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Interesting find in1922 Golden Age Article

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That's actually a bit creepy to read! The phone as we used to know it was barely in use at that time! A lot of people still didn't have them, especially in other parts of the earth. That really makes this something else! Who new that the "Golden Age" had a visionary on the writing staff! haha!

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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That's actually a bit creepy to read! The phone as we used to know it was barely in use at that time! A lot of people still didn't have them, especially in other parts of the earth. That really makes this something else! Who new that the "Golden Age" had a visionary on the writing staff! haha!


the only thing the visionary didn't see was that we wouldn't be wearing "vest pockets". lol   I better shut up that may be the newest fad!

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Whenever I see things like this, I'm always suspicious as it's so easy to change pictures these days - so I looked in the National Archives and found the original document - and indeed it is genuine! 
The magazine is located at:  https://archive.org/stream/1922TheGoldenAgeMagazine/1922_Golden_Age#page/n267/mode/1up


I wanted to post a pic as well, but can't - but others have - thanks!


(I've now found out how to attach a pic - silly me for not checking before - but other kind ones did it anyway!!)

Edited by pgwenlan
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I just took a screen shot of the PDF files that I have of the 1922 Golden Age. It is legitimate:

http://jwtalk.net/forums/public/style_images/jwtalk/attachicon.gif Goldenage1922.jpg

EDIT: I see Lynn beat me to it! :)

With 3 versions I have no doubt now :D

It really impressive!

So this is it... We are in the time described by that GA... A couple of years from now and the wireless phones will no longer be on the pockets... It will be on our arms, or glasses :P

Edited by jayrtom
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With 3 versions I have no doubt now :D It really impressive! So this is it... We are in the time described by that GA... A couple of years from now and the wireless phones will no longer be on the pockets... It will be on our arms, or glasses :P


Eventually you will all have them implanted, like mine!  :borg:

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I wonder was anyone first besides this 1922 article to possibly forsee this? KINGDOM RULES!

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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That is pretty crazy. Although I will say, as "prophetic" as that paragraph is, the last sentence of the paragraph before ended up being as far accurate as you can get.


"But ingenious devices are appearing on the horizon which promise to eliminate opportunity for fraud in conveying ideas."


For as much good the internet (and non-stop access on our phones) provides, so much of it is used to spread lies and fraudulent ideas.  Every "ingenious" device invented by man ends up being corrupted by man.

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 I don't know this is from Rutherford. Clayton Woodworth wrote many articles in the Golden Age Magazine and was the editor too. This brother was very smart. One time Woodworth wrote a series of articles on the Calender. These articles was very, very, very, deep. I heard Rutherford told him to stop it.


 On a side note, Woodworth wrote the Revelation and Song of Solomon part of the Finished Mystery Book in 1917, and he proof read the whole book and made some aditions as time when by. He was an awesome brother.

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That is pretty crazy. Although I will say, as "prophetic" as that paragraph is, the last sentence of the paragraph before ended up being as far accurate as you can get.


"But ingenious devices are appearing on the horizon which promise to eliminate opportunity for fraud in conveying ideas."


For as much good the internet (and non-stop access on our phones) provides, so much of it is used to spread lies and fraudulent ideas.  Every "ingenious" device invented by man ends up being corrupted by man.

I think inthe opposite direction on this one - I think it's very accurate.  Having the ability to go straight to the jw.org website eliminates any lies or frauds that others perpetuate because you can see it for yourself.  There are frauds on the internet (mostly social sites and scam sites) but for those looking for the truth, it can also be easily found and recognized.  Going to Jw.org eliminates fraud in conveying the truth about Jehovah and the Kingdom.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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