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Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

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An Ohio high school student said he tried to stay apolitical during the National Walkout Day over gun violence but was suspended for his choice to remain in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, going to study hall.


Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country. If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.


This left Jacob wondering if it was a memorial for the lives lost or a show of support for gun control.

He decided, instead, to stay in class for about 20 minutes doing homework after his teacher and fellow classmates left and locked the door.


The district says it's responsible for students' safety and they can't be unsupervised.


The school, as well as the Shoemakers, have received death threats and hate messages.


Ohio student suspended


Makes me wonder if he was one of JWs. The article doesn’t say, how many people would go through all that to stay neutral?

“It’s not how much we know that pleases Jehovah, but how we feel about what we know and how we have allowed that knowledge to increase our love for Jehovah.”

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Sounds like a civil liberties case 

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The student was suspended for failing to report to study hall as directed, not for refusing to take part in the protest.

Was a Student Suspended for Staying in Class During National Walkout Day? (Snopes.com)

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7 hours ago, Thesauron said:

The student was suspended for failing to report to study hall as directed, not for refusing to take part in the protest.

Was a Student Suspended for Staying in Class During National Walkout Day? (Snopes.com)


Fortunately, the topic here at JWTalk was already clear and accurate and didn't have a spin on it. The Snopes article repeats with more explanation what the FOX article and interview already clearly stated.


The schools response/excuse was that they were not supposed to leave any student unattended - which is true. But Jacob's point was that it clearly divided the students into 2 camps, and would give the appearance that he sided with the gun supporters and/or would be disrespecting the lives of the 17 students who died in the recent school shooting. He didn't like that he had no other options given, and didn't want to be associated with either side. Convening with the pro gun group would give the anti gun group the false appearance that he was pro gun. He wanted it to be clear to everyone that he was not taking sides.


Personally, I think the kids deserves extra credit for taking a stand for his beliefs.


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1 hour ago, Dismal_Bliss said:

The schools response/excuse was that they were not supposed to leave any student unattended - which is true. But Jacob's point was that it clearly divided the students into 2 camps, and would give the appearance that he sided with the gun supporters and/or would be disrespecting the lives of the 17 students who died in the recent school shooting. He didn't like that he had no other options given, and didn't want to be associated with either side. Convening with the pro gun group would give the anti gun group the false appearance that he was pro gun. He wanted it to be clear to everyone that he was not taking sides.


I wonder if he had the option to just stay home that day. It appears that by publicly not taking a side, he is creating a side. 

Darned if you do and darned if you don't and no third option...wow...

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Personally, I've always wondered what is the ultimate goal of these walkouts. Sure, they bring attention, but do they really facilitate any real change?


Our society is really adept at diagnosing and attacking symptoms of violence, like guns being accessible to unauthorized or mentally unstable people. But I often ask myself, do they really want REAL change? Because change, true change, starts at the root, like taking a real serious look at the culture of violence in the US and what sort of morals people are being taught. Violent movies and video games make a lot of people super rich, so do they really want to examine the effect those have on our culture? No, not at the expense of making a dollar they don't.  Real change starts at changing how people think and act, but that requires sacrifice and giving up some things that may bring pleasure.


So I believe these walkouts, ultimately, amount to window dressing. In a few weeks time, when emotions have subsided, people go right back to business as usual.



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2 hours ago, Tortuga said:


I wonder if he had the option to just stay home that day. It appears that by publicly not taking a side, he is creating a side. 

Darned if you do and darned if you don't and no third option...wow...


I recall the walkouts being only 17 minutes in length in memory of the 17 students killed. Not sure all schools followed that goal, but staying home to avoid those few minutes sounds a bit much. In hindsight, he may have wished he had stayed at home.

“It’s not how much we know that pleases Jehovah, but how we feel about what we know and how we have allowed that knowledge to increase our love for Jehovah.”

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29 minutes ago, boodles said:

Maybe he could have gone to the office.

...or the bathroom...:)

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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2 hours ago, Tortuga said:

...or the bathroom...:)

That was the first solution I thought of. No doubt, the administration has to know where the students are, but on the way to study hall, why not ask permission...easy to use up 17 minutes..especially for a female...(make-up...fix hair...):uhhuh:

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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Only a little bit of a  politically charged situation..Yikes..... remaining neutral is hard thing  when there is only two poles

Edited by Lance

Zeph 3:17 Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with rejoicing. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries....... Love it....a beautiful word picture.

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