do what I can to build up my own blood-building reserves before elective surgery.


Roll on the New World where such complex decisions over surgery choices will not be needed. 


Fractions come from processing whole blood, donated by blood donors.  So the processing of blood itself does not constitute a clear cut yes/no situation.  Hence why the use of fractions, along with certain mechanical techniques, are a conscience matter.  I don't have enough knowledge to take a view on this subject right now but I would imagine that if this technique becomes commonplace and something that could be faced by a Witness then we will have some guidance, either through the publications or via the HLC.


I subscribe to NS but I've not read the article yet so I am interested to see what it says.

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