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Which of these brought you into the truth?

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I dabbled a little bit in the You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth book as a child after my interest in the truth had been sparked, but it wasn't till much later and after the Knowledge that Leads to Everlasting Life that I was baptized in 2002.


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I have all these books on my bookshelf, but I didn't know some of these were study books. I've gone over "Let God Be True" first and second editions, and I love the way they wrote about some things back in the day :)


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Let God Be True both editions and This Means Everlasting Life are the books I remember reading as I grew up. I never had a study but the thing that helped me learn to love Jehovah the most was the Bound Volumes. I was constantly reading them in my room when I was a young teen. I learned so much from them.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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The blue Truth Book I read quickly from cover to cover and it must have planted deep some seeds of Truth. Not until November of 1996 did I cry out in pain for God to show me the way. And he did in the form of an elderly lady named Gwen!



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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My first book which my Mom studied with me was the book "From Paradise lost to paradise regained" and after studying the "Youth-book" I got baptized. But the book that really touched me was the "Live-forever-book".

If Satan reminds you of your past remind him of his future.

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We studied the Let God Be True book but also the From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained book (not shown - 1958) played a big role - the Qualified to be Ministers was the one used or given to you for baptism ... but there were no questions to go over before taking the plunge.


I was already baptized when the Things In Which It Is Impossible For God To Lie book came out, but we also studied This Means Everlasting Life book.


We also used the Make Sure of all Things long before the Reasoning book came out.


Actually, we studied a number of books since my mother started studying in 1953 and wasn't baptized until 1965 .... but that is another story.

Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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My parents studied in the "Children" book (not shown) released in 1941. Years later my Mom as a pioneer conducted as many as 20 studies in the "Let God Be  True" and I accompanied her so many times I just about knew the book by heart. When we had kids we studied the "Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained" with them. Looking back at all these books brings back a whole bunch of memories! 

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My folks studied with me The original Learn From the Teacher. It was pink. The red Youth book and the 1982 Paradise book. ...

Nice collection Bob.

Musky when did the horse & buggy stop being used?

Did you live in the west? & I am not having a shot at you.


"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Gabe don't you believe that liar Musky! He was there with the gunfight at the OK Corral in the old West!      :pistols: He is older than dirt!    :lol1:  :lol2:  


I loved the blue bombshell, The Truth Book. It explained what the Athanasian Creed was, the trinity. It is so logical and sound and was very easy for me to understand. I studied in 71 & 6 months later was baptized in the summer of 72.


I loved reading the Make Sure Book (replaced by Reasoning Book) as well as the original Jehovah's Witnesses In the Divine Purpose Book (replaced by The Proclaimers Book). These rounded me out as a Witness. They gave me much structure to my foundation. I knew the whys and wherefores by the Truth book, the scriptures by the Make Sure book, and how JWs have come from the original Christian faith from the first century from the Divine Purpose book.

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The knowledge book was the one I studied.  


I remember getting 1/2 way through it thinking, I'm not sure this is for me.  I had an issue with the 144,000 and I didn't believe that they could still be living on the earth at the time.  I thought that they had all been selected in Jesus' time, and felt it rather presumptuous of those ones to even consider themselves equivalent to the men of Jesus' time.  


However, I committed to finishing the book.  I arrived at the conclusion, that I didn't know everything, and that maybe there was something I was missing and so I resigned myself to carrying on with the study.   


I had no issue giving up Christmas, no issue giving up birthdays, no issues with false religious icons, quit gambling with my ex-husband, and yet I nearly gave it up because I couldn't believe there were any people on this earth today worthy of being called sons of God.  I'll call that irony at its finest.  

Edited by cerebral ecstasy
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Yeah I thought as much Chris.

I know he has said he is a Native.a Native of what?

A Hill Billy?

Loved the Movie How the West was Won. So kinda

Picture him from that era. Lols. I'm bad you know it. :o lols

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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The Truth Book - Sister Bowers studied with me in Brooklyn. Very nice seeing those publications, I have most of the second and third rows from my Grams. Very nice D_Bliss!

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be pleasing to you, O Jehovah, my Rock and my Redeemer."

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I was loaned the studied copy of Live Forever from the sis who eventually studied with me, she didn't have a placement copy. I read the whole book in one night and was convinced I finally found the truth. My relief to see simple answers to questions that other church leaders couldn't answer was profound.  

So after discussing the book with my teacher and proving I had absorbed it all, she knew I wouldn't happy trudging through it all over again so she gave me the Truth Book. I made good progress until- first was in a car wreck, month later my house caught on fire, when living in the motel my new car was wrecked, moved back in the newly fixed house and the washer and dryer blew simultaneously then my teacher had to move to San Diego. So I started going to meetings because I didn't have anyone to study with me and just plodded around trying to figure it all out by what I saw others doing. When my teacher came back we went over the remaining Truth Book to see if I could qualify for baptism. That was '85-'87. Wow so long ago. 

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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My Mom was baptized in her above ground pool in  February! I attended a baptism of two brothers in a lake behind another brother's house. His last name was Pelliccio and I always called it Lake Pelleccio afterward!


Mom began studying with me by means of the Truth book. She asked me to scratch her back. I responded that if she let me read her one chapter in my book I would gladly do that. I read the chapter How To Identify the True Religion. Half way through it was my turn to get my back scratched. When we were done, I just naturally asked her questions about what I read. Then I asked her, "Mom, how will you ever know if your religion is the right one unless you compare your beliefs with what the bible teaches?" She responded, "I won't! That is why I want YOU to study with me!" Just a month before I was crossing my yard, walking from her house to mine and said under my breath, "That woman is so lukewarm it makes me sick. Jehovah if she ever comes into the truth, it certainly won't be by me!!!!!!!!!!!!!" LOL WORDS TO EAT!   :chef:

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