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Songbook: "Sing Out Joyfully" to Jehovah

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These are the video files (MP4) for use at the meetings in Spanish - https://www.jw.org/download/?output=html&pub=sjjm&fileformat=MP4%2CAAC&alllangs=0&langwritten=S&txtCMSLang=S&isBible=0

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."—Matthew 6:21.

For now only 1 through 50 are available.

Sent from my Moto G Play using Tapatalk

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No announcement was made today at the meeting. However, a lot of the friends were asking the elders if they could place orders for hard copies. They said that they should have more information very soon. Our coordinator is gonna try to get a bunch of them before our convention in August because a lot brothers in our hall don't have Internet capable phones or Internet access. He said that he wants to make sure they have hard copies so they can practice the songs for the convention. Our congregation loves to sing and they can't wait. Our CO during his last visit said that he was impressed with the way our congregation sings and how no one gets up during the songs.

Edited by MM9106
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1 hour ago, MM9106 said:

 Our CO during his last visit said that he was impressed with the way our congregation sings and how no one gets up during the songs.



Do you remain seated while singing the song? Or did I understand it wrong? :D 

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3 hours ago, juliansan said:

Do you remain seated while singing the song? Or did I understand it wrong? :D 


We stay seated. We're different like that. Haha. Just kidding. We stand (obviously, lol) although there are some older ones who sit because of hip problems. Most don't go to the restroom or use that time for other matters.

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Oooh we in the Netherlands were so happy this weekend.
We had a special meeting with the headquarters representative, and at this meeting the new songbook in DUTCH was released!!!!

Really, the brothers did an excellent job!! The lyrics are so much more appealing than from the Sing to Jehovah songbook. From (almost) every song the lyrics changed.
Even the titles of the songs don't always look like the English ones.

For example:
In English song 34 is called: Walking in Integrity.

The Dutch song is called:
Help mij oprecht te zijn.
(Help me to be sincere).

Or song 15: "Praise Jehovah's Firstborn":
"Leve onze Koning"
(Something like: Long live our King)

Although it was released last weekend, we are going to use the new songbook directly at the meetings, so from today!
(Honestly, we all ready used it last weekend, but this was to build up excitement, I think)

Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G903F met Tapatalk

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Very happy for you Broyjer Sebastian! Amazing that you get to start using it this week. We will probably have to wait until September until we can use ours in the meetings and in August for the convention. We'll probably start placing orders this week.

Edited by MM9106

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The Dutch songbook in JWPUB format for JW Library https://download-a.akamaihd.net/files/media_books/1b/sjj_O.jwpub

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."—Matthew 6:21.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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20 hours ago, Tbs77 said:

Kingdom Songs Inspire Courage
Just watched video and now I'm teary eyed emoji22.png

Oh my! That sounds like something I'd get teary-eyed about too. :cry:


Where do I find this video? Or is it only available to elders/MSs?

Edited by Sheep
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Oh my! That sounds like something I'd get teary-eyed about too. :cry:


Where do I find this video? Or is it only available to elders/MSs?

Nope you have access to that! Just click meetings in JW Library go to calendar and select week April 20, click on link for video and download. You probably saw it already. Part of a Broadcast.


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Many additional languages will soon have the new songbook entitled “Sing Out Joyfully” to Jehovah. Once we obtain a copy, we can etch the lyrics in our mind by practicing the songs during family worship. (Eph 5:19) Then holy spirit will help us to recall them when trials arise. Kingdom songs can help us to focus on our hope. They can inspire us when we are facing trials. And when we are in good spirits, the uplifting lyrics enable us to “sing out joyfully” because of the good condition of our heart. (1Ch 15:16; Ps 33:1-3) Let us by all means make good use of our Kingdom songs!

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19 minutes ago, Tbs77 said:

Do you have a computer? emoji6.png



Scroll down past daily textemoji6.png

Yes, I have a computer. But it's running Windows 7. From what I understand, JW Library only runs on Windows 10.


Hey, that's neat! I didn't even know the meeting workbook was on wol.jw.org, with the links and all. You just taught me something! Thank you.

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Yes, I have a computer. But it's running Windows 7. From what I understand, JW Library only runs on Windows 10.
Hey, that's neat! I didn't even know the meeting workbook was on wol.jw.org, with the links and all. You just taught me something! Thank you.

My pleasure!
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