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Stephen C Myer Books and ID org

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  On 7/5/2019 at 10:26 PM, Cynefin said:
Thanks for posting all these resources. 
I have read a lot of Behe's stuff, but I never heard he believed in aliens as a possible source of life! :perplexed:
Thanks for your comment. I'm not sure exactly what he said on the video course. But I did find this on the DI website:


In his best-selling book, Darwin’s Black Box, Michael Behe specifically states that he is “a Roman Catholic” (pg. 239) who accepts common descent and sees no conflict between evolution and faith. In fact, Behe has explicitly stated his view that the designer is God in the same places where he acknowledges that ID does not foreclose the possibility of a natural designer:

“[intelligent design] is not an argument for the existence of a benevolent God, as Paley’s was. I hasten to add that I myself do believe in a benevolent God, and I recognize that philosophy and theology may be able to extend the argument. But a scientific argument for design in biology does not reach that far. Thus while I argue for design, the question of the identity of the designer is left open. Possible candidates for the role of designer include: the God of Christianity; an angel–fallen or not; Plato’s demi-urge; some mystical new age force; space aliens from Alpha Centauri; time travelers; or some utterly unknown intelligent being. Of course, some of these possibilities may seem more plausible than others based on information from fields other than science. Nonetheless, as regards the identity of the designer, modern ID theory happily echoes Isaac Newton’s phrase hypothesis non fingo.

(Michael Behe, “The Modern Intelligent Design Hypothesis,” Philosophia Christi, Series 2, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2001), pg. 165, emphasis added.)


After seeing this evidence, it seems that Dawkins’ has misrepresented whether ID proponents are open about their views on the identity of the designer to the public, and the truth is as follows:

ID does not address religious questions about the identity of the designer, and in fact ID proponents have diverse views about the identity of the designer;
ID proponents give principled reasons why ID does not identify the designer, stemming from ID’s intent to respect the limits of science and not attempt to address religious questions that go beyond what can be scientifically inferred from the empirical data;
Whether traditional theists or not, ID proponents are entirely open about their views on the identity of the designer;
ID proponents make it clear that their views about the identity of the designer are their personal religious views, and not conclusions of ID.

End of article quote...

Just Older

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  On 7/5/2019 at 10:26 PM, Cynefin said:
Thanks for posting all these resources. 
I have read a lot of Behe's stuff, but I never heard he believed in aliens as a possible source of life! :perplexed:
After re-reading the website, it is possible that Behe said, 'It could be aliens', based on the lack of scientific evidence to confirm the identity of the intelligence, but he may not actually believe that himself.
It may be he lets the reader use their own reasoning to deduce the intelligent source...

Just Older

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  • 2 months later...

Here is an interesting situation that just took place recently and shows that "losing faith" can be good thing :D


Known for breakthroughs in computing, David Gelernter of Yale University has been hailed as “one of the most brilliant and visionary computer scientists of our time.”

Now Gelernter has stunned the world by renouncing his belief in Darwinism.


"Like so many others, I grew up with Darwin’s theory, and had always believed it was true,” he wrote earlier this year. No longer. “The origin of species is exactly what Darwin cannot explain.”

The aftershocks of Gelernter’s announcement continue to come fast and furious. A video featuring Gelernter has attracted nearly a million views on YouTube. His apostasy has been written about by journalists in Canada, Britain, and Asia.

Prof. Gelernter directly attributes his loss of faith in Darwin to reading books by Discovery Institute Senior Fellows Stephen Meyer, David Berlinski, and David Klinghoffer. His change of mind is a testament to the power of the work being done by Center for Science and Culture scientists and scholars. 


While it would have been great if this Professor would have lost his faith in Darwinism because of learning from our Bible literature, but at least another prominent person in science has been persuaded by seeing intelligent design in Jehovah's creation.  :)

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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Our good old favorite ID icon, the bacterial flagellum, has not exhausted its design tricks. Closer views of the hook region show a remarkable network of linked protein components that is flexible, thereby transferring torque efficiently from the motor to the filament.

Here is an object where a picture is worth a thousand words. In an animation from a paper in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, reproduced here by the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), one can see at a glance a wonderful apparatus in motion. If you tried to build a pipe that had to rotate on its long axis while maintaining its angular shape, could you do better than this?




(Nice 9sec video clip as well) 


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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 7/5/2019 at 4:21 AM, Maʹher-shalʹal-hash-baz said:

Episode 5 is up from the ID group. This seems a real quick moving and solid bit of editing along with convincing arguments.

I am not a fan of the monkey masks. I 'get' the idea, but it does not resonate with me personally.


While I am enjoying the ride of these videos, I am wondering where the catch will be. Will they solicit for money?  Will they push other ideas that suit them? Ideas that are not compatible with F&DS direction?


Please view and share with discretion. 



From their resources:


"The expert witnesses here are synthetic organic chemist James Tour, protein chemist Douglas Axe, and philosopher of science Stephen Meyer. Professor Tour is a personality to be reckoned with, pouring steely scorn on his colleagues who study, and mislead, about the origin of life. 

Fallacious, Ridiculous

“All of these little pictures of molecules coming together to form the first cell are fallacious, are ridiculous,” says Tour. “The origin of life community has not been honest.” Claims by Craig Venter and others are little more than hype. What about claims that material processes at the dawn of life had time on their side? No, the opposite is true. Claims by researchers of having created “proto-cells” are like saying you’ve created a “proto-turkey” by warming some cold cuts, broth, and a few feathers.

Dr. Axe and Dr. Meyer clarify both the complexity of the object needing to be explained — the first cell — and the delusion of imagining that the “functional, digital information” in DNA could have been authored with no intelligence having played any part in it.

There is some tough cricism here, notably of researchers in the origin of life community. They seem to be fooling themselves, and us along with them. Humans are good at that. Together we’re under a poisonous spell, scientists and the lay public alike..."


I started to watch several YouTube videoes of lectures given by James Tour.  Whew, no one can deny that he knows what he is talking about -and he very likely scares dyed-in-the-wool purely materialistic evolutionists, because he knows very well the lack of advancement in origin of life research, despite the self assured claims in textbooks. He also seems to make his lectures as easy as possible for the layperson to understand, which I appreciate.

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  On 11/23/2019 at 10:07 PM, rbrown1205 said:
I started to watch several YouTube videoes of lectures given by James Tour.  Whew, no one can deny that he knows what he is talking about -and he very likely scares dyed-in-the-wool purely materialistic evolutionists, because he knows very well the lack of advancement in origin of life research, despite the self assured claims in textbooks. He also seems to make his lectures as easy as possible for the layperson to understand, which I appreciate.
There is a Harvard lawyer turned ID advocate. He has a few YouTube lectures up. Very sharp mind. Lookup Philip Johnson. Died this month. That's how I heard about him.

Just Older

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  On 11/23/2019 at 10:23 PM, Maʹher-shalʹal-hash-baz said:

There is a Harvard lawyer turned ID advocate. He has a few YouTube lectures up. Very sharp mind. Lookup Philip Johnson. Died this month. That's how I heard about him.


Just saw this    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpp5TEB3NEg-      I was very impressed by his straightforward indictment of the evolutionists' underhanded tactic to get believers in creation to accept their doctrine and then to see  students discarding their belief in God as the Creator of life and humans.


And people wonder why there is so much bullying and violence in the schools. If life is just an accident  of undirected chance, then why be moral and peaceful? Why not play video games in class, or read fiction based on stories about magic and demons?


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I know this does not directly related to Meyer (whom I also ADMIRE as a capable spokesperson for the ID position )  but your mention of Phillip Johnson reminded me of another early objector of the Evolution theory whose book I read way back when I got baptized - Norman Macbeth, who in 1971 wrote Darwin Retried: An Appeal to Reason.  He also had a background in law, from Harvard, and used his training in legal logic to refute many issues that were claimed by evolutionists.   And, you can get it free now, as a PDF:   http://do.columbian.com/Darwin-retried-appeal-reason-macbeth.pdf

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  • 3 months later...

Michael Behe has launched a new series of video clips supporting ID (Intelligent Design).
There are 3 episodes up now. They put forward good evidence regarding 'creation', but be aware that there are other links on topics like:- assisted suicide and testing on animals that can be distracting. (So refer this site with forethought...)

Someone Must Have the Answer! (Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe, Ep. 1)


Just Older

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I have his book, Signature in the Cell, but haven't started it yet.  I have a few ID books including How Blind is the Watchmaker?, Shattering the Myths of Darwinism, and Darwin's Black Box by Michael Behe.  Behe's other book, The Edge of Evolution, is also good.



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  On 5/8/2018 at 1:38 AM, Maʹher-shalʹal-hash-baz said:

Anyone read any of his books?


I have read a fair amount of Darwin's Doubt.  I like the idea that he used the same scientific method that Darwin used to establish his evolutionary theory, and then Meyer demonstrated that it does not succeed in establishing evolution as truth.


He actually quoted Darwin's Origin of Species book, where he said what it would take to disprove his theory,  and then, as an effective disproof,  Meyer pointed to the Cambrian Explosion, which is a period in which most major body forms of animals just appeared in a short amount of time, with no intermediates.


He is about to present his newest book, which kind of looks like a school textbook, over 380 pages long, called "The Return of the God Hypothesis"  - the title sounds like a play on the atheist Richard Dawkins' book "The God Delusion".  Meyer also made available a 31 page summary of his new book online.  Here it is:

sm_returnofgod(1).pdfFetching info...

Edited by rbrown1205

typos, etc.
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  On 3/12/2020 at 4:09 AM, Maʹher-shalʹal-hash-baz said:

Just Older


Brother, I like Michael Behe too, he is easy to read and listen to, and makes his point about irreducible complexity very clear, like a teacher who doesn't use a lot of big words.   I have read also that he does not dismiss the idea of alien beings bringing life to the earth.  I will look for his quote on that.  Seems to me that any of that sort of thing would be disproven by the specific fine tuning of this planet that is located here.


By the way, Darwin Retried is no longer available at the Columbian newspaper site.  There are a few low priced copies at ebay, though.  I don't think that Norman Macbeth ever had a presence on the internet.


(I always pity the brothers who have for Bible reading the section of Isaiah that contains your nickname.) 

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  On 6/27/2020 at 5:24 PM, rbrown1205 said:
Brother, I like Michael Behe too, he is easy to read....
(I always pity the brothers who have for Bible reading the section of Isaiah that contains your nickname.) 

I bought Behe's last book, Darwin Devolves. (I must get to finishing it.)
I signed up early, so I got the bonus online classes, hosted by Behe. He is fun to watch.

PS My first Watchtower assignment at a circuit assembly level (in the 90's) was on proper pronounciation of bible names. Hence my introduction to the name.
(I also found out, you can only change your name once a year on this forum, so I am unable to change it. Lol)

Old (Downunder) Tone

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I was curious what brought Behe to this search for the cause of the design in nature.    He mentioned in a Youtube interview seven years ago and in his wikipedia article that he believed what his professors taught him about the final certainty of Darwin's explanation, but then he ran across a book by written by Michael Denton called "Evolution: a Theory in Crisis" in the mid-80's, and this book presented from several sciences several clear reasons to doubt Darwin.  Another early intelligent design advocate named Philip Johnson, who later became involved in the Discovery Institute with Stephen Meyer, was also influenced by the book.

Here is  the YouTube interview


Here is a second lecture - timed within a year of the interview - this one is longer, but he isn't hard to listen to.



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  • 2 months later...

New Book by Biologist Michael Denton on Nature’s Miraculous “Primal Blueprint”



"The cynicism of our time poisons everything, from academic life to media coverage to personal relationships. It instructs us to look at each other with suspicion or mockery, at the cosmos with indifference, at life itself with a shrug. Onto the scene steps biologist Michael Denton, no conventional religious believer, who nevertheless announces that the basis of life, the cells that populate our bodies and those of all other organisms, bear evidence of a 'miracle'."






There is a video too:






Old (Downunder) Tone






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I just saw on the computer that there is a new 93 minute movie that outlined the scientific difficulties in the evolution theory, called Dismantled (not a JW production, but the points that it makes are very similar to our Life How Did it Here? book). 


 It also several recently discovered research areas on how things devolve rather than evolve, and how different humans are compared to other animals, and why there isn't enough time for the various species to form, etc.  It can be watched online for free today (ONLY this weekend).


A group called ICR produced it, which seems to be an advocate group for acceptance of the Genesis account of creation.  Most of it points to recent science research and references peer reviewed science research.





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  On 6/27/2020 at 5:24 PM, rbrown1205 said:

I have read also that he does not dismiss the idea of alien beings bringing life to the earth.  I will look for his quote on that.



This seems very hard to believe knowing the man and what he as wrote (unless its something very old). He is a Roman Catholic and believes that life started on Earth by the operation of an intelligent creator - God

  On 6/27/2020 at 9:50 PM, ➕👇 ꓤꓱꓷꓠꓵ🎵Tone said:

(I also found out, you can only change your name once a year on this forum, so I am unable to change it. Lol)

emoji3073.pngOld (Downunder) Tone emoji854.png



I want to know how did you get to put your name image.png.e23546f801bb818d277db8c346d76a2b.png

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