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Examining the Scriptures Daily - 2017


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1 hour ago, GrumpysWife said:

It would be prudent on our part to take time to reflect on whether the matter is serious enough to say something.

Good advice :thumbsup:

Usually as imperfect beings we don't take sufficient time to meditate on our answers or actions.

Another "golden" rule that goes to my "personal study" notes.

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Monday, December 25

It trains us . . . to live with soundness of mind . . . amid this present system of things.—Titus 2:12.

Having “soundness of mind,” or being sober-minded, should certainly come into play when the explanation of a diagnostic method or therapy seems strange or mysterious. Can the practitioner or the one promoting it explain satisfactorily how it works? Is it in accord with known facts, and do numerous qualified people view it as credible? (Prov. 22:29) Or is the main appeal to the emotions? Perhaps the claim is that it was discovered or used in a distant or remote place, as if hidden from modern research. Does such a claim prove anything or even seem reasonable? Some diagnostic devices or forms of treatment are described as using a ‘secret substance’ or ‘body force.’ That warrants serious caution because God warned against “the use of magical power” and spirit mediums.—Isa. 1:13; Deut. 18:10-12. w15 12/15 4:16

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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The daily text today was talking about the aspect of having soundness of mind when discerning which medical procedures to follow.  Included in this is whether the main appeal is emotional, is it reasonable, is it secret and hidden or in accord with known fact.


This to me highlights that "it" that is training us (ie Godly Devotion) is not something we feel emotionally, but it involves much more - the mind and how it accords with known fact.  For instance, someone's heart may be in the right place (ie, wanting to find the Creator) but if they are searching in kabbalistic, theological or philosophical writings they haven't found "it".  We call it "finding the truth".  It's more than a feeling, it's more than knowledge.  It has to be grounded in reason, not hidden, not complicated. 


And the results speak for themselves.  Armed with Godly Devotion we live better lives , even with all the hideous problems we encounter in this system.  As the comments from today's text says, we can be spared from suffering from dabbling in spiritistic practices if we use our soundness of mind and reason things out.


Prov 2:11 Thinking ability will keep watch over you.  And discernment will safeguard you.

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Tuesday, December 26

There has not been raised up anyone greater than John the Baptist, but a lesser person in the Kingdom of the heavens is greater than he is.—Matt. 11:11.

Throughout the Scriptures, we see many examples of men of faith who were deeply moved by holy spirit; yet they did not have the hope of living in heaven. John the Baptist was one such person. Jesus highly praised him but stated that John would not be included in the heavenly Kingdom. David was likewise moved by holy spirit. (1 Sam. 16:13) He was a man of great spiritual depth and was even inspired to write sections of the Bible. (Mark 12:36) Still, at Pentecost, Peter said of David that he “did not ascend to the heavens.” (Acts 2:34) Holy spirit worked mightily in such ones, but it did not give them the special witness that they had been selected for heavenly life. That did not mean that they were in some way unworthy or deficient. It simply meant that Jehovah would resurrect them to life on a paradise earth.—John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15. w16.01 3:16

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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How and in what way was Jesus a " lesser person in the Kingdom of the heavens" ?


You would think that because Jesus was the first born of all creation and became a master worker that he was already above the angels.

It would make sense if the word "lesser"  here meant more humble.  From my point of view, I would have thought that Jesus as the Logos, and having all things made through him would have given him a measure of importance.




The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah

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While reading today's text at Matt. 11:11 the question that came to my mind was: How was John the Baptist raised up? 

Haven't had time to research this bit yet.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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John the Baptist = earthly hope!


144,000 (any one of them) = greater than he is because of their heavenly hope. 


For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Wednesday, December 27

I and the Father are one.—John 10:30.

When we work along with those we love, we draw close to them and come to know their personality and their qualities. We learn not only what they want to accomplish but also how they go about doing it. Jesus worked along with Jehovah for perhaps billions of years, and they forged a strong, unbreakable bond of love and affection for each other. They enjoyed a wonderful unity, always working together in full harmony. In prayer, Jesus asked Jehovah to watch over his disciples. The reason? He prayed: “So that they may be one just as we are one.” (John 17:11) As we conform to God’s standards and share in the work of preaching, we come to understand his appealing qualities. We learn why it is wise to trust in him and to follow his direction. As we draw close to God, he draws close to us. (Jas. 4:8) We also draw close to our spiritual brothers and sisters because we face similar challenges and joys and because we share the same goals. w16.01 5:9, 10

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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I love how Jesus perfectly reflects his Father's selflessness, in asking that He look out for his disciples and friends. He and Jehovah are the most high in the universe, but still care about our tiny, imperfect, mortal lives. We are truly insignificant, yet he gladly allows us to pray through him and worship his glorious Father.

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Thursday, December 28

Return with your sister-in-law.—Ruth 1:15.

Naomi is determined to press on to her homeland, Israel. With her is Ruth, who faces what may be the most important decision of her life. She can either go home to her people in Moab or stick with her mother-in-law, Naomi, and travel to Bethlehem. (Ruth 1:1-8, 14) Ruth could easily have reasoned that she had a family there in Moab—a mother and other relatives who would take a young widow in and help provide for her. Moab was her homeland. Its culture was her culture, its language her language, its people her people. Naomi could promise her no such advantages in Bethlehem. In fact, she advised Ruth to stay in Moab. Naomi feared that she could provide neither a husband nor a home for her daughters-in-law. What would Ruth do? Note the contrast between her and Orpah, who “returned to her people and her gods.” (Ruth 1:9-15) Did Ruth want to return to the false gods of her people? No, she did not. w16.02 2:4, 5

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Ruth could have went back to her native land and led a comfortable life, but she chose to remain loyal to Jehovah. By cultivating loyal love for Jehovah and having a self-sacrificing spirit it will protect us from falling victim to selfish desires. So we don’t want personal things to cause us to miss our meetings or the field ministry, if possible. 
We want to always put Jehovah in first place in our lives. 

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Friday, December 29

What is Jehovah requiring of you? Only to exercise justice, to cherish loyalty, and to walk in modesty with your God!—Mic. 6:8.

In the dead of night, David and Abishai silently make their way through 3,000 sleeping troops. At the center of the camp, the two men find King Saul fast asleep. He has journeyed to the Judean wilderness in order to find David and kill him. Abishai whispers: “Let me pin [Saul] to the ground with the spear just once, and I will not need to do it twice.” David’s reply is astonishing! “Do not harm him, for who can lift his hand against the anointed of Jehovah and remain innocent? . . . It is unthinkable from Jehovah’s standpoint for me to lift my hand against the anointed of Jehovah!” (1 Sam. 26:8-12) David understood what loyalty to God involves. He had no intention of harming Saul. Why not? Because Saul was God’s anointed king over Israel. Loyal servants of Jehovah respect those whom he appoints. Indeed, Jehovah requires that all of his people “cherish loyalty.” w16.02 4:1, 2

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Saturday, December 30

To do your will, O my God, is my delight.—Ps. 40:8.

Are you a young person who is considering baptism? If so, what lies before you is the greatest privilege any human could have. However, baptism is a serious step. It symbolizes your dedication—a solemn promise you make to Jehovah that you will serve him forever by putting his will above everything else in your life. Understandably, you should get baptized only when you are qualified to make that decision, you have a personal desire to do so, and you understand the meaning of dedication. What if you are not sure that you are ready for baptism? Or what if you want to get baptized but your parents feel that you should wait, perhaps until you gain more experience in Christian living? In either case, do not be discouraged. Instead, use this opportunity to make progress so that, before long, you can get baptized. w16.03 2:1, 2

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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I have many times used the example of David when discussing with others how we ought to be when we perceive potential problems coming our way, now and in the future persecution. Even after David had been anointed by Samuel and it must have seemed obvious that Saul had lost Jehovah's spirit & blessing, when Saul began to go after David, David did not "stand still" so to speak and leave it to Jehovah to protect him. David took action and fled from Saul, doubtless with a measure of genuine fear, even while his confidence in Jehovah never waivered! We today also need to remember that with Tribulation approaching we could experience genuine fear, that does not represent a diminishment of our confidence & faith in our loving, almighty God. That faith will anchor our soul and allow us act and follow whatever guidance we may receive from our shepherds.

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We should never find ourselves disrespectful to anyone that Jehovah has appointed because that would show disrespect to Jehovah. If anything is not according to Jehovah’s standards, He will fix it, not us. We must be obedient to any direction we are given because this is pleasing to our Heavenly Father, Jehovah. 

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