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New World Translation (2013 revision) in additional languages

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I have a feeling that the Portuguese (Portugal) bible will be officially release up to April! Why do I say this?

On our website under publication we already have Aprils meeting workbook available and looking at the first page, the third offer for the month is the teach book. Now as we know the grey bible teach book cover is with the new revised bible.

Now why is that the Spanish, German, Italian along with other languages, have April's meeting workbook with the yellow bible teach book?

why the English and Portuguese (Portugal) have the grey bible teach book displayed??? Interesting!

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Now why is that the Spanish, German, Italian along with other languages, have April's meeting workbook with the yellow bible teach book?


Languages that currently have a bi12 New World Translation and will be getting a nwt New World Translation in the near future still have the Bible Teach book with yellow cover. After the revised Bible is released, it is expected to have the revised Bible Teach (and possibly the its simplified Teach Us counterpart), as well as the Jesus--The Way book. However, there are languages that already have gray bi12 Bibles (as they won't receive nwt Bibles), but don't have revised Bible Teach books (e.g. Hungarian).

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I realize the translation discussion is about Portuguese but it is similar in English (the word choice "discreet").  Prudent is a second choice.


Mathew 24:25


*** w07 9/1 Questions From Readers ***  [Footnote]

“Discreet” translates the Greek word phroʹni·mos. The work Word Studies in the New Testament, by M. R. Vincent, comments that this word most frequently refers to practical wisdom and prudence.


Strong’s Concordance [5829 and 5830] Sagacious, discreet, cautiously wise, prudent

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I have a feeling that the Portuguese (Portugal) bible will be officially release up to April! Why do I say this?

On our website under publication we already have Aprils meeting workbook available and looking at the first page, the third offer for the month is the teach book. Now as we know the grey bible teach book cover is with the new revised bible.

Now why is that the Spanish, German, Italian along with other languages, have April's meeting workbook with the yellow bible teach book?

why the English and Portuguese (Portugal) have the grey bible teach book displayed??? Interesting!

Nice catch ;)

Languages that currently have a bi12 New World Translation and will be getting a nwt New World Translation in the near future still have the Bible Teach book with yellow cover. After the revised Bible is released, it is expected to have the revised Bible Teach (and possibly the its simplified Teach Us counterpart), as well as the Jesus--The Way book. However, there are languages that already have gray bi12 Bibles (as they won't receive nwt Bibles), but don't have revised Bible Teach books (e.g. Hungarian).

The Brazilian version was announced at the same time as the revised bible teach

Since we never had a portuguese PT version of bible teach we won't get any new yellow bible teach... Or we will be getting the Brazilian version of the revised version (I doubt because all the bible quotes are from the BR bible) or we will be getting a new one :)

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We're still using the yellow teach book in Spanish. We were told that we would be receiving a revised edition sometime in the future, hopefully with the Teach Us book as well. It's worth noting that at the last RC, we were also told that the Way, the Truth, the Life book would eventually become available in other languages. My guess is that all those publications will be released at the same time or shortly after the revised NWT is released in those languages who haven't yet received these publications. Should be an interesting year! Looking forward to it!

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This is exciting! The NWT has been made available or revised in 24 additional languages since the release of the English revision. What other organization can translate, revise, and produce that many bibles in that many languages in less than three years. I'm sure many more languages will be added to the list by the end of the year. I hope Spanish is among those since that's my maternal tongue and the field I serve in.


A brother once told me that Spanish is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, language groups in the organization. It's estimated that there are around 2.3 million Spanish speaking publishers worldwide, more or less. Let's take a look at that. 1.3 million bibles were printed in Brazilian Portuguese for the initial release. The initial release of the revised English NWT had 1.4 million in attendance. That means at least  1.4 million bibles were printed and shipped to various parts of the United States, Canada, Australia, the UK, and many other locations. It took the brothers at least three months to ship 1.3 million bibles all around Brazil. With those numbers and figures in mind, can you imagine the work needed to print around 2.5 million bibles and to ship them all around the United States, South America, Central America, Spain, the Caribbean, and many other locations that have Spanish speaking publishers? Imagine the coordination between branches so that everyone can have it at the same time. Also keep in mind that only two branches have the proper equipment to print these new bibles, the US and Japan. Imagine how long it'll take to print that many bibles between two branches along with bibles in other languages and other publications! Only with Jehovah's blessing and approval can such a massive work be done! 


On top of all this, imagine the work that the brothers and sisters who are working on the revised edition have to put into this project. They have to consult the English master text, figure out how to translate certain expressions that Spanish speaking people would understand and study the bible manuscripts that can help them in their translating work. That's a lot of work and a lot of responsibility for those involved. Not just for Spanish, but for all languages that are in the process of getting the NWT. All of the hard work that all these faithful ones are doing will be recognized by Jehovah and his son, Jesus Christ and they will be blessed for it. As for the recipients of these wonderful gifts, we will give thanks and praise to Jehovah because he made it happened and we'll appreciate the hard work the brothers and sisters put into this work by using these precious gifts to study and in the field ministry so that others can get to know Jehovah and praise him. 


Sorry for the long post. These were some numbers that were rattling around in my head and I finally made sense of them. Expressing these thoughts makes me appreciate the NWT even more and the work that goes into producing them. This is one of my favorite subjects and favorite threads. Just meditating on this subject is one of the many things that convinces me that this is indeed Jehovah's organization and that the faithful slave is doing their best to make sure that all can understand God's word in their own language and to feed the domestics. No other organization can accomplish this monumental feat. It's amazing to think about it.

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9 hours ago, ArthurW said:

Added today: NWT in Chitonga (released in 2014). http://download-a.akamaihd.net/files/media_bible/4d/nwt_CG.pdf

I downloaded the the Bible PDF file. In the english NWT there are 2 rows per page. In the Chitonga Version there is only one row per page. 

Chitonga NWT.JPG

English NWT.JPG

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5 minutes ago, juliansan said:

Yes, the Kazakh has the same proportions. 

was that a "Recent" translation, or awhile back?  ....   just trying to see if there is a "newer" pattern format as mentioned above by You and Mike

Edited by timpin
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36 minutes ago, timpin said:

was that a "Recent" translation, or awhile back?  ....   just trying to see if there is a "newer" pattern format as mentioned above by You and Mike


One year ago. There was an article on jw.org. 



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4 hours ago, juliansan said:

I downloaded the the Bible PDF file. In the english NWT there are 2 rows per page. In the Chitonga Version there is only one row per page. 

Chitonga NWT.JPG


Interesting, this was the format appearing on the original six volumes of the New World Translation released between 1950-1960 and the original Reference Edition of 1963. Likely this adjusted format is to do with the length of the words in the Chitonga language, as mentioned by Brother David. The Christian Greek Scriptures in the Chitonga language, released before the new edition, had the two-column format, but no cross-reference column in the middle, so the adjusted format and the cross-reference column is something brand new for our brothers who speak the Chitonga language to enjoy :) 

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