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A brother recently gave me a new large watch and everytime I see him he fusses over whether or not it fits correctly, if I am wearing it correctly. He has already insisted on having it resized once and now he wants to do it again.


The problem is that I don't wear watches. I haven't worn a watch in 10 years. Before he gave me the watch he was asking me about watches and I told him that I didn't wear a watch and I don't want to wear a watch. I didn't know that he was planning to give me one.


The other problem is that its a large watch. I think large watches are ugly. I think large expensive watches are an unnecessary ornament.


So now I don't know what to do..I don't want the watch but I don't want to hurt his feelings.

Edited by Tortuga
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Do you remember the experience of a young child giving an older brother a piece of candy?


The brother didn't want the candy.  He didn't like the candy.  He didn't even eat candy.


So he told the young child, "No thank you."


The child went away, deeply hurt that his small gift had been refused.


The way I recall it, the advice was that it would have been better for the older brother to graciously, and gratefully,

accept the child's small gift, because the very act of giving would bring the child much joy.


He didn't have to eat it...just accept it.


You don't have to want the watch.   You don't have to like the watch.  You don't even have to wear the watch.

At least it made the brother feel good to give it to you.


This probably doesn't help you at all, but, that is my 1087806030_Twocentsworth.gif.242ccad21bb38862b45e8c3937cab7e8.gif :D 




Feel free to send it to me.  🤭




Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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Tell him you don't want to break it, not even by accident and keep it in the desk drawer.


Or you just remind him to keep on the WATCH!


late music video GIF by Interscope Records

Edited by Jimi-L

No matter how the wind howls the mountain cannot bow to it. 

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Did he pay alot for the watch? If you don't own anything of such high value in watches, maybe you will get used to it? Maybe even become a favorite...going over to the dark side.


Or was it a watch that he used to wear and is one of his favorites? Maybe he noticed that you weren't wearing watches, so he thought he could help you out by giving up his favorite cherished watch...the fact that he knows you don't like watches, sounds like he's following up to make sure you are wearing it.


If you really don't want it, you could ask him if it was his watch, or if he would like to have it back as you find it a waste to just let it sit there and as you already explained to him, you find them uncomfortable. Also you could say you are just trying to have less stuff and simplify.  If he has some kind of sentimental value to the watch, then maybe he will be happy to take it back. Be honest, or he will probably always ask you about it.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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11 minutes ago, Friends just call me Ross said:

Do you remember the experience of a young child giving an older brother a piece of candy?


The brother didn't want the candy.  He didn't like the candy.  He didn't even eat candy.


So he told the young child, "No thank you."


The child went away, deeply hurt that his small gift had been refused.


The way I recall it, the advice was that it would have been better for the older brother to graciously, and gratefully,

accept the child's small gift, because the very act of giving would bring the child much joy.


He didn't have to eat it...just accept it.


You don't have to want the watch.   You don't have to like the watch.  You don't even have to wear the watch.

At least it made the brother feel good to give it to you.


This probably doesn't help you at all, but, that is my 1087806030_Twocentsworth.gif.242ccad21bb38862b45e8c3937cab7e8.gif :D 




Feel free to send it to me.  🤭



I agree. I am only wearing it when I go to the meetings, however yesterday we met at the KH for service and I wasn't wearing the watch so he insisted on coming over to get the watch, take it to be resized and return it. I declined his offer. 

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9 minutes ago, Woanders said:

Did he pay alot for the watch?

Its a brand new Fossil watch.

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I see no problem in saying "Brother, you were so thoughtful in buying me a gift.  It really touched my heart.  I like it for its own classy beauty but I find that it just doesn't work for me.  I have never been comfortable wearing large watches.  I've tried.  Now, what I'd like you to do is take back this beautiful watch (but not the love that came with it, I'll keep that) and find someone who will truly enjoy this watch.  When you give it again as a gift I feel like I'm sharing in the gift giving too.  It's a win-win all around. Let's help the watch find its rightful owner."

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I think Sister Jodie's suggestion is very good.


As a small alternative, I could suggest something else, but a small condition is needed so that you can face the brother honestly: Is there a room somewhere in your house where you always do certain things (e.g. spend time on the Internet, etc.) and where you like to keep track of the time? Then you could put that watch there and tell the brother that you want to use his generous gift in the best way possible and that that is EXACTLY WHERE it is. Since you haven't worn a watch in a while, you could say something like, "My wrist just isn't used to wearing watches anymore. But since I was so delighted to receive your gift, I'd like to use it every day. And now I've finally found a way to do that!"


Chrissy :wave:

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Like yourself @Tortuga I haven't worn a watch for about 30 years. The last one I had, I ended up giving to my father as his broke and mine was basically indestructible (using pneumatic 3-4 inch nail guns, demolition hammers etc). He had it for about 15 years after I gave it to him then he couldn't use it because the holes for the wrist band eventually wore out.


I do admire the craftsmanship of the various style of watches and their mechanisms, but I find that I cannot wear them. When I did wear one, I had to wear it on the right wrist and not my left, as my left arm used to get a weird sensation if I wore anything on it (even a wedding ring on my left hand). But I as I now use my right hand more dominantly, I generally kept on braking the bands of the watch, thus after not wearing it for sometime, I just didn't wear one any more.


Also, I do not like receiving gifts. Even my wife and her children know not to get me any gifts. I have been like this since I was a kid.


So for me, I would be in an awkward situation like yourself. But if someone did give me a watch, I would accept it, cherish it and thank them for it, as they are truly a wonderful item. But I would also forewarn them on why I didn't wear a watch in the first place and possibly I will not be wearing it everyday, but perhaps on specific occasions.

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48 minutes ago, Pabo said:

but perhaps on specific occasions.

Thanks, I should mention that to him. I didn't wear the watch on Suday for service and it felt awkward when he started insisting on making a special trip to get it resized so I could wear it. :eek:

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1 hour ago, New World Explorer said:

Richard, I am thinking of giving you large watch as a gift. LOL 😂 

Time Mma GIF by UFC

Relapse Records Watch GIF by Red Fang

This one? :lol1:

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2 hours ago, tekmantwo said:

Sis, that was beautiful...

I'm surprised that she didn't suggest that I regift it to my own brother...:lol1:

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About 6 years ago the family told me my father in law was finding it hard to see the  time on his watch so I bought him an inexpensive big hand Timex watch, he didn't like it because it didn't have the day/date just big numbers so he never wore it, he passed away the following year, my mother in law gave it to me, I didn't wear it for 5 years until recently my old watch that I got free from work ( in 2004 ) quit because of a low battery which I had replaced a couple of times. You know what the old Timex commercial use to say -" Timex, they take a licking and keep on ticking" ! 😉



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Anybody want to buy my big old heavy wrist watch?

I've had it since new...

Richard ...  ?

Do you want to start a collection?

(2 for the price of one.  I'll throw in my dad's old one as well. )

I will not be offended if you do not wear it.  I just need the money.

Buy a Flightmaster, get a free Sea Master.

One for each wrist. It will keep you balanced!










Edited by ➕👇 ꓤꓱꓷꓠꓵ🎵Tone
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You may not know this old children's show comedian in the US back in the 50's, his name was Soupy Sales, he told this watch joke that I never forgot, here goes - 


 A man was just involved in a bad auto accident, sitting on the curb a passer by stopped to help him, the man just kept saying " my Mercedes, my Mercedes, my Mercedes, my Mercedes " the passer by said "sir never mind your Mercedes, it's your arm , we have to get you to the hospital " ( his arm was very badly injured ) the man looked down at his arm and said - "my Rolex, my Rolex" !    😂

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I remember my father's watch was very similar to the Seiko G757-4000. However, it was a James Bond special edition where the alarm played was the James Bond theme. There was another 007 watch from Zeon that did the melody theme, but it it didn't have the face plate of the Seiko where it had both analogue and digital readout. It was around the early 80's that he got this as a present from his parents and it was very ex'y (exspensive) too. It didn't last him a week and he got refunded the money back. He just bought a simpler watch until it finally gave up the ghost, well, it was all shook up after 3 days of using a jack hammer. He just bought cheap digital watches which kept on breaking on him until I gave him mine.




My watch was a Casio G-Shock DW-5800 which was given to me by my grandparents when I was about 9-10, and it was the one I passed onto my father when I was in my late teens. I had just replaced the battery for the first time, and replaced it again for him some years latter. It had survived until we couldn't use the pins to hold the strap. We even drilled out where the strap pins went into and threaded a length of 1.5mm harden steel rod and bent the ends over so they didn't fall out. When those pins we put it gave way and the watch couldn't be worn, I think he was placed on the dash of the car with double sided tape as the car didn't have clock inside working. I think the watch was still in the car dash when he sold it and still was going.




To replace that watch I passed onto my father, I ended up getting a Casio DB-520 because I needed to store the various phone numbers for different job sites I was frequenting, but when I started working full-time at KFC, I just didn't wear it any more and I ended up giving it to a mate's younger brother because he needed a watch at the time.




Since then, if I don't have my phone on me, I use the sun to gauge what time is it, and usually quiet a few people are surprised when I may only be about 5-10mins either side (depending on the cloud cover) from the actual time.


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If there is a watch that I would like to have, it would have to be a 24hr watch. These are predominately used by the military (usually by Russians), but the design of the face can be very simplistic with just one hand, or with two. But it can be confusing for some, as you can have the watch face with midnight at the top, or noon at the top.


My stepson's father-in-law who is Japanese has a 24hr watch that he uses day to day, but my stepson is not sure what brand is it, as we haven't seen a Japanese brand that makes these, so it might be a very rare watch if it is Japanese made.


Russian 24hr watch with midnight or "Zero hour" at the top.




24hr watch with noon at the top




Single hand 24hr watch with noon at the top




Other thing too with a 24hr watch face, it is easier to find North or South depending what hemisphere that you live in just by using either the hour hand pointing to the sun or the 12th hour position.






Whereas with a 12hour watch, you have to bisect the angle to where you have your hour hand (northern hemisphere) or the 12 position (southern hemisphere).








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