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Personal Study Ideas

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I have found great delight in watching/listening to a different Morning Worship each morning.


As of this date, there are 169 published Morning Worship talks on JW.org... totaling 26 hours 33 minutes and 33 seconds worth of “spiritual abs/core” workouts!!!

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I've not long recieved my physical copy of the Holy Scriptures Matthew to Acts ..


So this will be some of my physical study for a long while, I'm loving the work that went into it and I tend to still appreciate a proper book, those margins are great 😊


I'm also going to continue to study Bible characters.... Timothy at the moment 

Edited by Anniebea

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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Not sure if this counts but I like to research encouragement for others, obviously I study for my own understanding but I get a real joy out of finding something I can share with a brother or sister who really needs it

Hebrews 11:1

~ Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen. ~

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On 11/28/2020 at 9:52 AM, Anniebea said:

I've not long recieved my physical copy of the Holy Scriptures Matthew to Acts ..


So this will be some of my physical study for a long while, I'm loving the work that went into it and I tend to still appreciate a proper book, those margins are great 😊


I'm also going to continue to study Bible characters.... Timothy at the moment 

My plan is to GO through the "Jesus The Way" book again with the hard copy of the Study Bible and then "Bearing Witness" book with the hard copy of the Study Bible, as my personal study.

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Our family study tonight consisted of 2 things. First listening to this article together:



Then discussing the nanoseconds, milliseconds, m/s of noise, and echolocation, including looking and analyzing sound graphs, calculations on the scientific calculator, and peak conclusions. Then discussing it in laymen terms so our 9 year old daughter wouldn't get bored. This is what happens when you are married to an doctor of engineering. 😅


Second was watching this very encouraging video about the branch update on Finland/Scandanavia  😍:


Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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1 hour ago, Lieblingskind said:

Our family study tonight consisted of 2 things. First listening to this article together:


Did you listen to it while walking around the house with your eyes closed? 👀

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Recently, I began a new study project all about "Prayer".


Inspired by so many things, both current and past... but in particular, Brother Lett gave a talk, and he mentioned something along the lines of, "If Jesus the perfect Son of God didn't rely on himself (but constantly prayed to Jehovah), we should be scared to death to do that (rely on ourselves)."


Now more than ever, I want to be as close to Jehovah as I can be. To be kept wrapped tightly in His loving arms... to keep tight hold of His hand as I run the race down the path to life is my hearts desire. Yet, even though I have this unlimited power supply available to me 24 hours a day, how easy it is to veer toward trying to handle things on my own. Getting so preoccupied in my self and my day... even when doing good... that I forget to cry out to my Father in heaven and beg Him for the strength and guidance that I need.


If any of you have any suggestions for something to read, watch or listen to in regards to this study, I would greatly appreciate it!!!


Luke 18:13 "not willing even to raise his eyes heavenward... kept beating his chest, saying, 'O God, be gracious to me, a sinner.'"

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On 11/28/2020 at 5:02 PM, Rain said:

I love these suggestions and ideas - very helpful! 😄

My family is currently trying to memorize more songs, both the Original songs and our Kingdom songs. So far, so good! 

Oh Sis,

I have been trying for a while now - so good to hear you and yours are doing well with this - 

these songs are so important - they are beautiful prayers! 

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20 hours ago, Jack1979 said:

Inspired by so many things, both current and past... but in particular, Brother Lett gave a talk, and he mentioned something along the lines of, "If Jesus the perfect Son of God didn't rely on himself (but constantly prayed to Jehovah), we should be scared to death to do that (rely on ourselves)."



So I watched part 1 of the 148th Gilead graduation... and Brother Lett's opening talk about "Imitating Jesus' Modesty", is where he made those comments. He was specifically referring to Jesus not relying on his own strength. But through prayer is how he evidenced that reliance on Jehovah.

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On 12/1/2020 at 5:50 PM, Jack1979 said:

If any of you have any suggestions for something to read, watch or listen to in regards to this study, I would greatly appreciate it!!!


Maybe you could create a list of all prayers mentioned in the bible and than categorize them (length, content, situation of the person, result, lessons for us today....). 

Chrissy :wave:

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3 minutes ago, coony77 said:

Maybe you could create a list of all prayers mentioned in the bible and than categorize them (length, content, situation of the person, result, lessons for us today....). 

That's an interesting idea. Also note how many of the prayers were specific prayers and then note the power of specific prayers.

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Just now, coony77 said:

yes, there is no limit for the categories 😄


6 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

That's an interesting idea. Also note how many of the prayers were specific prayers and then note the power of specific prayers.


11 minutes ago, coony77 said:

Maybe you could create a list of all prayers mentioned in the bible and than categorize them (length, content, situation of the person, result, lessons for us today....). 

Excellent feedback! Thank you both for the wonderful ideas!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

One of my personal study projects is.. less of a specific topic, and more about systematizing my studies so I better remember what I learn. 


I’ve started - some time ago - turning my notes (findings, points I appreciate from meeting/convention/media, etc,) into questions in my OneNote app. Then, scheduling “tests” of these questions into my calendar. Using spaced repetition, I schedule these tests further and further apart (assuming I answered my questions sufficiently accurately), eventually moving this information into my long-term memory. 


This has been very helpful in remembering main points, or at least points meaningful to me, from Conventions and assemblies, as well as interesting reasoning points from my studies. 


I’ve found this mainly useful for better recalling facts and specific tracks of logic for figuring out Bible questions. However, I also try todo this with practical application and have seen some success. That being said, the more general theocratic knowledge you can recall, the more connections you will make while meditating on new material and on your personal life. It’s funny how having more information “pre-loaded” in you brain helps you come to new realizations when you’re reading/studying something totally unrelated. 

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Another thing I’m doing on a long-term consistent basis is making it a practice to summarize the things I read.


For instance, I summarize as I read the Bible. Summarizing what you read into shorter, punchier sentences forces you to really engage with the material on a deeper level than just reading alone. It also provides a good reference for later when you are doing a study of that book/chapter. What I specifically do is try to summarize a paragraph down into a single sentence. Rather than focusing on all the little details, I like to distill the main point being made. This is quite hard with Leviticus as it’s mainly just very specific instructions. But books like Hebrews, where the author is making an argument and taking you on a journey of reasoning, are perfect for this sort of exercise. Any of Paul’s letters are a good candidate for this because I often have such a hard time understanding what on earth he is talking about, distilling the points down to their simplest form helps me follow his train of thought and see what the lesson is. 


Once you’ve finished a book/publication, then you have a handy reference for yourself and you can put it in your study notes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/31/2020 at 2:13 PM, Tortuga said:

A brother recently shared some very interesting ideas for personal study projects that brothers and sisters are doing during the lock-down. 


Review all of your Convention and Assembly notes and add notes to your Study Bible


Analyze the different prayers in the bible to improve your personal and public prayers. (The Insight has a great section on Prayer)


Mind Map the prophecies of the Last Days to see how they fit together


Read all of the Life Stories listed in the Index, there over 800 of them!


Transfer dates from the Index to your Study Bible


Please share your ideas!

" Transfer dates from the Index to your Study Bible"

Please explain this one.

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2 minutes ago, mramirez720 said:

" Transfer dates from the Index to your Study Bible"

Please explain this one.

Add the chronological date for events to the scriptures that describes the event.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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