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Minimalistic Lifestyle

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Hey friends. 
Have anyone tried or are living a minimalistic lifestyle? I started a few weeks ago and the feeling is awesome. If you have let’s exchange ideas along with challenges and benefits you are getting. There might be someone thinking about trying but just don’t know where to start. Let’s discuss. 

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What is "minimalist"? One plate, fork, spoon, knife, bowl? One chair, one bed, two sets of sheets & towels (gotta wash one and use the other).  12 mix/match clothing items?  Do we ever want guests?


For me, the stress of even thinking about getting rid of things would outweigh whatever "awesome" feeling might come of it... :shrugs:

Edited by Hope
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The needs of everyone is unique and differs from person to person. What May be your needs may not be for someone else. No need to anxious. Think about it, what type life did Jesus lived? He was able to move from place to place without having any anxiety about what was left behind. 

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6 hours ago, Alikay said:

Hey friends. 
Have anyone tried or are living a minimalistic lifestyle? I started a few weeks ago and the feeling is awesome. If you have let’s exchange ideas along with challenges and benefits you are getting. There might be someone thinking about trying but just don’t know where to start. Let’s discuss. 

Oh yes; I have ordered my new Maserati with fabric seats, as I thought leather ones would be materialistic 🤣 (humor) 

Point is:

We all have different definitions of minimalistic lifestyle so please elaborate with more details what you mean to have this conversation. (Give some examples if you can) 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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8 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

We all have different definitions of minimalistic lifestyle so please elaborate with more details

We have a lot of financially independent residents that have adopted a minimalistic lifestyle. I see them sleeping in Bus stops and under bridges.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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3 hours ago, Alikay said:

The needs of everyone is unique and differs from person to person. What May be your needs may not be for someone else. No need to anxious. Think about it, what type life did Jesus lived? He was able to move from place to place without having any anxiety about what was left behind. 

I cannot live the life of Jesus. I'm nearly twice his human age and need money/job to live. 


And moving is highly overrated 🥴

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A part of me would like to have very few “things”.  Then my aches and pains come and I break out my machinery….

My dream would be to live in some type of travel vehicle and live in different places exploring.   I’m nowhere near that dream. Lol

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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4 hours ago, BLEmom said:

A part of me would like to have very few “things”.  Then my aches and pains come and I break out my machinery….

My dream would be to live in some type of travel vehicle and live in different places exploring.   I’m nowhere near that dream. Lol

I got the same dreams. 

The range of my ideas in our movements goes from: with our own feet, by bike, by train, by ship, with Hyperloop - 1000km/h. - with Bimp or Zeppelin- with Beaming. Everything in its time. Everything that has a minimal impact on the environment. Ultimately, will align us with the advice of our heavenly government and earthly administration. I would like to call myself a very imaginative person, but also a practical individual.

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28 minutes ago, Michelle81 said:

I think the term "minimalist" is vague. I'd say I'm frugal and conservative with the amount of belongings I have. 

I am totaĺly by you, dear Michelle. I want to and will also be very economical with the treasures of our planet. Now, as well as I can. And 100% perfect in the New System.

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I don't know what the OP means. But I did watch a Netflix documentary on minimalistic living and it doesn't necessarily mean living a poor lifestyle. It just broadens the perspective that we can live with less. Many of the things we own are necessary, and the burden of owning many things could make us feel empty. Like sister hope and a few mentioned, it really depends on an individual's needs and the size of a family. 


The takeaway from the movie is living with less contributes to a stress-free life. And there is a substantial amount of truth in it. So, I have decided that the latest Tesla plaid s, a sufficient amount of clean outfit, a cinema-sized TV for a good viewing experience, and a couple of other everyday stuff is okay for me in my goal of becoming a minimalist 🙂

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On 5/13/2022 at 8:31 AM, Alikay said:

He was able to move from place to place without having any anxiety about what was left behind. 

Do you think this is viable for most worshipers of Jehovah in our days? Many have family responsibilities, children go to school, elderly ones need medical and emotional care. Majority cannot live like nomads for many reasons. Simple life is different to minimalistic life. We build kingdoms halls to worship Jehovah in a designated area, designated circuits and branches. 
Ap Paul moved a lot, but visited congregations  were others lived permanently without moving. 
Balance is needed when serving Jehovah, but simple life proved to elevate a lot of stress in our lifestyle. 
But I am not sure how minimalistic lifestyle helps us in this regard, because those two are way different to me. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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  • 3 months later...

I'm not sure if I got Brother @Alikay correctly. In my way of thinking, minimalism is part of what allows us to do more for Jehovah with minimal attention to the things that absorb us too much. This should not be confused with having obligations. Every human and every servant of God has responsibilities and obligations. It is more about simplifying our lives to find more time for spiritual things. Please correct me if I'm wrong 😊

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11 hours ago, MarcelLew said:

I'm not sure if I got Brother @Alikay correctly. In my way of thinking, minimalism is part of what allows us to do more for Jehovah with minimal attention to the things that absorb us too much. This should not be confused with having obligations. Every human and every servant of God has responsibilities and obligations. It is more about simplifying our lives to find more time for spiritual things. Please correct me if I'm wrong 😊

Nothing you have correct. This way i go with my family!😄 

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I think how much you can live without depends on individual interest.we are meant to be happy and please Jehovah in whatever decision we make so there is no need to assume that we all have to live the same to please Jehovah.we had wealthy Christians in the bible who had good things of life and enjoyed comfort and had heavenly hope on top of that.the Apostle Paul only advised them not to put their hope on their riches.If you set your priorities right,your wealth can be a very good tool for you to serve God comfortably and with focus,trust me the poor are very distracted,

so I don't see any reason why one should live in ascetism when you can enjoy good life now.


Understandably not everyone can enjoy comfort now.some people are poor and no matter how hard they try its just not possible to afford good things of life.someone in such a situation doesn't have to be overly worried about being rich as it only makes things harder for them.but the rich already have the money  and can enjoy a good life so why resort to ascetism? I don't think we have to live poor to please Jehovah,as long as you have your priorities right even a wealthy brother who enjoys comfort can  please Jehovah more than someone who is poor and overly concerned about acquiring material things.


Bro Alikay I'm not sure what is motivating you to live the minimalistic lifestyle but just be sure that you clearly understand the requirements for pleasing Jehovah,so you don't needlessly make life difficult for yourself which can even be counterproductive when you sadly end up losing interest and joy in serving Jehovah.


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32 minutes ago, Ishaya said:


I think how much you can live without depends on individual interest.we are meant to be happy and please Jehovah in whatever decision we make so there is no need to assume that we all have to live the same to please Jehovah.we had wealthy Christians in the bible who had good things of life and enjoyed comfort and had heavenly hope on top of that.the Apostle Paul only advised them not to put their hope on their riches.If you set your priorities right,your wealth can be a very good tool for you to serve God comfortably and with focus,trust me the poor are very distracted,

so I don't see any reason why one should live in ascetism when you can enjoy good life now.


Understandably not everyone can enjoy comfort now.some people are poor and no matter how hard they try its just not possible to afford good things of life.someone in such a situation doesn't have to be overly worried about being rich as it only makes things harder for them.but the rich already have the money  and can enjoy a good life so why resort to ascetism? I don't think we have to live poor to please Jehovah,as long as you have your priorities right even a wealthy brother who enjoys comfort can  please Jehovah more than someone who is poor and overly concerned about acquiring material things.


Bro Alikay I'm not sure what is motivating you to live the minimalistic lifestyle but just be sure that you clearly understand the requirements for pleasing Jehovah,so you don't needlessly make life difficult for yourself which can even be counterproductive when you sadly end up losing interest and joy in serving Jehovah.


Hello dear brother. I too do not know the motives of the brother quoted. My motivation is as follows: in principle, I don't like the kind of lifestyle that is so often promoted because 1. it damages the earth's resources too much, 2. because I can get by without great comfort. 3. because I don't want to have something forced on me by advertising. 4. because a very comfortable life is often very hectic. 5. by living a simple life I can enjoy Jehovah's creation quietly and peacefully.... etc...etc..

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9 hours ago, Exter said:

 because I can get by without great comfort.

It is a very fine thing brother that you can get by without great comfort.although it is okay to just have comfort, not great comfort.

but if we can't  get even  a little material comfort in this life there is no need to worry since we have spiritual comfort now and a hope of enjoying good life in the NW.


I think the important thing now is to know 'how to' live wisely in every situation we find ourselves.

its like Paul put it;

"I know how
to be low on provisions and how
to have an abundance. In everything and in all circumstances I
have learned the secret of both
how to be full and how to hunger, both how to have an abundance and how to do without." Philippians 4:12.




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10 hours ago, Exter said:

Hello dear brother. I too do not know the motives of the brother quoted. My motivation is as follows: in principle, I don't like the kind of lifestyle that is so often promoted because 1. it damages the earth's resources too much, 2. because I can get by without great comfort. 3. because I don't want to have something forced on me by advertising. 4. because a very comfortable life is often very hectic. 5. by living a simple life I can enjoy Jehovah's creation quietly and peacefully.... etc...etc..

My meaning zu minimalismn:

For me, minimalism is a tool that has helped me and still helps me to find myself and connect with myself. In this day and age, it's often about higher, faster and further. But we often forget to listen to ourselves and our hearts. To listen, to feel what is important for us personally in life. -- (For Jehovah's Witnesses, of course, the theocratic teaching about Jehovah and his kingdom is the most important thing).

For me, minimalism does not mean doing without, it means getting rid of ballast and superfluous things in order to be free for the life that I want, that enriches me and that fulfils me.
I love life with all its facets and that is exactly why I want to enjoy it and not waste my time with stuff.

Translated with DeepL

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Other points about the topic:


Minimalism with 50+ ?
Minimalism - what's that all about?
For some time now, the term "minimalism" has been making the rounds in the media. What is meant here is not the design style of minimalism, but the conscious and voluntary decision to live a life with fewer things. And no, it is not about impoverishment, not about asceticism, but about real quality of life. Since I have already been asked several times whether I really and seriously believe that such a lifestyle makes sense not only for younger people but also for the 50+ generation, here is my view of things:

On the concept of minimalism
If the word minimalism bothers you, just call it something else, e.g.: Simpler living or consumption-reduced, consumption-conscious, or I don't know what. The word doesn't matter and of course there can be much more than 100 pieces. In this case, numbers are smoke and mirrors. The point is to reduce the mountains of clutter in order to find more time and space for the essentials in one's life.


that should be enough for now. I hope, dear brothers and sisters, that I have brought some interesting points to you which can also be useful for a theocratic life. For me, so to speak, "the milk of the nations"!

Translated with DeepL

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On 5/12/2022 at 11:59 AM, Alikay said:

Hey friends. 
Have anyone tried or are living a minimalistic lifestyle? I started a few weeks ago and the feeling is awesome. If you have let’s exchange ideas along with challenges and benefits you are getting. There might be someone thinking about trying but just don’t know where to start. Let’s discuss. 

I believe you are referring to style and design, which nicely compliments living a simple lifestyle.


I love minimalism, and I strive for it. If you would like a tip, I learned that Bethel has somewhat of a minimalist style, by necessity: I was told the dresser could not have more than 3 items on top. It needed to be easy for the housekeepers to come in and clean and dust quickly. I loved the idea and ever since then I have had the same system in my own home.

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54 minutes ago, M.J. said:

I believe you are referring to style and design, which nicely compliments living a simple lifestyle.


I love minimalism, and I strive for it. If you would like a tip, I learned that Bethel has somewhat of a minimalist style, by necessity: I was told the dresser could not have more than 3 items on top. It needed to be easy for the housekeepers to come in and clean and dust quickly. I loved the idea and ever since then I have had the same system in my own home.

Minimalist not out of defiance and know-it-all-ness, but for practical reasons. I would also include: striving for the very highest quality. This avoids unnecessary production. We protect the environment created by Jehovah. This is a goal for the New Order!

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On 5/12/2022 at 5:59 PM, Alikay said:

Hey friends. 
Have anyone tried or are living a minimalistic lifestyle? I started a few weeks ago and the feeling is awesome. If you have let’s exchange ideas along with challenges and benefits you are getting. There might be someone thinking about trying but just don’t know where to start. Let’s discuss. 



On 9/6/2022 at 9:19 AM, Exter said:

Minimalism with 50+ ?
Minimalism - what's that all about?

Generally in the world it’s those who want to get up and move to start over, or retire somewhere, such as moving to another country, or start a life traveling in a camper van or RV. Funny while doing housework yesterday, I had playing on youtube in the background a couple in their 50’s moving from Portland to Portugal. They sold everything, house, furniture, car, and business just to live out the rest of their years in Portugal. Their grown sons also moved to Europe.


For others in the world,  it might be more symbolic of internal cleansing, particularly if someone is a highly sensitive person. So for such persons having less stuff means avoiding over-stimulation, and creating a more calmer mind. 


For us in the Truth, something could be similar if one wants to enter a special form of full-time service, such as Bethel, circuit or missionary work.  Or for some that could mean simplifying their work life. Or simply downsizing because of moving into smaller dwellings. Or for some minimizing might mean reducing financial obligations and completely ridding of credit cards. I know some who live without a tv, house phone, or car, so I would say they live a ,

simpler lifestyle. Some may decide not to buy an item of clothing if they have a similar one already. But there is no cookie cutter rule for everyone. Some, because of financial situations, are forced to live more simply.

But OTOH time-saving devices such as instant steam pots or other kitchen items, washing machines, or even computers for preparing talks can minimize  the time and energy required in the kitchen, or washing clothes, or researching and writing out talks.  Especially if one has many other responsibilities, so the idea of minimalism is subjective really. What is the goal?






Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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