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On 20/11/2016 at 7:58 PM, Samira said:

18013  partakers .........2836 more than last year


Will it be the final gathering before the Great Tribulation in preparation for the war of Armageddon?


Or is there a lot of excited or amped people? :blink:


I think only Jehovah can answer this question.

Edited by Araujo JW
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10 minutes ago, Araujo JW said:

Will it be the final gathering before the Great Tribulation in preparation for the war of Armageddon?


Or is there a lot of excited or amped people? :blink:


I think only Jehovah can answer this question.



3 minutes ago, KingDavid said:

Isa 60:22 The little one will become a thousand And the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, will speed it up in its own time.”

Maybe that's the little one and jehovah speeds its up now?

If the number will be over 144,000 next year something is wrong.

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It must be remembered that there must be enough experienced anointed in heaven to judge the entire living population before Armageddon. For Someone from the first century is hard to get into the living conditions of our time (sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand )

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31 minutes ago, Araujo JW said:

I would like to have a morning worship at JW Broadcasting with a member of the Governing Body talking about it.

In case we have to have a few more weeks wait for the yearbook, it would be nice to get second, independent confirmation of this new number of partakers ASAP

Edited by pholmes38
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5 hours ago, KingDavid said:

It must be remembered that there must be enough experienced anointed in heaven to judge the entire living population before Armageddon. For Someone from the first century is hard to get into the living conditions of our time (sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand emoji5.png )

If you think the anointed who lived in the first century might find it hard to judge our technology driven generation, you should have a rethink brother David. The human condition has not changed much. The temptations we experience are the same old temptations appearing in a different light. And they will judge according to what a person is in his heart. 

You should appreciate the fact that all the anointed, whether of the first century or our present time, have maintained their faithfulness to Jehovah despite their imperfections while on earth. That's what counts most to make them experienced judges.

For Jehovah is aware of the way of the righteous, But the way of the wicked will perish (Psalm 1:6).

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2 hours ago, pholmes38 said:

In case we have to have a few more weeks wait for the yearbook, it would be nice to get second, independent confirmation of this new number of partakers ASAP


so what comes from the Central Europe branch office in Selters, Germany,

is not trustworthy enough ? :S

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If you think the anointed who lived in the first century might find it hard to judge our technology driven generation, you should have a rethink brother David. The human condition has not changed much. The temptations we experience are the same old temptations appearing in a different light. And they will judge according to what a person is in his heart. 
You should appreciate the fact that all the anointed, whether of the first century or our present time, have maintained their faithfulness to Jehovah despite their imperfections while on earth. That's what counts most to make them experienced judges.

Maybe you're right, it was just a thought. But I think the time of the end is very different from any other time period. Pressure of time and to perform, depression, internet and pornography during childhood, single-parenting mothers and so on. These things are difficult to compare with other things at other times. For Jesus, it also played a role that he had made experience in certain things (Hebrews 4:15).
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On ‎22‎.‎11‎.‎2016 at 0:57 PM, Araujo JW said:

Going a little further, this year's yearbook tells the story of which country (or countries)? 

Perhaps Pakistan.


On ‎22‎.‎11‎.‎2016 at 9:28 PM, KingDavid said:


Wow, that would be great! Are there any indications?


And about Vietnam: If you go on jw.org to the search for congregations you will see the congregations in Vietnam.

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On 11/22/2016 at 10:04 AM, Samira said:

so what comes from the Central Europe branch office in Selters, Germany,

is not trustworthy enough ? :S

What else can you tell us about the Yearbook?????

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Branches of Jehovah’s Witnesses:  89 
Total Congregations: 119.485 
Number of Lands Reporting: 240 
Publishers: 8.340.847 
Worldwide Memorial Attendance: 20.085.142 
Memorial Partakers Worldwide: 18.013 
Total Number Baptized: 264.535 
Pioneer Publishers: 1.128.697 
Home Bible Studies: 10.115.264 
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30 minutes ago, Samira said:
Branches of Jehovah’s Witnesses:  89 
Total Congregations: 119.485 
Number of Lands Reporting: 240 
Publishers: 8.340.847 
Worldwide Memorial Attendance: 20.085.142 
Memorial Partakers Worldwide: 18.013 
Total Number Baptized: 264.535 
Pioneer Publishers: 1.128.697 
Home Bible Studies: 10.115.264 


A very encouraging report! Thank you very much, sister Samira!


We had an increase in the number of publishers of 120,742 compared to last year, or 330 publishers per day. 

This means an increase of approximately 1.47%

Edited by Araujo JW
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