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Prince: when Doves Cry

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Happened to watch 3 shows/ interviews with peers this weekend re: Prince. 1) the Secret life of Prince 2) Purple Reign 3) when Doves Cry.  We never know for sure what is true.  Interesting none the less.  Makes you realize the challenges that certain ones must  face and the obstacles they  encounter.  Hard to see his background and how he came 'so far'--in worldly terms.  i had so many people ask me what did I think about his being a witness and dying from an overdose.  Like I knew him personally or he shared his life with me?   I have come to the conclusion that only he can answer to Jehovah and I dare not judge his actions.  How would we have responded in those unique circumstances?  Attention from the worlds most desirable women?  Money? Fame? Talent out the wahoo. How did his childhood effect his outcome?  Only Jehovah knows.  But he was in good standing at the time of his death.  Just because he died of an overdose does not mean he lived a life of drugs. In fact, I never Heard a report even before he bacame a witness that put him in the drug scene.  I do remember a brother in the Beverly Hills congregation after Prnces appearance at the Super Bowl telling us to stop judging!  Jehehovah was not through with any of us yet.  Besides, it was about how far you have come and not where you are right now.  I hope to meet our brother in Paradise.  When my mind will see him with new eyes and I won't recall those lyrics or immoral thoughts that he stirred when I listened to his music.  Yes, I was a secret die hard Prince fan.  But I am anxious to see what beautiful lyrics he will come up with soon.  



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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He was complicated, talented, and just stressed out. Imagine what he can do in the new system. Be his talented self, and, at the same time, be just his plain old self. No adulation. Just life, serving Jehovah, and enjoying that life. He's paid the price. And, we have a God who is merciful and loving. Looks for the good, sees the potential. What more could anyone as for? 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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  On 4/21/2017 at 5:56 AM, Miss Bea said:

He was complicated, talented, and just stressed out. Imagine what he can do in the new system. Be his talented self, and, at the same time, be just his plain old self. No adulation. Just life, serving Jehovah, and enjoying that life. He's paid the price. And, we have a God who is merciful and loving. Looks for the good, sees the potential. What more could anyone as for? 


While I too, concede he was talented, just wasn't a fan of his music at all ... I'm looking forward to seeing what he can accomplish in the New System as himself rather than the entity he was in this system.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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  On 4/21/2017 at 8:10 AM, Stormswift said:

While I too, concede he was talented, just wasn't a fan of his music at all ... I'm looking forward to seeing what he can accomplish in the New System as himself rather than the entity he was in this system.


This is the real beauty of everlasting life. 

Time not an issue any longer ...can create music forever!

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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If  "Prince" creates really beautiful extraordinary song every 1 million years  that appeals to everybody in just 1 billion years  we are going to enjoy 1000 songs!

And that will be just a beginning .... B)

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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  On 4/21/2017 at 8:36 AM, Stormswift said:

Not counting others who have fallen asleep in death, both JW's and not. How exciting. Hope Whitney houston takes the truth.


Every century had many talented people who will come back!

Can't wait for resurrection.. :bouncing:

Paradise will be SOMETHING comparing  to this dull system.


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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I thought the drug he took was that synthetic dangerous stuff that lots have been accidently overdosing on?
He can make music forever but he won't be idolized like he is now; Jehovah doesn't seem to want anyone to get into that spirit.

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I liked Prince after he became a witness. Weird eh. I wonder in the new system that he could play an "oldie but goodie" every once in a while? Maybe if it's a small gathering and not too loud. But I like loud.

And Leslie, what is a wahoo?

Preach The Word....Be At It Urgently. 2 Tim. 4:2

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i recalled reading that he needed to do the world wide concert tours again due to his substantial expenses. apparently, he injured himself in one of the concerts and led to his reliance on the painkillers. 

Edited by JW-Ind
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There is a Tribute show about Prince in Las Vegas and my wife and I were talking about how sad that it is keeping alive all of the aspects of his life that he had put behind him.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Well, the world like him when he was wild and out there. And they would always want him to go back to the way he was. We have friends like that when we come into the truth. They always want us to come back and have fun and party with them again. And sometimes it is a challenge, kind of like the call of the wild. It was really pretty hard for him to get away from all of that because it was always there, everywhere he went. It will be great when in the new world he can channel his talents to making music that honors Jehovah and allows him to fully express his talents without being put on a pedestal.

Preach The Word....Be At It Urgently. 2 Tim. 4:2

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  On 4/21/2017 at 1:33 PM, Tortuga said:

There is a Tribute show about Prince in Las Vegas and my wife and I were talking about how sad that it is keeping alive all of the aspects of his life that he had put behind him.


I'll skip this one, any other good shows in Vegas ? 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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  On 4/21/2017 at 2:02 PM, Gregexplore said:

I'll skip this one, any other good shows in Vegas ? 


Just the sunrise and sunset  :)

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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One of his managers quoted him as saying 'I never knew it was so lonely to be famous'.  He died from an overdose of Fentyl patch.  It is a patch prescribed for chronic pain control---to be changed every 72 hrs.  Many addicts cut the patch and ingest the medication all at once for an intense high.  There is an epidemic of this now that is so widespread fire departments are being trained to administer save shots.  If you recall the devastating recent reports where two separate couples overdosed while driving their vehicle--the child was a witness to this horrific event and called 911.  Upon arrival both parents were dead and the car descalated to the side of the road saving the small child.  

Fentyl or any other strong opiad causes the respiratory system to 'forget' to breathe.  I have observed this shot administered several times over my years of nursing and it is very frightening to witness.  With my first patient I observed, her anesthesia accumulated in her system along with pain medication and boom--respiratory arrest!  A code blue was called, crash cart brought to the bedside and her boyfriend was so shook up he admitted to giving her extra pain meds I knew nothing about.  The physician grabbed a Syringe and drew up a dose of Narcan.  He felt her chest counting her ribs down to either the third or fourth intercostal space and drew his fist back into the air and plunged/stabbed the needle into the left ventricle of her heart!  BOOM!  Immediately she screamed and sat bolt up right!  I had no idea what to expect and it was one of the most frightening things I have ever seen.  I asked later why he did not use the IV and he said he wanted instant results!  IV might take 30-60 seconds and when you are not sure how long they have already been without oxygen, every second counts.  

There was a old song written by Nicki Sixx of Motley Crue called Kickstart My Heart which was about his experience receiving a save shot -not once but twice--from his heroin overdoses.  

Years later I saw Pulp Fiction and there is a scene that was supposedly based on his experience.  Yes, it was just like that!  The next ones I saw where Narcan was  administered via an existing, patent IV line  were still fast acting but not as dramatic as that stab in the heart!  I still fell faint when I think about it.


Anyway, they never interviewed his best friend, our brother the other musician, Larry Graham, who was in his 'inner circle' about the impeding intervention that was already in progress.  Too bad they did not delve into how he had made changes, but then that is not what draws ratings. 



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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Although I never cared for his music (even when I was in the world), I thought he was very talented and a great guitar player. He did have a couple songs that I liked. He seemed to be a good man and brother and I hope to meet him in the new world. Some people say that he was a hypocrite because of his addiction to pain medication but when your in a world of pain, you may do anything to relieve yourself in desperation. I'm confident that Jehovah will remember him in the resurrection :)

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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  On 4/21/2017 at 11:52 AM, vern said:

I thought the drug he took was that synthetic dangerous stuff that lots have been accidently overdosing on?
He can make music forever but he won't be idolized like he is now; Jehovah doesn't seem to want anyone to get into that spirit.


I think that once he took the truth vern, being idolized was the last thing on his mind ... he seemed like he preferred the background once he was a witness. Unfortunately though you can't control who the world choose to idolize or to continue to idolize if he hadn't died so early perhaps he would not be on the world stage as he is.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I had never, even now, heard of him living a lifestyle full of drugs or alcohol.  I do not believe his addiction occurred until later in his life, after having double hip replacements and after becoming a witness.  From a nurses standpoint, it is so easy to become an addict the way Rx's are doled out.  There are lots of our brothers and sisters who are in this situation.  Being fortunate enough to have suffered little pain it is easy to preach 'just say no'.  To live n pain daily is quite a different story.   Plus, chemicals alter Our personality and not just during the time they are consumed but alter the pathways and are reasoning ability.





Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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