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Backward Messages

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 Here I go again with another bizarre post. This time I'm going talk about backward messages and the problems with it But first I have to say that Satan is ahead of music world and going to do what he want to do. 1 John 5:19


 Basically the first song that had backwards vocal was "Rain" by the Beatles in 1966. At the end of the song going forward, you will hear gibberish words, when played backwards, then it says: "When the sun shines," "Rain," and "If the rain comes, they run and hide their heads". Hence the first song the had backward messages. John Lennon and George Martin claimed of doing this.


The Beatles were the first to use backward messages in their songs One song is was noticed in was Revolution 9. Forward it says Number 9 several times and when play backwards, it says: "Turn Me On Dead Man"several times. One part of the song it says: "let me out: when played backwards, it say the same thing. As far as I know for the most part, the Beatles was using backward messages as a tool to indicate Paul McCarthy was dead. Many groups and singers follow along, like ELO, Prince, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Britney Spears, and Styx etc. But it gets tricky for here.


 Basically through the years I have heard several songs backwards on you tube and what I see here is that some are taking songs and interpret it what the song says backwards. One individual played Revolution 9 backwards all the way through and he think the whole song had backward messages with strong indications of satanic rituals. Will the Beatles go as far as that? I don't think so. Yes, the Beatles were under drugs big time and Satan did had an influence with this. Hence he is the ahead of the music world. But here is where Satan can very sneaky.


 In 1967, Beatles release "Sgt Pepper Lonely Heart's Club Band", It has many peoples on this cove who Beatles admired, (and thank God Hitler was taken out). On the front cover on the album, if you look in the left back the you will see a bald headed man. This man is Aliester Crowly and was a Satanic worshiper and a radical too. Did the Beatles knew about this? As far as I know they put him on the cover because of his radical ideas. As being a Satanist, I don't think so. But it gets creepy and very very creepy too. 


 In 1971, Led Zeppelin released a song "Stairway to Heaven" This song suppose to have the worst demonic backward messages on it. In  the song, forwards it mentioned:


"If there a s bustle in your hedgerow

 Don't be alarmed now

 It just a spring clean for the MAY QUEEN


 Yes there are two paths you can go by

 but in the long run

 There's still time to change the road you on"


 When played backwards it sounds like they are saying:


 "Here"s is my sweet satan

  The one whose little path would make me sad

  Whose power is satan

  He will give those with him 666

  There was a tool shed were were he made us suffer , sad satan"



 So here it is, 5 stanzas of satanic lyrics. Is there a problem with this? Led Zeppelin compose of a group and 2 of them were Robert Plant and Jimmy Page. What is odd is that Jimmy Page owned a house that Aleister Crowly lived in, Yes, the house was demonic and hunted too. So did satan had a role in this song? There is a good chance he did. Jimmy Page an Robert Plant denied of putting satanic messages in the song. Let say they are telling the truth; and why would I say this?


  Aleister Crowley wrote a poem named "MAY QUEEN" and these words was written in the song. How far Jimmy Page was into  Aleister Crowley poems and ideas? I don't know, yet he lived in a demonic house. Now lets go back to the song. If YOU play the same lyrics of the song in which I quote while recording it and play it backwards; would it sound the same as I mentioned above? I let you be the judge. I heard it on you tube. A person sing the song the same way it was and played it backwards and it sounded the same as same as Stairway to Heaven.


 The problem is what I see is that, you can mentioned forward the words that have 2 or 3 syllables and play it  backwards, the syllables can be cut in half, etc. Yes songs can be distorted when play backwards. Yes, your eyes can play tricks on you, but so can your ears too. I'm not saying backward messages exist. It does.


 Yes, satan is very powerful, one way or another he accomplish of what he did. If Jimmy Page and Robert Plant is telling the truth by denying backward messages? If so, satan make sure one way another he accomplish what he did. 1 John 5:19


 My next post will be about the group Album Covers, meaning of the songs and how satan works into this.

Edited by Dustparticle
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  On 6/30/2015 at 10:03 PM, Dustparticle said:

 My next post will be about the group Album Covers, meaning of the songs and how satan works into this.


If your intention is to prove that Satan is involved in music, we know that already.

Personally I'd be happier if you spent your time doing something else, but that's just my opinion.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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I don't believe in backwards messages in music. Well, maybe some very short ones, but it's almost impossible to write something that makes sense both pronounced straight and backwards.


Try this test: listen to one of those backwards fragments and try to write down what you understand. You will come up with nothing. Only when somebody shows you what the lyrics are allegedly saying you seem to hear that, but without previous information you will not understand a word of it.


Besides I don't care much for any backwards messages because I never listen to music backwards. :)


Those were the typical conspiracy theories from the seventies and eighties, and they were invariably made up and promoted by fanatical members of fundamentalist Evangelical sects, the same who spotted the word SEX on a cloud in a Disney movie. I thought nobody believed those things nowadays but I see I was wrong.


There are bands that promote Satanic messages indeed, but usually you can tell that from their appearance, their videoclips and from the music and lyrics themselves, no need to listen to them backwards.

Edited by cvillarrubia
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  On 6/30/2015 at 10:49 PM, cvillarrubia said:

I don't believe in backwards messages in music. Well, maybe some very short ones, but it's almost impossible to write something that makes sense both pronounced straight and backwards.


Try this test: listen to one of those backwards fragments and try to write down what you understand. You will come up with nothing. Only when somebody shows you what the lyrics are allegedly saying you seem to hear that, but without previous information you will not understand a word of it.


Besides I don't care much for any backwards messages because I never listen to music backwards. :)


Those were the typical conspiracy theories from the seventies and eighties, and they were invariably made up and promoted by fanatical members of fundamentalist Evangelical sects, the same who spotted the word SEX on a cloud in a Disney movie. I thought nobody believed those things nowadays but I see I was wrong.


There are bands that promote Satanic messages indeed, but usually you can tell that from their appearance, their videoclips and from the music and lyrics themselves, no need to listen to them backwards.

You would be surprise if i said this. If you  have listen to Beatles music, then you would heard backwards music going forward and it part of technology. And several other groups follow. afterward. Believe me, backward messages does exist and I heard it clear too.

Edited by Dustparticle
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  On 6/30/2015 at 10:16 PM, RKibel said:

If your intention is to prove that Satan is involved in music, we know that already.

Personally I'd be happier if you spent your time doing something else, but that's just my opinion.

We know satan is behind the music world, but all do not know  he is behind it. Also, my agenda is that, I think there is a problem with backward messages and how people hear it and misunderstood things too. 

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  On 6/30/2015 at 11:10 PM, Dustparticle said:

You would be surprise if i said this. If you  have listen to Beatles music, then you would heard backwards music going forward and it part of technology. And several other groups follow. afterward. Believe me, backward messages does exist and I heard it clear too.


Glenn, I did not express myself properly. I know there are backwards messages in some songs. There is a voice talking gibberish and you know it probably says something if played backwards. I don't deny that.


What I doubt very much is that songs that have meaningful lyrics say also something when played backwards, as it was argued with "Starway to Heaven". It's almost impossible to do that beyond one word or two.

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  On 6/30/2015 at 11:40 PM, cvillarrubia said:

Glenn, I did not express myself properly. I know there are backwards messages in some songs. There is a voice talking gibberish and you know it probably says something if played backwards. I don't deny that.


What I doubt very much is that songs that have meaningful lyrics say also something when played backwards, as it was argued with "Starway to Heaven". It's almost impossible to do that beyond one word or two.

Expressing yourself good or not, Carlos I enjoy most of your posts and you have a good point my brother. Back then when they did something backwards, they record the words and cut the tape and reverse it into the song.

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I'm not sure of your age, Brother Glenn, and I have listened to music played backwards. Actually, many lyrics were quite suggestive, even when played frontwards. I, and my cronies, really didn't listen to the lyrical renditions (in those days), we just picked up the pop tunes, mindlessly.  Example: I did not get that "Let's Spend the Night Together," had any connotation beyond an evening of company. Anyway, I liked Ruby Tuesday better, but still have no idea of what the lyrics meant. It's a valid point, that however we look at it, worldly music is something we have to be careful with. That being said, many people told me there was something inappropriate in "La Macarena," I literally translated it into English and did not find anything questionable. I'm sure there are other versions around. Anyway,the children in my cong. dance those moves to "The Tiki Room." Same thing with the Cha Cha Shuffle (which later was reworked into the Cupid Shuffle.) When the youth from my cong. come to my place, we are careful with the selections we use. I am always happy to be informed of any hidden or suggestive meanings in songs, since I host events for the young ones (including Bethelites) and want to pre-screen the music. Thanks for all input. YS, pauline :rockon:    

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 I think comprehension comes to play. One day I was playing "I Coming Out" by Diana Ross on my tape recorder and it was going backwards. Believe it or not, the music sound good. Backward music is part of technology that others used in their music. Look at this video. The song is from the Beatles, it is called Flying. When you reach 1:43, then the music goes backwards. https://vimeo.com/74560618

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This is not news to me. I heard about the messages on playing music backward some years ago on a talk show. And it made me shudder! Yes, Satan is the DJ of all immoral music, even the ones played forward if you will. Why one of us would be concerned with backward music messages is beyond me!

And concerning music played forward, just this week I'm walking (forget the day. And today is only Wednesday. My mind is even backward, lol, lol), and there's a man who plays oldies...good ones from the 60s, and he records his singing along to make an income...great voice. Anyway, a woman and I commented on the stuff ("stuff" wasn't a lack of a better word) these kids listen to today. While her and I were walking and talking, the Shirelles were playing, with him singing..."Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow"? That song smacks of immorality But I loved it! The Shirelles, The Temptations, The Marvellettes, The Four Tops, etc, etc, and etc. Oh my!

So, we had to be careful then, we have to be careful now. Being careful is work. So why would and should we concerned ourselves with backward music messages? Deciding what music to listen to takes enough energy as it is!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my Luzette!  And I was with a brother who is a relative and truly wanted Marvin Gaye song!  Not

even going to mention the name of it! And...years ago I had to get rid of all my Earth, Wind and Fire albums. 

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and then if you add all the country music songs like "She can put her shoes under my bed anytime", "whose bed have your boots been under",  "trying to love two women" and the list goes on. 

We all know that if you play country songs backward positive things will happen: your wife will come back to you along with your children and even your best friend "your dog".  :D

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  On 7/14/2015 at 5:13 PM, HorseJump said:

We all know that if you play country songs backward positive things will happen: your wife will come back to you along with your children and even your best friend "your dog".  :D



What about the classic "I've got tears in my ears from lying on my back crying over you" ?  :)

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Does anyone else remember the District Convention in the late 70's where they actually played backwards "Another One Bites the Dust" from Queen? The speaker said that played backwards it says "Decide to smoke marijuana". I have to admit, I couldn't hear it. We have all probably heard "Another One Bites the Dust" 1,000's of times and I don't know about you but I don't smoke marijuana..... :) Now if it would have said "Decide to drink Cabernet" then I would maybe see a correlation.......

Baseball is in the Bible... Gen 1:1 "In the big inning".

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  On 7/14/2015 at 5:34 PM, dozerman5676 said:

Does anyone else remember the District Convention in the late 70's where they actually played backwards "Another One Bites the Dust" from Queen? The speaker said that played backwards it says "Decide to smoke marijuana". I have to admit, I couldn't hear it. We have all probably heard "Another One Bites the Dust" 1,000's of times and I don't know about you but I don't smoke marijuana..... :) Now if it would have said "Decide to drink Cabernet" then I would maybe see a correlation.......


Speakers at conventions in the 70s were allowed a lot more freedom that they have now, and some well-intentioned brothers transmitted their paranoias to the audience sometimes going well beyond the script. But it was just their personal opinion, not the Slave's.


The claim that Queen's song contained hidden backwards messages came, as usual, from Fundamentalist Evangelical leaders. That's why we are so much encouraged now to make sure what the source of an information is before using it for teaching.


You make a very good point, Tommy: Backwards messages are pointless since nobody listens to music backwards (except Evangelical leaders, it seems). :)

Edited by carlos
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  On 7/14/2015 at 9:32 PM, carlos said:

Speakers at conventions in the 70s were allowed a lot more freedom that they have now, and some well-intentioned brothers transmitted their paranoias to the audience sometimes going well beyond the script. But it was just their personal opinion, not the Slave's.


The claim that Queen's song contained hidden backwards messages came, as usual, from Fundamentalist Evangelical leaders. That's why we are so much encouraged now to make sure what the source of an information is before using it for teaching.


You make a very good point, Tommy: Backwards messages are pointless since nobody listens to music backwards (except Evangelical leaders, it seems). :)

Good points Carlos. Today backward messages are pointless. Groups can say anything forward without doing anything in secret. We thank music was somewhat trash in the 60's - 80's. Now it is worse than trash. Music is something that we can flush it down in the toilet.

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  On 7/14/2015 at 10:28 PM, Dustparticle said:

Good points Carlos. Today backward messages are pointless. Groups can say anything forward without doing anything in secret. We thank music was somewhat trash in the 60's - 80's. Now it is worse than trash. Music is something that we can flush it down in the toilet.


Not to mention it's so much harder to play music backward today.  Well, maybe not "harder" but certainly more complicated than just turning the turntable the wrong way.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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