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Watchtower Library App

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The Watchtower Library App by JVillella has just been updated with a new Material Design theme that is simply beautiful. Multiple languages, publications, abilty to save files, as a former IPad user this is the closest app to Equipd that I have found on Android. Check it out!


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Hi Brother Lloyd,


Thanks for your Post about this App.

I have a couple of questions.


1) To use the material offline, we have to download each category.

     These seem to be major downloads, whether its the entire Bible or the WTs or Insight Books.

     So I was wondering if you have downloaded some of these and how much memory do they take?

     I started 1 download to check and it looked like it was going to take a long time and was a big file so I stopped it.


2) And in your opinion, how would you compare this App to Equipd?

     Are they very similar or is Equipd way better?


Thanks! :)

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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The Watchtower Library App by JVillella has just been updated with a new Material Design theme that is simply beautiful. Multiple languages, publications, abilty to save files, as a former IPad user this is the closest app to Equipd that I have found on Android. Check it out!

Thanks for alerting us to this app. The design of the app looks good.

On my Samsung Note 2, it would not cache the book of Genesis. It reloaded the book each time Genesis was accessed.

Did the app work fine on your device?

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If one reads the latest Terms of Use on the jw.org website, it would seem this app is in violation of that. Anyone who uses/downloads such an app would be sharing in that infringement. Just saying....


If it violated the TOS on jw.org- the branch would have had it removed by now.


I do not agree that it violates the TOS. It is a free app that allows ones to DL the files - just like a browser and browsers are still permitted per the TOS.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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I like that he finally added other languages!!  :bouncing: You are very correct - this is as close to equipd as I have seen as well.


The main item that is missing is - a quick way to switch back and forth between languages.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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Hi Brother Lloyd,


Thanks for your Post about this App.

I have a couple of questions.


1) To use the material offline, we have to download each category.

     These seem to be major downloads, whether its the entire Bible or the WTs or Insight Books.

     So I was wondering if you have downloaded some of these and how much memory do they take?

     I started 1 download to check and it looked like it was going to take a long time and was a big file so I stopped it.


2) And in your opinion, how would you compare this App to Equipd?

     Are they very similar or is Equipd way better?


Thanks! :)

I haven't downloaded any of the categories because I'm always online. You may check to see if you can save the files to external storage.

Equipd is a much more feature filled app. But in my opinion this app has most of the core features that the average person uses. Plus, this app is gorgeous! :-)

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Thanks for alerting us to this app. The design of the app looks good.On my Samsung Note 2, it would not cache the book of Genesis. It reloaded the book each time Genesis was accessed.Did the app work fine on your device?

I haven't cached any of the books since I'm always online. I guess if for some reason I wasn't i'd just use the JW Library App for Genesis.

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While I think the App looks beautiful. I love material design. I have to agree that it does violate the terms of use. I think this is the DO NOT that would apply:


  • Reproduce, duplicate, copy, or otherwise exploit material on this website for a commercial purpose or for money (even if no profit is involved), including the distribution of computer applications based on, connected, or linked (whether static or dynamic) to this website;

While the information is not reproduced it is linked to jw.org which is a clear violation of the 'Terms of Use'. And I don't think just because this App has not been pulled yet does not mean that it is not against the TOU. Sadly for these reasons I will not be downloading this App.

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When my browser goes to jw.org it is "linked" to it. The slave doesn't want us to stop using the site, but rather to use it more.

I am completely comfortable with the Branch making the decision of what does and doesn't violate their TOS. Anything they feel does, they will have it taken down from the play store. A simple letter from them to Google will do that. It is still there.

Also, unlike equipd, this is a free browser with offline capabilitíes. And hence does NOT fit this, "for a commercial purpose or for money (even if no profit is involved)"

Equipd on the other hand does both - costs money AND does NOT cahce directly from jw.org, but rather from private servers maintained by the apps author. I imagine it will change or be taken down well beofre this browser with off line capabilities is.

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Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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When I used it before the JWLib app, I downloaded the entire Insight Books, as well as the Bible in English and Chinese and it didn't seem to take up that much room. My tablet has 16 G.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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When my browser goes to jw.org it is "linked" to it. The slave doesn't want us to stop using the site, but rather to use it more.

I am completely comfortable with the Branch making the decision of what does and doesn't violate their TOS. Anything they feel does, they will have it taken down from the play store. A simple letter from them to Google will do that. It is still there.

Also, unlike equipd, this is a free browser with offline capabilitíes. And hence does NOT fit this, "for a commercial purpose or for money (even if no profit is involved)"

Equipd on the other hand does both - costs money AND does NOT cahce directly from jw.org, but rather from private servers maintained by the apps author. I imagine it will change or be taken down well beofre this browser with off line capabilities is.


There are many reasons that this is more than a browser. Even listed in the description it lists it as an 'application' the same word used in the TOU. He also describes it as more than just a link. Just by being in the Google Play store it makes it commercial use (a term which legally includes improving your reputation even if no profit is gained). And I wasn't saying you shouldn't use it just sharing my opinion and the reason I won't be. 

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Hi Brother Lloyd,


Thanks for your Post about this App.

I have a couple of questions.


1) To use the material offline, we have to download each category.

     These seem to be major downloads, whether its the entire Bible or the WTs or Insight Books.

     So I was wondering if you have downloaded some of these and how much memory do they take?

     I started 1 download to check and it looked like it was going to take a long time and was a big file so I stopped it.


2) And in your opinion, how would you compare this App to Equipd?

     Are they very similar or is Equipd way better?


Thanks! :)



I have this app.  It's a nice little app.  I no longer see much need for it since JW Library now offers the Insight book and a few other publications.  


To download files for offline use, you need to hold down on the desired publication.  A window will pop up asking if you want to download.   Yes, the downloads sometimes take a long time, depending on what you want to download.  The Insight Books are very, very big and take a long time.  It's easier to just use the Insight Books in the app from the Branch.  


There are many reasons that this is more than a browser. Even listed in the description it lists it as an 'application' the same word used in the TOU. He also describes it as more than just a link. Just by being in the Google Play store it makes it commercial use (a term which legally includes improving your reputation even if no profit is gained). And I wasn't saying you shouldn't use it just sharing my opinion and the reason I won't be. 


I don't understand why you say "Just by being in the Google Play store makes it commercial use."  The JW Library app that the branch has provided is also in the Google Play store.  By your definition, this would make the official app provided by the branch a "for commercial use" product.  


This app is simply an easier way to access wol.jw.org.  None of the files are hosted on "their" servers, no artwork or logos are used without permission and it is a free app.  This app meets the criteria set out in the TOS from the branch on JW.org.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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There are many reasons that this is more than a browser. Even listed in the description it lists it as an 'application' the same word used in the TOU. He also describes it as more than just a link. Just by being in the Google Play store it makes it commercial use (a term which legally includes improving your reputation even if no profit is gained). And I wasn't saying you shouldn't use it just sharing my opinion and the reason I won't be. 



Chrome is also listed as an app that is available on the "play store" - so it is commercial. Does that mean I cannot use it to go to jw.org? And you will note - chrome says it is "more than just a browser". I am sure there is some add on available to DL pages for off-line viewing.


The logic just doesn't seem to work for me. Now, if they CHARGED a fee for it - I would totally agree. In fact, I know some are no longer using equipd for that very reason. Me, I am happy to wait for Matt and the branch to work something out. I see he stated "the status quo still holds" in reference to his discussions with the branch.  http://support.equipd.me/entries/53821345-The-Future-of-Equipd


But I appreciate your opinion. I am sure you are not alone.

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Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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That comparison is flawed. Chrome is a Web browser designed to access websites and that is allowed under the TOU. Apps that use the website's codes to data mine are not.



Any suggestions on an extension in Chrome that allows me to DL pages for offline use?

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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That comparison is flawed. Chrome is a Web browser designed to access websites and that is allowed under the TOU. Apps that use the website's codes to data mine are not.


Ah, that is a difference.  I shouldn't speak about matters I know nothing about.  Best to leave such things to the Borg.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Hi Brother Lloyd,


Thanks for your Post about this App.

I have a couple of questions.


1) To use the material offline, we have to download each category.

     These seem to be major downloads, whether its the entire Bible or the WTs or Insight Books.

     So I was wondering if you have downloaded some of these and how much memory do they take?

     I started 1 download to check and it looked like it was going to take a long time and was a big file so I stopped it.




If you think about it - it doesn't take up any more room than the cache files from your browser if you visited every page in the language you were interested in.


Of course this actually allows you to see those cached files when you are not connected to the internet. 

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Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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That comparison is flawed. Chrome is a Web browser designed to access websites and that is allowed under the TOU. Apps that use the website's codes to data mine are not.

Chuck , I don't think this particular app uses any of the aspects of data mining as per this definition


Also, data mining is referenced on the site in relation with activities that this app doesn't do

Access this site for the purpose of creating and distributing source code, tools, or techniques for conducting any systematic or automated data collection activities (including without limitation scraping, data mining, data extraction, and data harvesting) on or in relation to this website;

All it does is download information

-It doesn't perform any pre-processing

-It doesn't download automatically, the user as to select a particular subject to download

In my opinion it doesn't constitute any violation of the TOE for the main reason that it is free and don't even has ads

The site allows also the use of any rss feed app like itunes and it even has instructions on how to do it

For example something that would violate the TOE, on that particular point above, would be to use isiloX with a special configuration file to download the entire wol database into a pdb file to use with isilo (isilo has instructions on their forums on how to do it)

Equipd also seems to be out of the TOE. It not only isn't free but it also performs pre-processing on the data before making it available. It relies heavily on making reversal engineer on the site scripts in order to achieve that.

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Equipd also seems to be out of the TOE. It not only isn't free but it also performs pre-processing on the data before making it available. It relies heavily on making reversal engineer on the site scripts in order to achieve that.


You are right about equipd. The more I think about this one - the more I am starting to lean towards NOT using equipd.


I may have to go back to my android tablet and using the dual screen feature again. It is too bad this app isn't available for dual screen mode either.

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Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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Hey I understand where some of you are coming from thinking it's not in violation of the Terms of Use. I once felt the same way, but when they changed the Terms lately I had to take a second look. I loved having apps like this.


But the Terms of Use are very clear. They only want us getting/using the content ON jw.org and no where else whether an application, social media, or other means.


Also the argument that "The Branch would have had it removed by now" doesn't fly. I work directly in that area and have worked on apps that show up in the play store. Removing infringing apps is not "easy". There are countless examples of other apps that definitely infring against the jw.org terms of use and have also not been removed.


Let me just end by saying...I'm not trying to stir up contention here. I like a good chunk of you really like the idea of this app in the OP. I keep hoping that the brothers keep adding useful functionality to behave similarly.

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Thanks João!

I was speaking about the comparison between Chrome and an app like Equipt in general. I am not familiar with this "Watchtower Library" app at all, so like Shawn, I too cannot comment on something I am not familiar with. I was speaking in generalities.

Sorry I misunderstood you ;)
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But the Terms of Use are very clear. They only want us getting/using the content ON jw.org and no where else whether an application, social media, or other means.

And how do you relate what your saying with this, posted on jw.org? ;)


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