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Russia and the coalition of nations

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  The brothers are taking the time to read.....read....read...read....read.....

I appreciate that they are not sticking with the status quo but really taking the effort to get into Jehovah's word.

If you don't want to call it shaking then what would you like to call it?  and i'm not sure why you would object to shaking?   its not a baby.  8}


I think by saying the brothers shaking Jehovah's word and more truth dropping out is giving glory to the brothers for taking the initiative in shaking it - the glory should go to Jehovah for leading his organization with an ever brighter light. 

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Coalitions come and coalitions go.  The US and USSR were in a coalition to fight Nazi Germany in WWII. then, 5 years later they were fighting each other in a proxy war in Korea.  


The Coalition that formed to fight the First Gulf War was not the same coalition that fought the Second.  


Coalitions can be formed to serve a specific purpose.  Come together, get the job done, break apart.  The US and USSR even had a joint Soyuz/Apollo space mission.  Both the US and Russia are partners in the International Space Station.


A coalition to fight ISIS would not be the same coalition that turns against Babylon the Great.  Fighting ISIS is not the same as turning against the Muslim faith anymore than fighting the Irish Republican Army was a war against Catholics in Northern Ireland.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Certainly Jehovah deserves the glory that all these truths in our days us coming from his word that was written 2000 -4000 years ago.

Shouldn't we appreciate that the brothers are making adjustments according to jehovahs word and aren't making this up?  8}

The truth is the truth and perfect already.....so why are we so slow about getting it understood?   We're only gonna get further adjustments by reading Jehpovah's word and getting Jehovahs permission to understand it more deeply.  Revelation does say that we get flashes of light from him and that his word was sealed till the end.  But Daniel 12 1-4 does say that "many will rove about" to get the truths out. either way we certainly can find appreciation to both Jehovah and the those taking the lead in teaching as the "faithful slave" that Jehovah is using to bless his world wide congregation.

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Certainly Jehovah deserves the glory that all these truths in our days us coming from his word that was written 2000 -4000 years ago.

Shouldn't we appreciate that the brothers are making adjustments according to jehovahs word and aren't making this up?  8}

The truth is the truth and perfect already.....so why are we so slow about getting it understood?   We're only gonna get further adjustments by reading Jehpovah's word and getting Jehovahs permission to understand it more deeply.  Revelation does say that we get flashes of light from him and that his word was sealed till the end.  But Daniel 12 1-4 does say that "many will rove about" to get the truths out. either way we certainly can find appreciation to both Jehovah and the those taking the lead in teaching as the "faithful slave" that Jehovah is using to bless his world wide congregation.

Now this post i love.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Thinking on this .. we have to remember the anglo/american world power will still be the power when the GT comes ... so if America were to join the coalition with Russia would this not at least in some diminish her appearance as a world power?

I dont see how that would be the case.

It is the UN that will lead the charge in devestating Babylon the Great. It will have to do so with the Anglo American WPs blessing. In fact the AAWP is pictured as the False Prophet breathing life into the image of the wild beast (UN). We currently understand this to be how the US took the lead in forming and establishing the UN, but could it also turn out that the US along with Britain will also "breathe life" into the UN by actually investing it with the power of an eigth king? -Power that the UN in its current state lacks.

The anglo american world power will still be here of course and still have the power to dominate if it wishes, but to fulfill Jehovahs thought to destroy false religion, the UN is going to have to gain authority it currently lacks and in its current state I am unable to see how that could happen if the US didnt willingly allow these opposed nations a piece of the geo political leadership cheese.

This is all just wild speculation of course.

Edited by JSmith
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Coalitions come and coalitions go. The US and USSR were in a coalition to fight Nazi Germany in WWII. then, 5 years later they were fighting each other in a proxy war in Korea.

The Coalition that formed to fight the First Gulf War was not the same coalition that fought the Second.

Coalitions can be formed to serve a specific purpose. Come together, get the job done, break apart. The US and USSR even had a joint Soyuz/Apollo space mission. Both the US and Russia are partners in the International Space Station.

A coalition to fight ISIS would not be the same coalition that turns against Babylon the Great. Fighting ISIS is not the same as turning against the Muslim faith anymore than fighting the Irish Republican Army was a war against Catholics in Northern Ireland.

Yes but we already KNOW which coalition is going to attack Babylon the Great, the UN in cooperation with all the nations.

It seems likely that for a "coalition of nations" led by the King of the North (if this is how it turns out, we still dont know) to turn on Jehovahs people with the intent of exterminating them from the face of the earth, that it also is going to require the cooperation of every nation.

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It seems likely that for a "coalition of nations" led by the King of the North (if this is how it turns out, we still dont know) to turn on Jehovahs people with the intent of exterminating them from the face of the earth, that it also is going to require the cooperation of every nation.


Since a coalition is "an alliance for combined action, especially a temporary alliance of political parties forming a government or of states." Like Shawn said, coalitions can come and go, we'll just have to wait and see if this proposed coalition grows into something that may possibly fulfill Bible prophecy.


The word 'coalition' makes my ears perk up but so does 'peace', 'security' and some of the other buzz words that we have been hearing for years. I am agreeing with you, time will tell.

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sometimes when people talk about a coalition of nations going together with UN - it sounds like its being confused with the coalition of nations led by Gog of Magog - although they may in fact be the same nations (won't know until it happens) but Gog of Magog doesn't rise up until the second part of the GT but you are right - even though not rising up until then, it could be apparent before hand who it is going to be.


Good comment. This is what the 5/15/15 WT says.


Who, then, is Gog of Magog? To answer that question, we need to search the Scriptures to find out who attacks God’s people. The Bible speaks not only of the attack by ‘Gog of Magog’ but also of the attack by “the king of the north” and of the attack by “the kings of the earth.” (Ezek. 38:2, 10-13; Dan. 11:40, 44, 45; Rev. 17:14; 19:19) Do these represent separate attacks? Not likely. The Bible is no doubt referring to the same attack under different names. Why can we draw that conclusion? Because the Scriptures tell us that all the nations of the earth will be involved in this final attack that prompts the war of Armageddon.—Rev. 16:14, 16.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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I dont see how that would be the case.

It is the UN that will lead the charge in devestating Babylon the Great. It will have to do so with the Anglo American WPs blessing. In fact the AAWP is pictured as the False Prophet breathing life into the image of the wild beast (UN). We currently understand this to be how the US took the lead in forming and establishing the UN, but could it also turn out that the US along with Britain will also "breathe life" into the UN by actually investing it with the power of an eigth king? -Power that the UN in its current state lacks.

The anglo american world power will still be here of course and still have the power to dominate if it wishes, but to fulfill Jehovahs thought to destroy false religion, the UN is going to have to gain authority it currently lacks and in its current state I am unable to see how that could happen if the US didnt willingly allow these opposed nations a piece of the geo political leadership cheese.

This is all just wild speculation of course.

I agree to the extent that the UN is already a coalition and that that coalition will give the UN power to destroy and devastate BTG with the blessing of US/England. I was making the statement that was announced at one of our district conventions that the Anglo/American world power is the last and that it will still be standing when all prophecy is fulfilled so for us not to focus on who is the KON as when they emerge it's likely to be after the GT has started or as it is starting. Maybe I misheard - my apologies if I did.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I agree to the extent that the UN is already a coalition and that that coalition will give the UN power to destroy and devastate BTG with the blessing of US/England. I was making the statement that was announced at one of our district conventions that the Anglo/American world power is the last and that it will still be standing when all prophecy is fulfilled so for us not to focus on who is the KON as when they emerge it's likely to be after the GT has started or as it is starting. Maybe I misheard - my apologies if I did.

Good points sis.

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WT study article July 15, 2015

“Jehovah God will put “his thought” into the hearts of “the ten horns” of the “scarlet-colored wild beast.” These horns represent all the present political powers that give support to the United Nations, an organization pictured by the “scarlet-colored wild beast.”​—Read Revelation 17:3, 16-18.”

So the attack on false religion is made by the political powers that support or are members of The UN.

God's Kingdom Rules, chapter 21

“6 Who or what will carry out the attack against “Babylon the Great”? A “wild beast” with “ten horns.” The book of Revelation indicates that this wild beast refers to the United Nations (UN). The ten horns represent all present political powers that support this “scarlet-colored wild beast.” (Rev. 17:3, 5, 11, 12) How devastating will the attack be? The nations of the UN will plunder the prostitute’s wealth, devour her, and “completely burn her.”​—Read Revelation 17:16.*”

“This destruction of Christendom and all other false religious organizations forms the opening phase of the “great tribulation.”

So the teeth the UN needs is the backing of these political powers. There is no need to be looking for the UN to obtain teeth because the power they receive is the backing of the member nations...

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So the unusual thing is not that great military might is required to accomplish the destruction of BGT


It is the cooperation of two former enemy's getting together to fight a common foe, BGT. 


The power to do so is already available so not much military might is required to close down all the religious edifices.


Overnight the door will close on the world and only we know why. 


Don't gloat or be overjoyed, our tribulation is just beginning.

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I can well imagine the brothers in Jerusalem and Jude's having the same sort of discussions pre-66CE. First wondering how they would be surrounded by a fortified wall, and how they would flee. What would provoke such an attack?

The brothers would have been Examining Jesus words minutely, and trying to understand how it could possibly match events of their day.

When the Roman armies actually came, it was obvious what Jesus words meant, and more importantly, what they needed to do.

I'm pretty sure it will be the same with us. While it's great to "keep awake" and watch for events to unfold, when the time comes it will become pretty obvious how the scriptures are being fulfilled, and the slave will give us the instructions on what we need to do :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I disagree with you all that the U.S. is a coalition already. Here's why, the purpose, no world power will "own up" to doing the things that a coalition will do. The reason,being accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity and ultimately being tried by another world power for murdering people. (Example: Iraq- Sadaam)


See you have to (form a coalition) for these types of things. Another thing that has been done already in preparation (probably) is to change the laws ... so it is not illegal to do almost anything to humans (if you say, they were a threat or they are terrorists) now you can do whatever you'd like... from my research this is and has been the purpose of coalitions.. (gulf.. war) like Shawn said ... were there WMD's (nope)  Do you see what I'm seeing?

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Sister Shonda, they already have the coalition set up through the UN by means of signed treaties and have already been using their cooperation to attack ISIS which has been labeled an extreme religion based on their violence. In Chapter 21 of God's Kingdom Rules it states...

“6 Who or what will carry out the attack against “Babylon the Great”? A “wild beast” with “ten horns.” The book of Revelation indicates that this wild beast refers to the United Nations (UN). The ten horns represent all present political powers that support this “scarlet-colored wild beast.” (Rev. 17:3, 5, 11, 12) How devastating will the attack be? The nations of the UN will plunder the prostitute’s wealth, devour her, and “completely burn her.”​—Read Revelation 17:16.*”

“Jehovah, by means of our King, will “cut short” the United Nations’ attack on religion so that the true religion will not be destroyed with the false. Thus, while all false religious organizations will be torn down, the one true religion will survive. (Ps. 96:5)”

Maybe I am misunderstanding you though...

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Really interesting times many things are happening with these coalition of world powers coming together this month. The discussion topic September List has so much happening it is amazing to me.

I just added an item to the September List

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                                                                             ~We were sent to preach not to judge~ 

~Be kind to one another because all of us are suffering one way or another. This is our refuge from oppression~


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