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New World Translation (2013 revision) in additional languages

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Reading this thread has made me realize how fortunate I am to live in the United States and speak/read/understand English as my first language. Seems like mostly everything the organization does comes out in English first - we have to work hard not to take such things for granted, I realize that now after reading all your comments!

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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  On 1/14/2016 at 7:05 PM, Juanlazalah said:

Now, someone please explain to us if the bibles are indeed so different! What does the brazilian one has or lacks from the portugal one in terms of grammar, meanings etc?

It's hard to explain because it's not like we don't understand the Brazilian version but it's just that the European Portuguese (in fact, just Portuguese ;) ) is our language from the heart

It's a little bit like the difference between American English and British English or south American Spanish and Spanish from Spain

The grammar is different, the way people direct to people is different... Even David's name is different between the two languages

I started to read the bible and I just can't explain how things got a new meaning even if I already knew the verses :)

I'm thinking this appeared online by error... I was expecting a special visite just for the announcement like the Brazilian brothers had! But I'm really happy with this extraordinary surprise!

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  On 1/14/2016 at 7:05 PM, Juanlazalah said:

Now, someone please explain to us if the bibles are indeed so different! What does the brazilian one has or lacks from the portugal one in terms of grammar, meanings etc?

I think this previous quotes of this same thread can shred some light on your question.
  On 3/24/2015 at 12:35 PM, Araujo JW said:

I'm happy with you, my brother! One of the biggest changes for us in Brazil, made the difference was the exchange of the pronoun "tu", we rarely used here for "você" and "vós" to "vocês", remaining "tu" only to Jehovah, as a form of respectful treatment. Never we would use the term "você" to Jehovah. I do not know if this would change in a version for you (vocês :lol: ) in Portugal.



  On 3/24/2015 at 1:04 PM, jayrtom said:

That's one of the major differences between Brazil and Portugal... And its difficult to explain in the context of this forum but I don't believe we will make the same changes on that regard... For example, we never direct to our children or mate with the word "você" but you in Brazil do so. One other major difference is that when referring to someone you just put the name of the person on the beginning of a sentence, like "Peter did this or that" (correct in eEnglishalso). But in Portuguese we would include the article "O" first... this would turn "The Peter did this or that"

The major differences are related to the grammatical construction of sentences. For lots of JW's witnesses here, which didn't get much secular education, but have lots of years in the truth, they are often confused as being born in Brazil... They only lack the accent :)



  On 3/25/2015 at 6:58 PM, JABA said:

Well, the instructions we received are clear, in theocratic events and witnessing we should use the previous versions of the NWT.

Regarding personal study and biblical discussion with our brothers and sisters I don't see any problem in using the NWT BR revision of 2015.

I already started reading the new version, and in my opinion the text have improved, nevertheless some familiar passages, now sound a little bit strange in the new Brazilian "style".

(I hope brother Cristino doesn't get upset with this honest comment)


Isaías 35:6 - Naquele tempo os mancos saltarão como os cervos.

Tiago 1:19 - Tenham isto em mente, meus amados irmãos: todos devem ser prontos para ouvir, mas devem demorar para falar e demorar para ficar irados.

(For our English speakers friends the references are: Isa 35:6; Jas1:19)



  On 3/25/2015 at 11:05 PM, jayrtom said:

The letter was read today and it was clear to me...
I'm reading it also and noticed that it is a more "Brazilian" version than the current one... Specialy on the use of "você"
It's quite understandable some we'll have our own version :) (hope it doesn't take to much time)

I think there will be some problems with this two versions of the portuguese bible unless we'll start to translate also the other publications into Portuguese PT... More on the electronic versions. For instance, we'll download the epub version of the study wt and all the references will be on this nwt BR version, the same for the citations on any format...
Nothing serious though... Just a side note ;)

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  On 1/14/2016 at 7:03 PM, Juanlazalah said:

It's funny it all came by surprise even for the portuguese/african ppl. No meeting or announcement!




It seems that almost noone here was expecting this.

Every friends that I just had called didnt know anything about it and were suprised with the news..

There is a arrangnment for a "special meeting" in the middle of the year, which there I was expecteing the Bible to be released.


Concerning the differences between the Brazilian edition and the Portugal Edition, I will spend the next days to find out...


Although, I was expecting in Matthew 24:45 , the word " Discreet" to be translated " Discreto" as used to be, but it was translated as "prudente" like in the Brazilian Edition.


I truly believe, principally here in Angola, the word "Prudente" is not very know...

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  On 1/14/2016 at 9:15 PM, JJMS said:

Concerning the differences between the Brazilian edition and the Portugal Edition, I will spend the next days to find out...

Although, I was expecting in Matthew 24:45 , the word " Discreet" to be translated " Discreto" as used to be, but it was translated as "prudente" like in the Brazilian Edition.

I truly believe, principally here in Angola, the word "Prudente" is not very know...

Brother Joel

Interesting your remark.

I believe there was a good reason why both versions (Portuguese and Portuguese-Brazilian) changed the translation from discreet to prudent.

In Portugal, usually the expression "discreet" is related with the meaning of someone unobtrusive, circumspect, low profile. And "prudent" is related with someone cautious, wise, sage.

Therefore the second meaning is more adequate.

In reality all the other bible translations that I have in Portuguese use the expression "discreet".

This is a return to a more traditional expression and a more meaningful term in my opinion.

I'm curious, what is the word that you use in Angola for someone cautious, wise, sage?

Another significant move to a more traditional approach in Portuguese, present in both translations, is the change of the name of the last bible book "Revelation" to "Apocalipse".

Edited by JABA
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I was so excited when I downloaded the nw-TPO just to confirm that is true, then I done something that I probably regret, I sent a message to all the brothers in my congregation (Portuguese congregation.) telling that the Bible in Portuguese is ready.

I few were very happy to hear but others were, "I can't find it on jw.org!". An elder rang me saying none of the elders have information of the release of the new Portuguese Bible!

Maybe I should of kept this good news to myself only. lol

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I was curious about the Portuguese language and I was surprised how much I understand the language without even studying it! It's very similar to Spanish. Some words are pronounced exactly the same. Most words are completely different, but even then I can still understand them. I'm sure if I study Portuguese grammar and correct pronunciation, I can learn a little Portuguese. I've come across a few Portuguese speaking people in the territory and now I can show them that they have a modern translation of the bible in both dialects! I'm really happy for you brothers and sisters who speak Portuguese. I've said it a thousand times here and I'll say it again: I can't wait for the Spanish revision. It'll come when it comes. I remember Brother Jackson's words at the IC in Jersey. "You will get it...but not today...and not tomorrow either. It'll come, though. Just be patient". Every time I see a new edition of the NWT released, I feel happy for those who are getting it. Especially if it's the first time they are receiving the bible in their language for the first time. This is one of my favorite threads for this very reason. I love seeing the excitement of the brothers and I hope I get to experience that excitement soon.

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  On 1/15/2016 at 8:12 AM, Ciscofd said:

I was so excited when I downloaded the nw-TPO just to confirm that is true, then I done something that I probably regret, I sent a message to all the brothers in my congregation (Portuguese congregation.) telling that the Bible in Portuguese is ready.

I few were very happy to hear but others were, "I can't find it on jw.org!". An elder rang me saying none of the elders have information of the release of the new Portuguese Bible!

Maybe I should of kept this good news to myself only. lol

Sorry to heard that. Sometimes good intention can be wrongly interpreted...


Maybe to those brothers who have been struggling to download the Bible via Jw.org initial page ( which is quite difficult) you could send them the link that Brother Juan already posted.

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  On 1/15/2016 at 9:02 AM, JJMS said:

Sorry to heard that. Sometimes good intention can be wrongly interpreted...

Maybe to those brothers who have been struggling to download the Bible via Jw.org initial page ( which is quite difficult) you could send them the link that Brother Juan already posted.

But can anyone explain how that link was constructed?

Could it be that the page in question is some temporary work page that wasn't supposed to be found?

I had the same question about brothers not being able to find it on jw.org and doubting about the veracity of it...

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  On 1/15/2016 at 10:37 AM, jayrtom said:

But can anyone explain how that link was constructed?

Could it be that the page in question is some temporary work page that wasn't supposed to be found?

I had the same question about brothers not being able to find it on jw.org and doubting about the veracity of it...

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It's pretty much the same principle that we find the monthly broadcast.

When you are construction the link, you are pretty much giving conditions to the jw.org server and when you go to that link it will show all publications that meet the given criteria. For example, to find the Bible the link would be the following :


nwt is the publication code for the revised Bible. So we ask the server to show us every publication that is "nwt" regardless of format (pdf, EPUB, jwpub etc) and language. So when you open the above mentioned link, the site will show a list of all languages that have NWT and in every available format. Then you can select the wanted language and download a copy in any of the available formats.

I hope this helps.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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  On 1/15/2016 at 11:20 AM, Andrejrulz said:

It's pretty much the same principle that we find the monthly broadcast.

When you are construction the link, you are pretty much giving conditions to the jw.org server and when you go to that link it will show all publications that meet the given criteria. For example, to find the Bible the link would be the following :


nwt is the publication code for the revised Bible. So we ask the server to show us every publication that is "nwt" regardless of format (pdf, EPUB, jwpub etc) and language. So when you open the above mentioned link, the site will show a list of all languages that have NWT and in every available format. Then you can select the wanted language and download a copy in any of the available formats.

I hope this helps.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


But wasnt it supposed that all the things found by that method should be available also Browsing through the site?

Or is it that the source database for that link is not the same as the one the main site is using?

My worry is just that somehow we're bypassing the flow of information the slave intended...

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  On 1/15/2016 at 8:59 AM, MM9106 said:

I was curious about the Portuguese language and I was surprised how much I understand the language without even studying it! It's very similar to Spanish. Some words are pronounced exactly the same. Most words are completely different, but even then I can still understand them. I'm sure if I study Portuguese grammar and correct pronunciation, I can learn a little Portuguese. I've come across a few Portuguese speaking people in the territory and now I can show them that they have a modern translation of the bible in both dialects! I'm really happy for you brothers and sisters who speak Portuguese. I've said it a thousand times here and I'll say it again: I can't wait for the Spanish revision. It'll come when it comes. I remember Brother Jackson's words at the IC in Jersey. "You will get it...but not today...and not tomorrow either. It'll come, though. Just be patient". Every time I see a new edition of the NWT released, I feel happy for those who are getting it. Especially if it's the first time they are receiving the bible in their language for the first time. This is one of my favorite threads for this very reason. I love seeing the excitement of the brothers and I hope I get to experience that excitement soon.


The New World Translation in Portuguese (Brazilian edition) looks like it is a new translation, completely new, such a difference to our old NWT! The language was much more modern and easier to understand!  :) It's a really great pleasure to read this Bible!

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  On 1/15/2016 at 12:16 PM, jayrtom said:


But wasnt it supposed that all the things found by that method should be available also Browsing through the site?

Or is it that the source database for that link is not the same as the one the main site is using?

My worry is just that somehow we're bypassing the flow of information the slave intended...

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Maybe the branch is not aware of this technical flaw 8-(

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  On 1/14/2016 at 11:59 PM, JABA said:

Brother Joel

Interesting your remark.

I believe there was a good reason why both versions (Portuguese and Portuguese-Brazilian) changed the translation from discreet to prudent.

In Portugal, usually the expression "discreet" is related with the meaning of someone unobtrusive, circumspect, low profile. And "prudent" is related with someone cautious, wise, sage.

Therefore the second meaning is more adequate.

In reality all the other bible translations that I have in Portuguese use the expression "discreet".

This is a return to a more traditional expression and a more meaningful term in my opinion.

I'm curious, what is the word that you use in Angola for someone cautious, wise, sage?

Another significant move to a more traditional approach in Portuguese, present in both translations, is the change of the name of the last bible book "Revelation" to "Apocalipse".


I´m not 100% sure but I believe that many people here are used with the word "Discreto" instead of "Prudente".

One of the most used Bible translation by people in the terriroty is the Joao Ferreira de Almeida. And I dont know what word is used there.

But I believe the last bible book name is also Apocalipse instead of Revelation.

So I truly believe that this new revision will make more easier to talk with catholic believers and alike.


Have you find any major difference between the Brazilian edition and the Portugal Edition?


As soon as I find one I will post here.

Edited by JJMS
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  On 1/15/2016 at 1:41 PM, JJMS said:

I´m not 100% sure but I believe that many people here are used with the word "Discreto" instead of "Prudente".

One of the most used Bible translation by people in the terriroty is the Joao Ferreira de Almeida. And I dont know what word is used there.

But I believe the last bible book name is also Apocalipse instead of Revelation.



45 Quem é, pois, o servo fiel e prudente, que o senhor pôs sobre os seus serviçais, para a tempo dar-lhes o sustento?

(From http://biblia.com.br/joao-ferreira-almeida-atualizada/mateus/mt-capitulo-24)


And also, Apocalipse is the word used for Revelation.

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  On 1/15/2016 at 1:41 PM, JJMS said:

I´m not 100% sure but I believe that many people here are used with the word "Discreto" instead of "Prudente".

One of the most used Bible translation by people in the terriroty is the Joao Ferreira de Almeida. And I dont know what word is used there.

But I believe the last bible book name is also Apocalipse instead of Revelation.

So I truly believe that this new revision will make more easier to talk with catholic believers and alike.


Have you find any major difference between the Brazilian edition and the Portugal Edition?


As soon as I find one I will post here.

Check the page 1786 for the explanation of the use of the word "prudente":


For most readers , the word " discreet" simply conveys the idea of someone modest and unpretentious , who does not like to attract attention to himself . However , in several Bible verses , the meaning being conveyed is that of someone who has wisdom and discernment. In such cases , we used the word " prudent " or similar, to better convey the ideia. - Deuteronomy 1:13; Matthew 24:45 .


As for the diferences from BR and PT they are just to many to mention... It's a different translation overall (not referring to the sense of he verses which is obviously the same)

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