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AWAKE! No. 1 2022 | A World in Turmoil​—How You Can Cope

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Absolutely brilliant! taking account it was prepared ever since last year, it´s always food in proper time! Only Holy Spirit can produce this.


Im already using it in ministery!

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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12 hours ago, Jonadab said:

Thanks 🙏🙏👍👍👍👍

Looks really good.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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It's interesting how the articles are current and for US too.

We use it in ministry, give informal witnessing or put it in an envelope, but sometimes we don't pay attention to how it can help us.

On the part of good physical health, make it clear physical activity in moderation. We men at the forefront sometimes get so focused on the mechanical and spiritual activities of others that we forget about ourselves :)

I found the article appropriate saying:

.Try to stay physically active. You can start by simply taking regular walks. Physical activity can improve your health, even if you are older, have a disability, or suffer from a chronic illness.

I am among the old and sedentary. So I started a walking activity that has helped me a lot.

Sometimes we will have to buy the time for this, leaving other young brothers for activities that can be developed and trained by them.

This article, in short, is an attention to ourselves!

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51 minutes ago, Leonard Match Valid said:

É interessante como os artigos são atuais e para os EUA também.

Nós a usamos no ministério, damos testemunho informal ou a colocamos em um envelope, mas às vezes não prestamos atenção em como ela pode nos ajudar.

Por parte da boa saúde física, deixe claro a atividade física com moderação. Nós, homens de vanguarda, às vezes ficamos tão focados nas atividades mecânicas e espirituais dos outros que nos esquecemos de nós mesmos.:)

Achei o artigo apropriado dizendo:

.Tente manter-se fisicamente ativo. Você pode começar simplesmente fazendo caminhadas regulares. A atividade física pode melhorar sua saúde, mesmo se você for mais velho, tiver uma deficiência ou sofrer de uma doença crônica.

Estou entre os velhos e sedentários. Então comecei uma atividade de caminhada que tem me ajudado muito.

Às vezes teremos que ganhar tempo para isso, deixando outros jovens para atividades que possam ser desenvolvidas e treinadas por eles.

Este artigo, em suma, é uma atenção a nós mesmos!

Exactly, I took everything for myself and my family, especially now that it is necessary to take care of health, save money, know how to use resources, maintain spirituality,Be vigilant in emergencies,and some physical exercise.

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  • 7 months later...

The advice to get enough rest is very true. Personally I get very grouchy when I lack enough sleep.😅


The Bible says: “Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind.” (Ecclesiastes 4:6) We need to
balance work with sufficient rest.


“I find that my sleep affects all aspects of my health. If I do not sleep enough, I sometimes get headaches and my body feels sore. But when I get plenty of sleep, I feel as though I could take on the world! I have lots of energy, and I get sick much less frequently.”—Justin.

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