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Bad news: Jehovah's Witness "community member" loses her mind, embarasses herself and runs Jehovah's name in the dirt

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49 minutes ago, sunshine said:

I'm a very sick person because the picture made me laugh... I know its no laughing matter but attempting to burn through a brick wall with what looks like some newspaper and a ciragrette lighter... still yes, its sad.  We must prepare for worse.


She used chemical charcoal lighters, kind of like "Esbit". The stuff that looks like styrofoam. Burns really good, but is still meant to be used to ignite flammable substances... who knows what she was thinking.

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On 18/9/2017 at 7:37 PM, Allabord4Jah said:

Yes, there are people in some congregations that have severe mental problems.  They look normal, and a group of them pretend to look normal but they really are not.


Just as a side note, the same is true of JWTalk. Some of our dear friends here suffer of mental issues that sometimes affect their perception of reality. We love and appreciate them the same but sometimes we need to be careful not to believe blindly everything we read.

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3 hours ago, carlos said:


Just as a side note, the same is true of JWTalk. Some of our dear friends here suffer of mental issues that sometimes affect their perception of reality. We love and appreciate them the same but sometimes we need to be careful not to believe blindly everything we read.

Indeed. Especially on the Internet where we only see profiles, and not hear the tone of voice or not see the person. 


That's why it's good to remember this site is really at our leisure. Any upset or difference from a website like this should really brush off our shoulders as we can click unsubscribe whenever we like. :) 

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4 hours ago, carlos said:


Just as a side note, the same is true of JWTalk. Some of our dear friends here suffer of mental issues that sometimes affect their perception of reality. We love and appreciate them the same but sometimes we need to be careful not to believe blindly everything we read.

Carlos! You seem to walk in just at the right moment. Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2017-09-17 at 11:14 PM, shali said:

Funny, I watch the Leah Remini program that exposed Scientology and I kinda feel guilty because I think "someday they will do this to the true relgiion, to Jehovah's people and shame Jehovah's name" but I can't help but watch because if I find some of these people in my territory I want to know the right thing to say to comfort them.  If I were a Scientologist who left the Church, I wouldn't want anything to do with organized religion ever again.  I think if I found an ex-scientologist I would concentrate on the fact that an imperfect man wrote all the rules but we have a PERFECT, loving, impartial God and a Son who is just like him who runs our imperfect organization.

Funny you mention Remini as I just read season 3 of her documentary against Scientology is possibly going to focus against JW’s.  I won’t post the link but I can imagine the apostates will have fun with that.

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27 minutes ago, Cheeks said:

Funny you mention Remini as I just read season 3 of her documentary against Scientology is possibly going to focus against JW’s.  I won’t post the link but I can imagine the apostates will have fun with that.

Thank you for the warning brother cheeks :)

All glory and praises goes to Jehovah :) 

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On 9/18/2017 at 11:13 AM, Luezette said:

As a person with a mental illness (yes, bipolar is a mental illness, as well as clinical depression), my heart goes out to my mental illness brethren. 

Our life is not pleasant and can be at times very confusing. Fortunately my mental illness brethren in the truth have Jehovah, and like the WT brought out today, Jehovah knows everything about us...more than we know of ourselves actually. So this means then that he is very compassionate and treats us compassionate too. 

Yes, the above incident brought dishonor on Jehovah yet Jehovah knows how to handle such disgrace, though yes it does distress us understandably so. Can we imagine the disgrace brought on Jehovah when David sinned? I mean he was a king and not only that but one of Jehovah's witnesses too. Yet Jehovah forgave him, though yes, he had consequences just like Jehovah said he would. 

So can we forgive this person above, whether she's a JW, a student, an interested person, or just someone who was there. Forgiveness does not mean condoning. It just means not holding things against the person. I know, for a fact based on my past lifestyle, that if Jehovah held stuff against me I'll most likely, actually in all probability, I wouldn't be here writing these words because without his forgiveness I'll still be doing the things I was doing, or worse, dead from the consequences of past lifestyle.





You have a big heart, Luezette! :wub:


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18 hours ago, Cheeks said:

Funny you mention Remini as I just read season 3 of her documentary against Scientology is possibly going to focus against JW’s.  I won’t post the link but I can imagine the apostates will have fun with that.

Probably because we disfellowship unrepentent wrongdoers, to her it would be akin to what scientologists do when they "disconnect". Her show does give the church an opportunity to explain their side of the matter but all they do is call everyone a liar rather than show proof to the contrary, so if she does turn her attention toward JW's then I hope they reach out and get the answers straight from the horses mouth without any distortion.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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On 17/09/2017 at 8:41 PM, Tortuga said:

I hate to think it but I wonder how many frustrated and unstable bible students turn on their conductors. 


Yeah, I knew a study once. He was interested, but he fancied a sister who was married. He knew her personally and so found out they were not getting on. He became angered that they were not allowed to divorce. On one of the studies where an elder (an anointed) tried to explain it, he slapped him in the face. He later threatened to burn down/blow up the main HQ of the organisation where the GB were on the basis that we were a mind control cult and that we were extremist/secret terrorists.  (Says the guy who assaulted an old man, developed an unhealthy possessive obsession with a woman and threatened to blow up a building.) 

Edited by EccentricM
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On 2.10.2017 at 4:18 AM, Cheeks said:

Funny you mention Remini as I just read season 3 of her documentary against Scientology is possibly going to focus against JW’s.  I won’t post the link but I can imagine the apostates will have fun with that.



Remini said that she was warned of the Jehovah’s Witnesses that 'these [...] are super powerful,' but is not one to cower in fear.

'Are you ready for my response?' she said. 'I don’t give [...] about powerful. The truth is what I care about.'


She's in for a surprise, imagine the bored look of disappointment when she finds out we are quite likely the least influential religious group on the face of the planet :lol:

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On 9/19/2017 at 1:14 PM, sunshine said:

I'm a very sick person because the picture made me laugh... I know its no laughing matter but attempting to burn through a brick wall with what looks like some newspaper and a ciragrette lighter... still yes, its sad.  We must prepare for worse.

I thought the pic was amusing also from the standpoint of the absurdity of burning the building with no flammable material, but I was glad that she didn't/couldn't think it through any better than that.

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4 hours ago, ChocoBro said:

She's in for a surprise, imagine the bored look of disappointment when she finds out we are quite likely the least influential religious group on the face of the planet :lol:


That depends on what kind of power and influence you're talking about.  In terms of political power, that would be true.  But in terms of power to change people's lives - you know, the kind of power that knowledge of God's word should be expected to exert - most religions nowadays totally fail to have any such power.  As the Bible predicted, people have a form of godly devotion, but prove false to it's power.  But true religion, true godly devotion, still has that power.  I think that's the kind of power being spoken of here.  But since people no longer expect religions to have any power over people's way of life, but just to be glorified social clubs, people frequently see it as sinister and suspicious when they see that a religion actually does have that power, instead of seeing it as one of the indicators of true religion.  It's strange people can think that - it would seem only logical to acknowledge that if anyone believes in an all-wise god who has voiced his conclusions on moral matters, then obviously that should dictate those peoples' moral views as well.  But that would presume that people even understand the concept of genuine belief in God, which I think a lot of people don't, due to their misunderstanding of what constitutes faith - they probably often think "I believe in God" means "I'd like to imagine that God exists".  So, it's a pretty deepseated misunderstanding, and one that I doubt she'll figure out in the time she's filming the program.  If the series gets approved, of course.  Which I suppose it will, if the ruler of the system of things has anything to say about it.

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19 hours ago, Ferb said:


in terms of power to change people's lives - you know, the kind of power that knowledge of God's word should be expected to exert - most religions nowadays totally fail to have any such power.  [...] I think that's the kind of power being spoken of here. 


I wouldn't know why you would say that. That's clearly not what she meant at all. It sounds absolutely like the kind of "power" to make opponents disappear or to silence them that she is talking about when she says "she was warned of the Jehovah’s Witnesses that 'these [...] are super powerful"


In any case, if she really is interested in the truth, cool, Leah Remini is going to be a JW soon :lol:

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56 minutes ago, ChocoBro said:


I wouldn't know why you would say that. That's clearly not what she meant at all. It sounds absolutely like the kind of "power" to make opponents disappear or to silence them that she is talking about when she says "she was warned of the Jehovah’s Witnesses that 'these [...] are super powerful"


In any case, if she really is interested in the truth, cool, Leah Remini is going to be a JW soon :lol:

The problem with these types of things is that media will take someone who is not spiritually strong and/or someone that is AROUND the truth who makes up stories/withholds info & media takes that as the majority & in their eyes “all JW’s are like that.”

Or they take actual apostates who claim to have the “inside” scoop on everything & twist anything & everything to support their selfishness to drag anyone they can down.  

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  • 2 months later...
On 9/17/2017 at 11:14 PM, shali said:

Funny, I watch the Leah Remini program that exposed Scientology and I kinda feel guilty because I think "someday they will do this to the true relgiion, to Jehovah's people and shame Jehovah's name" but I can't help but watch because if I find some of these people in my territory I want to know the right thing to say to comfort them.  If I were a Scientologist who left the Church, I wouldn't want anything to do with organized religion ever again.  I think if I found an ex-scientologist I would concentrate on the fact that an imperfect man wrote all the rules but we have a PERFECT, loving, impartial God and a Son who is just like him who runs our imperfect organization.

I just saw a news article that said they're making episodes about "other cult-like" religions including Jehovah's Witnesses and thought I share it here but didn't think it deserved it's own thread. Glad I saw this post. All I say is ugh, pray it doesn't make it to air and if so pray it isn't all lies. Who knows, Leah might actually discover that the lie about being a cult is unfounded and the episode will end positively. A few disgruntled apostates/opposers doesn't compare to literally millions who have had their lives changed by learning the truth or even being just helped by JWs. 


Edited by JayMusicGirl
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3 hours ago, JayMusicGirl said:

All I say is ugh, pray it doesn't make it to air and if so pray it isn't all lies.



The first thing I noticed about that article is this:




The first episode will be about Jehovah Witnesses



I gather her "research" will be equally unfounded.

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Remini, meanwhile, says she is finding peace as she visits a Catholic church “by myself, sitting and praying and doing my rosary.”

“Sometimes I don’t do anything,” she continues. “To me it’s what religion is supposed to be



She's decided that true religion is supposed to be about not doing anything - no requirements, no morals, no hard work, just 'finding peace' and all that wishy washy stuff.  If she starts off her program by drawing her listeners into that premise - that it's bad for a religion to have any moral requirements or involve any hard work - not difficult to persuade her audience of because most will already believe that - she doesn't even have to lie to make true religion sound bad.  Probably will anyway, of course.

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She's decided that true religion is supposed to be about not doing anything - no requirements, no morals, no hard work, just 'finding peace' and all that wishy washy stuff.  If she starts off her program by drawing her listeners into that premise - that it's bad for a religion to have any moral requirements or involve any hard work - 



That's the difference between serving God and religions. Technically being a true Christian is 'not' a religion. Religion is like philosophy, people pick and choose what appeals to them. True Christianity is about "truth and law", not some philosophical belief system.  


This is what the world fails to understand. Religion is a choice based upon one's preference, but Christianity is not, it is God's law to humankind. 


This is why one can be a Christian and yet not understand or even in some cases dislike certain laws. But they understand their place, that it is a requirement. People in the world do not understand this concept. People have said to me in the past things like; "Be a 'x', they can do this and that, and they still believe in God!" or things like;"Why be a Christian, you can't have sex before marriage!?"


They do not grasp that "true religion" is not about what "you" want, it's about what God wants, and finding what God really wants means not just picking a faith from a hat, but seeing which one has the evidence to prove it is "the truth". 


I think it's safe to say that most who are true Christians would be 'absolutely' fine if Jehovah suddenly said "You can have sex before marriage". I can't see many objecting :lol:.  But it's not about choice based upon teachings and rules is it? It's about finding the truth, and the truth is that Jehovah is the true God and he rightfully has his place over us and sets the rules, of which we obey, even if we don't always understand all of them in detail. We obey and trust the greater wisdom of the God of love.  


The world has the concept of servitude to God and spirituality completely wrong. 

Edited by EccentricM
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