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James Mantz: “Do Not Be Quick to Take Offense” (Eccl. 7:9)

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This talk must be from 2018 or 2019, since brother Mantz said he first read the experience of brother Weber "38 years ago in the 1980 yearbook."

"The future's uncertain and the end is always near" --- Jim Morrison

"The more I know, the less I understand. All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning again" --- Don Henley

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So good to hear of Bro Adolf Weber. He was Bro Russel's part-time gardener and did not have feelings of self importance.


In 1912, Bro Russell appointed a better educated brother to be in charge of the work in Europe. This brother eventually left as well as four others succeeding him. But Bro Weber still continued faithful.

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35 minutes ago, WilliamChew said:

In 1912, Bro Russell appointed a better educated brother to be in charge of the work in Europe.

Are there any references of this in writing?


I skimmed through these, but couldn't find it. (It might be because I didn't do a deep read of the material)




I'm interested to see if Br. Weber, personally commented on this.

Or if this information is something that Br. Mantz personally knows. 

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2 hours ago, Br. Ice said:

Are there any references of this in writing?

I skimmed through these, but couldn't find it. (It might be because I didn't do a deep read of the material)

I'm interested to see if Br. Weber, personally commented on this.

Or if this information is something that Br. Mantz personally knows. 

Adolph Weber is featured quite extensively in the 1980 Yearbook. There is a very detailed account of his appointment and the struggles with unfaithful servants that followed.

The section of the yearbook is called…”The Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times


France is the first country considered in this yearbook, from page 34 to page 161.


*** dx30-85 France ***

Weber, Adolphe: yb80 35-36, 38-43, 46, 51, 56-59, 65, 119



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From December 1911 to March 1912, Brother Russell made a tour around the world. The Souvenir Notes covering that trip says: “From Rome we went on to Paris, and here met with the little class of International Bible Students in that great city.” Among the arrangements Russell made while on this trip was provision for the opening up in June 1912 of what was called the “French Office” in Geneva, Switzerland. It was responsible for directing the work in France, Belgium and French-speaking Switzerland. Brother Russell put Emile Lanz, a Swiss dentist living in Mulhouse, Alsace, in charge of this branch office. Lanz enlisted the services of Alexandre Freytag, who helped with the translating of the French Watch Tower.
So Adolphe Weber, who had faithfully overseen the work in French-speaking Europe from its beginning at the turn of the century, stepped down in favor of the more educated Lanz and Alexandre Freytag. However, Brother Weber kept a good spirit and continued his yearly pilgrim visits to congregations and isolated brothers in the French-speaking territories. In December 1912, he set out on a long trip throughout France that took him into 42 towns and villages. --- yb 1980 p. 43

"The future's uncertain and the end is always near" --- Jim Morrison

"The more I know, the less I understand. All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning again" --- Don Henley

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17 minutes ago, jwhess said:

The section of the yearbook is called…”The Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Thank you my brothers, for giving me the direction. 

11 minutes ago, minister159 said:

From December 1911 to March 1912, Brother Russell made a tour around the world. The Souvenir Notes covering that trip says: “From Rome we went on to Paris, and here met with the little class of International Bible Students in that great city.” Among the arrangements Russell made while on this trip was provision for the opening up in June 1912 of what was called the “French Office” in Geneva, Switzerland. It was responsible for directing the work in France, Belgium and French-speaking Switzerland. Brother Russell put Emile Lanz, a Swiss dentist living in Mulhouse, Alsace, in charge of this branch office. Lanz enlisted the services of Alexandre Freytag, who helped with the translating of the French Watch Tower.
So Adolphe Weber, who had faithfully overseen the work in French-speaking Europe from its beginning at the turn of the century, stepped down in favor of the more educated Lanz and Alexandre Freytag. However, Brother Weber kept a good spirit and continued his yearly pilgrim visits to congregations and isolated brothers in the French-speaking territories. In December 1912, he set out on a long trip throughout France that took him into 42 towns and villages. --- yb 1980 p. 43

Yes, this is the one. 

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Even though Br. Weber had been replaced, you can see his zeal for God and his Earthly organization.  Here is a brief excerpt from a couple of pages from the 1980 Yearbook.

*** yb80 p. 48 France ***


Brother Freytag, who translated the Society’s publications into French, began taking liberties, inserting his own ideas into the Watch Tower. Brother Weber noticed these changes and advised Brooklyn. Brother Russell, who had just recently appointed Freytag as manager of the Geneva office, wrote Weber: “If he [Freytag] is an evil servant, this will manifest itself.”

In a report on the French work printed in the December 1918 issue of the French Watch Tower, Freytag openly criticized the ‘headquarters office’ for informing him that henceforth the Geneva office should become financially self-supporting. It should be remembered that, at that time, Brother Rutherford and seven other brothers from the Bethel headquarters were unjustly serving prison sentences in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. Freytag apparently reasoned: ‘Russell is dead. His fellow workers are in prison. So according to Revelation 3:15-21, they are the modern Laodiceans whom God has spewed out of his mouth. I am the Lord’s messenger. God has chosen me to establish the new earth and henceforth to lead his people.’



The very next issue of the Watch Tower contained a letter from Brother Rutherford addressed all French readers. It read:

“Dear Brothers in Christ,

“. . . Because of his unfaithful conduct, the administration of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society has dismissed him and relieved him of all business to do with the French-language branch”


The work in the French-speaking field got off to a fresh start. After the Freytag affair had been handled, the French brothers held a small convention in Paris on September 28, 1919, at which a fine spirit of unity and peace was manifest.

Once again there was just one French Watch Tower, with Brother Adolphe Weber back on the translation committee.


This second testing period in the French field was really an aftermath of the rebellion that had taken place in America back in 1917. In that year, P. S. L. Johnson and four members of the board of directors of the Society had tried to wrest control from the newly elected president, Brother Rutherford. …

In 1920, Johnson visited the oldest congregations in the north of France, such as Sin-le-Noble. His purpose was to cause division, and draw the brothers away from Jehovah’s organization, and he eventually was successful. In September 1922, a group of French brothers, including Roussel and Lefèvre in Paris, printed a 16-page declaration, entitled “A Necessary Realignment,” criticizing Brother Rutherford. They distributed it widely among the French-speaking brothers, adding to the confusion and divisions.

In 1922, a general meeting was held in Denain, and pilgrim Brother Adolphe Weber was sent from Switzerland to handle matters. Sister Rachel Beugin and Brother Samuel Nongaillard describe what happened:

“. . . . A vote took place which was a very close thing: 39 were against the Society’s viewpoint and 42 were for it. The 39 ‘rebels’ left, taking their chairs with them, and formed the ‘Association of Bible Students in Denain.’”

Yet, while some left the truth in 1922 and became evil servants, the majority of the brothers remained faithful. Brother Rutherford visited Paris and strengthened the brothers in June of that year.


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I like these final words as well: "On several occasions he had helped the French brothers to weather the storms of testings that had shaken the French-speaking field. All the brothers in France who knew Brother Weber speak of him warmly and recognize the important part he played in the development of the work in France."


After reading the information from the yb80, I really understand why Br. Mantz would say that he still remembered this experience. What a faithful and courageous brother he was. (Br. Weber)

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