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Alaska Earthquake - Tsunami Alert - 1-23-18

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Tsunami warning for the west coast of US following 8.2 earthquake off Alaska. Locally we are calling families living in the low lying areas. Brothers in Kodiak and Seward are reported moving to high ground. Potential impact in our area is 5:10 AM PST. Bouy in the Gulf of Alaska reported a 32 ft wave. Bagwell 1987 is most likely up and on alert as she lives in a low lying Long Beach WA. Our phone started ringing 3:00 with emergency alert. We only have one family living in a danger zone and they are preparing to move to higher ground. Our neighboring congregation, Newport, has many living in danger zone. I called their elders about 3:30 AM PST. Our daughter in the boat basin at Port Angeles is loading the car as I type. 

Going to be a long night. :(



 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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I just heard on the radio on my way into work this morning.  All alerts have been lifted,  some were evac'd but are returning home now.  Mostly on the west side of Vancouver Island.


Their getting pounded with snow out there too, have you seen any footage from Mt Washington by chance?

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2 hours ago, Jako said:

Seems like all the Warnings have been downgraded to Watches.

Has Hawaii cancelled their warning yet? :o :whistling:

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Long night, all is well this morning except for 'yours truly'.

First alarm at 2:30 AM via a phone call from a sister in my group, the only one in our congregation to live in the danger zone. Got on the internet to verify that warning, called the PO. Called elders in the endangered congregation, they were not aware of the warning.

Located tsunami zone maps on the internet to verify anticipated high water. Called the sister back and advised her and hubby to stay on the alert, even though evacuation was unlikely. Received an emergency warning phone call from Lincoln County Sheriff. TV said to contact tsunami.gov, which everybody in the country was doing the same, putting their server out of business. TV message changed to call tsunami.gov only if one lived in a tsunami zone. Back to bed around 5:30, very cold and had a hard time getting to sleep. Wife got up about a quarter to ten and got me an aspirin, I drug out about 10:30.

Now 11:46 and I am finishing my third big mug of coffee. Outside high winds, high surf, and pelting rain, good to be back to normal. :)

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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Brother Jerry, you have a tough job being a shepherd.  Not for the faint-hearted!  I'm sure your fellow brothers and sisters in your cong appreciated your vigilance.  Jehovah and Jesus expect nothing less, and you deserve their "well done" - and however many cups of coffee you need today :) 

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The West Coast of Vancouver Island also was evacuated and on high alert. According to the News of late all evacuations went well and were quit orderly. Especially in the small fishing villages on the west coast of the Island............not so great on the East coast of the Island, Victoria............... many slept through the alert. Again the Govt. is urging people to have their go bags ready and as many on the west coast know ............we are waiting for the BIG one. 

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