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'Queen James version' first gay bible published

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It is not without president ... isn't this type of behaviour and the embracing it as a way of life to be sought after one of the reasons Jehovah destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? X(

He will take care of it! (tu)

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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It is not without president ... isn't this type of behaviour and the embracing it as a way of life to be sought after one of the reasons Jehovah destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? X(

He will take care of it! (tu)

"What is the world coming to?"

Those would probably be the words of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah if they were around today. They would cringe in embarrassment if they saw what's going on now.

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A few weeks ago I happened to see a homosexual couple holding hands, walking towards a store. The state in which I live is part of what's known as 'the bible belt'. I'm not surprised at the prevalence of homosexuality in our community but rather how some of the older generation (especially) seems to be more tolerant. We have openly homosexual couples working where I work. One couple is 'engaged'. In the past they have been fairly discreet. Not any more! Yes, I find it to be so disgusting! There is no love for Jehovah among those who practice homosexuality. This bible? Jehovah is not pleased!

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A balanced viewpoint needs to be kept in mind when dealing with homosexuality. 1 Cor 6:9,10 lists homosexuality on the same level as adultery, thieves, idolotry, drunkards and so forth. Does homosexuality disgust us more than these things? It shouldn't, because all these things disgust Jehovah equally.

Do we get just as upset when we see an unmarried man and woman living as husband and wife? Do we tolerate fornication or pornea in one form but shun it in another? What about someone that regularly gets drunk? Do we have more sympathy for these ones?

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Good point, Shawn. Because homosexuality has been fairly well hidden for a long time, we sort of swept it under the rug. Now it is being flaunted before us and will take some time to adjust to. The Bible teaches us to try to help all who are alienated from God. Love the sinner while hating his sin. The movie "Philadelphia" made this point pretty well in that the man who contracted AIDS from homosexual activity was treated unfairly, but the woman who contracted it from a blood transfusion was treated with compassion. Most people don't accept that both sins are repugnant to God.

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A balanced viewpoint needs to be kept in mind when dealing with homosexuality. 1 Cor 6:9,10 lists homosexuality on the same level as adultery, thieves, idolotry, drunkards and so forth. Does homosexuality disgust us more than these things? It shouldn't, because all these things disgust Jehovah equally.

Do we get just as upset when we see an unmarried man and woman living as husband and wife? Do we tolerate fornication or pornea in one form but shun it in another? What about someone that regularly gets drunk? Do we have more sympathy for these ones?

I quite often say this and its a good point to remember.

Homosexuality is fornication. Its no worse or no better than an unmarried male and female having sexual relations in Jehovahs eyes.

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I agree with the previous posters, good points Br. Shawn. Though perhaps it is the environment I've been brought up in that has left the impression that homosexuality is somehow "worse" kind of fornication.

It is good to see how the Slave has publishes balanced information on subjects, yet not trying to change the Bible's message to conform to someone's personal opinion about, let's say, the Greek word porneia. When I was browsing through the PDF version of the new 2013 Yearbook, I think I noticed an experience of a brother who used to engage in homosexual behaviour. That is not to say that it'd been easy for him to change his life and try to please Jehovah, but that whatever the reason--genetics and/or environment--he WANTED to put Jehovah's will ahead of his own.

The biggest thing griping me with a translation such as this is that they try to change something mean something else--which obviously wasn't there in the first place. Hither and thither...moved by every wind...

To this David said: “What have I done now? I was only asking a question!”

– 1 Samuel 17:29

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A balanced viewpoint needs to be kept in mind when dealing with homosexuality. 1 Cor 6:9,10 lists homosexuality on the same level as adultery, thieves, idolotry, drunkards and so forth. Does homosexuality disgust us more than these things? It shouldn't, because all these things disgust Jehovah equally.

Do we get just as upset when we see an unmarried man and woman living as husband and wife? Do we tolerate fornication or pornea in one form but shun it in another? What about someone that regularly gets drunk? Do we have more sympathy for these ones?

Then in the case of viewing Pornography, why is viewing Homosexual acts considered worse then viewing "natural" sexual situations by the Faithful slave? Homosexual acts are mentioned as being "abhorrent" in the Watchtower of March 15th 2012 OFR as is Group sex, Bestiality, etc.

However, the apostle Paul said that some who sinned did not repent “over their uncleanness and fornication and loose conduct.”* (2 Cor. 12:21) Regarding the Greek term there rendered “uncleanness,” Professor Marvin R. Vincent wrote that it has “the sense of impurity on the side of sordidness.” It is a sad fact that some pornography is much worse than scenes of nakedness or of a man and woman engaging in fornication. There is sordid, abhorrent pornography involving homosexuality (sex between those of the same gender), group sex, bestiality, child pornography, gang rape, the brutalizing of women, bondage, or sadistic torture. Some in Paul’s day who were “in darkness mentally” came to be “past all moral sense [and] gave themselves over to loose conduct to work uncleanness of every sort with greediness.”—Eph. 4:18, 19.

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We now have commercials to make sure we are not judgemental to those people & cause depression. Its called the Left Hand. I switch it over when it comes on.

One time we went through Sydney with my grandfather we.d been site seeing. Time too come home & we didn't realise It was Mardi.grae season & my grandfather was sitting waiving to them all. We sunk in our chairs.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Interesting point Musky. I suppose fornication (unrepentant) wil get you dead - 1 cor 6 and homosexuality will het you deader - same verse.

Actually now that i am thinking about it - porn - this has to do with "watching ". It is natural for a person to desire an individual of the opposite sex. It is unnatural to desire a person of the same sex. So to give in to a "natural " desire and watch is not good, but to give in to an unnatural one shows a person has really gone too far.

As to "being" a fornicator or a homosexual - 1 cor 6 shows Jah lumps them all together - even with the murderers. Personally, i have a hard time seeing 2 people living together - unmarried - (like many of my workmates) as the same as that guy who killed all thos children in Newtown. But that probably shows how insidious this system is. It desensitizes us gradually.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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...Personally' date=' i have a hard time seeing 2 people living together - unmarried - (like many of my workmates) as the same as that guy who killed all those children in Newtown. But that probably shows how insidious this system is. It desensitizes us gradually.[/quote']

Many of us are probably in the same boat. But think ... how do you feel about all those who attend one of the many churches in our area. Yes, we take the good news to them like we are supposed to. Yes, we care about them as fellow humans ... like we should. But, when you look at it from Jehovah's viewpoint, what they are doing could be worse than either the homosexual or the murderer - after all, they are worshiping false gods - a worse slap at Jehovah then being a thief,murderer, extortioner, etc.

Sometimes it is harder to have the "mind of Christ" or to see things as Jehovah does than it seems ...

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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The two men who wrote and produced *Knocking.org* the PBS special about JW's are gay (I met them ).

We certainly would not treat them different than anyone else we meet, nor would be tell them that it's *a choice* they have made.

It's best to leave the judging to Jehovah and to do what we are here to do, make Jehovah's name known throughout the earth, and to love one another.

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The Bible condemns certain practices whatever their origin (genetic etc).

It is not unreasonable to think that there may be imperfections relating to the way the brain functions which are present at birth and over which the individual has no control, just as there are genetic problems which affect physical characteristics. Various 'syndromes' are evidenced by behavoural symptoms but have their origin in genetic imperfections.

We know inside our minds what our gender is. Some unfortunate individuals are convinced in their minds of their gender, but their physical body belies that belief - i.e. transgender individuals (a woman born in a man's body and vice versa). I do not see that as a lifestyle choice - but a tragic result of imperfection attributable to Adamic sin. An attraction to the opposite sex is a natural and 'normal' part of human experience. I do not see that attraction to one's own sex is necessarily purely a lifestyle choice, but may be attributable to imperfection due to Adamic sin too. (In some cases it may be a choice but I think it can be dangerous to generalise on these things).

John mentioned stealing as something not inherited, but a lifestyle choice, and I agree. But what about kleptomania? Is that a lifestyle choice? or is there a mental imperfection involved there?

The Bible does not address the causes of these things, but the practice of them. Whatever predilections a person has is immaterial, the Bible condemns the unrepentant practice of sin.

We rightly condemn the sin, not the sinner, hoping that they will cease their unclean practices and come into a right relationship with Jehovah before it is too late. Whatever imperfections due to Adamic sin we may have, Jehovah will cure them.

WELL SAID. Thank you.

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The Bible condemns certain practices whatever their origin (genetic etc).

It is not unreasonable to think that there may be imperfections relating to the way the brain functions which are present at birth and over which the individual has no control, just as there are genetic problems which affect physical characteristics. Various 'syndromes' are evidenced by behavoural symptoms but have their origin in genetic imperfections.

We know inside our minds what our gender is. Some unfortunate individuals are convinced in their minds of their gender, but their physical body belies that belief - i.e. transgender individuals (a woman born in a man's body and vice versa). I do not see that as a lifestyle choice - but a tragic result of imperfection attributable to Adamic sin. An attraction to the opposite sex is a natural and 'normal' part of human experience. I do not see that attraction to one's own sex is necessarily purely a lifestyle choice, but may be attributable to imperfection due to Adamic sin too. (In some cases it may be a choice but I think it can be dangerous to generalise on these things).

John mentioned stealing as something not inherited, but a lifestyle choice, and I agree. But what about kleptomania? Is that a lifestyle choice? or is there a mental imperfection involved there?

The Bible does not address the causes of these things, but the practice of them. Whatever predilections a person has is immaterial, the Bible condemns the unrepentant practice of sin.

We rightly condemn the sin, not the sinner, hoping that they will cease their unclean practices and come into a right relationship with Jehovah before it is too late. Whatever imperfections due to Adamic sin we may have, Jehovah will cure them.

This has to be the smartest comment I've ever read about the subject ever .... both on other blogs and the like :givehug:

I may be tired and in pain :wheelchair: but I'll never   :surrender: to it just send some encouraging words or hugs  :kisscheek:  :encourage:  and I'll return the same   :kisscheek:  :encourage:

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AMEN John:bible: This system is so through, the things that r detestable to Jehovah and His organization satan is making the world think that they are normal. No, all these people were not born that way and I personally do not understand it. Now a so-called bible that upholds satans world further, this let u know that Armagedon is not far off. Hurry Jehovah please.:bouncing:

sis little:sunshine:

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This has to be the smartest comment I've ever read about the subject ever .... both on other blogs and the like

I 100% agree with Elisabeth. Great comment John.:thumbsup:

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Interestingly enough, on their website, the makers of the QJB admit that it is based on the KJB and that they only changed 8 scriptures. In doing so they mention that there are translations that mis-interpret some of the scriptures because they are based on other versions/translations of the Bible.

However, in pointing at some of the inaccurate translation they never use the NWT as one that "got it wrong". In fact, they never refer to the NWT at all. Guess they new better than to try and use a Bible translation that got it right!

Funny thing is, they mention that some of the "English" words used in the KJV "could" have come from a Greek or Hebrew word meaning ..., but they never mention the "actual" Hebrew or Greek word used in the original text and what it means in today's "English". I would imagine because, if they did, it would show just how wrong they are.

I am sure glad I have a Bible that uses Jehovah's name where it belongs and has the correct translation of the words used in the original text.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I can't help but think of Revelation 22:18-19 which reads: I am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll; and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are written about in this scroll.

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  • 5 months later...


'Queen James version' first gay bible published

The world's first 'gay bible' has been published to coincide with the debate on same-sex marriage.
Titled the 'Queen James Bible', its editors claim that it is a re-working of the King James Bible translated in a way that "prevents homophobic misinterpretation of God's Word".

"The Queen James Bible addresses those controversial verses editing them very slightly for interpretive clarity. The edits all confirm that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality, and therefore renders such interpretations impossible," the editors continued.


In other words,it's biased towards homosexuals?

Edited by trottigy

Removed extra quotes.

The Bible wasn't just written in a book.... but in creation itself

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Is it bad that I want a copy?

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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