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star wars the force awakens

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  On 11/23/2015 at 3:20 AM, Greg Dent said:

They should all keep their nose in their own business. What was it the Apostle said? Gadding about the houses speaking of things they ought not? Nothing different with this. 


Our Brothers and Sisters should remember well Jesus words be Wrathful yet do not sin. Accusing a movie with being satanic is as about a witch hunt as I have ever seen. 


If it is not their taste that is fine but to go that far makes them sound like a fanatic. 


Where do we see those now a days?

Don’t let it get you down my brother. 

I remember a few years ago I went to see Phantom of the Opera on stage in Toronto.  Anyone that knows the story is aware what it is about: a man has acid thrown in his face during a fight and becomes disfigured and wears a mask to cover up the scars and in time falls in love with a singer, blah blah…. 


I remember telling some in my cong that I was going to see it in Toronto.  My presiding overseer at the time says in front of others that the Phantom isn’t something a true Christian would watch.  Being an outspoken know-it-all, I fired right back: “What is the problem with it?”  He replied back that it was Satanic.  I asked him what about the show made it Satanic.  The only thing he could reply was because the Phantom wore a mask!  Hmmmmmm, that doesn’t make it Satanic.


As time has gone on I have realized that some have wonky ideas and some like to make THEIR point of view the benchmark for others.  I enjoy classic rock: Pink Floyd, Van Halen, Zeppelin, etc. and that is my choice.  I am also mature enough to realize that what I listen to is not going to come before serving Jehovah and I also realize that I am not going to infer my point of view on others.  I keep the radio off when others in the car with me and I know who I can talk about music with and who I can’t.


Anyways, long rant but don’t let it get you down or bother you.  I’m going to see Star Wars and the new Bond movie lol!

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Getting back to Star Wars - and please don't reveal anything - but do we know what the premise is of the story?  All I have let myself see is there is a young British woman, a dark-skin storm trooper and what looks like a new Sith with a crazy light-sabre.  PLEASE NO SPOLIERS!

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I agree everyone please keep quiet about seeing it just say how awesome it was. 


I have seen all the spoilers and a few theories but thats it. 


Great to know all the fav characters are back and from what I saw Daisy Ridley kicks butt in this one.

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritadi

If all else fails --- Play Dead Possum Lodge Moto -- Red Green

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  On 12/2/2015 at 3:00 AM, Trina said:

Does anyone know of a free online movie streaming site that is playing the first 6 so I can let the young come over to watch before the new ones come out? I gotta hurry to make it now since I preordered the tickets.

I found them at my local library.

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Hi Everyone,


The answer to this question might already be on this thread but

I was wondering if someone could tell me what the time line is in 

this new movie?

Is this in the years right after Return of the Jedi?

If you could tell me any details concerning the time line then I would really appreciate it.


Now a strange favor:

If you could just send me a PM as I don't want to read any spoilers on here.

I don't even watch the previews for this movie even though this is 1 of my favorite series of all time.

Sorry I am weird, I know most people yearn to see the previews.

I have a feeling the "force" is not with me.

Anyway thanks for your help  :)

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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I read a lot of the new jedi order books.  I imagine its before Thrawn and Han Solo and Liea having children.. but i don't know.  It almost seems like Luke might have a daughter?....which in this case would put it after the Jedi order as i don't remember him having children just marring another jedi named ...Mara Jade?    But that would make Han Solo and Liea very old and thier kids would be in their thirty.s.  sorry not gonna correct my spelling errors. lol..... but if thats the case they skipped over some interesting story telling time... lol  and skipped over the time that Luke went to the dark side... some think thats its the time period where Luke went to the dark side.... if thats the case then the girl that seems to be in the luke family is not his daughter....if its Han Solo and Liea's daughter then Luke is the uncle and there are three siblings missing....lol

This is not a spoiler but all from the books already written.

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  On 12/5/2015 at 4:40 AM, Trina said:

Thanks for the suggestion sister Sandra! I will go tomorrow afternoon after service and check on that. Nice!!!

Your welcome. The library system here in AZ, has a website. So I can go online, do a search, and reserve what I am looking for. Oftentimes, if it currently popular, I will have to get in a wait list. But, also by going online, the library searches other branches, and sometimes other nearby city library systems. Then when the items(s) are ready, it is waiting is the reserved section for me. Quite conveienent. That's is the system here in my area, AZ, I don't know how it is on Earth.

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Time line is set about 30 years after ROTJ. This is according to star wars.com. The books and expanded universe is no longer considered Cannon to the Star wars story line. George Lucas has said this himself. So other time lines that are involved in the expanded universe are not valid for story line going forward in the movies. 

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritadi

If all else fails --- Play Dead Possum Lodge Moto -- Red Green

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Just watched Episode I today.  Begun my preparations have.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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  On 12/2/2015 at 3:00 AM, Trina said:

Does anyone know of a free online movie streaming site that is playing the first 6 so I can let the young come over to watch before the new ones come out? I gotta hurry to make it now since I preordered the tickets.

You may want to try Kodi.com for that. I tried it on my Android tablet and it worked fine. You can find online videos to help you with the installation.

I don't know if it has those particular movies or not. I only had it for a couple of days, just playing around, then deleted it. ..it ran fine while I had it tho---

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  On 12/6/2015 at 5:41 AM, tekmantwo said:

You may want to try Kodi.com for that. I tried it on my Android tablet and it worked fine. You can find online videos to help you with the installation.

I don't know if it has those particular movies or not. I only had it for a couple of days, just playing around, then deleted it. ..it ran fine while I had it tho---

Thank you! But I went ahead and spent the money to purchase the movies. I have to tell you Walmart has a great deal on the sets. They have a full blue ray set of all 6 for 90.00 but the store clerk said in the store they carry a great alternative that is a way better deal that he recommended. It's 2 sets each with 3 movies but it comes with both blue ray and DVD set. (Double the movies) for 35.00 each set.

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  On 12/6/2015 at 2:39 PM, Trina said:

Thank you! But I went ahead and spent the money to purchase the movies. I have to tell you Walmart has a great deal on the sets. They have a full blue ray set of all 6 for 90.00 but the store clerk said in the store they carry a great alternative that is a way better deal that he recommended. It's 2 sets each with 3 movies but it comes with both blue ray and DVD set. (Double the movies) for 35.00 each set.

Sister Trina:

Shipped: Your Amazon package with Star Wars Trilogy Episodes I-III (Blu-ray + DVD) and 1 other item will be delivered Tue, Dec 08.

The other item is IV-VI!

I opened the case for Empire Strikes Back last week from my digitally mastered box set... And it wasn't there! The horror!

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Oh no! Did you contact them and let them know? I think they should send another to replace it for you....no fare!!! Very disappointing. I'm sorry!!! Take a picture of the set for proof to send them if needed, you know, so the force is with you

If nothing else works they are also selling the individual movies at the Walmart as well. You MUST have the whole set before seeing the movie in theatre.

But to tell you the truth I have not opened mine either but I will be looking tonight for sure. Seems the closer we are to the end of this system more and more difficulties no matter what it is we're trying to do.

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  On 12/6/2015 at 4:41 PM, Trina said:

Oh no! Did you contact them and let them know? I think they should send another to replace it for you....no fare!!! Very disappointing. I'm sorry!!! Take a picture of the set for proof to send them if needed, you know, so the force is with you

If nothing else works they are also selling the individual movies at the Walmart as well. You MUST have the whole set before seeing the movie in theatre.

But to tell you the truth I have not opened mine either but I will be looking tonight for sure. Seems the closer we are to the end of this system more and more difficulties no matter what it is we're trying to do.

Sorry about confusion. .. The digitally mastered is from years ago. Instead of looking for it I decide to get bluray...

Also, the dvds may not work in USA due to being coded for another country as per amazon reviews blu ray will work though. Since your located somewhere on earth hope you will watch on blu ray.

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Oh, very nice. Sorry about your lost movie. I always check other DVD cases to be sure because sometimes they are misplaced in another box too. But I am happy you have them now. : )

I live in the U.S. just so you know. Exciting isn't it? There is hardly ever a good movie to watch so we are making it an event in our hall there is a big group going together. Yay!

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I have all the six episodes on DVD, and they are sending every week here in Belgium, one episode until the release (17 December on the Cinema)

About the Story according to the book: prinses leila, and Lance are married, and has children..

Leila's brother (anakins son), has started a Jedi Community, (tattooine), to train padowans, and there is an apprendist where the force is srong present, he is a very skilled Jedi, but he is interested in the dark side..And when he choose to follow the steps of Lord vador.. He becomes a very poweful lord Sith.. What happens then? I will not reveal.. But this is according to the book, I don't really know if they will follow the book ...I am very curious.. Let's the force be with you..

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