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What type of secular work will you do in the New System to benefit Mankind?

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I knew a Brother that had a nice idea about how things would work in the New System .... of course, it was just his speculation.


He said that, since money would no longer be - it is a greed based system - he did not see how "barter" would be either ..... after all, money is just a rapid/easy means of barter - still a greed based system.


He envisioned that we would all do what ever work assignment was given us. Engineer, metal smith, farmer, etc ...... and that whenever someone needed something, we would just design and make it - no cost to us for the material, no charge for the one who needs it.


As for food, those assigned to farm would produce way more than they could personally use so they would deposit all the surplus in a common area for any who needed it. Since we will all be perfect and there will be no greed, each would only take what they needed - no one would hoard or take more than they needed.


He said he could see traveling musicians, singers, dancers coming by to entertain us and we would all invite them to share our homes and provisions. The same with many other types of instruction and entertainment.


He made it all seem so logical and loving .....

Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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In the new system, I want to design homes. I have a book titled "Make your House do the Housework." It has so many good ideas but one has to start in the planning stage to implement many of them but it is totally amazing how the right design would cut down the work of taking care of the place. My husband says he will build them just like we have done for years. 

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In the new system, I want to design homes. I have a book titled "Make your House do the Housework." It has so many good ideas but one has to start in the planning stage to implement many of them but it is totally amazing how the right design would cut down the work of taking care of the place. My husband says he will build them just like we have done for years. 

I will be on the look out for that book. There is a place in NH, USA, called "Castle in the Clouds." I never visited  it, but was told that a husband built it to be labor-free, for his wife. People who visited said washed clothes went into the walls on dowels to dry, and came out pre-ironed. I also heard some of the rooms squirted up water to self clean. I would have liked to go when my friends visited, but I had to stay home doing housework. :huh:    http://www.castleintheclouds.org/visit-the-castle/picture-gallery/ 

Edited by kejedo
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I'd like to have a kitten ranch.Free roaming ,big cats( lions,tigers),little cats.


I think that would be like herding cats...



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I want to learn.........everything

I want to be able to use the Bible the way Jehovah intended


That poses another question for another topic

How much of the Bible will still be needed or used after Armageddon?

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That poses another question for another topic

How much of the Bible will still be needed or used after Armageddon?

There might be another Bible then. Jehovah might have our time recorded for the future. ;)

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Seems to me that we will NOT have "secular" work, since corporations are part of this system - thus, we should not be "employed" and "paid" like this system - therefore, no "secular" work.


The Bible we now have will be a History Book - as to getting anew one, that is one of those "we just don't know" things that we will have to wait and see.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Seems to me that we will NOT have "secular" work, since corporations are part of this system - thus, we should not be "employed" and "paid" like this system - therefore, no "secular" work.


The Bible we now have will be a History Book - as to getting anew one, that is one of those "we just don't know" things that we will have to wait and see.

I agree. It seems reasonable we will have assignments and I think the OP was asking that if we had our choice of assignments, what would we be doing.


I agree about the Bible too. The purpose of the Bible will be completed and we will have an avenue for new directions. We wont need the current Bible and may not get a new one, we may just be taught what to do instead of getting a book. Like you said, we don't know yet..

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It is interesting - while just visiting Warwick - MANY talked about the first part of the New System (where we are all cleaning up and getting the earth to a paradise) they almost ALL envisioned it similar to Bethel. 


You go to a location where you have an assigned place to sleep and eat and assigned work to perform. You don't need money. Some are assigned to clean rooms, make and serve food, procure materials, drive / transport, build (electrical, plumbing, structural, concrete, framing, drywall, doors, etc). You can even move around from one assignment to another - via a request so as to ensure there are enough people doing each assignment. 


It will be interesting to see. I liked the book "All Things New" http://jwtalk.net/forums/topic/17544-all-things-new-book/ I thought it laid things out quite nicely. 

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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It is interesting - while just visiting Warwick - MANY talked about the first part of the New System (where we are all cleaning up and getting the earth to a paradise) they almost ALL envisioned it similar to Bethel. 


I have always thought that we could look to what the organization is doing now as a pattern for what will happen in the future. It has always made sense to me that we would have assignments, possibly based on our skills.


As long as they are looking for a professional coffee drinker and donut eater, I should be able to get the assignment that I want.

Edited by Tortuga
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I have always thought that we could look to what the organization is doing now as a pattern for what will happen in the future. It has always made sense to me that we would have assignments, possibly based on our skills.


As long as they are looking for a professional coffee drinker and donut eater, I should be able to get the assignment that I want.


I am CERTAIN we will need tasters. That DOES sound like a good job!  :yes: 

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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I am CERTAIN we will need tasters. That DOES sound like a good job!   :yes:


I hope there are brothers assigned to ensure the resurrected ones don't eat meat (assuming that we can't), it would be our job to ensure the meat doesn't go to waste and then help them slowly transition to a new meat free diet...


A lot of cultures rely on meat, that assignment might take a while... :lol:

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I knew a Brother that had a nice idea about how things would work in the New System .... of course, it was just his speculation.

He said that, since money would no longer be - it is a greed based system - he did not see how "barter" would be either ..... after all, money is just a rapid/easy means of barter - still a greed based system.

He envisioned that we would all do what ever work assignment was given us. Engineer, metal smith, farmer, etc ...... and that whenever someone needed something, we would just design and make it - no cost to us for the material, no charge for the one who needs it.

As for food, those assigned to farm would produce way more than they could personally use so they would deposit all the surplus in a common area for any who needed it. Since we will all be perfect and there will be no greed, each would only take what they needed - no one would hoard or take more than they needed.

He said he could see traveling musicians, singers, dancers coming by to entertain us and we would all invite them to share our homes and provisions. The same with many other types of instruction and entertainment.

He made it all seem so logical and loving .....

Ive always envisioned things done on a community level. During growing/harvesting time the whole community chips in and works together but there are many months of the year that are non growing that the community would work together to build more complex things like computers or spaceships. :)

Bartering would be done on a community to community level rather than individually. The community needs iron or copper so they trade with a community that has those resources but is short on lumber.

Within the community a lot like you describe. Each one contributed to the communities resources, each one gets the benefits of it. This would work for our nomadic brothers and sisters who just want to travel as well. Just jump in with the community youre nearest and help out and have your needs cared for.

Edited by JSmith
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I agree. It seems reasonable we will have assignments and I think the OP was asking that if we had our choice of assignments, what would we be doing.


I agree about the Bible too. The purpose of the Bible will be completed and we will have an avenue for new directions. We wont need the current Bible and may not get a new one, we may just be taught what to do instead of getting a book. Like you said, we don't know yet..

Yes we know that new book is coming ...... New scrolls.

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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New scrolls, yes ..... but does that make them a new "Bible"?


We get new letters to the BOE now but we don't bind them into a book.


The new scrolls could be new directions that are not used/carried/handled by every living individual - they could be available to the "Princes" to use when giving any needed direction.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Even if "barter" is used on a community-to-community level, it is still based on "greed" with each side of the bartering trying to ensure they got the best deal they can.


If one community needs something they do not have, why not have the community that does have it just give it to them ..... no strings attached? This way, all communities would have all their needs filled.


Can you imagine, now, the Canadian Branch (community) having to "barter" with the Britain Branch (community) to get that 400 wheel wonder on wheels that was needed to finish the various publications?

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Since it will be a Paradise and your hearts desire will be met,

I want to blow things up...I want to blow as much of this hated satanic system into as small of pieces as I can.

That will require explosions. Great big huge explosions. Many many very large explosions. ..

(oops, sorry about that, just drooled on my screen)lol..

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Yes we know that new book is coming ...... New scrolls.

Thats what I was thinking. After doing the Revelation. Getting New Scrolls after Armagedon must be like A New Bible. New instructions. Well I know we have to wait & see.

I have often thought runing a cafe by the Sea. As well as learning to make boats.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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I want to make a list of all the things everyone wants to do and add them to my bucket list, since i don't plan to kick the bucket (what an odd expression) I hope to do everything that you guys want to do.

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I can not get my quote button to work===but this is for Richard!  When I first began to study the Bible, I was disappointed to think that maybe what we would be doing in Paradise centered around "skills" we already had.  My being a nurse met that I only knew things that made sick/ill people fell better.  At first I thought, yeah!  That is useful.  Then I realized the truth of the scripture about no resident would ever have to say I am sick.  So then my mind darted off to I would be able to help people that maybe needed help on not such a grand scale of illness.  Like, constipation.  I have given ALOT of enemas over my 35 years as a nurse.  So yes, Richard.  There still may be the constipation problem since it will take a while to learn how to eat properly.  So, if we continue with our original
skills"--I'll be right behind ya!  Just don't be too close!  :uhhuh:



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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Like, constipation.  I have given ALOT of enemas over my 35 years as a nurse.  So yes, Richard.  There still may be the constipation problem since it will take a while to learn how to eat properly.  So, if we continue with our original skills"--I'll be right behind ya!  Just don't be too close!  :uhhuh:


Then you could work at Pauline's bar, I think it's going to be called "Bottoms up!"

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