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Kings of the North and South - Wow, even the World is taking note

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Further on the subject of the Kings of the North and South - here is what has been published in todays online ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corp) website this morning.....


China's newfound intimacy with once-rival Russia is proving a strategic blind spot for Australia

We have become very China-centric in our strategic thinking in Australia — and this could be to our detriment. Beijing's deepening defence ties with Russia remain a blind spot in our public debate that we need to start paying attention to.

China and Russia, once unlikely partners, have grown much closer in recent years, especially when it comes to security and defence. The two countries are closer now than at any point since late 1940s-early '50s.


Quite a long and interesting article.   For those that are interested in reading the article, the website details are..........    https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-08-22/china-russia-relationship-australia-strategic-blind-spot/12582356


As the saying goes  - "Hold onto your hats.   Its all happening folks"  

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Australia wants to align with the US to combat China’s strategic assertiveness, but Australia cannot sign up to any US campaign of ideological conflict, bordering on regime change in China, or economic decoupling from China as a strategic goal.

This is what is clearly coming through the governmental statements ...anyway, I don't like getting involved in those political games. 

Our November campaign will be most interesting, as we will try to reach political elements with it.  

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Bro Greg, I wasn’t trying to get involved in politics, my comment was to affirm what we recently studied about the King of the North being a China/Russia joint King.    

The most interesting part of the quoted article was how close China and Russia have become, particularly in security and defence.

I’ve never before read that China and Russia were such close allies, and this article only confirms what the Watchtower stated.   Our magazines are written many months prior to publication and this article so proves that Jehovah has long range vision and things are well in hand.   Prophecy is definitely being fulfilled before our eyes. 


When I first came into the truth in the 1970s my study conductor advised me to always watch the news, and forty odd years later I’m still doing so.  
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/22/2020 at 9:50 PM, Sheila said:

my comment was to affirm what we recently studied about the King of the North being a China/Russia joint King.    

Sheila, I must have missed that wt. study about China being a “joint”  “King of the North. Could you point out which paragraph that was in?


I know they may be an ally at times.....but I’ve never heard them described as a joint KON.

Edited by Pjdriver

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." (tu)  

All spelling and grammatical errors are for your enjoyment and entertainment only and are copyright Burt, aka Pjdriver.

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4 hours ago, Pjdriver said:

Sheila, I must have missed that wt. study about China being a “joint”  “King of the North. Could you point out which paragraph that was in?


I know they may be an ally at times.....but I’ve never heard them described as a joint KON.

China is not mention at all. Yet, they are part of the KOFTN. KOFTN Is ant-KOFTS and KOFTS is ant-KOFTN. China does not get along with KOFTS.

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37 minutes ago, Dustparticle said:

China is not mention at all. Yet, they are part of the KOFTN. KOFTN Is ant-KOFTS and KOFTS is ant-KOFTN. China does not get along with KOFTS.

I believe I did mention they are an Ally, but ally is not the same as a “joint king”. Otherwise they would just list all the allies and say they are all “Joint” KOTN rather than highlighting Russia.

Just not getting along the KOTS doesn’t automatically equate to being the KOTN. Otherwise, we would always know the identity of the KOTN. 

Yet,  For a while we weren’t sure of the identity of the KOTN.

Were China and Russia friends with the the KOTS during the time we weren’t sure of their identity? :coffee:

Edited by Pjdriver

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." (tu)  

All spelling and grammatical errors are for your enjoyment and entertainment only and are copyright Burt, aka Pjdriver.

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1 hour ago, Pjdriver said:

I believe I did mention they are an Ally, but ally is not the same as a “joint king”. Otherwise they would just list all the allies and say they are all “Joint” KOTN rather than highlighting Russia.

Just not getting along the KOTS doesn’t automatically equate to being the KOTN. Otherwise, we would always know the identity of the KOTN. 

Yet,  For a while we weren’t sure of the identity of the KOTN.

Were China and Russia friends with the the KOTS during the time we weren’t sure of their identity? :coffee:

For the past 10 years or so, the relationship 

between these rivals have gone down the drain.

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Sorry for taking so long to reply Burt, my emails then my computer went down which has been a bit frustrating.   I haven't re-read the article, but the connection must've been mentioned somehow otherwise I wouldn't have picked up on it.   I record the public talks but not the watchtower meetings, so I cant pinpoint exactly what was said.   Ive probably got the joint king and ally words mixed up, which after two strokes, isn't surprising.   I mentioned the article in a txt to one of our elders, but he hasn't commented one way or the other.

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On 9/3/2020 at 6:13 AM, Sheila said:

Sorry for taking so long to reply Burt, my emails then my computer went down which has been a bit frustrating.   I haven't re-read the article, but the connection must've been mentioned somehow otherwise I wouldn't have picked up on it.   I record the public talks but not the watchtower meetings, so I cant pinpoint exactly what was said.   Ive probably got the joint king and ally words mixed up, which after two strokes, isn't surprising.   I mentioned the article in a txt to one of our elders, but he hasn't commented one way or the other.

Hi Sheila, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to nit pic. I’m sure it’s just a little mix up. I just don’t like to see it get spread.
I can see why some might think China is “a joint KOTN”....but it’s not something the faithful slave has said, and it’s not the same as being an ally. 

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." (tu)  

All spelling and grammatical errors are for your enjoyment and entertainment only and are copyright Burt, aka Pjdriver.

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12 minutes ago, Pjdriver said:

Hi Sheila, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to nit pic. I’m sure it’s just a little mix up. I just don’t like to see it get spread.
I can see why some might think China is “a joint KOTN”....but it’s not something the faithful slave has said, and it’s not the same as being an ally. 

China is part of of KOFTN and the slave class does not have to say it either.  Russia and them are allies. The hand writing is on the wall.  The article talking about election meddling and China has a role in it. https://www.yahoo.com/news/u-national-security-adviser-obrien-182408462.html

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7 hours ago, Dustparticle said:

China is part of of KOFTN and the slave class does not have to say it either.  Russia and them are allies. The hand writing is on the wall.  The article talking about election meddling and China has a role in it. https://www.yahoo.com/news/u-national-security-adviser-obrien-182408462.html

Glenn.....I already said they are part of the allies to the KOTN. But, they are not a “joint king of the north”.   You’ve cited a news article mentioning China....that’s good. Now cite me a watchtower article that says China is a “joint king”,....not ally, “joint king”.
That is what I was responding to.
 Can you see the difference?

If the “Slave class does not have to say it”,   who does?   You?

If you want to believe they are a “joint king”, that’s up to you, I won’t say anymore.  :coffee:


Edited by Pjdriver

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." (tu)  

All spelling and grammatical errors are for your enjoyment and entertainment only and are copyright Burt, aka Pjdriver.

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1 hour ago, Pjdriver said:

Glenn.....I already said they are part of the allies to the KOTN. But, they are not a “joint king of the north”.   You’ve cited a news article mentioning China....that’s good. Now cite me a watchtower article that says China is a “joint king”,....not ally, “joint king”.
That is what I was responding to.
 Can you see the difference?

If the “Slave class does not have to say it”,   who does?   You?

If you want to believe they are a “joint king”, that’s up to you, I won’t say anymore.  :coffee:


I think there some misunderstanding here. Gerrit Losch mentioned about the KOFN  2 years ago. He mentioned that both rivals are engaging in a trade war. It is China and USA is doing this right now and not Russia and USA. Sorry for any mishap my brother.

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Sorry to add to the nit-picking, but Russia alone is not the king of the north. The current king of the north has been consistently described in our literature and at conventions/annual meetings since 2018 as being “Russia and its allies.” Therefore, any nation which acts as an ally of Russia is also part of the group of nations today comprising the king of the north. This is similar to how the king of the north between 1945 and 1991 was the Soviet Union, which was not a singular nation but a bloc of nations. 

The Governing Body has not specified which nations are allies of Russia, nor what exactly qualifies as a national “ally.” This is probably because such governmental alliances are subject to change and any list of such allies would quickly become outdated. However, the last few years have shown undeniably that China is currently a close economic, trade, and military ally of Russia. Therefore, China is part of the king of the north today, just as Russia is part of the king of the north. I think another reason the focus has mainly been on Russia is because their persecution of God’s people in recent years has been very blatant and intense.

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7 minutes ago, jscotchie said:

Sorry to add to the nit-picking, but Russia alone is not the king of the north. The current king of the north has been consistently described in our literature and at conventions/annual meetings since 2018 as being “Russia and its allies.” Therefore, any nation which acts as an ally of Russia is also part of the group of nations today comprising the king of the north. This is similar to how the king of the north between 1945 and 1991 was the Soviet Union, which was not a singular nation but a bloc of nations. 

The Governing Body has not specified which nations are allies of Russia, nor what exactly qualifies as a national “ally.” This is probably because such governmental alliances are subject to change and any list of such allies would quickly become outdated. However, the last few years have shown undeniably that China is currently a close economic, trade, and military ally of Russia. Therefore, China is part of the king of the north today, just as Russia is part of the king of the north. I think another reason the focus has mainly been on Russia is because their persecution of God’s people in recent years has been very blatant and intense.

Technically speaking you're correct Soviet Union and its allies become the king of the north. In 1991, the Soviet Union collapses, and in time, Russia and its allies take over the role of the king of the north.



But still the main focus it's on Russia, as it is a major (very major)  component of the KOTN 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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15 hours ago, jscotchie said:

The current king of the north has been consistently described in our literature and at conventions/annual meetings since 2018 as being “Russia and its allies.”


15 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

But still the main focus it's on Russia, as it is a major (very major)  component of the KOTN 

Just to emphasize Greg's comment...  you'll notice only 1 country is named in our publications since 2018.  Russia.  Yes, the phrasing is "Russian and it's allies," but that is because allies come and go.  The allies are only mentioned because they do Russia's bidding.  


But yes, you are right.  The full statement always includes allies in the statement.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

From Wall Street Journal

U.S., Japan, India and Australia Strengthen Ties to Counter China

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visits Tokyo for meeting of the Quad

U.S. Sec­re­tary of State Mike Pom­peo and the for­eign min­is­ters of Japan, In­dia and Aus­tralia pledged to up­hold ter­ri­to­r­ial sov­er­eignty and free­dom of nav­i­ga­tion as ris­ing ten­sion be­tween the coun­tries and China draws them closer to counter Bei­jing’s ex­pan­sion­ist am­bi­tions.

On a visit to Tokyo lim­ited to less than 24 hours be­cause of Pres­i­dent Trump’s ill­ness with Covid-19, Mr. Pom­peo also met Japan’s new prime min­is­ter, Yoshi­hide Suga, be­fore talks with his three coun­ter­parts in the four-na­tion group known as the Quad.

Mr. Pom­peo high­lighted the ob­ject of U.S. con­cern: the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Party.

“As part­ners in this Quad, it is more crit­i­cal now than ever that we col­lab­o­rate to pro­tect our peo­ple and part­ners from the CCP’s ex­ploita­tion, cor­rup­tion and co­er­cion. We see it in the South and East China Seas, the Mekong, the Hi­malayas, the Tai­wan Strait,” Mr. Pom­peo said.

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