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Britain's JW Branch Building Could Fall Through Without Support

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The actual title is not very accurate, but it indicates that there is a possibility that the plans will not work out.  The brothers' quotes are very optimistic, though.  But still, this is a great subject for prayer on our part. 

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Little do they know the support we have is far beyond anything they know of. If the plan has been drawn it will happen without them knowing how. Jehovah will put it into their hearts as with the greater things he will make happen. 

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritadi

If all else fails --- Play Dead Possum Lodge Moto -- Red Green

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I saw the newspaper article before this June article, about the plans. You got the impression that the scrapyard/junkyard that was running on the site the Witnesses want, had been a dirty unsightly  thorn in the side of the local government for some years, so that they felt that the Jehovah's Witnesses would be a refreshing change. The J Witnesses promised to clean up the industrially contaminated site and local construction workers who had had dealings with brothers on Hall builds were looking forward to having us as neighbours. they said we would make an excellent job of landscaping and caring for the area when our build was finished.


However, after that May article appeared in the newspaper, I did not put it on this site because of the discouraging negativity of follow up emails. and letter writing 'trolls' shown after the article, commenting on it and spreading slander about our organisation and tried to make out we would be a worrying secretive extremist cult that the local government would regret allowing on the land. Others pointed out that the land had originally been set aside for local employment prospects not for a 'cult'. Others tried to claim that the land was 'greenfield' site and should not be disturbed - despite the mess the scrap/junkyard had caused. This was worrying/stirring up other secularists/humanists/atheists. The newspaper seemed to be picking up on this controversy rather than the favourable reports they'd first heard. 


We just have to leave it with Jehovah, if he is favourable to the scheme, then the detractors will fail.

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So why hi light that in your post? Why give them a voice here? Ignore that garbage for what it is my Friend Garbage. Jehovah will take care of them for us. He will shut all their mouths forever.

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritadi

If all else fails --- Play Dead Possum Lodge Moto -- Red Green

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Greg, there is a difference in being negative and the just reporting on the facts.  It helps us to pray for the proper thing if we know the circumstances involved.  If you go to the Jw.org website in the news section they also post things that seem  negative to give us faith and strength as to how Jehovah works things out - very rarely does everything in this world go absolutely perfect to what we were expecting.  They didn't even get the permits for the Warwick site until the last hour of the last day, up to that point it looked like it wasn't going to happen and the organization reported on that.  When it came through, it made that whole situation even more faith strengthening.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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From what i read on the public consultation website link that was posted,there was only one negative comment,negative comments made in connection with the newspaper article are most likely apostates or disgruntled ex Jw's

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Hey Jehovah will make that happen what ever the problems are. 


Case in point. In Alberta Canada the Brothers wanted to build a new Kingdom Hall in Calgary. A man that was not a witness admired us for the work we did in the community in his area. This man offered the brothers a piece of land and shook hand with the Brothers on a price. Well his SOn was ticked off and said you could have got 3X what you offered. Tried to go to court and get the deal nullified. 


The Father went to court and told the judge this is what I agreed on and I am honouring that agreement. I shook their hand on it and my word is my word your honour. The judge agreed and threw the case out. 


So the land was ours to build on. Enough for a double hall I think an apartment and lots of parking. Not 100 % sure though.


Come time to start building the neighbour was not happy about it. Tried to block it at every turn. 


He failed but did delay the work. THe brothers asked him if they could buy a pile of top soil they needed. He had a huge pile maybe 1.5 dump truck full of top soil. He said no. No way he would sell the stuff even at 100% what it was worth to them. Was really ignorant about it. 


Wouldn't you know a huge wind storm went through the area. Guess what the Brothers found on the property the next morning. The whole pile was moved onto the hall site and was piles 8' inside the property line. Guy tried to sue to get it back. Judge told him it must have been an act of God. No you can't have it back. 


This is all true. Happened about 15 to 20 years ago in Calgary Alberta. Brothers had positive proof they had Jehovah's blessing and Backing.

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritadi

If all else fails --- Play Dead Possum Lodge Moto -- Red Green

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So why hi light that in your post? Why give them a voice here? Ignore that garbage for what it is my Friend Garbage. Jehovah will take care of them for us. He will shut all their mouths forever.

Roberta, when she put the post up, had wondered why the reporters had put up such a negative title to their report when the content of the article was not so bad and didn't seem to match the title and the brothers are so positive about the plans. I merely noted that the reporters were acting on the negative comments made on a previous week's newspaper article, hence their negative title. I was also noting that the negative comments were not valid and there's plenty of evidence to show that they can be overcome. There are contractors there who have worked with Witnesses on Hall builds who back us very favourably. The local Council are keen to see the dirty junkyard site cleaned up. The evidence of how we are favourably thought of at the old site of Mill Hill, London, even by the neighbouring army barracks, is known good testimony to our Organisation.


The negative comments are not worth noting by us, my point was that it was just what divisive media like to home in on despite the obvious overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

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I get that for sure. Jehovah will make it happen no matter what the world thinks. He is making things happen now to bring about the Nations to attack BBTG and he will make this happen. We just at the Sunday sessions today. I have never been so convinced that the end is so near.

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritadi

If all else fails --- Play Dead Possum Lodge Moto -- Red Green

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our history shows that any projects will happen if that is Jehovah's will. If it falls through, it's because Jehovah doesn't see fit to let HQ Britain be there because he has something better in view, if it works out, it will work out despite the whole world rising up against it. 


From what I read, the local résidents will be happy in the end, whatever the brothers build is beautiful, those that visit will be discrete, clean and respectful and it will put that little place on the world map.  We go elsewhere, their loss.


It's all good!!

Edited by sunshine
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Jehovah will make that happen what ever the problems are. 


Case in point. In Alberta Canada the Brothers wanted to build a new Kingdom Hall in Calgary. A man that was not a witness admired us for the work we did in the community in his area. This man offered the brothers a piece of land and shook hand with the Brothers on a price. Well his SOn was ticked off and said you could have got 3X what you offered. Tried to go to court and get the deal nullified. 


The Father went to court and told the judge this is what I agreed on and I am honouring that agreement. I shook their hand on it and my word is my word your honour. The judge agreed and threw the case out. 


So the land was ours to build on. Enough for a double hall I think an apartment and lots of parking. Not 100 % sure though.


Come time to start building the neighbour was not happy about it. Tried to block it at every turn. 


He failed but did delay the work. THe brothers asked him if they could buy a pile of top soil they needed. He had a huge pile maybe 1.5 dump truck full of top soil. He said no. No way he would sell the stuff even at 100% what it was worth to them. Was really ignorant about it. 


Wouldn't you know a huge wind storm went through the area. Guess what the Brothers found on the property the next morning. The whole pile was moved onto the hall site and was piles 8' inside the property line. Guy tried to sue to get it back. Judge told him it must have been an act of God. No you can't have it back. 


This is all true. Happened about 15 to 20 years ago in Calgary Alberta. Brothers had positive proof they had Jehovah's blessing and Backing.

Picture this in your mind.... the demons are trying to stop, or delay Jehovah's purpose. And God says, this is what is to be! That makes such a joyous mental sight, it can't help but make you smile!

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