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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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10 hours ago, Dages said:

Sealing is individual, so unless they all communicate together to confirm they are all sealed at the same time, then I doubt they will all know.


On the other hand, if the GB is making an update to talk about this and the fact that they are now all sealed, the anointed individual will know, and we will too, at the same time.

remember reading  final sealing will surely happen before the start of Armegedon. it may continue to happen during the GT.

Edited by Dumma
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3 hours ago, Sofia said:

When religion is banned what are the possible motives and consequences?


personal opinion:



-Religious-motivated violence and discrimination may be reduced.

-Religious-based laws may be removed, leading to greater gender equality, civil rights, and freedom of expression.

-Societal focus may shift to more secular, rational values and decision-making.

-Religious institutions may be stripped of wealth and power.



-The freedom of religion may be violated, which could lead to further civil unrest.

-Religious organizations could become targets of persecution and violence.

-Religious-based charities and social services could be adversely affected.

-Religious beliefs and practices could become marginalized or lost over time.

All of the above. 

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2 hours ago, LeolaRootStew said:


This is a side point, but doesn't this answer some of the questions about what happens to an unfaithful anointed person? They would lose their heavenly reward, but considering our new understanding of when "the door of the ark closes" they would have as much of a chance as other people to still survive Armageddon.


So I would disagree with the statement that "earth is not a consolation prize; if they lose out on their heavenly hope - that's it."

Earth is not a consolation prize. If they lose out on their reward for being unfaithful (everlasting life in the heavens), that's it. Everlasting life on earth is not a substitute or alternative for those who miss out on the heavenly prospect due to unfaithfulness. If one misses out because Jehovah has judged them unfaithful as goats, they do not then become possible sheep with everlasting life on earth in view. It underscores the very sobering reality as to why anointed ones MUST DO THEIR UTMOST TO MAKE THEIR CHOOSING AND CALLING SURE FOR THEMSELVES. 

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3 minutes ago, truce said:

Earth is not a consolation prize. If they lose out on their reward for being unfaithful (everlasting life in the heavens), that's it. Everlasting life on earth is not a substitute or alternative for those who miss out on the heavenly prospect due to unfaithfulness. If one misses out because Jehovah has judged them unfaithful as goats, they do not then become possible sheep with everlasting life on earth in view. It underscores the very sobering reality as to why anointed ones MUST DO THEIR UTMOST TO MAKE THEIR CHOOSING AND CALLING SURE FOR THEMSELVES. 

true hope is one you fail then it's hopeless 

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34 minutes ago, bagwell1987 said:

If someone could do a study on how many corporations are owned by religious organizations I think everyone would be shocked. In the US many mega grocery stores are owned or partially owned by Catholic or LDS. So once religion goes down commercialism is going to founder. The stable world will crumble. 


Here's a start to at least find out who has a religious background. I wouldn't doubt shares of the companies have been purchased and/or large donations from large churches to these companies.



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Thing is, if it takes brain cells to try to figure something out, that is not what i want to even think about. 
Daniel got a glimpse of life as we know it, and was sort of sick, (numb) for days. When Iʼm driving, and get a glimpse of what may be a dead dog, hit by a car, i look away. I donʼt want my mind to dwell on such. Not to be a part of my memory bank. 
I halfway know what is going on in the world. (Television news, and not by my choice) That’s entirely enough.

I see what the organization says about war. (World war, or otherwise) and that is enough for me. 
If my mind wanders as I’m trying to go to sleep, I get out whatever is charged up, and listen to Morning worship, scripture enactments, or, kingdom music. Sometimes I know I slept a bit, because I missed something. Or, the Bible. 
Anything else is upsetting. I don’t know if I’m especially fragile, or what. But, I am through with the stress of this world. 
If I hear of flooding, storms, or earthquakes, etc, I pray for our brothers and sisters. 
Ukraine? If I start getting upset, I get onto our site, and see what Jehovah is doing for our brothers and sisters there. 

As I write this, the tv is blaring, but, I look out the window to trees, sky, and if I concentrate, I hear the river, or the stream in the woods, or better yet, the birds. 
I like the thought that the GT could come and go, and I may not know about it. That was from a very dear brother. In all honestly, I want to know, and I want to see, and be a part of what is going on, at that time. 
And, thrive…


I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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1 hour ago, Miss Bea said:

Le fait est que s’il faut des cellules cérébrales pour essayer de comprendre quelque chose, ce n’est même pas à cela que je veux penser. 
Daniel a eu un aperçu de la vie telle que nous la connaissons et a été en quelque sorte malade (engourdi) pendant des jours. Quand je conduis et que j'aperçois ce qui pourrait être un chien mort, heurté par une voiture, je détourne le regard. Je ne veux pas que mon esprit s'attarde là-dessus. Ne pas faire partie de ma banque de mémoire. 
Je sais à moitié ce qui se passe dans le monde. (Journal télévisé, et pas par mon choix) C'est tout à fait suffisant.

Je vois ce que dit l'organisation à propos de la guerre. (Guerre mondiale, ou autre) et cela me suffit. 
Si mon esprit s'égare pendant que j'essaie de m'endormir, je sors tout ce qui est chargé et j'écoute l'adoration du matin, les textes bibliques ou la musique du royaume. Parfois, je sais que j'ai un peu dormi, parce que j'ai raté quelque chose. Ou la Bible. 
Tout le reste est bouleversant. Je ne sais pas si je suis particulièrement fragile, ou quoi. Mais j’en ai fini avec le stress de ce monde. 
Si j’entends parler d’inondations, de tempêtes ou de tremblements de terre, etc., je prie pour nos frères et sœurs. 
Ukraine? Si je commence à m’énerver, j’accède à notre site et je vois ce que Jéhovah fait pour nos frères et sœurs là-bas. 

Au moment où j'écris ceci, la télé hurle, mais je regarde par la fenêtre les arbres, le ciel, et si je me concentre, j'entends la rivière, ou le ruisseau dans les bois, ou mieux encore, les oiseaux. 
J'aime l'idée que la GT pourrait aller et venir, et je ne le sais peut-être pas. Cela venait d'un frère très cher. En toute honnêteté, je veux savoir, je veux voir et faire partie de ce qui se passe à ce moment-là. 
Et prospérer…


That's why we love you, Miss Bea. Because through your eyes we too see these majestic trees, these birds, this river and the clouds that watch over it. We wisely leave behind the scenes of horror that our screens vomit 24 hours a day. We want to draw closer to your wisdom and peace, these gifts from Jehovah that He also wants to give us. Thank you, Miss Bea. We learn from you ... 😘😘😘

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8 hours ago, LeolaRootStew said:


This is a side point, but doesn't this answer some of the questions about what happens to an unfaithful anointed person? They would lose their heavenly reward, but considering our new understanding of when "the door of the ark closes" they would have as much of a chance as other people to still survive Armageddon.


So I would disagree with the statement that "earth is not a consolation prize; if they lose out on their heavenly hope - that's it."


Of course, we just do not know. I guess it would depend on whether they have just dozed off or whether in doing so they have  sinned against the Holy Spirit. But that is in Jehovah's and Jesus' judgement domain. 

I remain neutral about things that are outside my realm of knowledge and I love the 'we just don't know' statement. 

I'm sure we'll gain the answers and understanding to many of our current unanswerable questions when we arrive at our destination. ❤️

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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12 hours ago, LeolaRootStew said:


This is a side point, but doesn't this answer some of the questions about what happens to an unfaithful anointed person? They would lose their heavenly reward, but considering our new understanding of when "the door of the ark closes" they would have as much of a chance as other people to still survive Armageddon.


So I would disagree with the statement that "earth is not a consolation prize; if they lose out on their heavenly hope - that's it."

No doubt, Jehovah knows who are belong to him. No doubt, he knows the timing of final sealing and he will make no mistake about this thing. 

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9 hours ago, truce said:

Earth is not a consolation prize. If they lose out on their reward for being unfaithful (everlasting life in the heavens), that's it. Everlasting life on earth is not a substitute or alternative for those who miss out on the heavenly prospect due to unfaithfulness. If one misses out because Jehovah has judged them unfaithful as goats, they do not then become possible sheep with everlasting life on earth in view. It underscores the very sobering reality as to why anointed ones MUST DO THEIR UTMOST TO MAKE THEIR CHOOSING AND CALLING SURE FOR THEMSELVES. 


I think you misunderstood. I'm not saying that them being unfaithful means they have to live on earth instead of heaven. I'm saying that if they return to Jehovah during the Great Tribulation it will be too late to be one of the anointed, so that would mean they are part of the great crowd now. Why would they be judged as goats if they repent?

Edited by LeolaRootStew
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The count is now up to 25 Governors who are pledging support for Texas and their border efforts…..


I smell Civil War!!!




The scene of the world changes DAILY!! 


Edited by zoebarry
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6 minutes ago, LeolaRootStew said:


I think you misunderstood. I'm not saying that them being unfaithful means they have to live on earth instead of heaven. I'm saying that if they return to Jehovah during the Great Tribulation it will be too late to be one of the anointed, so that would mean they are part of the great crowd now. Why would they be judged as goats if they repent?

If a anointed one fall out of his transgressions he'll lose God's favor and there's no hope for him either heaven or earth. if he truly repents he'll have the same hope what he had calling for, his hope will not change. same with the Great crowd hope will not change. if you keep it up you will be rewarded according to your calling.

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2 minutes ago, zoebarry said:

The count is now up to 25 Governors who are pledging support for Texas and their border efforts…..


I smell Civil War!!!




The scene of the world changes DAILY!! 


That was annual meeting last year. The world will be going to be more divisive. 

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3 minutes ago, LeolaRootStew said:


To say that they don't have an opportunity to be forgiven when they repent just because they were anointed doesn't make sense to me.

I guess we will wait and see how Jehovah feels about that. 

In my very imperfect mind when we see a gift given... bestowed (an honor, right or gift) on a person and said person proves unworthy because of poor decisions or not being faithful to his calling, will he therefore be granted life forever among those who proved faithful to an earthly future despite personal torment in life here on earth. Like it's been said. Life on earth is not a consolation prize, something secondary. Jehovah created us here. It's where we really belong. It's our home, the original home. The heaven's provide a ruling class that have lived among us and can understand us which enriches the heaven's. So to me if some of the annointed are unfaithful to their calling it's as if we are unfaithful to our earthly calling.

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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9 minutes ago, chuck83 said:

Iran is now a ‘legitimate target’ for Israeli missile strikes, senior minister says


Something to keep an eye on or at least be mindful of.

Daniel 11:41.. many nations will stumble 

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34 minutes ago, chuck83 said:

Iran is now a ‘legitimate target’ for Israeli missile strikes, senior minister says


Something to keep an eye on or at least be mindful of.

He concluded: This is a religious war.”

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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8 minutes ago, chuck83 said:


I was waiting for someone to find that. 🤣

Down Under the article appears upside down .. so that was a first sentence ...LOL :lol1:

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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58 minutes ago, LeolaRootStew said:


I think you misunderstood. I'm not saying that them being unfaithful means they have to live on earth instead of heaven. I'm saying that if they return to Jehovah during the Great Tribulation it will be too late to be one of the anointed, so that would mean they are part of the great crowd now. Why would they be judged as goats if they repent?

 If the groom arrives and they are not ready, he will not enter the wedding 

Read this:

Before the great tribulation begins, all faithful anointed ones on Earth will have received their final sealing. (Revelation 7:1-4) From that point onward, it is confirmed that they will go to heaven. However, what if, in the years before the great tribulation, some anointed individuals are not vigilant and prove unfaithful? They will not receive the final sealing. When the great tribulation starts, other faithful Christians may have been anointed in their place. Then, with the onset of the great tribulation, those unfaithful ones might be shocked to witness the destruction of Babylon the Great. It's possible that only then will they realize they were not ready for Jesus' arrival, akin to the foolish virgins. What will happen if, at that moment, they seek help? The parable indicates that the wise virgins did not share their oil with the foolish ones but told them to go buy oil. However, it was "in the middle of the night," suggesting they wouldn't find anyone selling oil. This signifies that it was too late.

Now read this more: 

Example : 

"Can an anointed Christian who has been disfellowshipped later be reinstated and still have the heavenly hope?

Yes, it is possible. Naturally, in each case, it is Jehovah God who decides whether to grant such forgiveness or not.

That this is possible is corroborated by what we read in the letters of the apostle Paul to the Corinthian congregation. He wrote to Christians anointed by the Holy Spirit and who received the hope of heavenly life. Paul addressed them as 'those who have been sanctified in union with Christ Jesus, called to be holy.' — 1 Cor. 1:2; 15:49.

One of these anointed Christians began practicing fornication. Apparently, when he did not repent or stop his immorality, Paul instructed the congregation to disfellowship him. (1 Cor. 5:1-5, 9-13) However, it seems that this disfellowshipped individual later sincerely repented. It is understood to be the person whom Paul referred to in his second letter when advising the Corinthians to forgive and accept back the former sinner. — 2 Cor. 2:6-11; 7:8-13.

When that man was reinstated in the congregation, what was his hope? Had he lost the heavenly calling, and had his hope then changed to an earthly eternal life? No, because the earthly hope is not like a second chance perspective. Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and a multitude of other people of notable faith had the hope of an eternal life on earth, not because they fell short of the heavenly calling, but simply because they did not live in the time when the heavenly calling was made, according to Jehovah's will. (Heb. 10:19, 20) Comparable faith and integrity are required of all who want to attain eternal life, whether in heaven or on the paradisaic earth. The Christian anointed with the Holy Spirit and made a co-heir with Christ must prove faithful to this calling if they want to receive eternal life. — Rev. 2:10, 11; Phil. 3:8-14; Rom. 8:14-17."

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3 hours ago, Dhanyel said:


Why Is Politics So Divisive?

What does the Bible say?501100063_univ_lsr_lg.thumb.jpg.9fb849c111b7ad3b9bc5b745d1514498.jpg



I don't see any image credit attributed.   And the protest signs are curiously ambiguous.


So, computer generated image?

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