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Ferguson Grand Jury announcement

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Actually, the times we are living in are a little different too - I look at stupid little situations like this that should of never escalated into anything like it has and think "will this be what it takes to start the GT?" You never know - Jehovah's thinking is so superior to ours, he knows the exact situation to spark 'the beginning of the end'.

I agree but the level of violence is as Demonic, as bad as it ever has been...when the LA riots happened alot of older brothers/sisters mentioned that the same happened in the Watts' riots..have you seen clips of them?

I don't know if the violence tactics are different but anger, rage, hatred, and death seemed to be in all of these.

Edited by Dan A.
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I agree but the level of violence is as Demonic as bad as ever...when the LA riots happened alot of older brothers/sisters mentioned that the same happened in the Watts' riots..have you seen clips of them?

I don't know if the violence tactics are different but anger, rage, hatred, and death seemed to be in all of these.

I agree, but in the case you are talking about in Watts - it only happened in Watts. In this situation, protests were being staged all over the U.S. in many major cities - not just Ferguson - this type of demonic behavior is finding a bigger audience in our day.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Now we can look forward to the anarchy that will come at the Great Tribulation leading right into Armagadden.   I used to work with law enforcment.  The tall, heavy set young man was already a hoodlum.  He robbed and got away with things because he was 6 feet tall and weighed in over 200 lbs.  When there is a robbery, and you have the person who robbed out in the middle of the street taunting the police, and am sure there were plenty of curse and cuss words coming out of the  mouth of the robber towards the police and the store owner he had just robbed.  I understand that this tall, overseized young man, got near one of the officers and punched him in the face.  The police was hurt, and bleeding.  They were all standing in the street when this happened.  I can tell you that a similar experience happened here in my State years ago, a mob got together in a bad neighborhood after a child was accidently hit by a car.  The person was pulled out of his vehicle and a group of 10 hoodlums (who also played the race card) beat the daylights of the person who accidently hit the child who had darted from inbetween two parked cars on a busy street.  The camera showed that the driver of the car could not see what was inbetween the cars, cause it was dusk, after 7pm in Nov.   He was beaten within inches of his life.  No one came forward and started to burn down other people's businesses.  No cars were overturn and burnth.  Just the neighborhood hoodlums came out (gangs of them) drug infested, prostitution (the homey girls), all of them kicking and shuting obcenities at the driver.  Police were called in and to break up the crowds, the police shot fires into the air.    Yesterday, a police officer shot a 12 year old who had a pellet air gun.  It looked real, when they ask the young man to put the gun down, he pulled it out of his waist and pointed it at the officers.  Needless to say, he is now dead.    Someone in here said Satan is behind this anarchy, and it will get worst with other issues.    I hope am right, but am longing to see the end of mob rule.   The law enforcement are scared, they will shot first and ask questions later.   Who would be so stupid as to pull out a "toy gun" that looks real?  The police did not have x-ray vision and they couldn't tell what he was carrying.   I don't blame this child, I blame his parents, or parent for not teaching him the difference between what is right from wrong.  I think most of the youths in this society are all ready demented by the video games that are filled with hatred, violence of every kind, foal language, sexual immorality and greed.    It's sad indeed, but I see more and more Ferguson's coming down the pike!    It's not a race thing, its a fear thing from each side. 

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Parents are to blame for their children's bad and violent behavior. They expect everyone else to raise their kids (grandparents, teachers, babysitters, video games, television, movies) and when all thosee other things are done teaching their children everything they know (and none of it is good) they blame everyone else for what happens to them. Satan's entire world is built on LACK of accountability.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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They are upset over the situation in their neighborhood being handled wrong so now they are destroying their own neighborhoods and property...doesn't make any sense. I hope no one else is hurt in this situation or it could get even worse. I'm sure the protesting will occur throughout the US during the next few days so we should keep safe and the holiday gives them a long weekend to work on it...oh goody!!! I'm planning on public witnessing on the holiday and I will definitely use this to point everyone to true justice in Jehovah's rulership.

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I find many of these comments( and the likes) to be insensitive and offensive for a number of reasons.

We shouldn't take sides because we were not there. Accusing others of using the "race card" or insinuating that this woman who son was killed was in the wrong somehow is outrageous. Our children are not perfect despite giving them the best start. If anything we should remain neutral and be willing to open our hearts and feel empathy for both sides.

Let the world deal with their Race wars, riots, bickering, finger pointing ...we should just preach the good news to those moaning and groaning over these detestable things. That's whether it's the grief stricken family who lost their child or the grief stricken family of the cop whose life is forever changed. That's the kind, loving and might I add... neighborly thing to do.

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The US town of Ferguson has seen rioting and looting after a jury decided not to bring charges over the killing of a black teenager.

Ferguson ruling sparks 'worst' riots http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-30190224

I think he meant another "Reginal Denny" thing. That was the guy that was pulled out of his truck and almost beaten to death by a mob. Rodney King was beat up by the police.

Rodney king beating led to LA riots in response to that verdict. Reginald Denny was beat during said riot.

Edited by trottigy

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Let's be cautious in our ministry today, we have wonderful tools, mags and offer for the month to help people see the only true way out and WHY these kind of things are happening.


What ideas or suggestions do you have that will help in case we face this?

Edited by timpin
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My wish is that we didn't have to have this chaos at all. But the world goes on and it does what it wants, we simply stay out of it and keep doing what we can- explaining this crazy stupid world to those who are moaning over it. I also am going out in service on Thursday, holidays are the best time to go out, informal of course.

My points will be the kingdom, Nov. mags. and some points from last Sundays' WT.

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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My wish is that we didn't have to have this chaos at all. But the world goes on and it does what it wants, we simply stay out of it and keep doing what we can- explaining this crazy stupid world to those who are moaning over it. I also am going out in service on Thursday, holidays are the best time to go out, informal of course.

My points will be the kingdom, Nov. mags. and some points from last Sundays' WT.

Amen brother! I would add that We must also strive to see others (and situations) as Jehovah sees them. We understand why these things are happening there are so many do not. We have been armed with the Good news to offer relief....to everyone.
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And another police officers on the news are involved in many wicked things and many have been fired arrested for it.as a black man and a brother of Jehovah's people I have my run in with police in my younger days just for being black...so to say police are right and do no wrong is not truthful they are still mostly exhibit the works of the flesh and not the fruitage of the spirit .racism is real unfortunately. Not that that's the reason for this situation .we need to be preaching the kingdom the only hope for mankind both sides in cases have been wrong police as well as the other person

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Here are some verses that came to mind that might be usefull in the ministry:

Ecclesiastes 8:9 during the time that man has dominated man to his harm.

Genesis 6:5 Consequently, Jehovah saw that man’s wickedness was great on the earth and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time.

2 Timothy3:13 But wicked men and impostors will advance frombad to worse, misleading and being misled.

2Th 2:11 That is why God lets a deluding influence mislead them so that they may come to believe the lie,

Something I ponder over is :Jas 3:15 This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is [the] earthly, animal, demonic.

To me personly the people are only following the leadership of there father Saten. I can only feel pity for them. It's sad to see, but it does fulfill what our king fortold.

(Sorry if this offends, as such is not my goal)

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I agree with the statements in here about the police having bad cops in their mist.  The agency I worked for had officers that were dishonest, and planned to knock off several fellow officers.  These were caught in a sting operation.  In the last days, even some among the law enforcement go just a bit to far, like those in some mid western state where they were called into a nursing home, yes, a nursing home.  It wasn't an aid who was acting up, an elderly man in his 90's.  He was upset over a matter that happened that morning.  An officer worker called the police. The elderly man had a CANE for a weapon.  He was swinging it at the staff to keep away from him.  He had dementia too.   The staff knew it but not the police, they suspected that he might not be right in the head, but they went in, and repeatedly  told the man to put the cane down.  The elderly man was confused.  Instead of one or two individuals who could have subdued him (without breaking any of his bones or other injuries) the police shot him with some sort of cannon pelit guns.  He was shot so many times, that they killed him.  There was no reason for that.  He was 95 or 96 years old.   The family sued the police dept that responsed to that "uprising" at the nurshing home.  These officers had no conscience whatsoever.  They didn't stop and think of their surroundings, a NURSING HOME against an ELDERLY MAN who had barely any strenght to swing that cane to keep those who he felt were abusing him.  Every day around the globe there are military police in various countries that kill the people who they serve.  Its no difference here, good cop and bad cop.  Common sense has flown out the window.   As for the scriptuers up above, they are good to use, we stay natural, am sorry if it seemed to some in your eyes that I was taking sides, far from it.     Today in this wicked world there are hoodlum police and hoodlum non-police people.  Soon, if they don't take sides with Jehovah, all parties will be removed.   So it is my hope that in the ministry, that with ALL this food that Jehovah has given us, we can reach all people, before its to late. 

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I feel sympathy for the town of Ferguson, I obviously don't condone all the violence and rioting going on. However, think these people don't know and love Jehovah. They don't know a loving, and impartial God will soon put an end to all the wicked things that go on in this system. They feel that things like this will just continue to happen, they fear for the future of their children because their skin is a different color. These people need a hope for the future. That's just my two cents on the matter.

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People will use any excuse to loot. A riot makes the perfect excuse. Many who riot are agitators, who come from out of town/state, whose main object is to cause mayhem to hide their criminal activities.  This is a known fact, not in all riots, but in enough of them.

Just like Satan- he is the great agitator. :devil2:

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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I agree with the statements in here about the police having bad cops in their mist.  The agency I worked for had officers that were dishonest, and planned to knock off several fellow officers.  These were caught in a sting operation. 


Sad that this is wide spread - I had a brother who worked in a stereo shop and he would tell me about "cops" and "detectives" bringing 100k+ vehicles to get 10k to 20k worth of equipment put in them...he asked one of the "repeat detective" customers' how he could afford to do this to which his response was "Police Auction" and "Don't ask if you don't really want to know...have you seen Training Day?"


There will always be corruption in all facets of this world - no matter where you live there. 

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Amen brother! I would add that We must also strive to see others (and situations) as Jehovah sees them. We understand why these things are happening there are so many do not. We have been armed with the Good news to offer relief....to everyone.

Shantel, It's weird that you responded to my post. In my response to you I had more written but deleted the first part, only posting the part you read.

The part I deleted was about too many opinions and not enough facts. After hearing some of the transcripts today I feel that now I can say I wasn't off on what I thought. There was so much that the 'Grand Jury' - (chosen well before this incident took place, a professional jury) they knew how to dissect information, how to take time and wade through the muck and mire to get to the facts. There are so many times our wonderful Elders tell us to 'hold it, wait to form an opinion, you don't know all the facts AND we may never know all the facts" and here in this case it is the same. All the facts could never be revealed until a decision is made.

When the pictures of the officer was shown with his battered and bruised face it became obvious there was abuse by this very large, very determined thief. He was not an innocent person by any means. None of this was known by the rioters, they were 'acting' according to a perceived offense not 'reacting' to the horrors of what really transpired.

Hope I didn't offend, I simply feel we should, and most of us do, live with letting jehovah reveal things in his own time, don't be quick, hold back, stay calm. The world, as a whole, will never behave this way. It's an admirable quality of Jehovah's faithful well trained people.   

Edited by bagwell1987

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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I am black and I fear for my brothers and brother-in-law because they will be seen as a threat. A lot of white folks that includes the police don't see the gentle souls that I see. They only see their color and size. My nephew is 10, soon he will be their size. We do not let him go anywhere unaccompanied because of this system. My brothers are always texting us where they are at all times and who with if not at work. They are all servants of the most High God. I would hate for their brothers and sisters to call them hoodlum when they are not wearing their meeting clothes. So, please my brothers and sisters see everyone the way Jehovah sees them. Do not judge anyone's parenting skills because most teenagers black or white are stupid. They don't listen and they think they know everything. Instead of finding faults talk about how when this system ends, we won't see a young life cut short. Study God's word daily and take any prejudice and racism and work at controlling it.

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Shantel, It's weird that you responded to my post. In my response to you I had more written but deleted the first part, only posting the part you read.

The part I deleted was about too many opinions and not enough facts. After hearing some of the transcripts today I feel that now I can say I wasn't off on what I thought. There was so much that the 'Grand Jury' - (chosen well before this incident took place, a professional jury) they knew how to dissect information, how to take time and wade through the muck and mire to get to the facts. There are so many times our wonderful Elders tell us to 'hold it, wait to form an opinion, you don't know all the facts AND we may never know all the facts" and here in this case it is the same. All the facts could never be revealed until a decision is made.

When the pictures of the officer was shown with his battered and bruised face it became obvious there was abuse by this very large, very determined thief. He was not an innocent person by any means. None of this was known by the rioters, they were 'acting' according to a perceived offense not 'reacting' to the horrors of what really transpired.

Hope I didn't offend, I simply feel we should, and most of us do, live with letting jehovah reveal things in his own time, don't be quick, hold back, stay calm. The world, as a whole, will never behave this way. It's an admirable quality of Jehovah's faithful well trained people.

What's weird about it? You are reading too much into this I assure you. I will not quote anymore of your posts if you do not wish me too. If you are trying to ascertain how I personally feel about the situation you are wasting your time. I will not be baited into a discussion that I believe as Christians we should be neutral on.

If you want to discuss how to help others get through this ordeal... Then you have my attention.

I apologize if I caused offense by partially quoting you. I think it's better to focus on things we agree on in this matter...the kingdom as the only solution to this problem.


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I believe it all started back in August. An 18 year old, rather large black man (6'4", over 200 lbs) robbed a convenience store of some cigars and then made threatening gestures to the store clerk to get away without paying. A police officer who was nearby on an unrelated matter heard about the robbery over the radio and recognized him from the description. A confrontation developed that resulted in the young black man (Michael Brown) have six bullets in him and killing him. Too many witnesses muddied the "waters" and it took months to weed out the credible ones apparently. The police officer that shot him was white - so it became a "race" issue instead of a "criminal versus cop" issue. The verdict of the grand jury came back today and it was "NO indictment for the police officer" in other words, he wouldn't be charged with anything - he was doing his job and didn't use excessive force to do it because of this black man's threatening behavior (they used forensic and witness testimony to substantiate everything apparently - that is what they are saying) So the whole town of Ferguson is up in arms over the verdict and tearing the town apart.

Of course, a lot of these protestors come from places nowhere near Ferguson, and are associated with anarchist and communist movements, as well.  They love to cause problems and to whip people into a frenzy.<sigh>

Live long and prosper. 🖖🏻

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I was actually agreeing with you sis. I'm so sorry you were offended. I meant no harm. I meant I wanted to write more but was afraid to because I didn't have all the information yet to make a comment. I liked your comment so much and tried to respond to it but was being careful so I deleted most of what I wrote in favor of waiting till I had more information. That's why I thought it was 'weird' because your comment was exactly how I felt but couldn't say so at that time.




Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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I feel sympathy for the town of Ferguson, I obviously don't condone all the violence and rioting going on. However, think these people don't know and love Jehovah. They don't know a loving, and impartial God will soon put an end to all the wicked things that go on in this system. They feel that things like this will just continue to happen, they fear for the future of their children because their skin is a different color. These people need a hope for the future. That's just my two cents on the matter.


Grumpy and I were noticing that not 1 of the religious leaders that have so much to say, give any hope to these people either. No mention of the Kingdom that will improve and solve all the terrible things going on. No hope at all.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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