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JW.org - Caught on Camera: Russian Authorities’ Blatant Actions to Fabricate Evidence

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Satan is on the March in Russia. The brother said that the last such a thing was done was in 1985. I did a Google search and found that was the year the Soviet Union started to break up. 


For Jehovah is aware of the way of the righteous, But the way of the wicked will perish (Psalm 1:6).

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And people say we are paranoid!  How would they like to have that happen to them? Having illegal drugs planted on them or in their houses, then suffering the consequences?  But because this is about Jehovah.....


Sickening!  But it is on their conscience before God and man. 

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17 minutes ago, Sheep said:

It's an automated post mechanism in the software that posts these jw.org stories; it always puts in a "loop" link. Here's the real link:




as much exposure as Russia has been getting we should have a multiple-thread merge   ...  


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Such blatant corruption and religious discrimination. Thankfully Jehovah is making sure the world is watching including experts on religious discrimination.

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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I am glad we got video evidence, which is undeniable. This is the second time we've posted videos of these lying clowns on our website/internet.


What this shows is that Witnesses even obey bigoted and discriminatory laws in Russia that placed bans on certain literature. If they have to stoop to these methods, it means that they cannot catch us by legitimate and legal means.

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This is a sickening example of just how far some will go to try and stop even our PRIVATE religious activities. What is going on in Russia right now is nothing less than a complete violation of human rights. 


It it is almost unbelievable that they would send armed forces to break into the Kingdom Hall, and yet here it is happening today in Russia. Don't you sometimes wonder just why the authorities would think it is necessary to take such force against a people who have never physically fought back? I have to admit, when we saw those great tribulation videos at the convention and the armed forces came barging in in the final video, I wondered to myself if that is really a realistic thing to expect for everyone during that time. But if it's happening right now, there's nothing stopping it playing out on a larger scale during the great tribulation. I'm sure our Russian brothers will be some of the best prepared for the great tribulation.


Our brothers in Russia have endured so much over many decades but especially recently with legal battles and now these appalling acts trying to 'frame trouble in the name of the law.' The whole world is so corrupt. Let's keep praying for our brothers in Russia until Jehovah finally removes the corrupt governments causing so much trouble for his people.

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I just don't get what they have against us so much... And what could they possibly read in any watchtower literature that they could misinterpret as "extremist"?

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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1 minute ago, Brother Jack said:

I just don't get what they have against us so much... And what could they possibly read in any watchtower literature that they could misinterpret as "extremist"?


They are puppets of the Russian Orthodox Church.  

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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16 hours ago, Jonathan77 said:

Yes, they must have thought they were so clever.  But they didn't count on the cameras.  Ha! Now we all know what low-life bullies they really are.


I'm wondering why they never saw the cameras, or even thought they might be there recording everything. Well, it wouldn't be the first time Jehovah blinded the eyes of the authorities!

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14 hours ago, rocket said:


They are puppets of the Russian Orthodox Church.  

That's right, I forgot about that...

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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This is a sickening example of just how far some will go to try and stop even our PRIVATE religious activities. What is going on in Russia right now is nothing less than a complete violation of human rights. 
It it is almost unbelievable that they would send armed forces to break into the Kingdom Hall, and yet here it is happening today in Russia. Don't you sometimes wonder just why the authorities would think it is necessary to take such force against a people who have never physically fought back? I have to admit, when we saw those great tribulation videos at the convention and the armed forces came barging in in the final video, I wondered to myself if that is really a realistic thing to expect for everyone during that time. But if it's happening right now, there's nothing stopping it playing out on a larger scale during the great tribulation. I'm sure our Russian brothers will be some of the best prepared for the great tribulation.
Our brothers in Russia have endured so much over many decades but especially recently with legal battles and now these appalling acts trying to 'frame trouble in the name of the law.' The whole world is so corrupt. Let's keep praying for our brothers in Russia until Jehovah finally removes the corrupt governments causing so much trouble for his people.

Think that's why Bro Loesch's talk in Part 3 of annual meeting was very timely highlighting conquering the evil with the good (Romans 12:17) preparing us all to get our minds right.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

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