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  On 4/26/2019 at 12:19 PM, Bek said:

Hi Br. Alan,


Your cat is almost a metre long. I don't think I have seen a cat of that size before. 


Sorry to hear about its health issues. Vets must be very expensive. 


Now that he's sorted out we don't have to go to the vet now. But you're right. They are not cheap. 

  17 minutes ago, Bek said:


I have lately been watching videos of how dogs can be trained to do all kinds of tricks. I have just seen a Pomeranian puppy learn to ring a bell by pressing a button in 17 minutes. I thought that it was very impressive. 


17 minutes? It takes me 17 meetings to train me to do something different LOL

  17 minutes ago, Bek said:


Now I wonder if cats are also as trainable. Have you, and I mean anyone who is reading this post, been able to train your cats at least to do basic commands? 


Our refuses to sit in our WT study.. (td)

  17 minutes ago, Bek said:

Sister Dallas, your cat looks great. I really like its colour. :)







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  On 4/26/2019 at 12:19 PM, Bek said:

Now I wonder if cats are also as trainable. Have you, and I mean anyone who is reading this post, been able to train your cats at least to do basic commands? 




The Savitsky Cats: Super Trained Cats Perform Exciting Routine - America's Got Talent 2018


Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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  On 4/24/2019 at 1:45 PM, hatcheckgirl said:

Love seeing your cats!

My Stella is a rescue kitty.  I picked her because of her one cross-eye and she was hissing at me, so I just knew I wanted to take her home with me and show her love.  And hasn't she repaid me in spades!  She really appreciates being with her mummy.  She's not a breed, but I think she's called a tortoiseshell cat, and she's small because she's the runt.


IMG_4968.thumb.JPG.6fef899aa85ec3efa85af423d668a1f9.JPG          IMG_4754.thumb.JPG.72c85b9442154042c502ada18deac9d8.JPG


    IMG_4969.JPG.2e24056a8067c6c7c29891d4a6dd2b7d.JPG  IMG_4812.thumb.JPG.50f05d09cb1fed048f1981cc3a45d70f.JPG  IMG_4970.thumb.JPG.9763fd6242386bed85b434f0c46476b6.JPG






What lovely colours! 



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  On 4/26/2019 at 1:24 PM, Alan said:

What lovely colours! 




Yup, that is what she said earlier. Sorry for springing in out of blue, uninvited. Ahem, ala Adele.


I think Stella would blend in nicely with @Tortuga  :uhhuh:

I haven't invited 'The' Turtle yet because I was afraid someone might mistake him for an animal we love and lump him under Creatures of the Deep. New category under construction while waiting for His Highness's arrival.


Thanks, Br. Alan for being so quick to respond to my invitation. I was at wit's end, thinking of brothers who might have cats. Your avatar was the clue I needed. Is this the same cat on your profile picture? I would think so. She is so massively lovely. 


<Tortoiseshell cats are almost exclusively female. Male tortoiseshells are rare and are usually sterile.

Tortoiseshell cats combine two colors other than white, either closely mixed or in larger patches. The colors are often described as red and black, but the "red" patches can instead be orange, yellow, or cream and the "black" can instead be chocolate, grey, tabby, or blue>. 


Edited by M'Awan

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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  On 4/26/2019 at 12:23 PM, .Ivan. said:

I have same situation here

This is so cute, brother. 





Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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  On 4/26/2019 at 9:24 PM, hatcheckgirl said:

I love the way they all just chill in those uncomfortable positions 😹😸😻

(should say clowder of cats, not bunch).


Good one, there sister Lucy. Feed my brain. 



<Those two terms to describe a group of cats are ‘clutter’ and ‘glaring’.>

The latter is much more appropriate. My 2 cats like to stare angrily at me if I ruffle their fur. They are the untouchables.


In addition to this, if one wants to refer to a group of wild cats, the correct terms are ‘dowt’ and ‘destruction’.   A male cat, when neutered, is called a “gib”, when not, is called a “tom”.  Female cats are known as “molly”.


Bonus Facts:

Cats can survive a fall from virtually any height. 


Cats cannot detect the sweet taste.  This is due to a mutant chemoreceptor in their taste buds.  Because of this, cats generally ignore sweet tasting food items like fruit.


Domestic cats can run as fast as 30 mph/48 kmh.


A cat’s forelimbs have a free-floating clavicle bone.  Unless they are very overweight, this allows them to fit through any space their head can fit through.


A cat’s normal body temperature is around 101.5° F.  Unlike humans, they can comfortably withstand high external temperatures ranging up to 126° F to 133° F before showing any signs that they are hot.  This is thought to be a remnant of the fact that they were once probably desert animals.  Their faeces are also typically very dry and their urine highly concentrated so as not to waste water. 


Cats can see quite well in light levels as little as 1/6 of what is required for humans to see well.  They accomplish this largely via a tapetum lucidum, which reflects light passed through the retina back into the eye.  They also have exceptionally large pupils for their body size.


Cats also have some of the best hearing of any animal.  They can hear frequencies as high as 79 KHz and as low as 55 Hz.  For reference, humans hearing range is typically between 31 Hz to 18 KHz. This extremely good hearing helps cats hunt rodents in that rodents often communicate in ultrasonic frequencies which the cats can hear.


Cats are attracted to catnip largely because of the chemical nepetalactone, which mimics the smell of a certain pheromone found in cats. Interestingly, nepetalactone has the opposite effect on cockroaches and mosquitoes in that it repels them.


The male cat’s penis has around 120-150 barbs on it that point backwards.  When the penis is withdrawn from the female, this scrapes her vagina and triggers ovulation, as well as attempts to clean out any sperm from other cats.




Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Liked the stripes. 

A nice photo. Well framed and a lovely setting. Loved the colouring on the stone slabs. Where was this taken? You must have a DLSR camera. 




Just hanging out! This fluffy two-tone kitty didn't have a care in the world as it lounged in a flowerpot. Sandra Coudray 


Just hanging out! This fluffy two-tone kitty didn't have a care in the world as it lounged in a flowerpot


Edited by M'Awan

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Ms M2 also likes to sit in the sink. At times she will be sunbathing in the 33 deg.C  heat. She has chosen a small flower pot to gingerly perch on while attending to potty business. She is doing her share of composting. I do my bit by layering the soil with fresh weeds. Thankfully I don't have green fingers and I only have a kaffir lime plant which I fertilise with bananas peels. 

As for Lucy. she likes to set up her 'throne' in the high places so as to better survey her dominion: the double story house and the surrounding neighbourhood.

2 Kings 17:29


Edited by M'Awan

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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4th May 2019

A place where the owner guarantees no cats will ever escape from sounds like it ought to be called Al-cat-raz.


But Birmingham's new Kitty Cafe has been designed to make sure the cats wouldn't want to leave, even if they can smell the fish cooking at Carluccio's restaurant next door.

The idea is that its resident rescue moggies will be feline so comfortable they will be happy where they are.

At least until a customer falls in love with a specific cat.

And then asks to whisker it away to its forever home.


With more than 500 cats of all sizes and ages have passed through the Nottingham cafe alone since it was founded four years ago

"Once people come inside they don't want to look at their phones," Founder Kate Charles-Richards explains.

"People talk to each other and friendships form in the cafe.

"With Kitty Cafe, you end up with a community of people who love cats."

Edited by M'Awan

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Oh Sister Dallas, Bella certainly struck up an elegant pose. A good camouflage too with her fur matching the settee. 


Physical contact and touch with either humans or animals can actually lead to the body producing oxytocin, a hormone that reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol, according to the New York Times. This means that simply stroking your feline friend's fur can relieve your stress and allow you to relax. Not only this, but your heart rate and blood pressure are also lowered when stroking your kitty.


I took your seat? I didn't see your name on it.

Edited by M'Awan

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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  • 3 weeks later...

The Kitty Cafe..


update. I thought it was just a cute name when i posted the photo of it in post  #38 above....  but no, it IS a cafe with cats in it.




you can go in and have a drink/meal and stroke the cats whilst there... caught two in this photo.


Amazing. Nice for the visitors though 

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It appears that if a customer falls in love with one of the in house cats, he/she can whisk that particular cat off to their forever home. 

What a great way to match pet lovers with stray cats! See post #39

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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  On 5/24/2019 at 11:35 AM, Alan said:

The Kitty Cafe..


update. I thought it was just a cute name when i posted the photo of it in post  #38 above....  but no, it IS a cafe with cats in it.




you can go in and have a drink/meal and stroke the cats whilst there... caught two in this photo.


Amazing. Nice for the visitors though 


I´ve been to a similar cat cafe in Budapest :yes: You can find some photos of it on my travel webside: https://www.chrissy-on-tour.de/gallery463169.html

It was really a special experiance!


Chrissy :wave:

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Loved your blog, Sister Chrissy. Thank you for the English version. Loved your photos that also included an orange Maine Coon. Is that the brand of cat biscuits you feed Romeo? I'm sure he loved fresh fish from the fishmonger. 

Love is in the air. (John Paul Young)


Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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1  Be compassionate with yourself. Cats don't beat themselves up over not being beautiful enough, acceptable enough, tidy enough, rich enough, healthy enough, or clever enough. They don't stress about foolish things like bad luck. Cats just get on with loving themselves the way they are.


2  Meditate. Cats take time out to contemplate the world around them and to just be. Time to be a copycat.


3. Practice cat yoga. Ever wondered why some exercises require you to "stretch like a cat"? The reason is simple - cats really and truly know how to stretch for benefit. A cat stretches to relieve tension and restore suppleness in an instant. A cat stretches the right way; follow her lead

Image titled Yoga cat pose


4. Hide out. A cat that needs respite doesn't hang around. She goes and finds a place to hang out and get over whatever is ailing her. Apart from serious injuries and death, she'll come back rejuvenated for having kept her distance. You could try this too.

Make your own special hiding space at home or in the garden where you can retreat to when the going gets tough. Go there, lick your wounds, and come back ready to pick up where you left off.


5. Purr now and then. All right, we don't purr. But we laugh and we don't do it often enough. Many a cat can be set off with the mere suggestion of a pat, cuddle, or comfy spot. And the contentment that comes with grooming! See the happiness around you, the wonder in everything, and feel happiness. And purr laugh a lot more, at things you've stopped noticing were funny, at things that you have always found funny.

Make others around you laugh too. (Thank God for our funny brothers and sisters)

Groom your loved ones to increase their level of contentment - give someone you love a massage, a hair brush or cut, a foot rub, or a tickle.

Do the cat purr. In, out, in, out. Deep and methodical like the felines do. You don't have to make the rusty noise, just heave in your chest and breathe out slowly, like you're purring.


Animals keep us sane. 


Edited by M'Awan

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Once, I roamed the streets of Ho Chi Minh looking for a can opener. After a hard find, I found one that was a bit expensive. There's another video about how to open a can with a spoon. Can some brave soul try out these hacks and let me know if it is easy enough to do? The trick looks easy but from my past experiences with Youtube videos regarding picking a luggage lock or figuring out the combination number on a bicycle lock, the attempts have not been successful.

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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