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Climate Change News

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3 hours ago, BenJepthah said:

Http://www.forbes.com/ sites/starts with a bang/2017/06/06/ how-much-Co2-does -a -single-volcano-emit. 

    An interesting variable accounted for. 

Sounds interesting David  but I had to scan all the way down through all of Forbes magazine and missed it.

Perhaps it would work better to have the article open that you want to share then copy the address for that specific article. Here is an example,say I want to share this article "Galaxy S9 Cancelation" I post the article address, not the magzine address.


Still trying to locate the article you reference, here is what I get:    


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 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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7 hours ago, BenJepthah said:

Now, as to human effects on the climate : almost everyone I’ve seen who is extremely climate focused seems to miss the elephant in the ocean ( er room ). I refer to a continent sized drift of plastic trash in the Pacific Ocean.

That too affects both climate and environment. We should not be worried, but we should be aware, and not fall for the political agenda that man-made climate change isn’t happening.


As for companies and organisations buying scientific results, this has happened in the past, and to some extent keeps happening. The scientific community is aware of this, and rather quick to deal with scientists who let their results be affected. Consequently, you should take into account more than one source when understanding currrent science.


You can certainly be neutral and still be aware of this problem. The neutrality coms into place when you offer a solution to people. The only solution is God’s Kingdom. Hence, we stay neutral with regards to human political solutions. We can do some practical things, though, such as limiting our intake of red meat, our use of certain oils and oil-based products (such as plastic products), etc.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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7 hours ago, Old said:

Sounds interesting David  but I had to scan all the way down through all of Forbes magazine and missed it.

Perhaps it would work better to have the article open that you want to share then copy the address for that specific article. Here is an example,say I want to share this article "Galaxy S9 Cancelation" I post the article address, not the magzine address.


Still trying to locate the article you reference, here is what I get:    


We can’t find the page you requested but please try:

I just don’t know how to link. I have very little recent experience with social media in general. I had to screen shot and toggle back and forth to enter what I did. Sorry.

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On 8/19/2018 at 11:41 AM, Thesauron said:

This is what the Watchtower said on the subject a few years ago:

But since we don't teach this as doctrine, we can't be dogmatic on the topic. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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4 hours ago, Shawnster said:

But since we don't teach this as doctrine, we can't be dogmatic on the topic. 

No, that’s not the intention. But the writing department have become quite good at doing the necessary research before they claim anything. That is why it can be trusted.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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The facts as they stand are :1. Humans produce more atmospheric Carbon dioxide than any other source .  2. The highest average temperature on record was established in 1977 and appears to be matched this year. Does this establish a correlation between Co2 and increases in the global average temperature? What does the ice core data show? 

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Arctic's oldest and thickest sea ice breaks for first time




The sea off the northern coast of Greenland was once referred to as "the last ice area” because of how perpetually frozen it normally is. It was also believed that it would be one of the final northern areas to be impacted by the world's hotter temperatures. 

An unusual increase in temperature in February and August have left it susceptible, however, The Guardian reported.


Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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9 hours ago, BenJepthah said:

The facts as they stand are :1. Humans produce more atmospheric Carbon dioxide than any other source .  2. The highest average temperature on record was established in 1977 and appears to be matched this year. Does this establish a correlation between Co2 and increases in the global average temperature? What does the ice core data show? 

Let me phrase this a little differently. Does the ice core data demonstrate a correlation between atmospheric carbon ( CO2) and an increase in the average temperature of the planet? 

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On 8/20/2018 at 8:12 AM, Thesauron said:

That too affects both climate and environment. We should not be worried, but we should be aware, and not fall for the political agenda that man-made climate change isn’t happening.

Human-provoked climate change is a political issue only in the US. In the rest of the world it's an almost universally recognized fact. :)

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On 8/19/2018 at 5:54 AM, BenJepthah said:

Your doing an unnecessary amount of assuming here.

I only assumed that you believe dinosaurs once existed and are now extinct due to some trigger event that caused them to become extinct. I think it’s a stretch to think that’s an excessive amount of “assuming”. Did I assume incorrectly that you agree with that premise regarding dinosaurs? 


On 8/19/2018 at 5:54 AM, BenJepthah said:

Since you seem to imply that by my not being in lock step with your conclusions I have been “ propagandized

These are not at all my conclusions. There is a 97% scientific consensus. I repeat...97%. I am not a scientist.

Question: If 97 MDs diagnosed you with heart disease, and 3 did not detect heart disease, would you give the 97 equal weighting as the mere 3? I would hope not as that would be an illogical, mathematically flawed conclusion. 


My “Fox News” statement is based on my personal observation and based on surveys conducted by independent research firms that have been able to quantify this. 


On 8/19/2018 at 5:54 AM, BenJepthah said:

perhaps you should really look deeply into how your connection between “ Fox News “ and “ propaganda” may be displaying a certain bias. I say this out of love. Guard your neutrality, propaganda goes in every direction.  

I have no connection to “opinion news”. And “guard your neutrality”??? Are you implying I may have the mark of the wild beast because I concur with overwhelming scientific data? 😂 Hey, I can’t help a certain party has chosen to politicize this subject...that has nothing to do with me. Anything can be politicized. 


On 8/19/2018 at 5:54 AM, BenJepthah said:

Reality will assert itself to prove out what is true.

We’re seeing the consequences of mismanagement of natural resources play out in real time. You can now SEE the effects with your own eyes. This was prophesied by Jesus as recorded in the Gospels and by John in Revelation.


On 8/19/2018 at 5:54 AM, BenJepthah said:

The one thing we should do is poor ourselves into Jehovah’s Service and have trust in His ability to correct and transform.

Finally...something we both agree on 😁

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On 8/19/2018 at 5:29 AM, Qapla said:

Yes, I believe that dinosaurs once existed and that they are now extinct. However, "due to a mass extinction event" .... that I am not so sure about. There are many species that once existed that have become extinct but it does not take a mass extinction event to have this occur. It can happen over time through death of the species or even by mankind overkilling or in some other way removing that species - it does not take a "mass event" for a species to become extinct. I tend to lean more toward the idea that Jehovah created the dinosaurs for a specific purpose. When that purpose was accomplished, He either allowed them do die off or He removed them from the earth

I would encourage you to look up the term “mass extinction event”. You will quickly find out that such extinction events can take tens of thousands of years to play out. So do you also not believe that some catalyst triggered the eventual extinction of the dinosaurs? That’s what ALL the paleontologists believe, and it also sounds like that’s what you believe. If you think God killed them off once they served their purpose, isn’t that a “mass extinction event”???


On 8/19/2018 at 5:29 AM, Qapla said:

this is why we do not get involved in political movements and the like - instead, we proclaim the Kingdom. .... The same holds true of things like "climate change". This is another thing we need to leave in Jehovah's hands while we proclaim the Kingdom - just like political and social causes, we DO NOT get involved in "movements to solve the problem".

See my recent reply to a similar implication as yours. What political movement am I involved in again??? What does posting climate change news and facts have to do with politics? I’m confused... Hey I understand that with that awesome Convention we just had, along with recent Watchtower studies, ones may be hypersensitive to anything that may have had a political spin put on it. But to imply I may have the mark of the wild beast is pretty serious. Careful now! 🤨


On 8/19/2018 at 5:29 AM, Qapla said:

To make a statement that, anyone who does not agree with your point of view (or, as you phrased it,  "deny such basic science and overwhelming evidence") must watch/listen to a certain news outlet is a bit of a stretch. Perhaps those who see the situation differently are relying on Jehovah's Kingdom - not listening to a news outlet you have decided does not cover the topics to your personal taste.

Again, see my recent post to a similar accusation as yours. Wow! 😮 

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16 minutes ago, Awakened said:

Well anyways...back to climate change FACTS and NEWS:


CNN - Great Barrier Reef headed for ‘massive death’

Well, that is certainly occuring.  Seen the dead coral for myself.  Hearing the political football re: energy emissions targets, resulting in our Prime Minister being replaced this week.  Talk about politics!  They are more worried about their positions and the economic impact of lowering emissions and trading in coal, than the environment.  The only solution for our planet is Jehovah's solution.  The last sentence says it all: "It's part of being human to not worry about the long-term future," he says. "We're genetically programmed like that ... we just don't think ahead."  Or as Jer 10:23 says.

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With any topic as controversial as this one, I think we need to remember that we are all on the same side, and our comments need to be seasoned with salt and delivered with respect.  Agree to disagree, but don't stoop to belittling.  It is hurtful to others here trying to say their bit in a discussion which we are all equal in participation.  There are better ways of disagreeing with someone's point of view.    This is an otherwise interesting discussion, so please be mindful and stay kind to one another. :)

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The question of climate change is not the issue : Nor is it a question of there being a human impact. The question of just what that human impact actually is and what it is doing is important. Example: Currently unseasonably cool temperatures are being experienced in the Dakotas due , It is reported, to the particulates from the California wildfires . ( what?) ( How is it possible that something which generates that much Co2 can possibly also be cooling ?) Volcanoes also have been known to cause cooling. ( we are only one Krakatoa away from another ice age). So , how is it that human Co2 emissions cause “ warming”? And why is that necessarily a bad thing?  Coral bleaching is probably multifaceted ( as ice caps melt the ocean freshens, all the plastics in the ocean break down into pseudo estrogens, even some sunscreens are claimed to have an effect. But probably the PH of the ocean which has gradually became more acidic is a major contributor( that last one IS probably related to Co2 but has been building since the great flood). 

      How these things become political. Different corporate interests stand to gain or loose depending upon how governments legislate. France is the only industrialized nation to reduce Co2 significantly, but at a trade off of going heavily nuclear .  Companies who build electric cars benefit from the idea that humans who buy them will vote for government subsidies for their purchase. The same for wind turbines and solar panels. Other companies would have the voters pressure for Nuclear power plants. There are no white hats or black hats just different hats. It is eronious to assume that anything BUT Jehovah’s intervention will correct this problem. But it is easy to fool ourselves into thinking that one side or another even exists.

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2 hours ago, BenJepthah said:

It is eronious to assume that anything BUT Jehovah’s intervention will correct this problem. 

I’m sorry, can you just explain what you mean? Am I understanding you correctly that Rev 11:18 isn’t applicable to what we see happening?

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On 8/25/2018 at 1:00 PM, BenJepthah said:

The question of just what that human impact actually is and what it is doing is important. Example: Currently unseasonably cool temperatures are being experienced in the Dakotas due , It is reported, to the particulates from the California wildfires . ( what?) ( How is it possible that something which generates that much Co2 can possibly also be cooling ?) Volcanoes also have been known to cause cooling. ( we are only one Krakatoa away from another ice age). So , how is it that human Co2 emissions cause “ warming”? And why is that necessarily a bad thing? 

These questions have been answered extensively by the climate science community.


What research have you done to address these questions of yours?

Edited by Awakened

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Who really is destroying the earth? Basic human needs ( food, water, shelter, clothing) are all currently and most effectively being met by the use of petroleum. 1 single gallon of gasoline is roughly equivalent to 9 man hours of labor when properly used. ( just try putting up wood for the winter without a chainsaw and wood splitter). Or try planting a field large enough to feed more than your own family without a tractor. Or try turning several trees into a house. Or try growing harvesting and processing cotton without the use of fossil fuels. In fact the end of slavery can largely be tied to the internal combustion engine. 1 gallon of gasoline equals 1 days slave labor. 

       But prior to the fall of man in the garden of Eden humans needed no housing, clothing, and didn’t need to plant and harvest food. Adam and Eve made no more impact upon the environment than a rabbit. Even less if that rabbit isn’t currently living in Australia. 

       So who Really is destroying the earth? Who is the true enemy? 

Edited by BenJepthah
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21 hours ago, Awakened said:


Paul Beckwith. He has a degree in meteorology right? Maybe he works at NASA or at Woodshole , or maybe at NOAH ? No doubt he is a very smart man. He might even be right. In which case by now there is absolutely nothing to do but “lye back and watch the planet dissolve “.  Getting my microwave popcorn( nope, uses to much coal) my boiled ear of corn ( nope too large carbon footprint) my ear of raw corn ( nope that requires a tractor ) my ear of raw corn planted with a spade in a pot ( nope carbon footprint to forge the spade ) my ear of corn that I used a sharp stone to plant ( but that will give me gas ( methane ). I guess I’ll eat some raw dandelions instead. 🤣. BTW if anyone would like to unload any coastal properties before the sea rises please let me know. Relax friends it’s just not that serious, Jehovah has got this.

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