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Climate Change News

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“Now, two separate teams of scientists have found humans’ fingerprints all over the storm.”

-Ge 6:11
-Rev 11:18





Edited by Awakened

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Global climate change is accelerating and its impact on us is going to increase sharply. I know that many don't think it is real, and I am interested in what it will take to convince them since they will soon be receiving it. Having watched this change occurring for decades and seeing the increasing effects I am amused by the denial of the increasing obvious. With hundred year climate events occurring with an alarming frequency and massive droughts are occurring with enough severity to destabilize entire countries, some still ignore what is happening. It is just as Jesus said it would be,  "For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be.  38 For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark,  39 and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be." Matthew 24:37-39


People of the world ignore the signs including those caused by global climate change, they want to believe that they can keep doing what they want to do and nothing will effect them. They are of course wrong as "All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress." Matthew 24:8


We are just seeing the start of these problems and they are going to get far worse, including the effects of global warming. Yet people will still deny anything to really worry about is happening, until it is too late. We are seeing another example of the total failure of human government to deal with the problems facing mankind. Paralyzed by greedy self interest and lacking in the ability to even know how to handle the situation, any window of human successful intervention has probably already closed or soon will. With an inability to even end trafficking in illegal drugs with a number of governments actively involved in it, it is no wonder that more complex problems are completely and hopelessly beyond the capabilities of human government. It is hysterically sad to see the world putting its trust in human leaders when some of them deny the existence of some of the problems. 

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When it comes to the human impact on climate change - in some cases, it is not that some people are not open to the idea that things man has done have had an impact on the climate - it the idea that, when this subject comes up, it is often followed/associated with the idea that man is "controlling" the weather. That events, like the recent hurricanes that caused so much devastation, were engineered and controlled by one nation or another. That storms like this are engineered, created, and guided by man - even that some of the governments that are doing this send these storms to wreak havoc on their own countries.


Not everyone who mentions climate change makes the claims that man is controlling the weather - but, enough do, and therefore, many people are wary to discuss this subject.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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  • 2 months later...

How do you know we’re right at the threshold of Jehovah’s Day? 


Washington Post: Arctic temperatures soar 45 degrees above normal, flooded by extremely mild air on all sides


From the article:

the Arctic is also stewing in temperatures more than 45 degrees above normal.”


“How weird is that?” tweeted Robert Rohde, a physicist and lead scientist at Berkeley Earth, a non-profit organization that conducts analyses of the Earth’s temperature. “Well it’s Arctic winter. The sun set in October and won’t be seen again until March. Perpetual night, but still above freezing.”


“Scary stuff, on many levels,” tweeted Rick Thoman, an Alaskan meteorologist.


 “truly remarkable event” and the warmest in February ever recorded.


Arctic sea ice was at its lowest extent on record this past January, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


“I have sailed boats through [the Arctic Sea] but never this time of year,” tweeted David Thoreson, an Arctic photographer. “It’s amazing to watch this unfold.”


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As a young teenager back in the 1970s I thought that since we would clearly have a paradise climate in the New world, when the end was very near we would see a sudden warm up that would lead into the coming change and that it would be dramatic with a large negative impact on the old world. That was one of the ways I knew the end was not happening in 75, but I didn't think I would have to wait so long to see the start of what we may now be seeing. 

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6 hours ago, Awakened said:

Crazy that what’s been happening in the Artic this month isn’t gaining international headlines:




We may not have an Artic ice cap by this September. This has never before happened with humans on the planet.


Are you sure?  :)


 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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1 hour ago, Wm-Scott said:

As a young teenager back in the 1970s I thought that since we would clearly have a paradise climate in the New world, when the end was very near we would see a sudden warm up that would lead into the coming change and that it would be dramatic with a large negative impact on the old world. That was one of the ways I knew the end was not happening in 75, but I didn't think I would have to wait so long to see the start of what we may now be seeing. 


Would this make global warming /climate change an act of God and not the result of humans? 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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5 hours ago, Awakened said:

 Let me rephrase: “According to scientists, this has never happened with humans on the planet.”. :D

That makes sense, thank you. 

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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On 2/27/2018 at 10:58 AM, Awakened said:

Crazy that what’s been happening in the Artic this month isn’t gaining international headlines


Looks like it’s slowing dripping onto the MS media outlets.


Some climate scientists are now predicting an ice-free Arctic as soon as THIS year, some 22 years earlier than some worst case scenario projections. Wow...scary. But, further proof that we must be on the “cusp” of the GT. Jehovah has to step in soon, b/c a habitable planet is literally hanging on by a thread.










Edited by Awakened

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On 2/27/2018 at 7:11 PM, Shawnster said:

Would this make global warming /climate change an act of God and not the result of humans? 


I will ask a question. If you wanted to change the climate of the earth and didn't want anyone to know you were doing it, how would you do it?


Human  caused climate change is a well documented scientific fact. The warming climate is expected and we know what is doing it. This is also perfect cover for any supernatural influnces to pass unnoticed for now. What we have been seeing so far has been due to human actions, but that may change if it hasn't already. The sudden warming in the arctic is natural, but several weather events all had to come together for it to happen, and this year I suspect we will see more sudden warming events that while human caused, may have some tweaking to hit specific goals by specific times. As we get closer things may become much more obvious that someone is directing things. 

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Wow...just now hearing about this massive storm that just formed hitting the eastcoast US. Sounds serious. Also some emergency landings due to severe turbulence making  passengers sick. Hope the friends heed the warnings and take cover in the affected areas. 






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  • 3 months later...

The melt rate has tripled in the past decade, the study concluded. If the acceleration continues, some of scientists’ worst fears about rising oceans could be realized


Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Melting Way Faster Than Expected, Scientists Warn


Antarctica, the planet’s largest ice sheet, lost 219 billion tons of ice annually from 2012 through 2017 — approximately triple the 73 billion-ton melt rate of a decade ago, the scientists concluded. From 1992 through 1997, Antarctica lost 49 billion tons of ice annually.”


Shocking! 🤭



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With all the melting of all that ice it could result in the overall climate of the earth not having the severe extremes of seasons that now exists. Could it be that it will result in the winters being warmer and the summers being cooler? That growing seasons could extend? That the amount of water available for use by humans could be sufficient instead of there being a shortage?


Is it possible that these changes could even be looked at as conditions that would be found in a p _ _ a _ _ s _ ? 

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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2 hours ago, Awakened said:

Antarctica, the planet’s largest ice sheet, lost 219 billion tons of ice annually from 2012 through 2017 — approximately triple the 73 billion-ton melt rate of a decade ago, the scientists concluded. From 1992 through 1997, Antarctica lost 49 billion tons of ice annually.”


Previously, significant rise in sea level was not expected until the end of this century. Now it looks like it will occur by 2050. If this warming continues to accelerate, we may see it before Armaggeddon. I have been hoping we would not see this threat because it would be one of the most destructive effects of global warming. Something like 2 billion people would be displaced by a rise in sea level. Every sea coast city in the world would have flooding. Most are on low laying land and would be completely submerged by a sea level rise of just a few feet and many would be flooded by a rise of only a foot. Even just a foot rise in sea level would wipe out several countries. The really big threat is that a rise in sea level could cause massive chain reaction glacial surging as the rising water lifts the ends of the glaciers and they surge into the sea. Each glacier that surges into the water raises the sea level higher causing other glaciers to surge until most of the glaciers slip into the sea, raising sea levels by over 220 feet. The chain reaction can happen very quickly, that is how I believe the flood occurred. The deluge flooded the world in a matter of days or few months at most. If this were to happen, imagine the total chaos as the sea level rises over 200 feet in a matter of days. Frankly, it would be too destructive and I can not see it happening since the world is still functioning when Armageddon occurs. But a smaller rise with the threat of more to come, would be a possibility.

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The thing is Brother William - it's already happening to islands such as kiribati, tuvalu, nauru ... NZ and probably Australia are getting refugees from these islands that are going underwater ... and the ones who choose to stay or can stay for now, can no long grow vegetation as salt water is inudating areas they used to grow their crops. It's really sad to see the state of this planet and that is only ONE aspect of our broken planet. I'm not counting the drive bys of icebergs that have broken off and go past the South Island on rare ocassions, or penguins dying down South because the ocean temp is too warm for them, or a whale who has just washed up on a beach recently who died because it had around 60 plastic bags in its stomach. Guy McPherson gives this planet ten years, and while his time span might be out by a decade or two (I'm no expert) more and more experts who initially disagreed with him are now starting to side with him in at least some of what he says.

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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On 6/15/2018 at 4:18 PM, Wm-Scott said:

No, I am not. As we get closer to Armageddon, we will see the "impossible" happen with alarming increasing frequency. I just hope that massive sealevel rise will not be one of them.

Sorry, I meant to quote John. I totally agree with you. Sorry for the confusion.

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On 12/16/2017 at 8:44 PM, Wm-Scott said:

Global climate change is accelerating and its impact on us is going to increase sharply. I know that many don't think it is real, and I am interested in what it will take to convince them since they will soon be receiving it. Having watched this change occurring for decades and seeing the increasing effects I am amused by the denial of the increasing obvious. With hundred year climate events occurring with an alarming frequency and massive droughts are occurring with enough severity to destabilize entire countries, some still ignore what is happening. It is just as Jesus said it would be,  "For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be.  38 For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark,  39 and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be." Matthew 24:37-39


People of the world ignore the signs including those caused by global climate change, they want to believe that they can keep doing what they want to do and nothing will effect them. They are of course wrong as "All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress." Matthew 24:8


We are just seeing the start of these problems and they are going to get far worse, including the effects of global warming. Yet people will still deny anything to really worry about is happening, until it is too late. We are seeing another example of the total failure of human government to deal with the problems facing mankind. Paralyzed by greedy self interest and lacking in the ability to even know how to handle the situation, any window of human successful intervention has probably already closed or soon will. With an inability to even end trafficking in illegal drugs with a number of governments actively involved in it, it is no wonder that more complex problems are completely and hopelessly beyond the capabilities of human government. It is hysterically sad to see the world putting its trust in human leaders when some of them deny the existence of some of the problems. 

I am a little disappointed in how you used the scriptures to back up your arguments.


In Matt 24, Jesus used the days of Noah as a spiritual warning that had nothing to do with denying climate change.  Additionally, his signs of the times didn’t include global climate change.  I seem to recall wars, earthquakes, pestilence, food shortages only.


From the outset, I am a climate change denier.


Whilst I do not attribute all negative (as seen from whose perspective???) changes in climate as originating from human sources, I readily agree with cause and effect.  Pollution damages the environment, but does it really cause earthquakes, hurricanes, ice caps melting, rising sea levels?  I believe that there are far bigger natural cycles at play here.


Why should I listen to charities that seek to prolong mans stupidity in fighting vast natural forces that only Jehovah can manage?  For instance, who is to blame that the people of low laying sandy islands stay on these islands at risk from enormous oceanic currents?  They do not have a divine right to stay.  In Britain, we suffer coastal erosion from the aggressive North Sea.  We don’t fight it, we simply move when we need to or do not live near it.  It would be stupidity to do anything else.  Or how about building sky reaching metropolis on or near dangerous tectonic fault lines.


On the subject of melting ice caps, there is a increasing alternate consensus that they are expanding!? Who do we believe, the person that shouts loudest and is emotionally threatening in order to get more government funding for his pet projects?


Whilst I may disagree with you on current scientific interpretation.  I hope we agree that when living in the Paradise, we will sustainably consume earths resources and treat our natural environments with the respect and appreciation that Jehovah expects.

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