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JW Parents take their sick boy from hospital

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One thing for sure is that if they were catholic the media wouldn't have drawn attention to their religion !

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My thoughts exactly.  I have even heard reports, like in the case of Tracy Dugard, where this guys girl friend used to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses.  She left the Witnesses and later got involved with a pedophile, there was absolutley no reason to mention that she had ever been involved with the Witnesses.  She may have only studied at one time and rejected the truth.  It should not have been mentioned.

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Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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  • 1 month later...

"The parents of five-year-old Ashya King, who were detained after taking him abroad for brain tumour treatment, say their son is now free of cancer... Mr King has said his son is free of cancer, recovering at the family's Spanish home, starting to speak again and enjoying playing with his brothers and sister in a nearby park."



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  • 2 weeks later...

The BBC are going to air a documentary in our local area this evening presenting the hospital's case.


Here is a report on the upcoming programme.




UK (or proxy VPN) users will be able to see it on iPlayer I suspect.


I will be out but will catch up with it later.  I will also be interested to hear what a relative who is in their congregation in Portsmouth has to say.

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The BBC are going to air a documentary in our local area this evening presenting the hospital's case.


Here is a report on the upcoming programme.




UK (or proxy VPN) users will be able to see it on iPlayer I suspect.


I will be out but will catch up with it later.  I will also be interested to hear what a relative who is in their congregation in Portsmouth has to say.


Thank You! The article says,


"Paediatric oncology consultant Dr Ramya Ramanujachar, who was involved in Ashya's treatment, warned the case could set a worrying precedent. She said: 'I don't think the parents can look after their own child with a brain tumour and be not only the carers but also the professionals directing, managing and dictating their child's treatment.'"


I feel the precedent they are pushing is that of the uneducated & unskilled directing procedures they are unquestionably ignorant of. Which in and of itself has merit. It is However, a misdirect. The parents are not acting as "the professionals directing and dictating their child's treatment." They are the parents choosing, (and through that choice), directing,..... managing.... and dictating their child's treatment. It is the right of the patient to choose one treatment over another, or to choose no treatment. In some places people actually maintain the right to avoid mistreatment. And it is still legal!


The gods of this system are again rearing their heads in opposition to the God given rights of all people. These being "Free will", and "the right to choose"! Whom is it that is turning this into an issue regarding dictatorship? Whom is it that fears losing the ability to "dictate" life and death over lower life forms? It is the same god that dawned the helmet of forced blood transfusions. This self appointed god has ambassadors in every nation. 


There are of course, medical professionals who have not lost the love they had at first. The love of life and of healing others. Of helping and selfless giving. How precious these are to us. Sadly, it only takes a few to tarnish the good of many.


the real issue is patient right to choose treatment. 

Edited by palmhat
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The BBC are going to air a documentary in our local area this evening presenting the hospital's case.


Here is a report on the upcoming programme.




UK (or proxy VPN) users will be able to see it on iPlayer I suspect.


I will be out but will catch up with it later.  I will also be interested to hear what a relative who is in their congregation in Portsmouth has to say.


So I watched the programme on iPlayer.  As billed, it gave the medical staff from Southampton General a chance to air their point of view.


The general story was:


- Ashya presented with a serious tumor which was removed

- The next stage of treatment should have been chemotherapy for several weeks then standard radiotherapy (x-ray) for several months - around a year in total.

- His prospects of surviving beyond 5 years would be around 80% with this treatment

- Proton beam therapy was not appropriate since it is designed for target treatment and since Ashya's tumour had been removed, he would need general radio therapy to kill any remaining cancer cells in the brain

- Mr. King disagreed with the chemo and radio therapy course of action and believed proton beam therapy was better

- Both types of treatment are radio therapy - the dose of radiation required to kill cells would be the same and x-rays would be more effective

- The hospital never threatened the King's with legal options should they refuse the treatment

- The Kings put Ashya at great risk because although they had the feed for him, the feed was delivered through the nose and, if incorrectly administered or in some other emergency, could lead to food going to his lungs and not his stomach

- The agreement by the NHS to fund the proton beam therapy has put the medical staff in a very difficult position since this (in their opinion) this was the wrong treatment and simply makes it far harder to present treatment options to other parents when they will want the same thing

- The lack of any chemotherapy, which apparently was declined by the Kings even though offered abroad, along with not having standard x-ray radiotherapy will reduce Ashya's 5 year survival prospects down to 40-50%


No mention was made of the Kings being Witnesses.  Apparently they were asked to appear in the programme but declined.


I am hoping to hear from a relative in the King's UK congregation what the consensus of the family is but since they are still in Spain may not get to hear for a while.

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So I watched the programme on iPlayer.  As billed, it gave the medical staff from Southampton General a chance to air their point of view.


The general story was:


- Ashya presented with a serious tumor which was removed

- The next stage of treatment should have been chemotherapy for several weeks then standard radiotherapy (x-ray) for several months - around a year in total.

- His prospects of surviving beyond 5 years would be around 80% with this treatment

- Proton beam therapy was not appropriate since it is designed for target treatment and since Ashya's tumour had been removed, he would need general radio therapy to kill any remaining cancer cells in the brain

- Mr. King disagreed with the chemo and radio therapy course of action and believed proton beam therapy was better

- Both types of treatment are radio therapy - the dose of radiation required to kill cells would be the same and x-rays would be more effective

- The hospital never threatened the King's with legal options should they refuse the treatment

- The Kings put Ashya at great risk because although they had the feed for him, the feed was delivered through the nose and, if incorrectly administered or in some other emergency, could lead to food going to his lungs and not his stomach

- The agreement by the NHS to fund the proton beam therapy has put the medical staff in a very difficult position since this (in their opinion) this was the wrong treatment and simply makes it far harder to present treatment options to other parents when they will want the same thing

- The lack of any chemotherapy, which apparently was declined by the Kings even though offered abroad, along with not having standard x-ray radiotherapy will reduce Ashya's 5 year survival prospects down to 40-50%


No mention was made of the Kings being Witnesses.  Apparently they were asked to appear in the programme but declined.


I am hoping to hear from a relative in the King's UK congregation what the consensus of the family is but since they are still in Spain may not get to hear for a while.


Back peddling, finger pointing, misdirection, character assassination and rewriting the history books mixed with hindsighted rationalism with the aim saving face.

The real issue is and has been a patient's right to choose treatment along with a parents right to decide for their children. 


1. (1 Peter 3:15)

"But sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone who demands of you a reason for the hope you have, but doing so with a mild temper and deep respect."

The hospital staff presented their case to the Kings. The Kings felt other treatment was more appropriate.


2. The Kings were within their moral and legal rights to seek other treatment.


3. The hospital blundered by taking affront to the King's decision. Had they allowed the Kings to pursue their choice, there would have been no issue, no story and no egg on the face. Instead, they elected to abuse their power and initiated a manhunt followed by the arrest and incarceration of two innocent and loving parents. There was no viable reason to arrest or detain them. There was no legal precedent period!


4. In an effort to save face the hospital magnanimously offers to pay for the treatment. It was not needed. The Kings had the funds to cover the costs. Through the sale of property or the support via world wide donations, the Kings did not require the hospitals monetary assistance. Was it accepted as an olive branch of peace? I am in no position to say for a certainty. However, we do have the same master, Jesus Christ by name. In his "Sermon On The Mount" Jesus said, “Happy are the peacemakers, since they will be called sons of God." ( MT 5:9). A class act with a graceful end where all are smiling, end of story.


5. Or so it could have been. The Hospital is now attempting to save face by slinging mud & getting the Kings to soil themselves through the engagement. The olive branch exposes thorns, (or is it fangs)? The Kings show great wisdom in declining to comment which could serve to muddy Jehovah's name. The Kings are a class act and I believe they are in line for happy. 

Edited by palmhat
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I watched the program. I also have personal experience of the outstandingly good care provided by the NHS for cancer patients.


The surgeons removed Ashya's tumour using extreme skill. The disagreement was about the best form of adjunctive therapy.


Of course the parents have every right to question the doctors. They could seek a second opinion. They never at any time threatened to have Ashya taken into care. The consultant offered to seek a second opinion for them. All the surgeons and oncologists involved in the case agreed that chemo and radiotherapy was the most appropriate course of action.


I spent a lot of time reading about cancer and treatment options in my own case but ultimately it makes sense to be guided by the specialists who have experience of treating hundreds or thousands of similar cases. 


The only ones advocating proton beam therapy was the clinic that was selling it. Proton Beam therapy IS radiotherapy. The dose is the same. It is good at targeting a tumour but Ashya's tumour had already been removed. He needed conventional adjunctive radiotherapy. 


I really hope Ashya continues to do well but IMO the NHS has nothing to apologise for. The doctors had and continue to have the child's best interests at heart. 

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Welcome, Christopher! :welcome:


I haven't watched that program. And I'm sure the doctors are interested in giving children the treatment they consider best. However, I think the NHS has a lot to apologise for. They appeared on all the media saying that some crazy cultist JWs parents had kidnapped their children and an international order was issued against them. The parents were arrested and spent several days in prison, and everybody treated them as if they were some deranged criminals trying to kill their child. The doctors purposedly insisted in the parents' religion because they knew that would put people against them. That was completely unnecessary.


I don't know anything about proton therapy and certainly I am not promoting it. But in view of the results it seems their choice was not that wrong. After all, it seems they were not crazy fanatics and they were not criminals, just worried parents that wanted the best for their child.


Now doctors try to appear like they were wonderful, but the truth is that they felt upset that parents questioned their opinion and used foul play against them.

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Thank you for the welcome Carlos.


Why do you say that "appeared on all the media saying that some crazy cultist JWs parents had kidnapped their children"?


The doctors made no public comment at all throughout the whole episode and even in this program they never mention the King's beliefs. The media got a hold of that fact and made a big deal out of it. That had nothing to do with the NHS.


The hospital had a legal duty to inform the police that Ashya had been taken from hospital. He was being fed by a tube that requires skilled nursing care. If the feeding tube is inserted incorrectly Ashya would have died quite quickly. What happened next was dictated by the police not by doctors.


The child has still not had adjunctive chemo. Without it there is a greater chance that the cancer will return.


It is right to raise questions and concerns with doctors and to seek a second opinion when necessary. However well-motivated, no parent can know better than specialists based on reading alarming internet articles.

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Why do you say that "appeared on all the media saying that some crazy cultist JWs parents had kidnapped their children"?


Christopher, you are probably right and I confused what newspapers said with what doctors said. I apologize. A lot of hysteria was created but that doesn't mean it was the doctors.


I remember Ashya's father stating something like doctors threatened them with an emergency protection order if they refused the treatment they considered best. Unfortunately I am very used to doctors becoming upset when a patient challenges their opinion. Still that's very different from the situation I described in my previous post.


I hope that boy gets completely well.

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Of course the parents have every right to question the doctors. They could seek a second opinion. They never at any time threatened to have Ashya taken into care. The consultant offered to seek a second opinion for them. All the surgeons and oncologists involved in the case agreed that chemo and radiotherapy was the most appropriate course of action.

 I remember Ashya's father stating something like doctors threatened them with an emergency protection order if they refused the treatment they considered best. Unfortunately I am very used to doctors becoming upset when a patient challenges their opinion. Still that's very different from the situation I described in my previous post.

It is true to say that no application was made to the courts before Ashya was removed from the hospital. The doctors claim no threat was made and they never would have gone that far. On the other hand Brett King repeatedly claimed the hospital threatened legal action. Whatever the doctors actually said and how it was really phrased, his perception was there was a threat.

There was no way the Kings were ever going to let Ashya have standard radiotherapy or even chemotherapy. This is regardless of the stance of the specialists consensus this was the correct and most appropriate treatment. Brett King is on record as repeatedly claiming this treatment could kill Ashya or leave him, in his words, "as a vegetable". The Czech and Spanish doctors wanted Ashya to have chemo but the Kings have not allowed this. Their view has been that proton beam therapy alone provides the safest and most appropriate treatment. So far the news has been good but only time will tell what the final outcome will be.

I know from people with first hand experience of the situation that all the Kings have ever wanted is the best for Ashya. Their world fell apart when Ashya had his original diagnosis. They spent all their time at the hospital for weeks, the congregation was doing everything possible to help look after them and their other children. The pressure they were under and the desire to find the best treatment was immense. There is little wonder that once the fundamental difference in opinion over Ashya's long term treatment became apparent that the Kings felt the situation was only going to go one way if Ashya was left in the care of the specialists at Southampton General.

I just hope that everything turns out well in the long run and Ashya continues to progress and make a good recovery.

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2. The Kings were within their moral and legal rights to seek other treatment.


3. The hospital blundered by taking affront to the King's decision. Had they allowed the Kings to pursue their choice, there would have been no issue, no story and no egg on the face. Instead, they elected to abuse their power and initiated a manhunt followed by the arrest and incarceration of two innocent and loving parents. There was no viable reason to arrest or detain them. There was no legal precedent period!


A class act with a graceful end where all are smiling, end of story.

There might be a fundamental right to choose but when there is a clear difference of opinion over treatment of a minor then the waters are muddied. What has never been established is if any other oncologists are prepared to say that proton beam therapy is as effective and appropriate a treatment as the standard radiotherapy and chemo. Even the doctors administering the proton beam therapy wanted chemo as well which has been rejected by the Kings. No professional second opinion was obtained before Ashya was removed from the UK.

The manhunt and escalation in terms of arrest warrants etc was the UK police. Regardless of how they may have interacted with the Kings, the hospital had little choice in their actions. No one knew what the parents were about to do - not anyone in the congregation, not the hospital. They did not know they had taken steps to ensure Ashya was cared for. I am not suggesting the Kings were wrong, irresponsible or not within their rights but it was a unilateral action that deliberately kept the hospital out of the loop so as to prevent any possible actions by them to gain legal control over Ashya. Having no knowledge of the King's intentions the hospital informed the police and then it all escalated.

Let's hope it is the end of the story but it would appear that we won't really know that for several years.

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Thank you for the welcome Carlos.


Why do you say that "appeared on all the media saying that some crazy cultist JWs parents had kidnapped their children"?


The doctors made no public comment at all throughout the whole episode and even in this program they never mention the King's beliefs. The media got a hold of that fact and made a big deal out of it. That had nothing to do with the NHS.


The hospital had a legal duty to inform the police that Ashya had been taken from hospital. He was being fed by a tube that requires skilled nursing care. If the feeding tube is inserted incorrectly Ashya would have died quite quickly. What happened next was dictated by the police not by doctors.


The child has still not had adjunctive chemo. Without it there is a greater chance that the cancer will return.


It is right to raise questions and concerns with doctors and to seek a second opinion when necessary. However well-motivated, no parent can know better than specialists based on reading alarming internet articles.

Good points, all. There is certainly more to this than is in the papers. Adding to the complexity is the natural tendency to paint with our own brush. So then, how can we benefit from this account. Some time ago a sister in our hall was in an accident & the doctors insisted on blood transfusion. When the family was adamant about the blood issue the doctor suggested that the family place her in a room & make her as comfortable as possible as she dies. Another hospital was located and our sister is with us today. This would not have been the case had the family left it in the hands of these informed professionals. Not to say the doctors are evil egomaniacs. Well, not all of them, anyway. I believe most have genuine concern for those in their care. Like ourselves, they are not exempt from limitations. And we don't have to be smarter than a medical professional to know of better treatment. While it is true Ashya could have suffered had the tube been placed wrong. The fact is it wasn't. Was it an accident that Ashya was doing okay while in transit crossing several borders? I think not. I also think that pointing out what could have gone wrong only serves to discredit the brother. This was no little thing & the brother comes across as competent. Would that I could fair as well we're I in his precarious position.

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www.judiciary.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/judgment-ashya-king-08092014.pdf  People in the legal world are called upon to adjudicate on such cases and they are not experts in either and can only decide on information they are given, which was really one-sided at first. In this case as the above document shows,the hospital must have said something for the Kings to want to leave and then there was 'a ward of court' order made that had to be overturned, showing that the hospital was capable of doing it.


The whole affair seems to be based on lack of good communication and good listening and respecting a different decision.


Yes, Doctors and surgeons may be experts in their fields, but as I listened to a facial reconstruction (Saving Faces charity) surgeon from St Barts Hospital London on BBC radio 4 today, there's often more than one way to approach a treatment, and surgeons cannot be too precious about their own methods, no matter how much they feel it would be better than another surgeon's option. The Kings didn't want the whole spine and brain treated, after the operation, just the area around where the brain was effected. They saw the results of the 'standard' treatment on other children that had left them in a vegetative state and felt proton treatment, rightly or wrongly, would be the answer for their son and Prague told them it would and would be willing to treat Ashya. As they were willing to fund it, then they should have let them go.


The hospital's reason for allowing  an arrest warrant seemed to be more based on the issue of the feeding of the child through the nose - However, the parents had been doing it for Ashya at the hospital, so knew how to do it. That argument was not valid and 'clutching at straws'. Even nurses can get this wrong if they aren't careful - it happened to my Mam. We have had to do all sorts, both in hospital and at home, to help Mam's breathing and stop Mam's food going down the wrong way over the last 13 years, with machinery, but we manage just as well as hospital, who made mistakes with both and left her choking and 'blue' on a couple of occasions.We, like the Kings, aren't medically trained, but when needs must, you learn to do what you can to keep your loved one alive.


I can understand the worries with chemotherapy, I have lost one friend after a successful operation, but drastic chemotherapy/radiotherapy given as 'just a precaution' and my other friend in our congregation stopped her chemotherapy after her tumour was removed because all the her immune system/white cells were destroyed and she has lost 30% of her heart tissue and was so ill. She is clear of any cancer at present and is building back her immune system/strength/hair without chemotherapy now. If it re-appears in the future, then she will have to make another decision, but felt she would also have been dead by now had she continued agreeing to the drastic chemotherapy. Sometimes the treatment has to be a respected personal decision because it is so drastic and we nor medical staff can't judge for others.


I hope that the enquiry just flags up stuff that has to be learned and no one is 'punished' as it was all a muddle. Hospitals in UK are all working under heavy burdens of endless austerity cuts of funding and heavy debts of Private Finance Initiative Loan burdens/contracts and constant government assessing as to money saving - just see the UK blood transfusion scandal article in our Forum's News Section and what the government 'money-saving assessment memo's' that have been leaked to the press revealed there!!!

Edited by retroHelen
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Chemo isn't all its cracked up to be. In my hometown an hour east of London ( the other one ), a sister I knew for 20 years, died as a result of chemo. She had a severe allergic reaction. Yup. Know her family and many of her husband's family.

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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www.judiciary.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/judgment-ashya-king-08092014.pdf  People in the legal world are called upon to adjudicate on such cases and they are not experts in either and can only decide on information they are given, which was really one-sided at first. In this case as the above document shows,the hospital must have said something for the Kings to want to leave and then there was 'a ward of court' order made that had to be overturned, showing that the hospital was capable of doing it.



Well made points Helen.  Just to be clear that prior to the King's leaving the UK there was no court order.  The ruling above was subsequent to their departure.  My understanding from those with more knowledge than I is that opinion is divided on the extent and nature of any threats made by the hospital.  As I have already expressed, the King's perception is the reality and they were clear that continuing the impasse would only lead one way and they took the only action they could see to change the status quo.

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Chemo isn't all its cracked up to be. In my hometown an hour east of London ( the other one ), a sister I knew for 20 years, died as a result of chemo. She had a severe allergic reaction. Yup. Know her family and many of her husband's family.


In my experience oncologists don't sugar-coat the risks and benefits of chemo. They are very open about the toxicity and there are no guarantees about the outcome. During chemo patients are constantly assessed as to how their body is coping with it.


In very few cases chemo can cause fatal side-effects. That is clearly explained to patients in advance. On the other hand, if cancer isn't treated effectively it is always fatal. Chemotherapy saves countless numbers of lives every year. I doubt if you will find any oncologist who would recommend not having adjunctive chemo in the case of brain tumours.


The doctors explained to Ashya's father that only as a very last result they would have to seek legal means to treat him but they made clear they wanted to work with the family to find a way forward. They offered to arrange for a second opinion. 


Even if proton beam therapy had been available in the same hospital they would not have used it as it was the wrong tool for post-surgery radiotherapy.


The NHS was left in an impossible situation when Ashya was taken from the hospital. It is profoundly unfair to suggest that they were motivated by anything other than concern for the child's welfare and extensive experience in treating his condition.

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So how about we move this to a constructive plane with the aim of improving ourselves individually. From a personal perspective, "What have I resolved to do as a result of these opinions?" As hindsight is 20x20, what are we left with & where can we go from here? What can I take from here that will help me care for those under my charge? Where is the refreshment and encouragement that builds up when I meet with my brothers?



1. The only cure is Jehovah's messianic kingdom with Jesus as king. 

2. Loyalty to Jehovah must be maintained.

3. Aside from these two points, treatment becomes a choice between lesser evils and as absolute as the roll of the dice. Regimens favorable for one have been known to wreck havoc on another. Rather than berate one for their choice of treatment, I am better off looking for what I can to help and support them. (might work in the field as well, ya think?)


Okay, you turn.

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Rather than berate one for their choice of treatment, I am better off looking for what I can to help and support them. 


I haven't berated anybody. I have tried to add some facts to a discussion that was unfairly criticising skilled and dedicated doctors and nurses.

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I watched the program. I also have personal experience of the outstandingly good care provided by the NHS for cancer patients.


The surgeons removed Ashya's tumour using extreme skill. The disagreement was about the best form of adjunctive therapy.


Of course the parents have every right to question the doctors. They could seek a second opinion. They never at any time threatened to have Ashya taken into care. The consultant offered to seek a second opinion for them. All the surgeons and oncologists involved in the case agreed that chemo and radiotherapy was the most appropriate course of action.



How do you know this? Were you there? It is obvious communication broke down. It is more common than you think for some doctors to use threats if they do not like the stance of a parent.




I spent a lot of time reading about cancer and treatment options in my own case but ultimately it makes sense to be guided by the specialists who have experience of treating hundreds or thousands of similar cases. 


The only ones advocating proton beam therapy was the clinic that was selling it. Proton Beam therapy IS radiotherapy. The dose is the same. It is good at targeting a tumour but Ashya's tumour had already been removed. He needed conventional adjunctive radiotherapy. 


I really hope Ashya continues to do well but IMO the NHS has nothing to apologise for. The doctors had and continue to have the child's best interests at heart. 


That may be the case. But part of the care of a child is also the working with the family. If you start threatening taking the decision out of the hands of the parents and cause a communication breakdown then you may have parents who will see that as detrimental to their childs welfare. No matter how skillful a surgeon you may be.


We have heard the kings side and we have now heard the hospitals side. It may be that somewhere in the middle lies what really happened. It may be an unfortunate breakdown in communication that could of been better managed.


Ultimately parents should be able to decide on a less invasive treatment for their child even if it does put their child at risk of dying but reduces the risk of serious side effects. I know of some cases of some people very close to me that were pummeled with so much radiation and chemotherapy that it was toxic to them and they died from that and not the cancer they had. The treatment can be quite aggressive.


The hospital is obviously going to defend what they did. They may even lie to do that. It is not uncommon for hospitals to cover their backs if they can. What is clear though is that the kings were not happy with how the doctors were handling them and their child. 

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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