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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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On 11/15/2024 at 4:12 PM, Shawnster said:

Which is dumb. Who does the world owe this debt to? Each other! So why don't they just cancel the outstanding debt, at least cancel the equal amounts owed to each other. 

This is what 'leverage', 'on margin', or 'credit' (debt really) means. Ways of creating debt without actually having any 'real' money to back it up. Banks are allowed to do that, but not individuals. We can't loan out what we don't have, but banks can. This was one of the causes of the 1929 Stock Market Crash as Trust Funds and Bonds were being created out of thin air for sale and speculators pushed the prices way up, until ...

I thought it was well explained here: https://archive.org/download/greatcrash19290000unse/greatcrash19290000unse.pdf which is the book by John Kenneth Galbraith, a contemporary of the times. His chapter on Goldman Sachs (p 48) is well worth a read. After the Great War of the second horseman of the Apocalypse (war) there was a third horseman with scales, weighing carefully everything we eat. It rather reflects the wild decades following the war with the thirties being the Great Depression before part 2 of the Great War or WWII. It was initiated by the stock market crash of 1929. It is part of the Last Days and still happens: 1987, 2007-8, ...


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11 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

Apparently political reasons were not behind the decision but North Korean troops re-enforcing Russian army by thousands, and Ukraine crumbling defenses.

Basically serious situation is developing where Ukraine can fall, and Nato and others cannot allow this.  

Panic sets in not only in White House but in Europe as well. Ukrainian army is on retreat. 

So political reasons aside, reality on the ground is terrible. Allowing long reach missiles is an act of desperation. 

Something tells me that Putin will react badly to it. 


Biden withheld this very decision out of concern that it would accelerate the war to who-knows-what / nuclear.


But now that he has his suitcase open on the bed and the U-Haul booked, now he does a 180?   And that's not a political decision?


One thing is for sure ~ Biden couldn't care less about peace and security.


Bringing in the North Koreans gives the impression that Russia is gasping for air too.


Doesn't this just set up Trump to be the peacemaker and the fulfillment of 1 Thess 5:3 ?   (tu) 

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3 hours ago, Doug said:

But now that he has his suitcase open on the bed and the U-Haul booked, now he does a 180?   And that's not a political decision?


Anything a politician decides is a political decision. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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5 hours ago, Doug said:


Biden withheld this very decision out of concern that it would accelerate the war to who-knows-what / nuclear.


But now that he has his suitcase open on the bed and the U-Haul booked, now he does a 180?   And that's not a political decision?


One thing is for sure ~ Biden couldn't care less about peace and security.


Bringing in the North Koreans gives the impression that Russia is gasping for air too.


Doesn't this just set up Trump to be the peacemaker and the fulfillment of 1 Thess 5:3 ?   (tu) 

None of them care about Peace & Security.  That's why only via Jehovah putting that 'one thought' into their hearts can it happen. Trump has nothing to do with 1 Thess 5:3 as it comes through the UN with the blessing of ALL the Kings of the earth. 


If Mr, Trump suddenly passes away tomorrow, does that mean we are all in trouble?  The only part of fulfillment is the pushing and pulling of both the KoN and KoS, but we don't need a specific individual to fulfill that prophecy as it's been happening for years. 


I personally think we as individuals can be so very distracted if we look to a single personality to fulfill prophecy, even if that person, in some people's eyes is charismatic, vocal etc. Jehovah’s arm is not short ... the US is only part of the puzzle.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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5 hours ago, SheyZ said:


Yes we have to keep our brotherhood united in our hearts and minds. Prayer is indeed powerful. Hugs my sister.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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1 hour ago, Ahuvah said:

None of them care about Peace & Security.  Trump has nothing to do with 1 Thess 5:3 as it comes through the UN with the blessing of ALL the Kings of the earth. 


If Mr, Trump suddenly passes away tomorrow, does that mean we are all in trouble?  The only part of fulfillment is the pushing and pulling of both the KoN and KoS, but we don't need a specific individual to fulfill that prophecy 



You're right.  Everything will take place according to Jehovah's divine calendar regardless of who is "in charge" of this world.


However, Br Winder said the following in his talk "How Does the Light Get Brighter" at 11:27

"World events might put the spotlight on a particular prophesy that then gets closer attention."


World events might put the spotlight on Rev. 17:17 and that prophesy has now received closer attention.  World events might also put the spotlight on 1 Thess. 5:3 and it may be that Trump becomes a key figure.


The current situation is unprecedented.  The world is talking openly about WW3 and Trump is coming back for a second, and final, term as president of the American portion of KotS.  Very serious decisions are pending.  Has anything like this happened since the Cuban missile crisis?



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29 minutes ago, Doug said:


You're right.  Everything will take place according to Jehovah's divine calendar regardless of who is "in charge" of this world.


However, Br Winder said the following in his talk "How Does the Light Get Brighter" at 11:27

"World events might put the spotlight on a particular prophesy that then gets closer attention."


World events might put the spotlight on Rev. 17:17 and that prophesy has now received closer attention.  World events might also put the spotlight on 1 Thess. 5:3 and it may be that Trump becomes a key figure.


The current situation is unprecedented.  The world is talking openly about WW3 and Trump is coming back for a second, and final, term as president of the American portion of KotS.  Very serious decisions are pending.  Has anything like this happened since the Cuban missile crisis?



Absolutely agree with ths. Therefore there is no wisdom in narrowing future events down to an individual politician. But rather, it's a world situation that encompasses events more than what Mr Trump is saying or doing or having for breakfast.


World events means just that, WORLD events ... not just the US. (Even though it's part of a world power, which as a whole has judgement proclaimed against it)


Edit: I'm NOT talking about not talking about world events ... the escalation of which should be taken note of,  with a balanced view. HOWEVER, attributing the fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5:3 to a single politician as you did, should not be a detour we should make, as 1 Thessalonians is fulfilled via the UN not a single government or man.

Edited by Ahuvah

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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3 hours ago, Ahuvah said:

Trump has nothing to do with 1 Thess 5:3


You don't know that. He might play a pivotal role in that declaration. We'll have to wait and see. 


1 hour ago, Ahuvah said:

Therefore there is no wisdom in narrowing future events down to an individual politician.


He could also be a key player in how the GT starts. He is in a legitimate position to negotiate with Russia and Israel, the biggest conflicts on earth. This could easily lead to something with the UN and the cry of P&S. Obviously it could happen another way, but that doesn't mean we have to avoid all theories where he does play a role, as if that's inappropriate. It seems like you're trying really hard to convince everyone that Trump won't be that important; that is also not balanced. He might be. These are just theories.

Edited by LeolaRootStew
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15 minutes ago, LeolaRootStew said:


You don't know that. He might play a pivotal role in that declaration. We'll have to wait and see. 



He could also be a key player in how the GT starts. He is in a legitimate position to negotiate with Russia and Israel, the biggest conflicts on earth. This could easily lead to something with the UN and the cry of P&S. Obviously it could happen another way, but that doesn't mean we have to avoid all theories where he does play a role, as if that's inappropriate. It seems like you're trying really hard to convince everyone that Trump won't be that important; that is also not balanced. He might be. These are just theories.

It's not negotiations between two kings that causes the UN to make the call. It is Jehovah who puts the thought into ALL the kings to give UN the power.

This is not a theory it's in Rev 17:17.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Just now, Ahuvah said:

It's not negotiations between two kings that causes the UN to make the call. It is Jehovah who puts the thought into ALL the kings to give UN the power.

This is not a theory it's in Rev 17:17.


And we're just theorizing how current events could lead to that moment - like we do with all current events.

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8 minutes ago, LeolaRootStew said:


And we're just theorizing how current events could lead to that moment - like we do with all current events.

No ... the scripture says it.

"What will happen to Babylon the Great? Revelation 17:16, 17 answers that question this way: The ten horns that you saw and the wild beast, these will hate the prostitute and will make her devastated and naked, and they will eat up her flesh and completely burn her with fire. For God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought. Yes, Jehovah will motivate the nations to use the scarlet-colored wild beast, that is, the United Nations, to turn on the world empire of false religion and 

completely destroy it.Rev. 18:21-24."


please note my sister: Its not one nation, but the TEN HORNS acting because Jehovah has stepped in with the 'one thought' ... not because of negotiations of two Governments. 


In case the difference between the two scenarios isn't clear: 

Scenario one that you offer on the table is Trump and Putin negotiate peace talks and go on to persuade the UN to move to Peace and Security. 


Scenario two: based on Revelation 17: 17,18 ... is on Jehovahs timetable, he steps in and moves ALL the nations including Muslim nations (who would not be moved even if Trump/Putin come to an agreement) to RELINGUISH their authority and power to the UN, then the UN in an unprecedented move will move on to P & S then the devastation of false religion. Jehovah should get the praise.  IF left up to men then the praise will go to men. It has to be unprecedented a thing the Kings of the earth would NEVER normally do without Jehovah being in the mix.

Edited by Ahuvah

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Just now, Ahuvah said:

No ... the scripture says it.

"What will happen to Babylon the Great? Revelation 17:16, 17 answers that question this way: The ten horns that you saw and the wild beast, these will hate the prostitute and will make her devastated and naked, and they will eat up her flesh and completely burn her with fire. For God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought. Yes, Jehovah will motivate the nations to use the scarlet-colored wild beast, that is, the United Nations, to turn on the world empire of false religion and 

completely destroy it.Rev. 18:21-24."


please note my sister: Its not one nation, but the TEN HORNS acting because Jehovah has stepped in with the 'one thought' ... not because of negotiations of two Governments. 


The thought may originate with Jehovah, but that doesn't mean it will be nonsensical. The nations who support it will probably think it sounds like a good idea. And it might sound like a good idea because of something to do with Trump or the current wars.


Both things can be true at the same time - it can be from Jehovah and it can make sense from a worldy perspective. And if it makes sense, then it's possible to make guesses; and that's why we're here - to guess.

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5 minutes ago, LeolaRootStew said:


The thought may originate with Jehovah, but that doesn't mean it will be nonsensical. The nations who support it will probably think it sounds like a good idea. And it might sound like a good idea because of something to do with Trump or the current wars.


Both things can be true at the same time - it can be from Jehovah and it can make sense from a worldy perspective. And if it makes sense, then it's possible to make guesses; and that's why we're here - to guess.

Per the talk on the annual meeting, it doesn’t make sense for them to give their power to the UN. It will be obvious that it only comes from Jehovah putting the thought there. 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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34 minutes ago, LeolaRootStew said:


You don't know that. He might play a pivotal role in that declaration. We'll have to wait and see. 



He could also be a key player in how the GT starts. He is in a legitimate position to negotiate with Russia and Israel, the biggest conflicts on earth. This could easily lead to something with the UN and the cry of P&S. Obviously it could happen another way, but that doesn't mean we have to avoid all theories where he does play a role, as if that's inappropriate. It seems like you're trying really hard to convince everyone that Trump won't be that important; that is also not balanced. He might be. These are just theories.

From my personal assessment and old notes, he is a perfect guy to fulfill my expectation. Well that's my personal expectation😂😂😂

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1 minute ago, BLEmom said:

Per the talk on the annual meeting, it doesn’t make sense for them to give their power to the UN. It will be obvious that it only comes from Jehovah putting the thought there. 

Yes!! They will have to know it's Jehovah. 


It might pay to wait for that talk, then it will be clearer for everyone, I'm looking forward to it very much. 

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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2 minutes ago, LeolaRootStew said:


I think it will be obvious to us.

For many to turn to Jehovah in the GT, like those who are removed or brought up witnesses, or ex Bible studies it has to be obvious to everyone. It's unprecedented. 

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Just now, Ahuvah said:

For many to turn to Jehovah in the GT, like those who are removed or brought up witnesses, or ex Bible studies it has to be obvious to everyone. It's unprecedented. 


Few who have fallen away have even heard about the UN being given power as the start of the GT; the vast majority only know about the cry of P&S followed by the destruction of Babylon the Great. That will be obvious to everyone.

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9 minutes ago, Richie said:

From my personal assessment and old notes, he is a perfect guy to fulfill my expectation. Well that's my personal expectation😂😂😂

But if he was a fulfillment of prophesy and is the 'perfect guy' -and my dear brother you are entitled to that thought, but why are we encouraged to stay neutral in our thoughts and heart towards politicians?

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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4 minutes ago, LeolaRootStew said:


Few who have fallen away have even heard about the UN being given power as the start of the GT; the vast majority only know about the cry of P&S followed by the destruction of Babylon the Great. That will be obvious to everyone.

My favourite flowers are a red lily... wish I could give you a bunch ... but we are going to have to hug and agree to disagree. 🌼 🌸 🌻 🌹 

Edited by Ahuvah

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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9 minutes ago, Ahuvah said:


My favourite flowers are a red lily... wish I could give you a bunch ... but we are going to have to hug and agree to disagree. 🌼 🌸 🌻 🌹 


My favorite flowers are Calla Lilies. The color depends on my mood. :givehug:



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40 minutes ago, LeolaRootStew said:


The thought may originate with Jehovah, but that doesn't mean it will be nonsensical. The nations who support it will probably think it sounds like a good idea. And it might sound like a good idea because of something to do with Trump or the current wars.


Both things can be true at the same time - it can be from Jehovah and it can make sense from a worldy perspective. And if it makes sense, then it's possible to make guesses; and that's why we're here - to guess.


Well said.  While Jehovah impels them to temporarily turn over authority to the UN, they do it for a reason that makes sense to them.


They do not suddenly behave as though they all had a lobotomy.

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6 minutes ago, Doug said:


Well said.  While Jehovah impels them to temporarily turn over authority to the UN, they do it for a reason that makes sense to them.


They do not suddenly behave as though they all had a lobotomy.

Point Is though my dear, it's not temporary. It's their demise. Because Jehovahs time has begun. From there they rise as Gog of Magog. And yes ... they will relinquish control as if they are being controlled, but this time, by Jehovah and Satan can't further manipulate them. So Satan of out anger at losing control launches the all out attack on God's people.


So everything, from the P & S, the GT and the attack of Gog is all part of that 'one thought.'

Edited by Ahuvah

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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18 minutes ago, Doug said:

They do not suddenly behave as though they all had a lobotomy.

Oh and 😄 🤣 😂 😆  they are kinda acting like they have a lobotomy now. In that they are being controlled by Satan.


ALL the nations are being dragged as if with a fish hook to the worldwide situation that is Armageddon... very much like Jehovah did with 'The King of the World' in Hezekiahs time. He had no say either.

Edited by Ahuvah

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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