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Russia Moves to Declare the Bible "Extremist"

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Representative Novakov is trying to find out from the prosecutor how to understand a number of nebulae and nonsense in the text of the examination Kryukova. For example, Kryukova, listing the doctrines of the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses, calls: "The image of Satan as an irreconcilable antagonist of Jehovah, who must be sic to represent Jehovah." Prosecutor Zhukov can not explain this phrase and suggests asking the expert directly who carried out the examination. The position of the prosecutor is recorded in the protocol.

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Novakov's representative cites new examples of falsifications when quoting excerpts from publications of Jehovah's Witnesses in the examination.


Representative Dyubin draws attention that the expert Kryukova at least 14 times refers to the mysterious "pamphlet Revelation." 

Again and again Kryukova, responding to all the questions of the examination, quotes from this brochure

to prove that the materials submitted to her for research are extremist. 

Dyubin draws attention to the fact that the brochure with this title was not presented to the expert.

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Representative Dyubin removes from the voluminous lawyer's bag of the book of Russian classics - verses by Tsvetaeva, Pushkin, prose Kuprin, Goncharov, Dostoevsky. In their writings, these writers used the name of God in the form of Jehovah. The court also reviews the available in the matter of extracts from the works of Chekhov, Mussorgsky, Karamzin, Fet, Glinka, Esenin, Tolstoy. Dyubin explains to the court that these materials are submitted to the court in order to refute the judgments of the expert Kriukova, who in her conclusion claims that the use of Jehovah's name in the "Translation of the New World" does not allow considering this book as a Bible.



The queue to present beautiful folios to the court is transferred to the representative Novakov. He submits to the court review of the order of 10 different editions of Russian Bible translations. These translations use the name Jehovah either in the main text of the Bible, or in footnotes and notes, or in the preface. In some cases, these Bibles give an expanded explanation of what a tetragrammaton is (a sacred four-fingered prayer, found in the Hebrew text of the Bible about 7,000 times and denoting the name of God, which is transmitted as Jehovah or Yahweh).

Edited by Samira
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At the request of lawyer Bogdanov, the judge reads excerpts from the "Orthodox Encyclopedia." Volume IV reviews the history of the Russian translations of the Bible and notes that in a number of the first translations of the Bible into Russian, performed in the early and mid-19th century by Filaret Drozdov, the Russian Bible Society, Gerasim Pavsky and Archimandrite Makarii, the transfer of the sacred tetragrammaton in the name of God in the form "Jehovah" or "Iag."

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A fragment of the book by Illarion Chistovich, devoted to the history of the translation of the Bible, is reviewed. The author draws attention to the fact that a constantly changing language requires the fulfillment of all new translations of the Bible that correspond to new linguistic realities.


The court examines excerpts from other books on the translation of the Bible. Representative Bogdanov explains how this information proves that "Holy Scripture - Translation of the New World" is the Bible.


Representative Novak presents to the court a table showing extensive plagiarism in the examination of Kryukova.

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2 hours ago, Samira said:

"The judge follows the copy of the brochure, noting the quotes from the Bible in the pamphlet or references to it, such as Proverbs 12:18 and Jeremiah 10:23. One of the links he opens in all three translations of the Bible."


if this is not a Bible study ...I don't know what it is...


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Reviewed review of the expertise Kryukova. This review was carried out by expert-religionist Medvedev. 

He proves the groundlessness of Kryukova's conclusions that the "Translation of the New World" is not supposed to be the Bible. 

This conclusion does not correspond to modern religious studies.


The court announces a break until August 17, 2017. The hearing will continue at 14:30.


at last.....I can go to bed now....

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16 minutes ago, Samira said:


Reviewed review of the expertise Kryukova. This review was carried out by expert-religionist Medvedev. 

He proves the groundlessness of Kryukova's conclusions that the "Translation of the New World" is not supposed to be the Bible. 

This conclusion does not correspond to modern religious studies.


The court announces a break until August 17, 2017. The hearing will continue at 14:30.


at last.....I can go to bed now....


Thank you very much for keeping us informed. 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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3 hours ago, Samira said:

try my best...between getting everything ready for our convention this weekend

and keeping constantly an eye on the court case.....

Yes, thank you so very much.  I have tears in my eyes at work.  I echo your sentiment - JEHOVAH'S WORD ON TRIAL!!!  Our brothers though, so very skillful, these men are getting a witness like none other.  :uhhuh:

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2 hours ago, cerebral ecstasy said:

Yes, thank you so very much.  I have tears in my eyes at work.  I echo your sentiment - JEHOVAH'S WORD ON TRIAL!!!  Our brothers though, so very skillful, these men are getting a witness like none other.  :uhhuh:

Not just those men...:bible2:

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Months ago at the initial trial when the Russian Supreme Court decided to ban Jehovah's Witnesses and liquidate all assets and then later refused to reverse this decision on appeal, we were saddened. While we were sad because we were concerned and worried for our dear Russian brothers and sisters, we however knew that when Jehovah didn't intervene in either the initial trial or in the Appeal, that Jehovah must have good and wise reasons!


Well possibly we now know 1 of the very wise reasons why Jehovah permitted the ban. We had no idea during the trial and even during the appeal that afterwards there would also be an attack against our Bible! But if Jehovah used his special ability of "selective foreknowledge", then Jehovah could have easily "seen" that the result of the trial and ban on His people would also instigate an attack on the New World Translation! And so Jehovah could "see" that by permitting the ban on His people that the result would be a new and different trial that would end up allowing His people to give strong testimony concerning His name and concerning the entire Bible as well as a variety of His inspired words/thoughts would be heard for the first time by hundreds and thousands of people! Jehovah knew that this attack and trial concerning our New World Translation would give an incredible witness, to not only all of Russia, but to the entire world!:o


*** w14 7/1 pp. 4-5 Bad Things Happen to Good People—Why? ***
Jehovah does what he deems necessary to do—not everything he is capable of doing. That applies also to what he decides to foresee... God balances his ability to foreknow the future with his purpose... (Deuteronomy 32:4)


"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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7 hours ago, Beggar for the Spirit said:

Months ago at the initial trial when the Russian Supreme Court decided to ban Jehovah's Witnesses and liquidate all assets and then later refused to reverse this decision on appeal, we were saddened. While we were sad because we were concerned and worried for our dear Russian brothers and sisters, we however knew that when Jehovah didn't intervene in either the initial trial or in the Appeal, that Jehovah must have good and wise reasons!


Well possibly we now know 1 of the very wise reasons why Jehovah permitted the ban. We had no idea during the trial and even during the appeal that afterwards there would also be an attack against our Bible! But if Jehovah used his special ability of "selective foreknowledge", then Jehovah could have easily "seen" that the result of the trial and ban on His people would also instigate an attack on the New World Translation! And so Jehovah could "see" that by permitting the ban on His people that the result would be a new and different trial that would end up allowing His people to give strong testimony concerning His name and concerning the entire Bible as well as a variety of His inspired words/thoughts would be heard for the first time by hundreds and thousands of people! Jehovah knew that this attack and trial concerning our New World Translation would give an incredible witness, to not only all of Russia, but to the entire world!:o


Can I "like" this more than once ?!!!!

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The court session was declared open. The investigation of the evidence on the case continues.


The review of Kryukova's examination, made by the expert-linguist Galina Ivanenko, is announced. Natalia Kryukova's expertise lies at the heart of the prosecutor's claim to recognize the Bible published by Jehovah's Witnesses as extremist material. The review speaks of the unscientific expertise of Kryukova's expertise, the neglect of expert analysis techniques, extensive borrowings from Wikipedia up to the repetition of mistakes.

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On 7/31/2017 at 10:09 PM, Enoch said:

Satan is really trying his best to make things worst for the witnesses, knowing the 6,000 years is almost up, from Eve's CREATION!


On 7/31/2017 at 11:16 PM, vern said:

you know there is no way to get that date?

and it seems the 7 thousand year creative days is off the table now... rest day being 7 thousand years is little up in the air.....?   can the rest day be 7 thousand years; and the creative days not be 7 thousand?


The only real thing we have is 1914 and Jesus taking possession of the earth in the midst of his enemies.  and the 2 over lapping generations would not die out....no?

What does Eve's creation have to do with anything, anyway?  When I first started studying,  I once told a sister who had been in the truth a long time that there was no way to know how long it was between Adam's creation and Eve's creation.  She responded that "the Society" had said that it was no more than 10 years.  She could not show me where she found that.  

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Expert Ivanenko draws attention to the unacceptable methodical error of Kryukova in the form of a complete blending of the unequal notions of "evaluation" and "presentation of facts." For example, Kryukova calls a "negative evaluation" the phrase from the pamphlet that because of his scientific activity Galileo had a "conflict with the Catholic Church". In fact, this is not an assessment, but a statement of facts that can be scientifically tested for compliance.

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