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A gluten scientist explains why gluten-free diets are terrible for you

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Gluten-free diets are probably doing more harm than good to your body. Peter Green, the director of Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University, explains the myth surrounding gluten-free diets.


Video is found at Business Insider



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🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

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I think Vern is onto something here.


We have had an article in NZ circulating about A1 and A2 milk, how A1 is not good for humans but A2 is ... but they still go ahead and do the processing which is destroying the natural constitution of milk. I  believe the same is happening with wheat products. My reasosning is if wheat and by extension gluten was bad for you why is that basic diet a staple for so many even in the scriptures ... and is deemed healthy? My answer is because it isn't processed to an inch of its life like it is today. 


When the scriptures talk about a land flowing with milk and honey, im sure the israelites were picturing pure honey from the hive and mllk straight from the cow, not honey with sugar added to it and processed water with reconstituted milk powder. 

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I have recently discovered, quite by accident, that my gluten intolerance is actually a GMO intolerance.


I can eat gluten from sources that have not been genetically modified.:mellow:


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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You know they raised the legal amounts of pesticides 500% because they had to keep using more and more round up to get crops to grow.(as far as i understand the reason).


the real problem is now.... they are switching to that d-4 something or other from agent orange chemicals.... it will be a bad time to start having children.... causes deformities very badly.  Vietnam even after all these years are still seeing deformed babies being born.  of course they will say there is no proof... they don't really care... believe no one can sue Monsanto anymore.

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Gluten-free is bad for diabetics too, who try to modify their carb instake to regulate their sugars. A few good quality carbs, such as whole grain bread with seeds is what works best. My dietician said GF is more a fad and many think it is a ‘healthy option’ for eating bread or other foods, but it isn’t. It’s marketing.

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3 hours ago, Thesauron said:


Gluten-free diets are probably doing more harm than good to your body. Peter Green, the director of Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University, explains the myth surrounding gluten-free diets.


Video is found at Business Insider



Any day now...


Is the link "gluten" free or not?

Because something does not digest ...

I get: The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred. ....   internal...get it? LOL :lol2:

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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10 minutes ago, hatcheckgirl said:

regulate their sugars.

from my 3 year experience with my grandmother changing her diet and doing blood tests several times a day.

removing all processed oils--- and eating fruits with enzymes was the best thing for her.  Suger is the scape goat for eating to much processed oils that causes insulin resistance.  I changed her diet and got her to regulate her blood sugers with diebetic meds.   Her A1C went from 12.9  to 6.9.  he prescription of Lantus went from 40 units once a day to 2-8 once a day depending on her "cheating' on her diet...  lol   She hated me for being strict...  -.-

hopefully she resurrects to a better mood and more incite on true spiritual qualities and not just mosaic law type righteousness.

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How do.you explain  celiac ...you can't eat any wheat .barley  or rye  cos of the gluten. .:confused: gluten intolerance  comes  with the celiac cos there are cromerzones  missing  in the digestive. 

Cows milk..B) not for humans  thd curds are too big to digest. . And you need 2  different  cows milk to counteract  the TB factor. 

Goats milk is the closest  milk to human  milk and the only milk suitable  for babies  .:uhhuh:

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milk use to have enzymes in them and were much easier to digest when they were not highly processed; also were probiotic.



the bible doesn't mention anything bad about bread when it says "bread that makes the heart of mortal man rejoice".


just find a brand of diary thats truely grass fed and all natural and the taste will tell you its far different then the mechanized dairy production that kills cows with in 2 years. when cows normally live 1 to 2 decades.

"Sierra Nevada"  brand is a very good brand...



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2 hours ago, Rozannnancarrow said:

How do.you explain  celiac


Unlike Celiacs, most of the rest of the population do not need gluten-free foods to combat, say, bloating for instance.  That is something to do with our intake of food - like the right type of sugars and fats, not the processed ones.  Or eating smaller portions, eating more fruit and vegetables.  Things like these.  But the worldly commercial system markets "gluten-free" foods as a healthier alternative.  No, it isn't healthier at all.  Look at what they replace the gluten with - higher percentages of fat, sugar and salt.  




"If an individual whose diet contains large amounts of breads, pastas and cookies (especially those made from refined flours) switches to a gluten-free diet which eliminates these foods while increasing fruits, vegetables and other healthful gluten-free foods, the resulting diet would likely be healthier.

On the other hand, this same person could easily substitute gluten-free breads, pastas and cookies into the diet, without increasing intake of healthful gluten-free foods like vegetables and fruits.   In this case a person may actually experience a reduction in diet quality, since many gluten-free processed foods are lower in fiber, vitamins and minerals than their gluten-containing counterparts.  This type of gluten-free diet may be higher in calories, since many processed gluten-free foods contain higher levels of fat and/or sugar to compensate for flavor and texture changes which result from the removal of gluten.    Any diet that is higher in calories is likely to promote weight gain, not weight loss."

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Is the link "gluten" free or not?
Because something does not digest ...
I get: The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred. ....   internal...get it? LOL :lol2:

Sorry, I can’t seem to replicate your error. The link works for me.

Any day now...

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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5 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:


can be caused by yeast/fungus/candida over population and needs to be controlled.

Or is GMO causing inflammation

Or you just ate to much.... turkey dinner? 

It also seems to effect the organs like your liver...fatter liver can be a problem.


5 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

smaller portions

I eat like a pig....but i'm mostly vegan so it translates into eating a lot more fiber.  I'm not a twinky vegan.  we have this bread company here that makes sprouted breads.... humm.. so good... so much fiber too.

although... when i buy cheese(mostly out of america brands)  i do probly eat to much of it. 



5 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

fat, sugar and salt

fats are usually all GMO(cotton seed/ soy/ canola/  even lard can be hydrogenized.... and who knows what else...)


sugar usually is GMO if it doesn't say organic and cane/  everything corn is GMO/  fructose is usually highly processed. that goes for anything..agave/corn/ i even seen a fructose cane sugar that spooked me...  Its weird that fructose is natural to some fruit but any starches they process it into fructose sugar takes a lot of chemical processes to process; atleast with corn thats the case... imagine agave is the same way as its a starch.  It sure has a nice flavor....but i don't buy it anymore.


Salt/  table chemical fake salt is supposedly the problem.... but any natural salt that is sun dried should be fine.  suppose to have some extra minerals to boot.


The gluten free stuff i never buy.  its kind of like the low fat baked goods products....either lots of sugar or low calorie with bunch of fake chemical sweeteners that are just that --chemicals.


kind of like the vegan fake cheese made from tapioca..... highly processed.  the mere fact eating to much of it gives you heartburn  should be a clue.



as to celiac.....  some say its a reaction to GMO/pesticides. 

tell you whats good....  buckwheat flour pancakes...humm humm good...
redmills buckwheat flour

cocunut flour

couple eggs(i know...not vegan...its the only way i eat eggs)

decent amount of allspice

ground flax seed

real salt of some kind

aluminum free baking powder

some non gmo sugar--- optional if you use toppings that sweeten it

melt some coconut oil and put in the batter(the only time i cook with oil now)


there you go my recepie...

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10 hours ago, vern said:

can be caused by yeast/fungus/candida over population and needs to be controlled.

Or is GMO causing inflammation

Or you just ate to much.... turkey dinner? 

It also seems to effect the organs like your liver...fatter liver can be a problem.


I eat like a pig....but i'm mostly vegan so it translates into eating a lot more fiber.  I'm not a twinky vegan.  we have this bread company here that makes sprouted breads.... humm.. so good... so much fiber too.

although... when i buy cheese(mostly out of america brands)  i do probly eat to much of it. 



fats are usually all GMO(cotton seed/ soy/ canola/  even lard can be hydrogenized.... and who knows what else...)


sugar usually is GMO if it doesn't say organic and cane/  everything corn is GMO/  fructose is usually highly processed. that goes for anything..agave/corn/ i even seen a fructose cane sugar that spooked me...  Its weird that fructose is natural to some fruit but any starches they process it into fructose sugar takes a lot of chemical processes to process; atleast with corn thats the case... imagine agave is the same way as its a starch.  It sure has a nice flavor....but i don't buy it anymore.


Salt/  table chemical fake salt is supposedly the problem.... but any natural salt that is sun dried should be fine.  suppose to have some extra minerals to boot.


The gluten free stuff i never buy.  its kind of like the low fat baked goods products....either lots of sugar or low calorie with bunch of fake chemical sweeteners that are just that --chemicals.


kind of like the vegan fake cheese made from tapioca..... highly processed.  the mere fact eating to much of it gives you heartburn  should be a clue.



as to celiac.....  some say its a reaction to GMO/pesticides. 

tell you whats good....  buckwheat flour pancakes...humm humm good...
redmills buckwheat flour

cocunut flour

couple eggs(i know...not vegan...its the only way i eat eggs)

decent amount of allspice

ground flax seed

real salt of some kind

aluminum free baking powder

some non gmo sugar--- optional if you use toppings that sweeten it

melt some coconut oil and put in the batter(the only time i cook with oil now)


there you go my recepie...

Interesting  I'm in ghana  so the chemicals may be what is causing  it  ..but my hi is celiac  ..the fungus  type

Cos he has reaction to all bread here and can't get  any desent  bread 

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Interesting  I'm in ghana  so the chemicals may be what is causing  it  ..but my hi is celiac  ..the fungus  type
Cos he has reaction to all bread here and can't get  any desent  bread 

What’s the fungus type?

Any day now...

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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1 hour ago, vern said:


Just use right one .... (I only use Ceylon from Sri Lanka)


Ceylon cinnamon, also known as "true cinnamon" (cinnamon verum) is very expensive.

Therefore, most foods in the USA and Western Europe, including sticky buns, breads and other products use the cheaper Cassia cinnamon (dried Cassia bark).

True cinnamon has very little coumarin, unlike Cassia cinnamon. A 2010 German study found that on average, Cassia cinnamon powder had up to 63 times more coumarin compared to Ceylon cinnamon powder, while Cassia cinnamon sticks contained 18 times more than Ceylon cinnamon sticks.

The researchers in this latest study also reported that coumarin, a naturally-occurring substance, may cause liver damage in some sensitive people.

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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On 25/10/2017 at 4:26 AM, hatcheckgirl said:

 My dietician said GF is more a fad and many think it is a ‘healthy option’ for eating bread or other foods, but it isn’t. It’s marketing.


On 25/10/2017 at 7:21 AM, hatcheckgirl said:


Unlike Celiacs, most of the rest of the population do not need gluten-free foods to combat, say, bloating for instance.  That is something to do with our intake of food - like the right type of sugars and fats, not the processed ones.  Or eating smaller portions, eating more fruit and vegetables.  Things like these.  But the worldly commercial system markets "gluten-free" foods as a healthier alternative.  No, it isn't healthier at all.  Look at what they replace the gluten with - higher percentages of fat, sugar and salt.  




"If an individual whose diet contains large amounts of breads, pastas and cookies (especially those made from refined flours) switches to a gluten-free diet which eliminates these foods while increasing fruits, vegetables and other healthful gluten-free foods, the resulting diet would likely be healthier.

On the other hand, this same person could easily substitute gluten-free breads, pastas and cookies into the diet, without increasing intake of healthful gluten-free foods like vegetables and fruits.   In this case a person may actually experience a reduction in diet quality, since many gluten-free processed foods are lower in fiber, vitamins and minerals than their gluten-containing counterparts.  This type of gluten-free diet may be higher in calories, since many processed gluten-free foods contain higher levels of fat and/or sugar to compensate for flavor and texture changes which result from the removal of gluten.    Any diet that is higher in calories is likely to promote weight gain, not weight loss."

I'm sorry, I don't entirely agree with your dietician.  


I am particularly interested in this subject because I have AITD and know that if I eat gluten I have an awful reaction which, apart from causing problems inside that I am not so aware of, also includes pain and physical issues which is very debilitating.  


Have a look at this site, it is easier than trying to explain it for myself. But for the record, my intergrative doctor was the first to tell me to remove gluten from my diet and it made a huge difference.  When I fall off the wagon, I suffer.




In this article we’re going to discuss the connection between autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) and gluten intolerance.

Several studies show a strong link between AITD (both Hashimoto’s and Graves’) and gluten intolerance. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] The link is so well-established that researchers suggest all people with AITD be screened for gluten intolerance, and vice versa.


What explains the connection? It’s a case of mistaken identity. The molecular structure of gliadin, the protein portion of gluten, closely resembles that of the thyroid gland. When gliadin breaches the protective barrier of the gut, and enters the bloodstream, the immune system tags it for destruction. These antibodies to gliadin also cause the body to attack thyroid tissue. This means if you have AITD and you eat foods containing gluten, your immune system will attack your thyroid.

Even worse, the immune response to gluten can last up to 6 months each time you eat it. This explains why it is critical to eliminate gluten completely from your diet if you have AITD. There’s no “80/20” rule when it comes to gluten. Being “mostly” gluten-free isn’t going to cut it. If you’re gluten intolerant, you have to be 100% gluten-free to prevent immune destruction of your thyroid.


While bread is a staple dietary food, due to so many of us having bodies that are very worn down and semi-broken, there are many normal foods that cause terrible reactions.  Take peanuts as an example. 40 years ago peanut allergy wasn't even a thing, or if it was it was so rare the average person had never heard of it.  Now it occurs in about 1 in 50 children and 1 in 200 adults in Australia. 

Then there's milk, egg, etc and so the list goes on and these are just basic foods. 


I don't think there is one contributing factor to any of these diseases or intolerances.  We are living in the last days of a greedy, broken system and nothing is going to fix any of this until Jehovah's new world reverses everything that is happening now. 

Edited by GeordieGirl

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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#1 Clickbait title, doesn't really explain much about it.
#2 When the video references 'gluten-free', they are referring to the processed junkfood in the GF aisle at any Wal-mart/Grocery.
#3 Little scientific evidence to support GF diet. Of course not, there's next to no money in making people feel better.
#4 Wheat is fortified! /sarcasm poor-bioavailability synthetically processed nutrients...

If you have celiac, eating gluten means you might die in one of the worst possible ways. However, if you're eating anything from a store aside from produce and some meats, you're typically buying dead, processed food with very poor nutrition. On top of that, almost everything is cross contaminated with gluten anyway.

Especially if you are suffering from autoimmune or gut disorders, going completely free of grains, dairy, sugar, alcohol, eggs, legumes (where we get the flak from vegans), nuts & seeds, nightshades is one of the few things that may help... It's called the Autoimmune Protocol or Autoimmune Paleo Protocol. You've got vegetables, fats, some safer starches that don't spike blood sugar, and grass fed meat. Here is an example of a true nutritional and science based 'gluten free' diet. http://justinhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Just-In-Health-Eating-Plan.pdf

Diet alone will not fix all underlying problems such as bacterial or fungal overgrowth, as well as parasitic and viral infections. That's my personal thorn in the side. There is so much dysbiosis that I can't get enough nutrition out of my food or detox properly and my thyroid is still really bad. You can only do so much, in the end we're just crawling through shards of glass in a broken and corrupt system to reach the other side. Everything has risks, weigh the benefits.

Edited by Myew
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9 hours ago, Myew said:

if you're eating anything from a store aside from produce and some meats, you're typically buying dead, processed food with very poor nutrition.


Oh so true! Eating fresh foods is the way to go.  However, hasn't satan's system made it just so convenient to take "shortcuts" with our health, and our children are addicted to high sugar and (bad) fat diet, no longer content with a piece of fruit for a snack?  It's set us all up for dietary disasters of all sorts, and coupled with general declining air quality, contaminants in our food cycle etc, the human race can't keep going like this.


For those who have the worst of these dietary issues, you've helped explain a lot with your posts above.  Thanks for that enlightenment.  My advice from my dietician was specific for my case.  The world uses a legitimate illness to label foods to seem "healthier" than they really are.  We can't take food labelling for granted and need to delve into it more to make sure what we are eating.

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