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Coronavirus is not the end of the world

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We had a similar article in one of the main Spanish newspapers where the journalist interviewed a representative from the branch, a very well known brother. The headline says: "Jehovah's Witnesses don't think this virus is the end of the world announced in the Bible".



The article is in Spanish, unfortunately I don't have a link in English. The brother explains the measures we have taken to protect our congregations, and how we obey the instructions by the authorities and value the hard work of health workers. He also explains this virus is further proof that we are living in the last days. When asked if this situation is the start of the end of the world, he replied: "We don't have any authority to affirm that. Now is not the time to send disturbing messages of doom, but rather a message of hope."

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25 minutes ago, carlos said:

Now is not the time to send disturbing messages of doom, but rather a message of hope."

Yes, until BtG goes down, it's still a message of hope.


So, this pandemic is just swishing things around for a bit.  We might be perplexed, but not left in despair (2 Cor 4:8).  It still feels  that things are under control in our lives -  we have an abundance of spiritual food and our routine of meetings that keeps us reassured.  Yes, something is certainly changed, but until we see how the Peace & Security call manifests, and BtG go down, we know this is not the end of the world....yet.

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That's a nice article, it's a good reminder that the current pandemic is a different pestilence, not the first. It's currently getting a lot of attention but that doesn't mean it is doing any more to fulfill bible prophecy than any of the other signs, it's just more evidence that we are in the last days.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Someone had posted it in another post, not sure if it mentioned Manolo Gatt's name or not.


Was not a photocopy unless my sometimers has kicked in again. let's just say it is almost midnight and leave it at that.

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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