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The Watchtower - Study Edition - March 2024

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Five study articles...


Study Article 9: 6 to 12 May 2024

Are You Ready to Dedicate Yourself to Jehovah?

This article can help you to develop a close relationship with Jehovah so that you will want to dedicate yourself to him and get baptised.


Study Article 10: 13 to 19 May 2024

“Keep Following” Jesus After Baptism

This article can help all of us to reflect on the meaning of our dedication. In particular, it can help those who recently got baptised to remain faithful.


Study Article 11: 20 to 26 May 2024

You Can Persevere Despite Disappointments

We can persevere in Jehovah’s service despite experiencing disappointments.


Study Article 12: 27 May to 2 June 2024

Avoid the Darkness — Remain in the Light

What we can learn from the metaphors of darkness and light mentioned in Ephesians chapter 5.


Study Article 13: 3 to 9 June 2024

Find Comfort in Jehovah’s Approval

How to overcome personal doubts about having Jehovah’s approval.


Plus a brief explanation of....

Bible Phrase: "Forgiveness Before the Ransom"


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Some of the pictures - for example see Study 13 -  have a footnote added to them saying they are a "Reenactment" .... which makes the pictures NOT labelled up as being reenactments kinda more interesting 🤔



Don't think I've seen this as a purely stand-alone comment/footnote on pictures before? We've had it before when it has been part of the description, but I don't think just by itself? see example here: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2023240#h=66



Edited by Parale
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10 hours ago, Parale said:

Some of the pictures - for example see Study 13 -  have a footnote added to them saying they are a "Reenactment" .... which makes the pictures NOT labelled up as being reenactments kinda more interesting 🤔



Don't think I've seen this as a purely stand-alone comment/footnote on pictures before? We've had it before when it has been part of the description, but I don't think just by itself? see example here: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2023240#h=66




"Two sisters standing next to a literature cart and witnessing to a young woman."

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I want to have a say on this image from Study Article 11.


Before the 2023 Governing Body Update 08, we could have said he was the unbelieving husband because he has a beard but we can't say that no more.  😂

Maybe the photo was taken and put in the magazine before the announcement was passed.




Collage: 1. Abigail brings a blanket to Nabal, who is fast asleep on a chair.

2. A sister speaks lovingly to her unbelieving husband on their sofa while he holds a newspaper and an alcoholic drink.

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Have to say I struggled with the article Avoid the darkness - Remain in the light.

perhaps I’m taking it too personally! 
paragraph 17.

Too what extent is it unacceptable to put secular interests, career, material possessions in first place? 
You’ve been affected by worldly thinking! It’s indicating it’s not wrong but when these take first place in a persons life, then it’s wrong? 
How does one know the difference or put a stop or pause to  career, or choice of career Uni,  material pursuits, secular interests? 
Sometimes I feel or get the impression, not to enjoy this life and focus on the future life? 

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4 hours ago, Luigi62 said:

Before the 2023 Governing Body Update 08, we could have said he was the unbelieving husband because he has a beard but we can't say that no more.


That would appear to be a rather big assumption considering that the 2016 WT stated: "In some cultures, a neatly trimmed beard may be acceptable and respectable, and it may not detract at all from the Kingdom message. In fact, some appointed brothers have beards."


I think a clearer indication would be the fact that the husband is evidently smoking, though the picture is giving out some serious 1970s vibes (including a green Bible on the left hand side of the table), so.... 🤷‍♂️







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3 hours ago, Parale said:


That would appear to be a rather big assumption considering that the 2016 WT stated: "In some cultures, a neatly trimmed beard may be acceptable and respectable, and it may not detract at all from the Kingdom message. In fact, some appointed brothers have beards."


I think a clearer indication would be the fact that the husband is evidently smoking, though the picture is giving out some serious 1970s vibes (including a green Bible on the left hand side of the table), so.... 🤷‍♂️








He does have a cigarette in an ash tray next to him.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Have to say I struggled with the article Avoid the darkness - Remain in the light.
perhaps I’m taking it too personally! 
paragraph 17.
Too what extent is it unacceptable to put secular interests, career, material possessions in first place? 
You’ve been affected by worldly thinking! It’s indicating it’s not wrong but when these take first place in a persons life, then it’s wrong? 
How does one know the difference or put a stop or pause to  career, or choice of career Uni,  material pursuits, secular interests? 
Sometimes I feel or get the impression, not to enjoy this life and focus on the future life? 

It is all about priorities and focus.
Ofcourse we need work, we need education. Those are basic things we simply need and are not bad.

But, when we dedicated our lives to Jehovah, we said to Him: Your will is now the most important thing in my life. That will be my focus. Not a career, not work, not money, not "a good living" etc.

So when we allow material things or persuits to influence our spirituality, influence our relationship with God, or badly influence spiritual activities which Jehovah requires from us, it's something wrong. Because we loose the focus Jehovah wants us to have.

And ofcourse Jehovah wants us to enjoy life now. But I don't actually see how work, career, higher education etc. adds to our real enjoyment in life.

How do you feel about the scripture and reasoning of paragraph 16?

Verstuurd vanaf mijn ELE-L29 met Tapatalk

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9 hours ago, Sepie93 said:



It is all about priorities and focus.
Ofcourse we need work, we need education. Those are basic things we simply need and are not bad.

But, when we dedicated our lives to Jehovah, we said to Him: Your will is now the most important thing in my life. That will be my focus. Not a career, not work, not money, not "a good living" etc.

So when we allow material things or persuits to influence our spirituality, influence our relationship with God, or badly influence spiritual activities which Jehovah requires from us, it's something wrong. Because we loose the focus Jehovah wants us to have.

And ofcourse Jehovah wants us to enjoy life now. But I don't actually see how work, career, higher education etc. adds to our real enjoyment in life.

How do you feel about the scripture and reasoning of paragraph 16?

Verstuurd vanaf mijn ELE-L29 met Tapatalk


In my Cong there’s a brother who back in his home country had been an elder, pioneered for 30+ years, even had the privilege of taking a few pioneer schools. Yet he gave all those privileges up, left his wife & 6 year old daughter to come to the UK for university. 

so sad to see him throw all this privileges away for higher education. 

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22 hours ago, Rocco said:

Too what extent is it unacceptable to put secular interests, career, material possessions in first place?

If this is your question then you appear to have implied the answer which is, "to any extent". There are no degrees of "first place". Maybe in worldly sporting arenas there can be a tie for first place, but not in our service to Jehovah. Is.40:25:  “To whom can you liken me to make me his equal?” says the Holy One."


Whatever takes "first place" in our lives becomes an object of worship because it dictates our course in life. Compare Paul's words at Ph.3:19: "Their end is destruction, and their god is their belly, and their glory is really their shame, and they have their minds on earthly things." A prime example of this is "...one like Eʹsau, who gave up his rights as firstborn in exchange for one meal." Heb.12:16.


It may well be that we will have a struggle here, but it will never be with the counsel and advice we get. The struggle will always be with our own inclinations, desires, aspirations, in fact, all those aspects of the self-seeking "old personality" that Satan's system tries to keep alive and on top through cunning propaganda, particularly in the affluent areas of this world. Look how he tempted Jesus at Luke 4:5-8. And then how Jesus warned at Matt.6:24 that we would hate one of the conflicting masters if we tried to serve two at once. We are dedicated to Jehovah. We can only be dedicated to one thing. 


So, if we feel torn or pained when receiving the kind of direction contained in para 17 of Study 12, WT March '24 article, then it is time to apply Paul's counsel at 1Cor.9:27 and "pummel" our bodies. Honest, self-examination, then some readjusting of both thinking and circumstances, even if it is a bit painful, and we will be like the man James describes at James 1:22-25 and we will be "happy".

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1 hour ago, Sofia said:

Cher frère Rocco, je ne peux parler que pour moi-même.

J'ai toujours été encouragé à étudier au Collège, à obtenir un diplôme et à obtenir un bon salaire.

Je l'ai fait. En échange, j'ai eu le malheur, un diplôme, un mauvais salaire, 6 ou 7 burn-out et j'ai laissé Jéhovah au second plan.

40 ans après être devenu proclamateur, j’ai définitivement abandonné ma profession, j’ai accepté le service de pionnier régulier et je sens que Jéhovah guide ma vie à ma place. C'est si bon! Je suis enfin HEUREUX <3.

Avant, je prenais de si mauvaises décisions et j’en souffrais. Après avoir commencé mon activité de pionnier, je sens le Saint-Esprit de Jéhovah guider ma vie. J'ai assez d'argent pour vivre et donner pour ma vieille mère et jw font un don. 

J'ai plusieurs études bibliques. Ma vie a un sens après tout ! Je ressens de la plénitude au lieu du vide et du stress.


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On 12/21/2023 at 12:14 AM, Parale said:

though the picture is giving out some serious 1970s vibes (including a green Bible on the left hand side of the table), so.... 🤷‍♂️


It definately is the 70's period. Even the crockery is 70's! Unless Ikea has gone "Retro" in their styling.


We still have 70's glittering wallpaper in our home from when my wife built the home back then. 

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On 12/20/2023 at 9:50 PM, Rocco said:

Sometimes I feel or get the impression, not to enjoy this life and focus on the future life? 

Jehovah wants us to be happy in his service. ☺️

Since we are all distinctive individuals, we need to balance that within ourselves.

Give best to Jehovah according to your circumstances. (some are very good publishers, some increased service as aux pioneers, and others even made room for full time service ...all of them when are happy when there is good motive.) 

If you loose joy and get depressed because you have pursued something that your personality cannot handle - you will miss the gift of free will. (and it will revel lack of modesty) 

The scripture is very clear regarding our circumstances: 

But others fell upon the fine soil, and, coming up and increasing, they began to yield fruit, and they were bearing thirtyfold, and sixty and a hundred.

Study articles on education, work related matters, and materialism see what Jehovah tells us there. 


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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15 hours ago, Pabo said:

We still have 70's glittering wallpaper in our home

We still have 3 rooms of wallcovering when I had our home built 30 years ago , living room ( plain beige 54 inch commercial vinyl ) 1 bedroom, again 54 ", 1 small bathroom 54"  and our dining room ( regular paper ) I use to do both commercial and some residential wall covering work for about 5 years as did several bothers that I knew back in the 80's. Just about every room in the house when built except the laundry room had wall covering so - all 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms ( master & guest ) kitchen, living room and 2 hallways ! Stripping the old off is half the fun. 😅

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5 hours ago, Lee49 said:

We still have 3 rooms of wallcovering when I had our home built 30 years ago , living room ( plain beige 54 inch commercial vinyl ) 1 bedroom, again 54 ", 1 small bathroom 54"  and our dining room ( regular paper ) I use to do both commercial and some residential wall covering work for about 5 years as did several bothers that I knew back in the 80's. Just about every room in the house when built except the laundry room had wall covering so - all 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms ( master & guest ) kitchen, living room and 2 hallways ! Stripping the old off is half the fun. 😅


The house originally had wallpaper in every room but the kitchen and bathrooms. We stripped the bedrooms wallpaper off about 25 years ago (but there are some still in the master room but it is hidden within the built in wardrobe). We had to replace the gyrock in the dining and lounge room where they had the velour and gold glitter wallpaper 5 years ago. Thus leaving only the hallways downstairs and.upstairs. My wife wanted to get rid of the walnut brown stained doors and architraves and skirting, as it made the house look dark, so I replaced the original rounded skirting and architraves with the next size up splayed timber and overlapped the timber over the wallpapers edges to prevent them from deteriorating. There house was built in 1976, dso the wallpaper is nearly 50 year old.

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We bought our 60s house around 20 years ago.  I’m grateful that there was no wallpaper.  I think most likely originally there was as my parents first house built in mid 60s had wallpaper in all rooms except bathroom.  I love my house.  Its MCM and has many beautiful features (excluding wallpaper) from the 60s.  We have beautiful cornice and each room is different though all 3 bedrooms are the same. We painted the walls white throughout the entire house and when we knocked out walls in the kitchen dining our gyprocker managed to pattern the cornice to match our existing one as you can no longer buy the old patterned cornice.  We have kept the original bathroom as it was plus one bedroom has the original built in with lovely patterned  sliding doors.  

Aside from this I was a teenager in the 70s and we had a lounge suite like the one in the picture but ours was brown.  

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