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Manufactured blood from adult stem cells close to human testing

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Obviously true global industrial-level production of blood would still be years in the future, but it looks like human testing is expected to begin by 2016:


(Excerpt from article):


Prof Turner has devised a technique to culture red blood cells from induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells – cells that have been taken from humans and ‘rewound’ into stem cells. Biochemical conditions similar to those in the human body are then recreated to induce the iPS cells to mature into red blood cells – of the rare universal blood type O-.


“Although similar research has been conducted elsewhere, this is the first time anybody has manufactured blood to the appropriate quality and safety standards for transfusion into a human being,” said Prof Turner.


There are plans in place for the trial to be concluded by late 2016 or early 2017, he said. It will most likely involve the treatment of three patients with Thalassaemia, a blood disorder requiring regular transfusions. The behaviour of the manufactured blood cells will then be monitored.


“The cells will be safe,” he said, adding that there are processes whereby cells can be removed.

The technique highlights the prospect of a limitless supply of manufactured type O- blood, free of disease and compatible with all patients.


If and when the time comes, I'm sure the Governing Body will provide us clear guidance on how manufactured blood made from adult stem cells fits into our stance on blood, but right now my head is spinning just thinking about it!  It's not time to update our proxies yet, but we might have to someday.

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Well done.. Good title.. A link .. Excerpt .. And comment .. And the right area...

You have done good ... Girl ... Lol:) three thumbs up...:)

Zeph 3:17 Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with rejoicing. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries....... Love it....a beautiful word picture.

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The primary restriction against blood isn't its oxygen carrying capacity, but the life within it. (Gen 9:4) Given that this blood comes from living human cells, it seems as though the life of the cell is still being transferred from one human to another, despite it leaving the first human in a different form.


Personally I think I'd err on the side of caution and treat this as real blood, though I'm probably biased and oversensitive.


That said, this is a remarkable breakthrough. Even though this specific iteration may or may not be scripturally unacceptable, the discoveries and advancements made so far will only help their chances of creating a full-fledged synthetic blood.

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Lol this reminds me of the chicken and the egg, an egg isn't a chicken yet but if you put it under a heat lamp it becomes one. :wacko:  I wonder if the same principle would apply here?....More research is necessary lol :lol:

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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Not sure I am ready to comment on this attempt to create a viable blood substitute ....


but, I will comment on the 16 tracking cookies the link wanted to set:


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I do wish that seemingly reputable sites would cease and desist with the tracking cookies.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I was of two minds when I saw this. One was from a science brain, the other was my desire to please Jehovah brain.

Pluripotent cells are derived usually from somatic cells in the body. So basically an adult cell, so no ethical dilemma there for me, after all organs (which are acceptable) are comprised of a large number of cells which are organized into tissues, which are then organized into organs. Still no problem.

Then I got to thinking about a discussion I had with a geneticist from India who explained that while some of these cells had the potential for this, this and that - they also had a tendency to not remain stable, and in some cases resembled cancerous growths given time.

Also, natural cells break down through a process of apoptosis, so while I didn't follow the link (due to the tracking cookies) I'd be curious to know how they plan on clearing these from the body once they're in there.

Then I thought about Jehovah's laws. I asked myself, would I be skirting his commandment to abstain from blood if I went ahead and took it. The answer to me was yes, and for this reason I believe I would refuse it. This is my conscience though, and I wouldn't push it on anyone.

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Lol this reminds me of the chicken and the egg, an egg isn't a chicken yet but if you put it under a heat lamp it becomes one. :wacko: I wonder if the same principle would apply here?....More research is necessary lol :lol:

They've actually answered this scientifically. The chicken has something in the ova duct the egg does not possess unless it passes through the tract. So as expected the chicken comes first. Which also kind of makes sense from a biblical perspective because Noah was instructed to take animals on board :P (not eggs)

I'm just a fountain of useless info aren't I.

Edited by cerebral ecstasy
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How they do it is another factor.  From the Wellcome Trust website, one  method by which they produce the blood is by putting the stem cells in bone marrow, which is the body's way to produce blood. This new development may or may not be different


Along with this news item, some reader comments are interesting. For instance, one reader asks if this artificial blood can revert back to its original form or if it could become carcinogenic.  The researchers may not be able to answer this question yet, but I would like to read any comments on the subject.

Edited by rbrown1205
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Fooling around with what is not theirs to fool around with. My first thought, though not scientific, was no, I do not think so. Stem cells? Are they the ones salvaged from umbilical cords? I know that is one source. Just because you get fancy with what it is, it still has it's origins.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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Fooling around with what is not theirs to fool around with. My first thought, though not scientific, was no, I do not think so. Stem cells? Are they the ones salvaged from umbilical cords? I know that is one source. Just because you get fancy with what it is, it still has it's origins.


I'm no scientist, but as cerebral ecstasy confirmed, induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells being used in this blood manufacturing process are from adult stem cells.  Stem cells can be harvested by a number of means-- from bone marrow and harvested from blood, including from the umbilical cord (after birth).  In either case, this process is not using embryonic stem cells, which are very controversial since they are, as the name suggests, harvested from embryos.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Roberta and I covered this topic in the previous forum as something similar was being created in Australia. They are basically taking the cells that make blood from the human or another human and getting them to reproduce outside the body instead of inside it by a quicker process that they control.


My personal view is that it is still blood made from the cells that make blood and any blood outside the body isn't for putting back in it, should be returned to the ground because outside of/disattached from a body it belongs to God. That's my view, I'd rather have careful surgery with another alternative that expands what I have and I do what I can to build up my own blood-building reserves before elective surgery.


It's like the discussion of whether we should allow invitro fertilisation using a different Father if the Father can't make sperm or mother if the eggs aren't right. Fertilization outside the womb just doesn't seem right if it's with a different father or mother outside of the couple.


Roll on the New World where such complex choices will not be needed. 

Edited by retroHelen
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