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Size of the area to build our houses in paradise


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Today I was thinking, recently on the forum we talked about having children in paradise, and a brother mentioned that God wanted us to fill the Earth, not for us to overload it (just like urban centers today). So I thought, how much land would there be for each one?


In a total daydream, without any basis, I'll try to make some calculations. For this reason, I will try to simplify as much as possible and be a little optimistic.

Of habitable land, we have 148.9 billion km² today, we will round it to 150 billion km² to make things easier.

But of people, how many will we have?

Imagining that in every era of humanity, on average there were 1 billion people for a century, we will be left with 70,500,000,000 people by the end of the 1000 years.
4026 BC -1 to 3025 AD [Considering the end in 2025, solely for calculation basis]
Considering that EVERYONE was there, I still know that not everyone would be willing for eternal life, but being optimistic, I will estimate that 25% will continue.


We now have:
17,625,000,000 people
150,000,000,000 km²


As there are many public places (and they will be necessary for our full leisure there), I will take 50,000,000,000 just for this purpose.

Now we have 17,625,000,000 people and 100,000,000,000 km².
This gives 5.6km² for each person. Or 560 hectares.


For comparison, Manhattan is 59.1 km². If it continued like this, in paradise the land in Manhattan would be 10 people. Or perhaps, 5 families of just one couple. - Very different from the 1.694.251 inhabitants of today.


Honestly, we don't need that much land. But we can be sure, we will live in very comfortable houses.


(I tried not to make mistakes, but if I made a mistake, please forgive me.)

(Be careful! The above comment came from a suspicious source, a 20 year old. There's a risk that he is being: Idiot, reckless or stupid)

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Many of the NS pictures portray houses with some distance between them. However, in a recent WT there were two houses that looked close enough to share some Grey Poupon - and, they weren't small houses.




"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Now calculate how much space Jehovah wants each person to have when he tells us to fill the earth...

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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The Reasoning book says this…I know calculations have been in other publications too


If billions are to be raised from the dead, where will they all live?

A very liberal estimate of the number of people who have ever lived on earth is 20,000,000,000. As we have seen, not all of these will be resurrected. But, even if we assume that they would be, there would be ample room. The land surface of the earth at present is about 57,000,000 square miles (147,600,000 sq km). If half of that were set aside for other purposes, there would still be just a little less than an acre (c. 0.37 ha) per person, which can provide more than enough food. At the root of present food shortages is not any inability of the earth to produce sufficient but, rather, political rivalry and commercial greed.

See also page 116, under the heading “Earth.”

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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1 hour ago, Parale said:




The perspective looks a bit strange? Flat field/grass, but with a high bridge, there must be a large flight of stairs hidden behind the tree for the wide path that is shown?

Or the grass area near the river is more in a slope that we can see.

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8 minutes ago, Dages said:

Or the grass area near the river is more in a slope that we can see.

Sure, but even the perspective of the path that goes to the house in the background looks strange with how wide it remains, which would be fine, but then the drawing style would seem to be clashing with the evident realism shown with the people in the foreground.... I do believe the drawings are based on real-life photos though 🤷‍♂️

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I have had a big house, now we live in a small apartment. It's not the size of the house or the land we live on that will be important.  It's the quality of life that I will enjoy. No mortgage. No property theft. Not worried about the stress of making a living. Whatever Jehovah gives us or how much he gives us will be sufficient. To me the real life begins after the final test in the book of Revelation. Right now, we are living the "best life ever" as imperfect human beings can. That will change once final perfection is brought to mankind. 

"Laughter cannot mask a heavy heart. When the laughter ends, the grief remains."-Proverbs 14:13 Living Bible Translation

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31 minutes ago, DancesWithWife said:

It's not the size of the house or the land we live on that will be important.


Absolutely, though it seems that all the houses we see in the WT pictures are rather large and big??


But of course that may because we'll be living as cross-generational family groups, or multi-family groups, wth spaces for short-term and long-term visitors and guests, rather than living by ourselves as individual couples or single persons.


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9 minutes ago, Parale said:

though it seems that all the houses we see in the WT pictures are rather large and big??


 And rather close too. Just an artist's conception that could be influenced by the area we live in. Growing up houses were generally smaller than what we see today. We will find out eventually. It may take a while, but we will find out. 

"Laughter cannot mask a heavy heart. When the laughter ends, the grief remains."-Proverbs 14:13 Living Bible Translation

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I would like to live in a house with about a two minute walk to the next one. The size of my house would depend on if I lived with just my husband or other people. If just me and my husband, a nice small wooden cabin in the middle of the woods will do. If I live with other people, a bigger house. But I would like to live not too far from a Kingdom Hall so it's not too much travel to go to the meetings. And near other brothers and sisters right after the great tribulation so that going to work during the clean-up is easier.

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4 hours ago, Pikachu said:

I would like to live in a house with about a two minute walk to the next one. The size of my house would depend on if I lived with just my husband or other people. If just me and my husband, a nice small wooden cabin in the middle of the woods will do. If I live with other people, a bigger house. But I would like to live not too far from a Kingdom Hall so it's not too much travel to go to the meetings. And near other brothers and sisters right after the great tribulation so that going to work during the clean-up is easier.

I'd say 15min walk to the KH and the local market, library, station...

maximum 5 min to nearest neighbor...


What about nature, how far to the nearest beach (ocean, sea, lake,...) ?


I want a river less than 5 min away for my water mill. :D

Edited by Dages
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I’ve thought about living near a river delta area. One that is close to where it meets the ocean. Then I could explore lots of wildlife; kayaking around the waterways and then I’d still have the tide pools on the shore to explore. 
oh and I’d like a mountain with a forest not too far way. 
I feel greedy. I want it all!  lol. Really want to travel too. 
It will be interesting how it all gets worked out. 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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One thing to keep in mind is, life without end means you will have to build possibly many homes. I am sure our homes will be built to last longer than many of the modern-day homes. I would be happy to have old train cars, build a track so they could be moved to change with the seasons. I have also seen interesting homes built from old shipping containers. Lots of possibilities. Think of all the material in the world that could be recycled and reused. 

download shipping.jpeg

OIP caboose.jpeg

"Laughter cannot mask a heavy heart. When the laughter ends, the grief remains."-Proverbs 14:13 Living Bible Translation

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On 10/23/2023 at 12:44 AM, Parale said:




The perspective looks a bit strange? Flat field/grass, but with a high bridge, there must be a large flight of stairs hidden behind the tree for the wide path that is shown?

That's why they stuck a tree  there! 

Interesting  article style actually. They've used heavy outline around the parts they want us to focus on. Quite enjoy this art myself.

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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35 minutes ago, Stormswift said:

That's why they stuck a tree  there! 


Exactly 🤣


They could've put a low bridge there instead, which would've fitted the geography 🤷‍♂️ and I don't think the bridge clearance is needed for any boats along that stretch of the river, considering the rapids/small waterfall 🤪


It's nice to see a variety of art styles.

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Remember Psalm 72:16 and Isaiah 35:1.

1. Ps 72:16 "the mountain tops will overflow with vegetation", if you ever seen mountains like the rocky mountains in Canada, they are bare, just pure stone, but god said that even these mountains will have too much vegetation. Remember god will restore not only humanity to perfection but also the earth, vegetation will grow in quality and quantities like never seen before!


2. Isaiah 35:1 "The desert plain will be joyful and blossom as the saffron" not only will all the habitable or arable land be usable but all the deserts barren places.

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  • 3 months later...

Isa 65:12 - "They will build houses and live in them, and they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage"


We had a public talk some time ago and the speaker focused on the words "build houses" and "plant vineyards", specifically on the use of the pural word for house and vineyard. He spoke about we will be replacing our house many times in the new world, as well as a vineyard. A building and vines need to replace after some time where they will be needing replacement due to age and productivity will not be as it previously had been. It may take a house to last say 500 years, and a vineyard could last 300 years, but they will be needing to be replaced due to the deteriation that they will endure. We may even perhaps need to move about as well, for a change of scenery, or we may be directed to for a multitude of reasons. So we will be building and planting again and again in the new world.


And when you look at it, it is very true. Some buildings may last thousands of years if well maintained, but eventually they may need to be replaced, as the there will be a limit of doing mainenance. So I am not really bothered on where I will live, nor about the home I live in, or how much land we will use. I will be happy as long as I have a workshop to work in so I can be building and constructing whatever I or perhaps others what they need. But when I do build a house, I am going to design it so any part of it can be replaced time and time again.

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The effect of time on the house and the other things we will possess... That's interesting.

At some point, everything we had during A-day, the first house, etc. It will be no more, it will have decayed.

Only us, humans, will stay forever... 

That's a fascinating though

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  • 2 weeks later...

I try to wrap my head around "living forever" "perfection".  I ask Jehovah "what is perfection"? We never had it, don't know how it feels to serve Jehovah in perfection.


Amazing!  We can try to serve in perfection but, we always miss the mark!  Darn it!  I hate it!  But, like a toddler, I get back up and try that walk again..."Perfection"!

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