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Which of these brought you into the truth?

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My daughters were born in '79 and that is when Jehovah answered my prayers and sent 2 of his servants to my door.  So The Truth book was the first one I studied.  We moved shortly after that and it was a couple of years later and I studied the Live Forever book.  My new husband and my daughters and I studied The Knowledge book and finally, my husband and I studied the Bible Teach book and were baptized in 2010.  Though I never studied it I think one of my most favorite books was and still is Make Sure of All Things, Hold Fast to What is Fine.  I'm excited to be starting the Revelation book as the congregation bible study again! 

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My daughters were born in '79 and that is when Jehovah answered my prayers and sent 2 of his servants to my door.  So The Truth book was the first one I studied.  We moved shortly after that and it was a couple of years later and I studied the Live Forever book.  My new husband and my daughters and I studied The Knowledge book and finally, my husband and I studied the Bible Teach book and were baptized in 2010.  Though I never studied it I think one of my most favorite books was and still is Make Sure of All Things, Hold Fast to What is Fine.  I'm excited to be starting the Revelation book as the congregation bible study again!

Am I calculating this correctly: 1979 to 2010 --> 31 years studying off and on and then finally you were ready for dedication and baptism - Wow, that really shows that we have to be patient with our studies...

Just one question: I am little bit puzzled, but where or in what language will you study the Revelation book, since all the english congs. around the world will study the ¨Draw close to Jehovah¨ book. I'm just wondering...

If Satan reminds you of your past remind him of his future.

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Am I calculating this correctly: 1979 to 2010 --> 31 years studying off and on and then finally you were ready for dedication and baptism - Wow, that really shows that we have to be patient with our studies...

Just one question: I am little bit puzzled, but where or in what language will you study the Revelation book, since all the english congs. around the world will study the ¨Draw close to Jehovah¨ book. I'm just wondering...




Yes, you did the math correctly.  31 years.  I'm not proud that it took me so long to dedicate my life to Jehovah.  Thankfully, Jehovah IS patient.  My first husband was an abusive opposer, and I wasn't strong enough to leave him with my very young twin daughters.  We moved several times and maybe that was by his design, I don't know, but I never studied a complete book until the Bible Teach book.  I've always known I had found the truth and when I met my 2nd husband, I found a man that was supportive of my studying and even studied when my daughters and I studied with a very fine sister in Northern California.  We quit smoking for about a year and a half.  My mother was living in TN and I had been diagnosed with depression and anxieties.  My daughters graduated from high school and were between boyfriends.  I felt like I needed to be close to my mom so we left Cali for TN.

Many stressful things happened just prior to our move and we started smoking again.  Moving away was the biggest mistake of our lives as far as our spirituality went.  We had several friends in the Lake Earl congregation and we should have listened to them when they said our family was there with them.  Not surprisingly our relationships with Jehovah suffered greatly.

Going on four years ago, 2 brothers came to our door.  My husband and I started studying again; we quit smoking within a few months.  We associated for a year and chose to dedicate our lives to Jehovah.  We were baptized 9/4/2010. 

To help you with your wondering, we are here in the States.  Typing 'Revelation' didn't feel right when I typed it (in that context) but I didn't question myself until later.  I realize now I was confused and was thinking about our congregation bible study.  As you know we are reading the bible book of Revelation. 

Just so you know, I do get confused and I am often forgetful.  I struggle because until just the last couple of years I felt my communications skills were sufficient.  Not so much anymore.  Fortunately, it's not a 24-7 thing and I hope it doesn't progress to that.  Jehovah will take care of me, whatever happens. 

Edited by ibcharlene
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I was weaned in the truth with the first and second editions of the let God be True books. studied with one of the anointed well the congregation was made up mostly anointed when I was a young lad. I wonder what they think of me know? nearly sixty years on.

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Just so you know, I do get confused and I am often forgetful.  I struggle because until just the last couple of years I felt my communications skills were sufficient.  Not so much anymore.  Fortunately, it's not a 24-7 thing and I hope it doesn't progress to that.  Jehovah will take care of me, whatever happens.

Thanks a lot Sister Charlene for sharing a little bit of your life with us. Glad that you finally made it together with your husband. Even though you had your ups and downs you finally grabbed Jehovah's hand.

Health is a big issue these days - please keep up your positive attitude.

If Satan reminds you of your past remind him of his future.

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I studied "Paradise Lost Paradise Regained" as a child and into teens...but what rocked me and touched me for baptism was the Truth Book!


Thank you Jehovah God for being patient with all of his servants that are and who come into the way of life daily!  I cannot express how grateful I am to Jehovah...What a privilege!  So wonderful that our God still see those one that are worthy and streaming into Jehovah's place of worship daily!!!

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I was weaned in the truth with the first and second editions of the let God be True books. studied with one of the anointed well the congregation was made up mostly anointed when I was a young lad. I wonder what they think of me know? nearly sixty years on.


I love the Let God Be True books. I have them both. The first edition is my favorite, as it contains some simplistic explanations of the error of translating various Greek words as "Hell", and they are hilarious the way they are worded.


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I tried to post using a quote from your #49 post but the system won't let me do it. But I just wanted to say you touched my heart with your post. I lived in the 70's, although very young and in a small town. But the behavior of other people- smoking, drinking, casual sex, abortions, rowdy hurtful behavior- made me so confused. I thought people were supposed to love life and enjoy being alive with all it can offer. A Pollyanna I suppose. When I did finally find the truth it was the same for me. Not just an "ah ha" but a deep sigh of relief. I remember commenting to my teacher how relieved I was to not HAVE to go to college and plan for somewhat of a career. I just hated what the world did to people and I was afraid I'd get swooped up and destroyed.

Thank-you for your heartfelt words.   

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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When i was little, my grandmother read to me from 'The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life' book, but I studied in the Bible Teach book. 

The Bible wasn't just written in a book.... but in creation itself

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Mother did the 'Let God be True' and read the Impossible for God to Lie book herself. For baptism she was given a yellow book "Your Word is a lamp to my foot.." called the 'Lamp' book for short.She was baptised 1966. 


She studied Paradise lost Paradise Regained - loved the pictures - with me when I was small and we got the Truth book at the assembly, so started into that and loved it.Loved the old Evolution book and Did lots of other books in the Family Study with Mam before I left school and Dad stopped objecting (not a JW) and I started work and got baptised in the mid 1970's.

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I studied in the Truth book first in 1981/82, then switched to the Live Forever book, which really made me progress. Then the blue book United in Worship...that was a hard book for me but I was already baptized and regular pioneering and conducting studies, the sis studying with me just ended our study...lol....I kicked and screamed when the knowledge book came out because I had so many studies in the live forever book, 2 came in the truth...I was not ready to give up that book, even studying in secret with it....LOL...then a CO came around and said....I will never foreget...Barry MacKenzie, Florida....6 months in the knowledge book and that's it, you end your study....well, I was no babe in the truth by then, I prayed to Jah right then and there and said...UH.....what?..I had studies that couldn't even read....I was just suppose to cut them off.....I wasn't a rebel....I just didn't follow thru on that one command from a CO...quietly of course...then we were once again corrected as to the timing of studies...oh how Jehovah is patient with us all.

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  • 2 months later...

Yes, the United in Worship book was a mandatory addition to your studies after the Live Forever book... those are the books I studied up to and through my baptism in 1990.


However, I had previously studied the Truth book in the period in which it was considered you weren't going to make the grade if you didn't attend meetings within six months of starting the study. A lot of studies were terminated, I do hope those worthy ones got caught up again later.


All of those books in the picture I have in my library. Well, not The Finished Mystery as it's been spirited away by one of my stepsons and I'm very keen for it to be returned.


Another book I liked reading was the Babylon book, and an orange one (Divine Name?) which had some nice pearls in it. But the direction taken by the Faithful and Discreet Slave in the release of the Bible Teach book is right for today, it doesn't mince around and take you down a thousand paths before it gets to the crux of the story, the facts are there right from the beginning.


That said, it's not as complete as the Live Forever book, which should be compulsory reading if not study material for everyone coming into the Truth.

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   Our family studied from the old "Truth" book. I have many fond memories as a result of placing it in the

field service. Because I could speak from experience of the profound effect it had had on our family. I

understand the "Truth" book even made it into the Guiness book of records as the most widely published

book next to the Bible. Does anyone know whether that is still the case ?



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