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What do you want to remember from this week's public talk?

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We have our weekend meeting on Saturday, so we had our public talk this morning. This one was just filled to the brim with spiritual gems, points of interest so impelling that I wanted to remember them all! Once in a while we have that kind of a talk that touches us so much we want to remember as many of those spiritual nuggets as we can so we can put the points into practice! Maybe we're not the type to take notes at a public talk (we have so many of them anyway), but at one of these we just want to scribble down as many points as we can, because we want to remember them. What comes to your mind from this week's talk (or any talk that you have heard) that you would like to remember? I'll start with one…


Our talk this weekend was delivered by a brother from a neighbouring congregation. He mentioned so many beautiful points in it that I can't even remember them all. I wish that I had taken notes! But one point I recall: He spoke about faith in the resurrection, a faith so strong that we just know that it is going to be a future reality. He told us about a brother, a friend of his, who was going to have surgery some time back. It was a serious surgery, so much so that he didn't know if he was going to survive it. He knew that he might even pass away on the operating table. He was going to have a general anesthetic, and so would be "asleep" for the surgery. Because of that situation before him he said that he knew he was at some time going to "wake up" from the surgery. But he didn't know which system of things he was going to be in when it happened! This brother had a strong faith in the resurrection. But he didn't know if he would "wake up" in this system of things normally, or if it was going to be by resurrection in the new one.


Do you have anything you'd like to share?

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My favourite talk genres change from time to time. Sometimes I like prophecy re-explained with updates. Sometimes I appreciate encouragement.
But my goto talk is on my 'favourites tab' on my app. Bro Schafer on Rev 16:16.... 'they' ... who are 'they'...

It reminds me that no matter how many times we might read a scripture - when the time is right on the master calendar - a simple but powerful explanation is given. The power of the Holy Spirit in Action is seen. 

I love it. It warms my heart. IMHO 

Old (Downunder) Tone


Edited by ➕👇 ꓤꓱꓷꓠꓵ🎵Tone
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This was not from last weekend, but I found it interesting enough to take note of it. :D 



Luke 21: 18 "But as these things start to occur, stand up straight and lift up your heads, because your deliverance is getting near."


 Never return to the vomit of this senseless world!

Approach the appealing things of this world with the greatest of caution!

Don't be the booby in the booby trap!

Avoid the spirit of this world and continue to cultivate the spirit of the coming NEW WORLD.💜


From the "Why Be of Good Courage" talk given waaaaaay back in the mid-eighties.   👍


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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A talk I remember a point from was at a DC/RC - it was the talk with the clarification about the statue in Daniel ... that there is no significance in the number of toes. I remember the intake of breath in the auditorium when the Brother who gave the talk read verse 41 (“And just as you saw the feet and the toes to be partly of clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom will be divided, but some of the hardness of iron will be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with soft clay) and he pointed out that nowhere in the description of the statue does it mention there being "10" toes.


It seems many had just assumed there were ten toes (since we have 10 toes) on the statue and seemingly assumed "10" was in the scripture.


It impressed on me how careful we have to be when reading scriptures. That we need to make sure we are reading what they actually say - not what we "think" they say or what we want them to say.



"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I gave the public talk this last weekend.  So I remember it quite well. It was talk 82 on the Trinity.


The reference to the Church Council at Nicea in 325 CE (they only began the long road to the trinity) but it was composed of about 300 people including Emperor Constantine.  Those 300 men set the world of Christianity on a false path that continues to this day.



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7 hours ago, 👇 ꓤꓱꓷꓠꓵ🎵Tone said:

I have talk #82 on my list. But nobody is interested in that topic any more. 

We have an old congregation. Our average age is between 50-60 years of age.  One family has 2 babies under 3 years old.  We have only  4 children still in high school. So the talks on raising children, or courtship are not as requested as some younger congregations.  I only give this talk once or twice a decade.

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@john - i remember going to a hall and giving a talk ‘Use Education to praise Jehovah’ i asked the COBE if they had many youth …his answer

no almost 75% is retired…but we have 1 family with 2 teenagers and a pre-teen….this talk is for them…

and some of the friends have grandchildren that they can reflect on this information and maybe help them…


I was shocked, but I appreciated his efforts to help this young man (the 17 yr old) realize the need to prioritize his service to Jehovah -

 — especially during his youth…


He also told me - dont worry if 5-6 fall asleep …. It afternoon and they usually have a nap……lol


later the teenagers father thanked me - specifically for mentioning the idea to try pioneering for 1 year….

the teenager…well he started pioneering - declined the numerous scholarships fr University …..and went to bethel


it was nothing I did……..


Jehovah and the brothers often know just what we need —- even if we dont recognize it


but it impressed upon me how we can use ‘local needs’ and address them with even a Public talk….

Edited by DarinS
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Concerning Brother John's post about his talk about the Trinity and Council of Nicea,  I really like a talk given by Bobby Dunbar entitled "In their Own Tongue and Style of Writing".  At about the 20-22 minute point he talks about 325 CE and gives a fine explanation of the Council  and it's effects. This was on JW Broadcasting.


Robert O.

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3 hours ago, Bob3000 said:

Concerning Brother John's post about his talk about the Trinity and Council of Nicea,  I really like a talk given by Bobby Dunbar entitled "In their Own Tongue and Style of Writing".  At about the 20-22 minute point he talks about 325 CE and gives a fine explanation of the Council  and it's effects. This was on JW Broadcasting.


Robert O.

Congratulations on your first post on JWTalk!



to the forums.


(Well, you've been a member for almost 4 years, so it's about time you let us know you're here.)


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