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Snippet of news from Iceland, a news clip . .

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That's right friends - Iceland may outlaw circumcision !  

The proposed law (a draft at this point )  

Would impose a 6 year prison term for "removing part of all of a child's sexual organs" which violate a child's rights.  

 Concern that Jewish and Muslim people could feel unwelcome in Iceland.I

Judaism and Islam will become criminalized religions. "We must avoid all such forms of extremism" .  ( I wonder if these same people are following the Russia story? )

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The legislator feels the right of the child, including retaining an unmutilated body, supersedes the right of the adult to believe.

It might be good for the law to come into force so it can be tried by the ECHR.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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I can understand both sides of the issue. On one side, people want to keep their traditions. On the other side, they are mutilating a baby without possibility of undoing it, without taking into account that maybe that baby won't want to be a Jew or a Muslim in the future. They say they can get circumcized when they are adults.


Anyway, this is more a pose than a practical issue. Iceland has less than 300,000 inhabitants and very little immigration. At most there can be there a few dozens of Muslims and Jews. This issue might affects, maybe, four or five children a year. And I don't think they'll be checking babies in the street to see if they are circumcized.

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2 hours ago, Jonathan77 said:

Its a lot more painful when you are older.  Put the Israelites out of action for a while.  Josh 5:8.

Its interesting that others see it as mutilation, whereas Jews see it as something to be proud of, part of their Jewish heritage.

To some people it is like giving a new born baby a tattoo or nose piercing. I can understand why they want to protect the baby.

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I can understand both sides of the issue. On one side, people want to keep their traditions. On the other side, they are mutilating a baby without possibility of undoing it, without taking into account that maybe that baby won't want to be a Jew or a Muslim in the future. They say they can get circumcized when they are adults.
Anyway, this is more a pose than a practical issue. Iceland has less than 300,000 inhabitants and very little immigration. At most there can be there a few dozens of Muslims and Jews. This issue might affects, maybe, four or five children a year. And I don't think they'll be checking babies in the street to see if they are circumcized.

Huffington Post puts the number of Muslims on Iceland to around 1500.


Other sources sets the number slightly lower, though. When it comes to Jews, they are less than 100, according to Haaretz.


Compare this to 377 Witnesses (of whom I’ve seen most. They covered one section during the 2015 regional convention in Stockholm).

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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9 hours ago, carlos said:

I can understand both sides of the issue. On one side, people want to keep their traditions. On the other side, they are mutilating a baby without possibility of undoing it,


6 hours ago, Tortuga said:

To some people it is like giving a new born baby a tattoo or nose piercing. I can understand why they want to protect the baby.




Interesting perspectives . . Did Jesus have his rights violated, was he mutilated (Luke 2:21) on orders from Jehovah (Genesis 17: 10 -14) ?


Does it matter that circumcision was mandated up until the mid-first century (Acts 15: 19, 20) but now it's a choice ?  If it wasn't mutilation then, how could it be now?


I've seen some elective plastic surgeries that could be described as a mutilation .  .  . so maybe it's not so easy to define what is or isn't a mutilation.

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Interesting perspectives . . Did Jesus have his rights violated, was he mutilated (Luke 2:21) on orders from Jehovah (Genesis 17: 10 -14) ?
Does it matter that circumcision was mandated up until the mid-first century (Acts 15: 19, 20) but now it's a choice ?  If it wasn't mutilation then, how could it be now?
I've seen some elective plastic surgeries that could be described as a mutilation .  .  . so maybe it's not so easy to define what is or isn't a mutilation.

Any surgery that isn’t medically required is a mutilation of the body. Sometimes it is mandated by a divine decree. Most of the time it’s not. Even piercing your ears is a mutilation of your body. Even if it is socially acceptable, if not expected, in most, if not all, societies, for men and women. Usually we don’t do it to babies, though.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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1 hour ago, Thesauron said:

Any surgery that isn’t medically required is a mutilation of the body. Sometimes it is mandated by a divine decree. Most of the time it’s not. Even piercing your ears is a mutilation of your body. Even if it is socially acceptable, if not expected, in most, if not all, societies, for men and women. Usually we don’t do it to babies, though.


In the US and many other countries, people pierce baby girls' ears (sometimes boys, too) quite soon after birth - within a month or so is not unusual.

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In the US and many other countries, people pierce baby girls' ears (sometimes boys, too) quite soon after birth - within a month or so is not unusual.

You’re right. In some societies it is considered acceptable behaviour. In others it is frowned upon.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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2 hours ago, Doug said:

Interesting perspectives . . Did Jesus have his rights violated, was he mutilated (Luke 2:21) on orders from Jehovah (Genesis 17: 10 -14) ?


The apostle Paul wrote at Philippians 3:2 that circumcision is a mutilation of the flesh. :) So yes, Jesus was mutilated.


The ancient nation of Israel was dedicated to Jehovah, so Jehovah had the right to require all male children to carry this sign in their flesh as a symbol of that dedication. In contrast, a baby born from Jews today has the right to decide whether he will follow the religion of his parents or not. That's the difference that I see.


The Icelandic government is not suggesting to ban circumcision. Adults in Iceland can have their foreskin removed if they wish. But they want to make sure it's the person's choice, not something imposed to a baby.


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I was just thinking about how I would feel if my mother was a hippie and had decided to tattoo a large flower on my forehead when I was born. :eek:


I doubt a law would have stopped her but I'm glad she wasn't a hippie...

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6 minutes ago, hatcheckgirl said:

Tatts are illegal for under 16's here in Australia.... or else there probably would have been a lot of middle-aged people with weirdly placed tattoos :) 


It's actually 18 for tattoos unless you have parental consent. 16 for piercings and other body mutilations. 

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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It was a tough decision with my boys and in the end I opted for them to get it when they were born. Glad I did when a few years later the connection with less chance of getting things like AIDS came to light. But it really is a little thing and it doesn't matter all that much one way or the other.


Interestingly about tattoos, here in the states as the rest of the world has pointed out, we are being overrun with low intelligent people. To keep track of them they are all being marked with tattoos. This also helps sort them by the amount of mental defency, just count the tattoos. The special tax on the low intelligent here has also been a huge success and has brought a lot of money to the government. This tax is so successful that the mentally challenged stand in line to pay it as often as can and often pay several times the rate. Some even sell their things to voluntarily donate huge sums of their money to pay this tax. In talking to these heavily taxed and tattooed people, I explain to them that they don't have to pay this tax at all, that it is entirely voluntary and that they would be better off financially if they didn't pay this tax. But they become scornful and laugh at and tell me how jealous I will be of them when they win the lottery. Now you know why there are so many poor tattooed people in Amerca. So terribly sad and now it has gotten far worse, now thanks to a recent government program, social media is being used to mind control the feeble minded into wasting all their time on the internet to keep them off the streets and out of the job market. The thought seems to be if they don't work they will be unable to afford to reproduce and their numbers reduced. As awful as that is, they have even gone farther by offering a prize called the "Darwin Award" which is awarded for successfully completing a potentially suicidal feat like eating Tide Pods, taking life threating "selfies" or drinking lethal amounts of alcohol and or drugs. If these programs continue to enjoy enorous rapidly increasing  popularly among the ungifted, there soon may be no one you can point your finger to their tie and tell them they have a spot or tell a knock knock joke. Joke shops, over priced mall shops,  Starbucks, oil change garages, palm readers, smoke shops and tattoo parlors  will be forced to close. To prevent this genocide of the small minds, please don't do anything dangerous. We would miss you.


If you didn't get it, the above was a joke. But if you didn't get, I would keep it to yourself or you could tell me how evil this government program program is and how I should be more sensitive toward those being unfairly tarageted.

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3 hours ago, Wm-Scott said:

If you didn't get it, the above was a joke

It was funny but a little rough around the edges for me. I'm afraid that if I laugh someone will accuse me of something...:crying:

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