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Do y'all remember when we used these cards

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Eventually, the Theocratic Ministry School began teaching our publishers how to speak publicly in the 1940s.  But many have fond memories of the Testimony Card.  I have some signed by Knorr and some signed by Rutherford.  One of our pioneer sisters used them.  I have 2 boxes of the phonograph records JF Rutherford produces and I have an old "hand-crank" phonograph. But I did not go door-to-door until 1954, so I never used them.


*** w15 11/15 p. 27 par. 5-8 One Hundred Years Under Kingdom Rulership! ***


5One tool that helped many get started in the ministry was the testimony card, which Kingdom publishers began using in 1933. The card was about three by five inches (7.6 by 12.7 cm) in size and contained a brief Bible message. From time to time, a new card containing a new message was issued. The presentation was simple! C. W. Erlenmeyer was about ten years old when he first engaged in this form of witnessing. He explained: “The standard introduction was, ‘Would you please read this card?’ After the householder read the card, we would present the literature and be on our way.”


8Another tool that was used in the 1930’s and early 1940’s was the portable phonograph, which some brothers nicknamed Aaron because the machine did most of the talking for them. (Read Exodus 4:14-16.) With the householder’s permission, the publisher would play a four-and-one-half-minute Bible lecture, and then he would offer some literature. At times, entire families gathered to listen to a recorded message from the Bible! In 1934 the Watch Tower Society began producing portable phonographs especially designed to be used in the ministry. Eventually, recordings covering 92 different subjects were made available.


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On 11/4/2021 at 9:50 AM, jwhess said:

Eventually, the Theocratic Ministry School began teaching our publishers how to speak publicly in the 1940s.  But many have fond memories of the Testimony Card.  I have some signed by Knorr and some signed by Rutherford.  One of our pioneer sisters used them.  I have 2 boxes of the phonograph records JF Rutherford produces and I have an old "hand-crank" phonograph. But I did not go door-to-door until 1954, so I never used them.


*** w15 11/15 p. 27 par. 5-8 One Hundred Years Under Kingdom Rulership! ***


5One tool that helped many get started in the ministry was the testimony card, which Kingdom publishers began using in 1933. The card was about three by five inches (7.6 by 12.7 cm) in size and contained a brief Bible message. From time to time, a new card containing a new message was issued. The presentation was simple! C. W. Erlenmeyer was about ten years old when he first engaged in this form of witnessing. He explained: “The standard introduction was, ‘Would you please read this card?’ After the householder read the card, we would present the literature and be on our way.”


8Another tool that was used in the 1930’s and early 1940’s was the portable phonograph, which some brothers nicknamed Aaron because the machine did most of the talking for them. (Read Exodus 4:14-16.) With the householder’s permission, the publisher would play a four-and-one-half-minute Bible lecture, and then he would offer some literature. At times, entire families gathered to listen to a recorded message from the Bible! In 1934 the Watch Tower Society began producing portable phonographs especially designed to be used in the ministry. Eventually, recordings covering 92 different subjects were made available.


That is so awesome, we lost all our records and the player in a flood, we had the cylinder shaped record and the player with the big horn, the record was the talk about the great multitude, I would listen to it everyday, because when he ask everyone to stand up that do not want to go to heaven, and then announces behold the great multitude, it would make the hair on the back of my neck stand up, I loved that record, really miss having it. I love these memories. 

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That is so awesome, we lost all our records and the player in a flood, we had the cylinder shaped record and the player with the big horn, the record was the talk about the great multitude, I would listen to it everyday, because when he ask everyone to stand up that do not want to go to heaven, and then announces behold the great multitude, it would make the hair on the back of my neck stand up, I loved that record, really miss having it. I love these memories. 
This is what it looked like if the picture will come through.


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I was working with my father who was using his testimony card. When my dad presented the card to the man at the door, the householder took the card, said thank you and closed the door. My father knocked again and said he wanted his card back.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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