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Organizational Accomplishments—Tips for Using JW Library

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On 9/2/2021 at 5:02 AM, Luigi62 said:

Wow! I thought it was free for the organization.


At the end of the April 2016 JWB Bro. William Malenfant says "If we download them the files we can play the song over and over with no extra cost to the organization." And I thought he worded it in an odd way. Now i gyess it makes sence.

This is very true.  If you stream the file just once in your life or if you download the file onto your device, it will cost about the same.  But when you stream the file a second time, the cost double, and then triples and so on.  If you play it from your downloaded copy, it has no additional cost.  Many brothers do not recognize this fact.


When we used to pick up printed literature at the hall, many did not recognize the cost either.  I was the literature servant and I was trying to find out how many publishers needed a DVD copy from the organization so I was asking.  The one sister was gathering the children to go home after a meeting.  I asked her and she wasn't really paying attention and said No.  Then as she looked up, she said..."You might as well get me a couple of those DVDs, after all...they are free."

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We had a literature servant that ordered the Braille Bible. He heard someone's father was going blind and volunteered it. It came in several boxes. It is very expensive to produce, but to the literature servant it was 'free'. The party for whom it was destined is not a JW, has never expressed a desire for a study. His adult childrent are JWs including the one that ordered the 'free' Braille edition. That was 18 plus years ago and the intended 'going blind' recipiant is still a licensed driver.

I have been afraid to ask what became of that Braille Bible.



 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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"You might as well get me a couple of those DVDs, after all...they are free."

All these years in the truth, I have always maintain the practice that whatever literature or related items that I take from the literature counter, I would have to put in a contribution to offset the so-called-free items from the Society. I think it was ingrained in me since those days long ago, when we had to pay for the literature (25 cents per magazine) and then collect a nominal sum back from the householder.  Even our study materials should be reimbursed in the form of donations. But all these years I see sisters (from foreign low income countries) take a hundred placement magazines and not bothered about asking for a small contribution. Even at one time when the Society recommended placing more than 1 magazine to the householder, I always hold back from doing so. I didn't think I could afford to pay for the magazines given free to the public. 


Edited by happiness IS

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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27 minutes ago, happiness IS said:

All these years in the truth, I have always maintain the practice that whatever literature or related items that I take from the literature counter, I would have to put in a contribution to offset the so-called-free items from the Society. I think it was ingrained in me since those days long ago, when we had to pay for the literature (25 cents per magazine) and then collect a nominal sum back from the householder.  Even our study materials should be reimbursed in the form of donations. But all these years I see sisters (from foreign low income countries) take a hundred placement magazines and not bothered about asking for a small contribution. Even at one time when the Society recommended placing more than 1 magazine to the householder, I always hold back from doing so. I didn't think I could afford to pay for the magazines given free to the public. 


I also grew up in the old congregation when we paid for the literature and magazines at the counter.  I started when the magazines were 5 cents.  Regular Pioneers got special pricing and they could keep the difference.  If a book was placed for 50 cents and you only paid 25 cents it was great.  That amount of money could get you lunch or buy a gallon of gas.  Later on 1990s when we stopped charging for literature, I still tracked the pieces that I picked up and made sure that I personally donated for them.


If a congregation got behind in sending in the collection of the literature or magazine money, they would be put on COD and have to pay when they ordered or they wouldn't get any literature.  There were 5 servants in a congregation before there were elders,  After the last meeting in a month, those servants would meet backstage and see how much we were short of funds.  then we passed the hat around and everyone dug deep in the pocket to see if we could cover the loss.  One congregation in the upland woods, used to have a Saturday log cutting day from the Kingdom Hall.  When the wood was  cut they would sell it from the road in front of the hall for firewood.  They collected enough money to pay the bill with the Society.  Good memories but it does remind us that our literature is not FREE...  It is simply provided at NO COST to the householder...💗

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