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Worth noting - Medicine & science

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Starting a new topic on things I'm learning about science & medicine.  Probably more specifically medicine, but I'm putting "science" in the topic so as not to limit things.  I'm very fascinated by this kind of stuff, and really wish more people would look into things like this so as to better understand their bodies & therefore be better able to take care of themselves.  I think it would be cool if anyone else who is into science/medicine post what you've been learning here and in this format: Key useful takeaways, your notes, the source material.


For example, I just recently watched a video on the immune system.  So here's what I got from the immune system video:


  • Pay attention to the 5 types of white blood cells in your blood work.  If one is elevated, check into it.  Doctors miss this if you don't appear sick.  You could have a stealth infection.  This can zap your energy & ability to heal.
  • Those with allergies have too much TH2.  Need to reduce cortisol.
  • Avoid caffeine, it stimulates cortisol.
  • Too much cortisol = less effective immune system
  • Stress increases cortisol.
  • When sick, allow yourself to be tired.  Don't try to increase energy with caffeine or anything else.
  • Obese individuals become leptin resistant and get stuck in a terrible catch-22.



Here's my specific notes




And my source material:





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4 minutes ago, Doug said:

Interesting topic.   Do you believe nature has a "cure" for most everything?


Mostly yes.  Based on everything I've learned and personally experienced in the past year, we have plenty of ability to heal ourselves and rid ourselves of most chronic illness.


Once we get caught up in the pharmaceutical world, it's very hard, sometimes impossible, to break free.  But if we can educate ourselves BEFORE we get stuck on pills, we can reverse or avoid most chronic disease.  The key is to answer the question "why are my cells doing what they are doing (wrong), and how do we get them to change?". 


"Our bodies are not stupid....they're just doing the best they can with the crummy cards they've been dealt" (Dr. Kevin - the one who fixed me & my wife up).

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Key takeaways:

  • Helps control your blood sugar
  • Protects your heart
  • Cleans your digestive tract
  • Keeps you feeling full and helps with weight management.
  • DON'T EAT WHITE BREAD (and other "white" choices when there's alternatives that have fiber)!!






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Fevers & Acetaminophen


Key takeaways:

  • Fevers are how your body tries to fight infections.
  • Don't stop a fever unless it gets above 103.  Only above 103 is when it's potentially dangerous.
  • Tylenol (and by extension, anything with acetaminophen) is so toxic to your liver, they come with stern warnings.
  • Be very careful and conscientious about taking acetaminophen.  All pharmaceutical drugs are harsh on either the liver and/or the kidneys.  This one is particularly stressful.
  • While you might not have obvious side effects, you could potentially have lower energy levels for longer while your body deals with detoxing.






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"Bad" Cholesterol & Statin drugs


DISCLAIMER: Please do your own research into this particular topic before making any changes to your medical choices.


Key Takeaways:

  • Cholesterol is used to patch up & repair the body, like in the case of leaky gut or leaky blood-brain barrier.
  • Cholesterol also stabilizes mitochondria, to make more energy in the body.
  • Cholesterol is also needed to create sex hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen.
  • If your cellular energy or sex hormones are low, your body will increase your cholesterol to try to compensate.
  • Cholesterol cannot be sticky unless there is inflammation.
    • Sugar, trans fats, and chemicals in the body that creates the inflammatory process.
      • Seed oils are the main culprit of trans fats.
      • Higher blood sugar = higher chance for heart attack.  This is independent of the cholesterol levels.
    • So LDL ("bad" cholesterol) is not a problem unless you have inflammation.
  • Studies show elderly people with the highest LDL have equal or greater longevity than those with low LDL (BMJ Open 2016 article)
  • Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) is much more of a problem for heart attacks, but it isn’t looked at because there is no drug that can reduce the calcium.
  • There is no evidence high LDL alone causes heart disease.  There is no number that you need to worry about.
  • Stress, hypertension, and high blood sugar activate the pathway to clotting.
    • High stress = your body thinks you’re under physical attack & prepares clotting agents for a big wound.
  • The brain is 40% fats & cholesterol.
    • Statin efficacy is very questionable.  In fact, it can cause cognitive decline.
    • The brain makes its own cholesterol.  It uses it to produce new brain cells and new synapses.  If it can’t make cholesterol it can’t make memories.
  • Low carb & low sugar is the way to be!!!
  • Beware of statistics (see screenshot below).








Dr. Kevin is my personal doctor, by the way.  He CURED both me and my wife of several chronic conditions.


Here's more info here:



Video summary for those that don't have time to watch it (keep in mind this summary is AUTO-GENERATED and the site is in beta): https://tammy.ai/summary/XfJNUbJE_V0

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  • 2 weeks later...
From the Desk of Dr. Kevin,
Today, I wanted to talk about sun exposure, and the falsehood that we should avoid the sun.
Guys, we are like a big solar panel. We take in energy from the sun. We are designed to be in the sun.
But what do we hear today?
“Stay out of the sun; Are you crazy? Don’t get in the sun; The sun will hurt you; You’ll get cancer.” A person doesn’t "get" cancer; your body grows cancer because your systems are failing.
The sun, when used right under the right circumstances, is the most healthy, anti-microbial, and anti-cancer thing you can be exposed to.
I have a real problem with these recommendations that make no sense. Humans have been in the sun since there were humans on earth, and now, the sun hurts us? Why? What has changed? The sun? The sun hasn’t changed. That’s like people saying I’m allergic to that tree, and it’s the tree’s fault. That pollen over there made me sick. Really?
Humans have been around trees since there were humans and trees, and now we can’t be around it? There is literally a tree in the story of Adam and Eve, and now, that tree is making you sick. Come on. Do you think it may be a problem inside you? No way it’s my fault; it’s that tree’s fault. It’s pollenating, and it made me sick. The sun made me get cancer. Think about that for a second using common sense. One person can go around a tree and nothing happens; the next person might get sick. Is that the tree? Or something that’s damaged inside the person’s body?
One person can spend every day in the sun, and nothing happens; the next might develop a skin issue. Is that the sun’s fault? It’s not.
It’s human nature to blame that “thing" over there for your health problems: the tree, the sun, the grass, etc. “My job gave me a headache”, and on and on. What about everyone else that has the same job with zero headaches? What about everyone else that spends a good amount of time in the sun and feel great? What about all the other people around that tree that breathe just fine? Is it really that “thing’s” fault???
The sun supercharges your energy reserves. We are designed to live in the sun.
Have you ever seen your pets lay in the square of sunlight on the floor? They know.
“You are crazy doc; you are dead wrong. Everyone knows the sun causes skin cancer. My dermatologist said so. They’re a specialist.”
Let’s look at the facts because that’s what I like to go by.  Take a look at the skin cancer distribution in the entire world (map below).
Looking at this map, there is less occurrences of skin cancer in the equator area, right in the middle of the earth. What’s different about this area?
That’s where the sun’s rays are the strongest, at the equator.
When you know how the body works, the more “charge” your system has, the less disease (including cancer) you will have.
Yours in Health,

Edited by computerwiz
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On 4/19/2023 at 8:31 PM, Doug said:

Interesting topic.   Do you believe nature has a "cure" for most everything?

On 4/19/2023 at 8:41 PM, computerwiz said:


Mostly yes.  Based on everything I've learned and personally experienced in the past year, we have plenty of ability to heal ourselves and rid ourselves of most chronic illness.


Once we get caught up in the pharmaceutical world, it's very hard, sometimes impossible, to break free.  But if we can educate ourselves BEFORE we get stuck on pills, we can reverse or avoid most chronic disease.  The key is to answer the question "why are my cells doing what they are doing (wrong), and how do we get them to change?". 


"Our bodies are not stupid....they're just doing the best they can with the crummy cards they've been dealt" (Dr. Kevin - the one who fixed me & my wife up).


One very big advantage is that nature has much less side effects than all these pills and stuff we swallow.


Chrissy :wave:

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8 hours ago, computerwiz said:

I have not fact checked this chart, but from what I do know on this list, it looks pretty accurate:




No wonder I don't have to see doctor that much. I eat most of those foods that have been listed regularly and spend some time out in the sunshine in the morning and on the weekends.

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On 4/20/2023 at 9:00 AM, computerwiz said:



Key takeaways:

  • Helps control your blood sugar
  • Protects your heart
  • Cleans your digestive tract
  • Keeps you feeling full and helps with weight management.
  • DON'T EAT WHITE BREAD (and other "white" choices when there's alternatives that have fiber)!!




I'm not seeing any research or evidence from the CDC or the Dietary Guidelines for Americans that they're basing that on. It seems you're already familiar with Ken Berry, he has an older video speaking a bit more on Fiber.

I can't remember where, but in a newer video I remember him also speaking about some newer research showing that fiber is completely unnecessary in the human diet. I say this because as someone who has suffered from the genetic connective tissue disorder Ehler's Danlos all my life (only recently finally getting the proper diagnosis which took over 20 years), researching and learning from functional medicine practitioners for the past decade, and having recently transitioned to a 90-95% carnivore diet compared to previously being cyclical ketogenic / autoimmune protocol / low fodmap or strict ketogenic across the past 6-7 years, I am very inclined to agree with him and this study due to some of the more severe intestinal issues I've suffered (rectal prolapse) and how fiber relates to it: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3435786/

Edited by Myew
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48 minutes ago, Myew said:

I'm not seeing any research or evidence from the CDC or the Dietary Guidelines for Americans that they're basing that on. It seems you're already familiar with Ken Berry, he has an older video speaking a bit more on Fiber.

I can't remember where, but in a newer video I remember him also speaking about some newer research showing that fiber is completely unnecessary in the human diet. I say this because as someone who has suffered from the genetic connective tissue disorder Ehler's Danlos all my life (only recently finally getting the proper diagnosis which took over 20 years), researching and learning from functional medicine practitioners for the past decade, and having recently transitioned to a 90-95% carnivore diet compared to previously being cyclical ketogenic / autoimmune protocol / low fodmap or strict ketogenic across the past 6-7 years, I am very inclined to agree with him and this study due to some of the more severe intestinal issues I've suffered (rectal prolapse) and how fiber relates to it: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3435786/




He says it in his video how fiber can "help" with the things I mentioned from the CDC.  By "wasting space", it essentially prevents you from eating more junk that causes those things.


When someone chooses to eat bread/sugars, fiber absolutely does indeed help with ensuring you are not eating too much "junk".  It slows down the absorption of sugar, and so it always makes sense to eat whole fruit as opposed to fruit juices.




The study was based on people who ALREADY had constipation.  Was fiber the cause?  Probably.  They were all on a "high fiber" diet.  We all know the adage: "too much of a good thing is a bad thing".  Even water....drink too much and your electrolytes get diluted too much, and you can die.  So these people probably had too much fiber, caused the issue, and reducing it was the answer.  But that doesn't apply to everyone.  Context matters!


Fiber is not some magical cure.  And certainly not something to worry about getting "x" amount each day.  Just when making choices on products, think about getting the whole grain/whole fruit variety as opposed to the heavily processed variety.


If you can go keto/carnivore/etc. more power to ya!  That's ultimately the best way to go!  :thumbsup:

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I apologize if I acted argumentative. I absolutely agree in that context, if you're eating modern highly processed or refined foods, it's better to have the fiber, the whole food. It increases satiety and helps prevent hormone extremes. I just personally don't see the point in doing so anymore. 😺

I've found personally and anecdotally that there's nothing wrong with not having so called 'regular' bowel movements. We don't need to scrub our colons. Jehovah designed them to do that themselves, when we don't interfere with the healing or resting processes. Carnivore has definitely improved my health in this context with my intestinal/pelvic floor muscle issues, as the food is almost entirely broken down with very little waste, so one doesn't need to use the restroom as often. I can also fast a bit more now thanks to the higher nutritional density and satiation compared to strict keto where I was eating a lot more cruciferous fiber. I tended to add too much or overeat fat, which again leads to more unnecessary restroom trips if your body is struggling to break it down efficiently.

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9 minutes ago, Myew said:

I apologize if I acted argumentative. I absolutely agree in that context, if you're eating modern highly processed or refined foods, it's better to have the fiber, the whole food. It increases satiety and helps prevent hormone extremes. I just personally don't see the point in doing so anymore. 😺

I've found personally and anecdotally that there's nothing wrong with not having so called 'regular' bowel movements. We don't need to scrub our colons. Jehovah designed them to do that themselves, when we don't interfere with the healing or resting processes. Carnivore has definitely improved my health in this context with my intestinal/pelvic floor muscle issues, as the food is almost entirely broken down with very little waste, so one doesn't need to use the restroom as often. I can also fast a bit more now thanks to the higher nutritional density and satiation compared to strict keto where I was eating a lot more cruciferous fiber. I tended to add too much or overeat fat, which again leads to more unnecessary restroom trips if your body is struggling to break it down efficiently.


No need to apologize.  If there's anything I've learned over the past 3 years it's this: It's much better to talk face to face.  Strange pre-conceptions and charged feelings pop up with regards to text/emails/posts.  Hence my avatar....I try to be as logical & unemotionally affected as I can be.  😋  And when it comes to stuff like this, like medicine & science, it takes sooooooooo much careful research & digging & even a little testing to see what's true and what isn't.  And there isn't "one size fits all" with regards to health.....yet.  I think in the new world, Jehovah will give us a "human healthcare plan".....we gotta do more than "just eat" to be healthy.  We still gotta eat right.  We'll learn what "right" is in the new world.  Among other things we need to do...


"Balance is everything".


Speaking of the healing process & what Jehovah has designed, just wait until I post everything about what I've learned on "healing is voltage" and how being physically disconnected from the earth is super bad for us.  👀


I'm interested in jumping on the carnivore diet myself, but not just yet.  Once we're done with crawfish season and I stop pigging out, I'm gonna see if I can get a regular schedule of going to the gym and also doing a little bit of detoxing.  If I can't drop my weight....keto/carnivore is next for me to try out.  :thumbsup:

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I can relate a lot to that. I always had a major fondness for Data watching TNG while growing up - I didn't understand until later that I was autistic. Like Data, I try to understand how humans function by experimenting and playing human.

I was rather overweight when I was young. My mother cooked everything from scratch, but it was all refined carbs and sugar and dessert nonstop. Due to chronic illness however, I developed malnutrition and became the opposite. I was underweight for many years and am still fairly low, though I am also small. However, going ketogenic and carnivore has actually allowed me to gain back needed weight and build muscle, and maintain a stable weight. I do still eat a few carbs occasionally like a sweet potato after doing some exercise for the insulin stimulating muscle growth, which is why I typically say '90%' carnivore. When it comes to understand how weight loss and gain works, obesity, diabetes and intermittent fasting, my favorite physiological deep dives are from Jason Fung's talks. I imagine you've probably seen some of his stuff though based on your interests.





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On 4/19/2023 at 5:24 PM, computerwiz said:

Here's my specific notes




Wow! Thank you for the info. Will use it as a cheat sheet as I need to know the differences and having hard time with differentiation. 🤓


Also true about chronic inflammation.

Edited by Amygdala

“Slow down, to take a deep breath…pause and reset.“  original song- Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds


Source: https://livelovefruit.com/health-benefits-of-pumpkin-seeds/

  1. Powerful Anti-Inflammatory

  2. Stabilize Blood Sugar

  3. Boost Heart Health

  4. Help Fight Cancer Cell Growth

  5. Improve Bladder Function

  6. Improve Male Reproductive Health

  7. Promote Better Sleep

  8. Reduce Anxiety and Depression

  9. Enhance Immune Function

  10. May Promote Hair Growth

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Health Benefits of Cucumbers


Source: https://livelovefruit.com/health-benefits-of-cucumbers/

  1. Inflammation & Joint Pain Relief

  2. Reduces Cholesterol

  3. Liver Healing

  4. Detox Miracle

  5. Prevents Headaches

  6. Fights Cancer

  7. Rehydrates & Remineralizes the Body

  8. High Silica Content for Healthy Hair

  9. Improves Diabetes Symptoms

  10. Controls Blood Pressure

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Store-bought ranch dressing is a tool of the devil! 😂

Just kidding. I don't know if you'll be able to see it b/c there's a paywall, but this NYT recipe for Mississippi Roast (delicious!) includes a really good and easy to make recipe for homemade ranch:

  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
  • ½ teaspoon dried dill
  • ¼ teaspoon sweet paprika
  • 1 teaspoon buttermilk, optional

Combine the mayonnaise, vinegar, dill and paprika in a small bowl and whisk to emulsify. Add the buttermilk if using, then whisk again.



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  • 4 weeks later...

This is a long one, but one of the most important...


Healing is Voltage


Key takeaways:

  • The human body is an electronic device
    • Any cellular biology book will tell you that cells are designed to run at a pH of 7.35 to 7.45.
    • pH is the measurement of voltage in a solution.
    • pH of 0 (Acidic) = +400mV
    • pH of 14 (Alkaline) = -400mV
    • Don't let the + and - fool you....negative means you HAVE extra electrons.  You want extra electrons in your body.
    • This is why you hear that "an alkaline body is a healthy body"
  • Cells need -25 millivolts of energy to run correctly, and -50 millivolts of energy to make new cells.
  • Most chronic disease is characterized by having inadequate voltage.
    • Think about a bank:
    • If you had more bills than you do money, what happens?  You have to pick & choose what bills to pay.
    • Your body is the same way.  If you don't have enough energy, it will pick & choose what organs get the full charge.
    • You can only go against nature for so long.  Chronic low voltage will lead to disfunction of organs.  Starting with digestion & sex hormones.
      • Why do you think so many people have IBS these days? Yes, chemicals play a part....they zap your cellular energy!!
  • The body has 5 "battery packs":
    • Muscles.  The fascia around muscles serves as the body's wiring system.
    • Cell membranes
      • Bad fats in food act like rubber, and disrupt your cells ability to absorb energy!!!
        • Avoid seed oils.  Get healthy oils like coconut, avocado, and high quality olive oil.
    • Water inside cells
    • ATP/ADP system within mitochondria
    • DNA via scalar energy (I question this one though....)
  • Moving muscles releases electrons for your surrounding tissues & organs
    • This is why exercise is so important!!
    • Also, it unwinds your fascia...so the transport of nutrients flows better (but this is another topic!)
  • 5 sources of energy:
    • Food (only 20%!!....this is why food is not enough.  Diet is not enough!!)
    • Water (preferably exclusion-zone water.  Use a water vitalizer to add hydrogen)
    • Oxygen (we have less oxygen today than in the past.  Add plants to your house)
    • Sun (it's good for you!!!)
    • Earth/Grounding (being barefoot on the earth gives you a charge.  This is super important.  A grounding-mat is an excellent substitute)
      • People on blood-thinners or that have pace-makers could be affected by this...
  • Sources of energy stealers:
    • Chemicals
      • Microwave popcorn
      • Fast food wrappers
      • Teflon cookware
      • Mercury
      • Unpronounceable ingredients in processed food
    • Round Up
      • Its in all our food these days (USA), but wheat is the biggest culprit
    • Dental metals
      • Opt for porcelain when you can
    • Leaky gut
      • If you are in the USA, you probably have this.  Round-Up tears up the gut lining.
    • Hypothyroidism
    • Strong negative emotions
    • Wind (not sure on this one....do you always feel tired after walking around on a windy day?  Or riding in a convertible with the top down?)
    • Hidden/Stealth infections (watch your bloodwork....your doctor can miss these even though they do show up)







https://youtu.be/wRTez069aNA  (natural ways to recharge)


In the following documentary, please skip the meditation part at about 39:00.  We don't do that kind of meditation.  The rest of the science & testimonials are valid.








I know this is a lot of information, but well worth your time to read up on!!  :thumbsup:


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